This paper makes an introduction on chief activities of Quebec 2000-Millennium Wetland Event which was held in Quebec city, Canada in 2000. Main characteristics of the wetland development are showed from the Millennium Wetland Event. The wetland science has become an important discipline and research field of the scientific research in the 21st century, its research field is remarkably enlarged and its development is not balance in the world, the research level in developed countries is much higher than one in developing countries in wetland researches, but the difference between developed and developing countries is smaller and smaller in the research level. It also summarizes the hot points, forward position fields, main process and development trend of the 21st century international wetland science researches. The main hot points and forward position fields of wetland research in the world are as follows, conservation and management of wetland, development and succession of wetland, ecological process and dynamics of wetland, relationship between greenhouse gases and greenhouse effect and global environment change, theory and technique of creating wetland, restoration and reconstruction of degradation wetland, wetland ecosystem health, assessment and evaluation of wetland, wise utilization of wetland, peatland and peat. A vast amount of the academic works and papers on wetland were published with the rapid development of the wetland science in last few years. The theory system of wetland science is being perfected.
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