

  • 1. 西南师范大学地理系, 重庆400715;
    2. 兰州大学地理科学系, 甘肃兰州730000

收稿日期: 1999-03-09

  修回日期: 1999-06-23

  网络出版日期: 2000-05-20



Eolian Sand Deposition and Its Environmental Significance in Linxia Basin Since Middle Miocene

  • 1. Dept. Geography, Southwest China Normal University, Chongqing 400715;
    2. Dept. Geographical Science, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000

Received date: 1999-03-09

  Revised date: 1999-06-23

  Online published: 2000-05-20




王建力, 方小敏 . 临夏盆地晚中新世以来的风沙沉积及环境意义[J]. 地理科学, 2000 , 20(3) : 259 -263 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2000.03.259


Atotal of 55 samples were taken from the Tertiary red earth and Quaternary lacustrine deposits and loess for Linxia Basin for the analysis of quartz type and content using electron probe microanalyzer. The eolian sand contents appeared two high values at about 8Ma and 6-5Ma respectively. The mean size of quartz grains was about 0.4mm during the 15-3. 6/2. 6 Ma period and dropped down to 0.1mm dramatically after 3. 6-2. 6Ma. These results mean the eolian deposition reached its maximum at 8 Ma and 6-5 Ma respectively. Since the Quaternary, the local eolian deposition was decreased significantly and disappeared which was replace by dust deception from far source, suggesting the uplift of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and the change of air circulation.


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