Results of such environmental proxies as grain-size and geochemistry indicate that so-called Mid-optimum was a regional, relatively warm-humid climate evolution period. The on-set of Mid-optimum and its specific characteristics in different regions were distinct, and it was a warm-humid period with several climate evolution periods. At least three climate extremes occurred to this period, and these climate events brought damage to the Neolithic cultural evolution in the Yangtze area. These abrupt climate events may be the direct out-math of the expansion of North vortex and the increased strength of latitude air flow, and also of the changes of SST. Some suggest that several Neolithic cultural hiatuses in the Yangtze area are caused by great palaeo-flood occurred during the Holocene, some harsh environmental conditions such as aridity, frigidity, however, also have influences on the development of the Neolithic culture in the Yangtze area. Generally speaking, the main aim of the human activity to transform the natural condition is to better the human living condition, but unfortunately, some human short-sighted activity may cause unprofitable consequence which may cause damage to the human living circumstances.
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