The paper analyzed the changes of regional differences of households consumption in China since 1949 and reached the following conclusions:(1) the regional distribution of households consumption in China has been uneven since 1949,but the regional differences were reducing gradually before reform and openness and have been enlarging rapidly after reform and openness; (2) great changes of foundational pattern of regional differences have taken place among all provinces and between the south and north, but little change of them between the east and west as well as between the urban and rural; (3) the difference between the east and west in the structure of regional differences is becoming increasingly conspicuous .The main reasons for causing above changes lie firstly in the reflection of imbalance of economic development among all regions, and secondly in the changes of the economy system ,in the transfer of focus of the economy distribution, and in the reflection of regional policy. The conclusion of the paper put forward some suggestions and countermeasures on reducing regional differences of households consumption in China.
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