Xialu peat in Suixi county, Guangdong Province, is the well-preserved and shallow buried peat which is found in the seashore zone of south China, characterized by thick peat layer, large reserves and earlier peat-forming period. It mostly belongs to woody peat, with higher carbonization, benzenbitumen, humie acid and oil contents, having certain industrial value. On the other hand, the peat contains high ash, low cellulose, hemicellulose and nitrogen. According tostratum and sporo-pollen analysis, the.peat accumulation process can be divided into 3 sedimcntal cycles, and each cycle began from the semiment of rotten wood. Geologically, each cycle began in the period of transgression when vegetation disappeared. Xialu peat formed in 60000-30000 yr. B.P.Because crust subsidence and accumulation rate of organic residues were in balanced state in the process of peat formation, the hugely thick:peat basin was formed.
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