The fundamental characteristics of sustainable knowledge-intensive agriculture are to use more knowledge capital to substitute limited and exhaustible natural resources and material capital and to transform the primary driving force of agricultural growth from the input increase of material capital and natural resources to more knowledge application and consumption. Based on China's basic conditions of huge population and scarce natural resources and the weak economic basis and low modernization degree of agriculture characteristics, this paper argues that the sustainable development of China's agriculture can only choose the model of sustainable knowledge-intensive agriculture, rather than the so-called sustainable material-intensive agriculture mode or the popular western model of sustainable low-input agriculture. This paper is composed of 4parts: Part 1 is the definition and basic characteristics of sustainable knowledge-intensive agriculture. Part 2 substantiates that the model of sustainable knowledge-intensive agriculture is China's only choice and future hope of agricultural development. Part 3 analyzes the causes of low knowledgeable degree of China's agriculture. Part 4 explores the development mechanisms of China's sustainable knowledge-intensive agriculture. In order to facilitate the development of China's sustainable knowledge-intensive agriculture, the following inspiring mechanisms should be established: A market-orientated mechanism for rural population migration and rural land transfer to inspire farmers' inner demands for technologies. A strong and efficient supply mechanism of agricultural technologies which is majored by the state innovative system of agricultural technologies and supplemented with agricultural technology market, through the sustained increase of state investment on agricultural researches. A consolidated mechanism of agricultural technology extension and supporting service network through the introduction of market mechanism. An efficient inspiring mechanism for technological development through the readjustment of agricultural development goals.
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