

  • 辽宁师范大学海洋资源研究所, 辽宁 大连 116029

收稿日期: 2001-01-14

  修回日期: 2001-12-16

  网络出版日期: 2002-03-20



The Research on the Relationship between the Improvement of the Level of Urbanization and the Variation of Infield Area in Dalian City

  • The Marine Resources Institute, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian Liaoning 116029

Received date: 2001-01-14

  Revised date: 2001-12-16

  Online published: 2002-03-20




栾维新, 王茂军 . 提高城市化水平与耕地面积变化的的关系研究——对大连市的实证研究[J]. 地理科学, 2002 , 22(2) : 208 -212 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2002.02.208


Based on the thorough analysis on the relationship between the level of urbanization and the area of infield, this paper makes a study of the relationship between the improvement of the level of urbanization and the variation of infield area in Dalian City and reaches some conclusions as follows: first, there is reverse correlation between the construction land per capita and the dimension of the dwelling; second, on the whole, the demand for the construction land in big or middle cities has been ensured but there are deficiencies in rural dwellings; third, based on the full apprehension of potential in the rural dwellings, with the development of urbanization, the general dimension of a variety of dwelling construction land will diminish, so improving the level of urbanization is an important solution to ease up the imbalance between supply and demand of infield. Confronted with the present situation, the author recommends that: with the general new plan of the utilization of land, we should give more attention to the arrangement of the construction land of rural dwellings; enhance the plan to the village and small town in countryside; rigorously enforce the regulation system of rural construction land; make more research on the relationship between the improvement of the level of urbanization and the change of infield.


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