Since the late 1990s, Internet has maintained a dramatic growth in China. However, it is noticeable that disparities among regions in regard to Internet development are very distinguishing. This paper conducts research to explore from 1997 to 2008, how the process in regard to the growth convergence of Internet users among China's provincial areas ( Hong Kong, Maucao and Taiwan excluding) transformed, that is based on three measures, i.e., sigma convergence, beta convergence and club convergence. Moreover, the research adopts conditional beta convergence to examine the key factors which might have the influence on the utility of Internet among regions. The study suggests that during this period, distinct sigma and beta convergence exist in the growth of Internet users among China's provincial areas. By properly introducing an array of control variables, such as per capita GDP and the level of development in aspects of urbanization, infrastructure, education, openness, and geographical location, It's find out that the growth is less rapid in areas where the Internet has broadly been adopt, if in other less developing areas, vice versa. The result as well shows such growth can be categorized as conditional beta convergence. Furthermore, there is clear evidence of club convergence among the three regions of China. Each region demonstrates their capability to stable the convergence internally with the different speed. The growth in eastern regions is the least rapid while in western regions, the growth is the fastest.
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