In this paper a brief review has been made about the three periods of development of eotmty wall map making,and then analytical stresses are highlightedon the developing tendencies in 5 aspects:(1) The purposes of its productionbecome clearer daily.(2) The regional characteristics become more obvious.(3) The contents about quantity marks are increasing especially about agriculturalstatus.(4) Map making is developing from single map to series of maps.(5) Maps made by the joint efforts of concerning organizations of the province andthe county become more popular.Specialsubject maps based on the actual requirements of agricultural productionshould be mainly made in the future.Here we make our proposals for improvement in editing as follows:(1) Contents and informafions should be furtherenriched.(2) Regular mapping project should be established and its mathematicalaccuracy should be improved.(3) Proportion of maps for all subjects should beproper.(4) Standardization of the symbols in county maps should be graduallyrealized on the basis of the symbols used in the national graphical maps.(5) Remote sensing techniques should be more widely used so as to improve mapquality and speed up mapping processes.(6) Symbol for inhabited places ingeneral maps should be changed from a circle to plane outline for representation.
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