Based on the observation of sea ice cover and measurement of snow depths and stratigraphies during China’s First North Pole Scientific Expedition (from Apr. 24 to May 6, 1995, Beijing time), three types of surface features of sea ice and correspondely three styles of snow distributions in the central Arctica are classified. It’s considered that the classification will help the siting of snow depth measurement, stratigaphic observation and snowpit sampling. The snow cover is slowly accumulated during the long Arctic winter, approximately from September to early May next year, while its ablation show abrupt from south to north. By the end of Augest, the snow cover is almost totally removed. The spatial distribution of snow depth is characterised by a south north decreasing trends, which is thought to result from the remote vapor sources, i.e., that the major vapor over the Arctic regions is transported from the mid latitude. The stratigraphy of the snowpits is characterised by the extensively existed depth hoar at the lower part of the pits, which is obviously a signal of the beginning of the long Arctic winter. The present of infiltered ice adhere to sea ice surface at the end of the ablation season indicate that the annual accumulation is approximately equals to the annual ablation near north pole.
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