Tea tree (Camellia sinensis (L) Kuntze)is one of the world’s economic crops. It is an especially important crop for the southern China. Environmental factors related to tea yield and quality in some high mountain areas of China are identified in this paper. These factors are: geology, topography, climate, hydrology, soil and vegetation. Climatological factors are the most important factors of them. Using meteorological data collected from meteorological stations which are situated at the top and foot of high mountains respectivelly, the paper discussed ecologically climatic problems growing famous tea in China. The ecological climatic characteristics of those famous tea areas mainly include as follows: more cloud amount and fog-days, less percentage of sunshine, abundant rainfall and high relative humidity in air, slow temperature rising up and falling down, smaller annual and daily temperature range, more days to be suitable for tea growing, low wind speed in the lee sides and valleys of mountains. All of those are favourable for growth of tea tree.
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