

  • 1. 华南师范大学地理科学学院, 广东 广州 510631;
    2. 中山大学地理科学与规划学院, 广东 广州 510631

收稿日期: 2005-02-16

  修回日期: 2005-09-13

  网络出版日期: 2006-01-20



Exploring the Green Island Model ——A case study of a recycling agriculture enterprise in Guangdong Province

  • School of Geographical Sciences, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510631

Received date: 2005-02-16

  Revised date: 2005-09-13

  Online published: 2006-01-20


指出潮州市绿岛生态农业有限公司通过先后实施"果林开发"战略、"种养结合" 战略和"旅游带动"战略,经历了"绿岛名、优、稀水果产业基地"、"绿岛猪—沼—果生态农业生产基地"和"绿岛循环农业生产基地"三个阶段的发展,形成了“绿岛模式”。认为“绿岛模式”是基于循环经济理念构建的以旅游业为龙头的循环农业生产系统,在形态上表现为以生态农业旅游区为载体的循环农业生产基地,是一种资源节约型农业企业模式,属于先进的现代农业企业模式之一。


肖玲, 林琳 . “绿岛模式”研究——一个循环农业企业案例分析[J]. 地理科学, 2006 , 26(1) : 107 -110 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2006.01.107


From as early as its establishing in 1996, the Green Island Eco-agricultural Company put into effect in sequence strategies as "Fruit Forest Development", "Composite Development of Planting and Stockbreeding" and "Farm Tourism Propelling Development". Accordingly, the past 9 years witnessed the production sites experiencing the three stages of "Industrial Base of Brand-name, High Quality and Rare Fruits of Green Island Company", "Eco-agricultural Base of Mixed Development of Pig-Marsh Gas-Fruit" and " Recycling Agricultural Base of Green Island Company". This process helped its practice into shape, which is called "Green Island Model". The author think the company in this case is a recycling agricultural enterprise with tourism industry as its locomotive, and the "Green Island Model" complies with the notion of resources saving and the idea of recycling economy. Therefore it can be regarded as one of the advanced agricultural enterprise models. The basic characteristics of this model are: the synthesis of its enterprise operation, low pollution, low consumption but high output and high quality in production, recyclability in resources using and sustainability in development.The significance of "the Green Island Model" lies in its breakthrough in the growth pattern of traditional low efficiency agriculture, in nursing recycling agricultural enterprises and in setting up good example for eliminating poverty through agriculture, which can help build a harmonious society and contribute to the sustainable development of the society we live in.


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