On the basis of a large amount of investigation on the spot, consultation with concerned government departments and interview with enterprises, according to the theory of spatial relations within enterprises, the theory of labor inner division within the enterprise, and the developmental theory in the developing areas, we studied the spatial relations among the enterprises and the potential cooperation patterns, and put forward relevant developmental models for the enterprises in the Three Gorges Area. The relations among the enterprises still stayed at a lower level state on the cooperation and division. In order to change the lagged economic situation as soon as possible, and increase the process of the industrialization development, on the one hand, we should utilize the chance of enterprise removement completely, break the limitation of region and possession system, increase the cooperation and division among the enterprises in the Three Gorges Area, and build a proper organization system that is suitable for the demand of market; on the other hand, we should take the chance of the development of the West, enlarge the connection between the enterprises inside the Three Gorges Area and outside the Three Gorges Area, utilize the capital, technique, network of the market distribution and brand of the name brand enterprise outside of the area to rebuild and reconstruct the traditional enterprises inside the Three Gorges Area.The author think that under the market environment, the following four kinds of spatial relation patterns could be formed among the enterprises of the Three Gorges Area, 1) the relation of enterprises centering upon products; 2) the relation of enterprises centering upon market; 3) the relation of enterprises centering upon brands; 4) the relation of enterprises centering upon capital and technology. According to the current situation, the features and the relations of the essential production factor of the enterprises in the Three Gorges Area, four types of network framework may be formed as follows, 1) resource ligament pattern; 2) material and semi-manufacture goods supply and demand pattern; 3) fitting contract and subcontract pattern; 4) capital contact pattern. About the integrate service of the enterprises in the Three Gorges Area, we could establish the framework for study and exploitation, and the framework for information share in the enterprises.From the distribution of the product market space of the enterprises in the Three Gorges Area, the author think that the enterprises could be divided into the following types according to its distribution, 1) the enterprises that focus on the local market; 2) the enterprises that focus on the region of Chongqing City, Yichang City and the whole market of southwest region; 3) the enterprises that sell its products to the market of the whole country. For the removement and development, these three types enterprises should adopt different strategies.
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