

  • 兰州大学地理系

网络出版日期: 1987-07-20




  • Department of Geography, Lanzhou University

Online published: 1987-07-20




李吉均, 朱俊杰 . 庐山的地文研究[J]. 地理科学, 1987 , 7(4) : 306 -315 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.1987.04.306


Three fault cliffs identified clearly on both sides of Lushan show that Lushan experienced three times of intensive block-fault uplifting during Pliocene-Pleistocene period. Consequently, two piedmont trepen with typical features of pediment, now preserved as flat-topped ridges, were formed under subtropic and tropic environment. Deep chemical weathering prevailed at that time and “double surfaces of levelling”s (Budel) developed. In the authors’opinion, it seems that the suggestion of C. R. Twidale which the debris co vered pediment can not develop or at least survive in the humid tropics is unable to be adapted to the case of Lushan completely. Based on the data of paleomagnetic dating collected in recent years, the authors suggest that the Jiujiang gravels were deposited in the early Pleistocene, and the vermiculated red soil with the basal gravels were mostly plinthtic in the middle Plaistocine. Along the banks of the Changjiang River the vermiculated red soil always occurred as continued sidimentary sequence of flood-plain facies, whereas those on the piedment area of Luahan were commonly punctuated by many sedimentary gaps. We have found six sedimentary cyles in the sections of the plinthtic red soil. Among them the lower triplex is dark red in colour with iron pans or honeycomb structure, while the upper triplex is rather pale, has not iron pan and often stained by ferro-manganese coating. Sometimes the upper triplex of the plinthtic red soil constitutes a mantle of low terrace (T2) with a weathered basal gravel underlain beneath. It shows that the upper triplex means not only sedimentary regime but also geomorphologic development of Lushan. After that Hsiashu loess deposited, which can be diveded into two parts. The upper part of Hsiashu loess was surely formed in the main Wurm stage. Evidences obtained in recent years show that there are plenty of morphologic and sedimentary relics created under hot and humid climate and no glacial phenomena had been found in Lushan, area.


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