

  • 1. 北京大学城市与环境学系, 北京 100871;
    2. 东北师范大学地理系, 吉林 长春 130024

收稿日期: 2000-05-28

  修回日期: 2001-05-15

  网络出版日期: 2001-09-20



Reconstructing Steindl's Model:from the Law of Allometric Growth to the Rank-Size Rule of Urban Systems

  • 1. Department of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Peking 100871;
    2. Department of Geography, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin 130024

Received date: 2000-05-28

  Revised date: 2001-05-15

  Online published: 2001-09-20




陈彦光, 刘继生 . 城市系统的异速生长关系与位序-规模法则——对Steindl模型的修正与发展[J]. 地理科学, 2001 , 21(5) : 412 -416 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2001.05.412


By modifying the assumptions of Steindl's model as allometric relationships: dP(T)/dT=gP(T),df(T)/dT=-rf(T),where P(T) is the average size of cities of age T,f(T) is the number of cities of age T,parameters g and r represent respectively coefficients of growth of P(T) and f(T),we deduce a set of generalized Beckmann-Davis model of city hierarchies and city-size distribution,namely, δn-law advanced by the authors,as follows: Pm=P1λ1-m,fm=f1δm-1,where λ=eg,δ=er,P1 is the size of the largest city(cities), f1 is the number of the largest city(cities),and generally, f1 =1, m is the ordinal of city class (m=1,2,…,N).From the generalized Beckmann-Davis model,a three-parameter Zipf model can be derived as P(r)=C(r-α) -dz ,where r is the rank of a city, P(r) is the size of the rth city,as for parameters, C=P1δ/(δ-1)〕dz, α=1/(1-δ),dz= ln λ/ln δ=g/r.Based on general geometrical measure relationship, Pm1/Dp∝fm-1/Df,an equation of fractal dimension is constructed as dz=g/r=Dp/Df,where Dp is the generalized dimension of Pm,and Df,the dimension of fm.In reality, Dp→D f,g→r,so dz→1,and when dz=1,we have what is called 2n-law presented by K.Davis(1978).


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