The Yangtze River Delta is one of the most developed areas in China. Since the Reform and Open up, this area has experienced dramatic changes in urbanization. In the process of urbanization and industrialization, a large number of agricultural land has transferred to built-up areas for industrial and urban development in Yangtze River Delta, especially in the outskirt of the large cities and the county-level cities which experienced rapid economic and population growth. The construction land was interpreted from the Landsat TM satellite images and acquired in 4 periods of 1985, 1995, 2000 and 2007, which was used as a major index to study the spatio-temporal characters of expansion on urbanization area. By the GIS and RS based study, it was found that the urban spatial sprawl agglomeration (Global Moran’s I) decreased at first from the year 1985 to 2000, then it began to rise. This fluctuation had a strong link to the political and economic development in Yangtze River Delta and China. After detecting the global sprawl agglomeration, many local "hot spots" of urban spatial sprawl were also found as the time went by. From the Getis-Ord Gi* statistic, the main path of that "hot spots" transferred was studied and three models of urban area sprawl in the 16 cities of Yangtze River Delta are found. They are Shanghai model, which represents the multi-central urban area sprawl. Nanjing mode, which represents the strong single-core urban area sprawl, and Suzhou model, which represents the multi-core (in different scale) urban area sprawl. On the other hand, after statistics the density of construction land in every grid and their proportion changes along the urbanization gradient, the threshold was established to divide the core urban area, urban-rural fringe and rural area in Yangtze River Delta, computing the expansion strength of construction land in every gradient. With those methods, some phenomenon is also found that, before the year of 2000 agricultural land was increasingly turned into urban-rural fringe because of the land was not used sufficiently and little difference of expansion strength among construction land in the three areas. After 2000, the difference is significant, construction land sprawl more active as the urbanization gradient increased.
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