This paper mainly analyzed the variation characteristics of the mean temperature, the daily minimum temperature and the daily maximum temperature with the time over northern China, including Northeast China, North China and Northwest China, in 1951-2000. The results indicate: The increasing trends of the mean temperature, the daily minimum temperature and the daily maximum are much more significant over northern China in recent 50 years, in the background of global climate warming. The increasing intensity of temperature in Northeast China is more than that in North China and in Northwest China, the increasing speed of the daily minimum temperature is more faster than that of the mean temperature and the daily maximum temperature, as well as the increasing trends of temperature are more obvious in winter than in summer; in addition, there are significant abrupt changes in the mean temperature, the daily minimum temperature and the daily maximum temperature in the mid and late of 1980's; the temperature has been apparently on the high side since the 1990's. However, it is not absolute same to the multi-year change characteristic of temperature in the different seasons and regions, they have themselves special features.
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