The data of Fe3+/Fe2+ show that the lowest annual air temperature of the Lushan, Huangshan and Tianmu mountains didn’t reach below 0℃ therefore, glacier couldn’t develop in these regions. According to palaeomagnetic test combined with the phenomenon of red reticulate ground and lithologic identification, the author elaborates that the "Poyang moraine" is mainly the fluvial sediments of the early period of the Middle Pleis-tocene. It was formed by transportation of the ancient Gan River under the humid hot cli-mate. For C-M image, the Dajiaochang profile of Lushan Mountain is very similar to periglacial and the debris flow deposits, but the profile of Jiangpochang and Yaoshalin have many kinds of geneses, i. e., debris flow, water debris flow and alluvial etc. In the south piedmont of the Huangshan Mountain, slope gravity and slope seasonal running wa-ter transportation are mainly deposit factors. In the "glacial varve" of the Denglongqiao profile of the Tianmu Mountain, its CaO and Na2O content is lower than the nonglacial carve, the fact shows that it has the features of the violent leaching, weathering and nonglacial action.
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