According to the monitoring results of TSP in the six function districts, the spatial and temporal distribution law of TSP in the atmosphere in Changchun City was analyzed.The total trend of TSP concentrations in a year are: the first quarter>the fourth quarter>the third quarter>. This is the result of interaction between the sources characteristic of TSP and climate condition.The first and forth quarters were heating season. The second quarter often has wind, and causes a lot of wind-blown dust. The third quarter has a lot of rain, which can scavenge part of TSP. In some year, the TSP concentration in second quarter was higher than that in the fouth quarter, which indicates that wind-blown dust plays an important role in TSP. The order of TSP concentrations in each function district is: the scattered heating district>the special industrial industrial district >the ordinary industrial district>the center heating district>the tourism district>the contrast district. The highest concentration of TSP appeared in January and November, and the lowest concentration appeared in July and August. Divide TSP into two parts: the primary particle and secondary particle. The source of TSP was estimated by analyzing the change of TSP concentrations before and after precipitation. The original particles emitted by boiler and vehicle was the main source of TSP in heating season, while the secondary particles such as wind-blown soil material accountted for a small part of TSP. The secondary particles contributed a large amount of TSP in most of the monitoring site in nonheating season; while the original particles contributed a small part of TSP. Particles has different sources in different site. In special industrial district, the primary particles still plays an important role in TSP. So, according to the source of TSP in each function district in different season, it should take corresponding measure to control TSP pollution.
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