In this paper, we shall discuss the relationship between the paleoculture and paleoclimate of the middle of China in Neolithic Age. By means of the data about paleopollen and the glaciers, we give paleoclimate (the temperature and the precipitation) of the middle of China. The temperature about 10 ka B.P. had been same with today, but the precipitation reached present standard until 8 ka B.P. Therefore the Neolithic Culture was began. According to the data of 14C dating in various sites, we give the temporal sequence about the ups and downs of Neolithic Culture in the middle of China. We disscoved the fallowing basic facts. First, the colder climate (Δ t =0℃, Δ t is the temperature difference from today) cause downs of the culture, even ended the sequence of the culture in Neolithic Age. The warmer climate (Δ t =2℃) cause ups of the culture. Second, the colder climate cause the removal of the ancients, and the mixture together among different cultures, thus also cause the birth of new culture. Third, the paleoclimate contraled the development of the culture in Neolithic Age. In this paper, we also give a math model on the relation between the paleoclimate and the paleoculture, and give a result of the simulation.
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