肖洪, 林晓玲, 高立冬, 代翔宇, 贺新光, 陈碧云, 张锡兴, 赵暕, 田怀玉
Environmental Factors Contributing to the Spread of Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome and Potential Risk Areas Prediction in Midstream and Downstream of the Xiangjiang River
Hong XIAO, Xiao-ling LIN, Li-dong GAO, Xiang-yu DAI, Xin-guang HE, Bi-yun CHEN, Xi-xing ZHANG, Jian ZHAO, Huai-yu TIAN
地理科学 . 2013, (1): 123 -128 .  DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2013.01.123