Differ from optical remote sensing, Radar remote sensing has the ability of imaging all-time, all-weather and penetration to cloud and dry sand and soil.Besides penetration, Radar can also detect micro-relief, building, vegetation distribution, surface roughness and water content sensitively, thus is superior to other remote sensing means for these studies.It has become one of the most important techniques for earth observation.Canadian Radarsat was launched in 1996, and is the first commercial operating SAR system.It has seven kinds of beam mode and twenty-five imaging modes, of which ScanSAR mode can obtain images with swath of 300 km (Narrow) and 500 km (Wide), and resolution of 50m and 100m.It conforms to analyses of regional urban geography.Based on central place theory, the spatial sturctre of Hrban system of Huang-Huai-Hai Plain is studied by using Radarsat ScanSAR narrow mode mosaic image.spatial structre of The results are:1) Radarsat ScanSAR data are suitable for automatic extraction of building-up area and has meaningful potential for urban geographic study.2) The urban system of Huang-huai-hai plain, which is deeply influenced by physical factors, especially hydrographic factors( such as river, paleochannel and lake), can be divided into five categories.They are:urban system of equal distance between central places on fluvial fan region by Mt.Taihangshan; hexagonal urban system in central part of Hebei plain; pentagonal urban system in Huanghe River fluvial fan; quadrilateral urban system in the vicinity of Huaihe River system; and scattered new towns in the places of rolling hills in central and southern in Shandong Province.3) A evolution model of central place system from hexagon to pentagon and to quadrangle governed by river is suggested.4) No matter hexagonal or pentagonal urban systems, this study has demonstrated that there are good relationship between the model of distance structure of central place and the real -life instance.
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