Based on urban function zone divisions, 308 surface samples were collected from the urban soils of Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province, China, and determined in laboratory. The potential ecological hazard of heavy metals in the surface soils were assessed by using Hakanson’s potential risk index. The results show that the degrees of heavy metals pollution were lower in the surface soils of the study area, with lower potential ecological risk. As for the main hazard elements, Hg has higher ecological risk, of which 11.9% samples are above the heavy risk level; Cd has lower ecological risk, however, samples with middle risk level are widely distributed. In addition, the assessment results of human health risk show that the cancer and non-cancer hazard indexes of Cd and Hg are both below the threshold values, indicating that the effects of Cd and Hg pollution on human health are light in the urban area of Daqing City.
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