作者简介:殷 杰(1983-),男,江苏姜堰人,博士,讲师,主要从事自然灾害风险管理研究。E-mail:rjay9@126.com
收稿日期: 2011-11-13
要求修回日期: 2011-12-22
网络出版日期: 2012-09-20
Vulnerability Analysis for Storm Induced Flood:A Case Study of Huangpu River Basin
Received date: 2011-11-13
Request revised date: 2011-12-22
Online published: 2012-09-20
殷杰 , 尹占娥 , 于大鹏 , 许世远 . 风暴洪水主要承灾体脆弱性分析——黄浦江案例[J]. 地理科学, 2012 , 32(9) : 1155 -1160 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2012.09.1155
Vulnerability analysis is one of the focuses in disaster risk research. However, so far, it is lack of common procedures and practices in China. Storm induced flooding, as one of the most devastating natural hazards in Huangpu river basin of Shanghai, causes considerable personal injury and property damage in the history. Vulnerabilities of economic loss and population were taken into consideration in this study, as the two factors were the most important flood affected areas. A land use map of Shanghai and a population distribution map of different districts of Shanghai in 2006 were generated as key inputs for vulnerability analysis. To perform vulnerability analysis of economic loss, 7 vulnerability functions of different land uses (including residential land, industrial land, traffic land, public service land, farm land, green land, and the others land uses) was constructed by combining the use of data questionnaires in a community-based field data collection campaign, and the integration of previous flood vulnerability research results. For population vulnerability analysis, Jonkman’s population vulnerability function was employed as its representativeness and very little related data was available in Shanghai and all over China. Based on our previous results of multi-scenarios hazards analysis, a case study was presented to demonstrate the proposed algorithm. Subsequent analysis using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) was employed to illustrate the spatial and temporal distribution of vulnerability areas under different scenarios. The results indicated that (1) the vulnerability for economic loss and population gradually reduced from the upstream towards the downstream; (2) the vulnerability for economic loss and population increased with the increasing return periods; (3) the vulnerability for economic loss and population declines overland as distance increase of intrusion inland. Finally, some suggestions were presented for future researches.
Key words: storm induced flood; vulnerability; Huangpu River
Fig.1 Vulnerability functions of economic losses for different land use type图1 不同用地类型经济损失脆弱性方程(a. 居住用地; b. 工业仓储用地; c. 道路交通用地; d. 公共建筑用地; e. 农业用地; f. 绿地; g. 其它用地) |
Fig.2 Vulnerability for economic losses of flood affected-bodies in different scenarios图2 不同重现期风暴洪水承灾体经济损失脆弱性分布 |
Fig.3 Vulnerability for population of storm induced flood in different scenarios图3 不同重现期风暴洪水人口脆弱性分布 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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