中图分类号: F323.6
文献标识码: A
文章编号: 1000-0690(2015)12-1511-07
收稿日期: 2014-11-6
修回日期: 2015-03-2
网络出版日期: 2015-01-20
版权声明: 2015 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.
农村人口流动是中国人口流动的主体,对中国的人口空间格局和区域发展产生了重要影响。基于第六次人口普查数据,采用农村人口有效流动率和农村人口流动指数方法,对中国农村人口省际流动进行了研究。研究发现:① 建立在农村人口有效流动率基础上的农村人口流动指数既可以表示农村人口流动的方向,也可以表示流动的强度,更可方便地进行区域比较,是研究农村人口流动的科学方法和指标。② 农村人口有效流动整体上呈现出由中部地区、西南地区向沿海、沿边流动的总趋势,有效流动率在全局上具有弱相关性,局域上的低-低值聚集区主要分布于鄂、湘、渝、黔、云等地。③ 农村人口流动指数的正值区主要分布于南部沿海、东部沿海、京津和新疆等地区,负值区主要集中于中部地区和西南地区,由负值区进入正值区的农村人口流动构成了中国农村人口流动的主要方向和路径。④ 农村人口流动指数与人口总量、流出存量显著负相关,与经济总量、流入存量显著正相关。农村人口流动的实质是农村人口应对人口压力的现实反应,在流动目的地的选择中,流动网络和流动惯性在中国特定的社会背景下具有普遍意义。
Rural population flow is a main component of China's population flow and has an important impact on the spatial pattern of China's population and regional economic and social development. Based on the sixth nationwide population census data in 2010, this study analyses China's rural population inter-provincial flow by the method of rural population effective flow rate and rural population flow index. The conclusion can be drawn as follows. 1)Rural population flow index on the basis of effective flow rate can show both the direction and the strength of the rural population flow. Furthermore, it can be easily used to compare different regions’ rural population flow. The rural population index is a scientific method and indicator to study the rural population flow. 2)On the whole, rural population effective flow shows the trend of flowing from central China and southwest China to the coast and the border. Effective flow rate has a weak spatial correlation to the whole, and the regional low-low value clusters are mainly located in Hubei, Hunan, Chongqing, Guizhou, Yunnan and so on. 3)The positive value regions of rural population flow index are mainly located in the southern coastal region, east coastal area, Beijing, Tianjin and Xinjiang, etc. The negative value regions are mainly concentrated in the central China and the southwest China. The rural population flow from the negative value regions into the positive value regions constitutes the main flow direction and the flow path of the rural population. 4)Rural population flow index is significantly negatively correlated with the total population and outflow stock and is significantly positively correlated with the total economy and the inflow stock of rural population. The essence of rural population flow is the response to the rural population pressure. In the selection of flow destinations, flow networks and the flow inertia have universal significance in the specific social context of China.
改革开放以来,中国国内人口迁移流动日趋活跃,成为推动经济发展、影响区域经济发展差异变动的重要因素[1],并成为社会各界关注的焦点[2]。从地理学角度出发,研究人口流动与迁移的空间结构、流量、流向已成为目前热点领域之一,涉及迁移流动人口的选择性、空间格局及模拟、影响因素、社会经济影响[3~6]等方面。人口普查作为全面深入了解人口发展动态的重要手段,尤其是随着人口流动和迁移普查项目的逐步推开,其调查数据也不断为地理学者们所利用,成为研究全国性人口迁移流动的重要手段。基于全国人口普查数据的人口流动和迁移的研究也不断被刷新,研究涉及到返迁人口[2]、迁入地选择影响因素[7]、省内迁移与省际迁移[8]、迁移机制[9]、空间形态与分布[10]、区域模式[11]、时空变化[12]、区域分异和流场特征[13]等领域。但是,以上基于人口普查数据的研究主要是针对全部迁移流动人口而开展的,对其中的农村人口流动研究较少,而在人口流动与迁移中,农村人口是最重要的主体[14]。同时,已有的关于农村人口流动的个别研究也主要是基于10 a前较早时期的数据开展的迁移机制[9]、迁移态势[15]的研究,基于第六次人口普查数据的农村人口省际流动研究仍较少。此外,在研究指标上,以往研究多采用迁移量、迁移率等单一指标,缺乏综合指标的运用。本文基于2010年全国第六次人口普查数据,通过有效流动率和笔者构造的农村人口流动指数指标和方法,对农村人口省际流动及影响因素进行研究,以了解中国农村人口流动的空间规律,为制定人口流动和区域发展相关政策提供参考。
数据来源于2010年中国第六次人口普查(简称“六普”)。 六普对象为普查标准时点(2010年11月1日零时)在中华人民共和国(不包括台湾、香港和澳门地区)境内的自然人以及在中华人民共和国境外但未定居的中国公民[14],不包括在中华人民共和国境内短期停留的港澳台居民和外籍人员。普查长表数据中的“全国按现住地、户口登记地类型分的户口登记地在外乡镇街道人口”的人户分离人口即为广义的流动人口,其中的农村流动人口是指城市建成区以外地区的流动人口,本文界定为户籍为街道以外的登记人口,包括户籍为乡、镇的居委会、镇的村委会的登记人口,省际流动农村人口是指跨省流动的这部分农村流动人口。由于长表是按10%抽样,因此由样本推算整体采用将抽样数据扩大10倍的方法进行。
图1 中国农村人口有效流动率分布
Fig.1 Distribution of the rural population effective flow rate in China
农村人口流动指数的正值区在东部主要分布于南部沿海、东部沿海、京津地区,在西部主要分布于新疆(图3)。上述地区为农村人口流动量大且以流入为主的地区,六普时流入农村人口5 701.77万人,占全国的80.16%。在省区上,广东最为突出,流动指数达0.367 2,是中国最为重要的农村人口流入区。对比有效流动率,内蒙古、西藏和青海并未进入正值区前列,因虽然三地净流入量占本地区流动总量比重较大,但绝对数量却较小,仅占全国的0.93%。
图2 中国农村人口有效流动率LISA聚集图
Fig.2 Aggregation map of LISA of rural population effective flow rate in China
农村人口流动指数的负值区主要集中于中部地区和西南地区,表明该区域是中国农村人口的主要流出区。负值区中最大的几个省份分别为安徽、河南、四川、湖南,其值均在-0.1以上,但其之间的差距远小于正值区中最大几个省市数值之间的差距,表现的较为均匀,说明在农村人口净流出的贡献中四者差距较小。以大区统计,中部地区流动指数之和为-0.581 4,西南地区为-0.303 7,二者合计占到全部负值区的88.51%,意味着中国农村人口绝大多数从该二区流出。
图4 中国农村人口省际流动主要流向分布示意图
Fig.4 Sketch map of main flow directions of inter-provincial rural population in China
农村人口流动指数全局空间自相关Moran’s指数为-0.003 2(显著性水平0.05),基本上不存在空间自相关关系。局域空间自相关聚集分析表明,其聚集区和有效流动率相似,但低-低值区不包括湖南在内,其余同有效流动率(参见图2),包括宁夏的高-低值区和其余4个低-低值区。
表1 变量及其定义
Table 1 Variables and their definitions
变量 | 名称 | 单位 | 含义 |
X1 | 农村人口总量 | 亿人 | 2010年六普时按照城镇化率计算的农村人口数量 |
X2 | 经济发展水平 | 万元 | 2010年六普时的人均国内生产总值 |
X3 | 人口总量 | 亿人 | 2010年六普时的人口总量 |
X4 | 流出存量 | 亿人 | 2000年五普时农村人口流出到省外的数量 |
X5 | 经济总量 | 万亿元 | 2010年六普时的国内生产总值 |
X6 | 距离 | ×104km | 某省会级城市到广州、杭州、上海、南京、北京、福州等6个流入中心的最小距离 |
X7 | 流入存量 | 亿人 | 五普时外省农村人口流入到本省的数量 |
X8 | 城镇工资水平 | 万元 | 2010年城镇职工平均工资(年工资) |
表2 农村人口流动指数模型运算结果
Table 2 Model calculation results of the rural population flow index
变量 | 系数 | 标准误 | T统计量 | 显著性水平 |
常数 | 0.0170 | 0.0329 | 0.5169 | 0.6104 |
农村人口总量 | 0.3970 | 0.2927 | 1.3562 | 0.1888 |
经济发展水平 | 0.0031 | 0.0082 | 0.3758 | 0.7106 |
人口总量 | -0.5245 | 0.2282 | -2.2979 | 0.0315 |
流出存量 | -2.1431 | 0.7820 | -2.7407 | 0.0119 |
经济总量 | 0.0689 | 0.0214 | 3.2215 | 0.0039 |
距离 | -0.0309 | 0.1156 | -0.2676 | 0.7915 |
流入存量 | 4.2475 | 0.5623 | 7.5535 | 0.0000 |
城镇工资水平 | -0.0011 | 0.0097 | -0.1098 | 0.9136 |
由表2可知,整体上,农村人口流动指数与人口总量、流出存量显著负相关,与经济总量、流入存量显著正相关。人口总量显著负向影响流动指数,人口总量越小,人口压力越小,本地就业概率越大,农村人口流动将以净流入趋势为主,流动指数将增大,在控制其他变量的前提下(下同),人口总量每减少1亿人,流动指数将增加0.524 5,反之亦然。流出存量显著负向影响农村人口流动指数,上期流出数量越大,在流动惯性的作用下,当期流出数量也就越大,农村人口将以流出为主,因而流动指数将减小,流出存量每增加1亿人,流动指数将减小2.143 1,反之亦然。经济总量显著正向影响农村人口流动指数,经济总量越大,就业机会越多,越吸引农村人口流入,而流出农村人口将减少,人口流动总趋势将以流入为主,整体上,经济总量每增加1万亿元,流动指数将增加0.068 9,相反,地区经济总量越小,就业机会越少,流出的农村人口就越多,人口流动总趋势将以流出为主。流入存量显著正向影响农村人口流动指数,通过链式流动机制,上期农村人口流入量越大的地区,当期流入农村人口就越多,而流出的农村人口越少,净流入趋势加剧,流入存量每增加1亿人,流动指数将增加4.247 5。另据对两期农村人口流入量的相关分析,相关系数高达0.934(显著性水平0.01),说明早期流动目的地对后期的人口流动产生了重要影响,而事实上,在中国当前特定的社会背景下,农村人口流动主要是在社会网络的引导下完成的。
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
[1] |
中国改革开放以来省际人口迁移重心演化考探 [J].,
[2] |
中国的返迁人口:基于五普数据的分析 [J].,https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-6087.2006.03.012 URL [本文引用: 2] 摘要
[3] |
近十年来中国人口迁移研究及其评价 [J].,https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-2398.2004.02.020 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
本文对20世纪90年代以来的中国人口迁移研究进行了总结与评价.文章首先概述了近10年来 中国人口迁移研究的主要特点;然后对中国人口迁移研究的主要内容即迁移人口的社会经济特征,人口迁移的空间格局,影响因素,作用,人口迁移政策建议以及人 口迁移研究中的理论与方法等方面进行了总结;最后指出了人口迁移研究中存在的问题与未来应该加强研究的领域.
[4] |
20世纪末中国迁移人口空间分布格局——基于城市的视角 [J]. ,
[5] |
Modelling inter-provincial migration in Burkina Faso, West Africa: The role of socio-demographic and environmental factors [J]. ,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2002.08.001 URL 摘要
This study analyses the factors that cause inter-provincial migrations in an African context (Burkina Faso West Africa) focusing specifically on the role of environmental factors in driving large migration flows in ecologically marginal regions. It uses statistical methods for modelling migration data to assess the relative importance of socio-demographic and biophysical variables. The former included the percentage of the population who are male literacy and economic activity rates and the presence of a resettlement policy. The latter included measures of land degradation land availability and climatic variability which vary considerably between different regions of the country. The results demonstrate that as expected demographic and socio-economic characteristics of Provinces were associated with migration patterns and that environmental variables were also significant. However the contribution of environmental variables in the explanation of migration was slightly lower than for the socio-demographic variables. The results show that inter-provincial migrations in Burkina Faso are influenced by high literacy and economic activity rates at the origin and destination a high proportion of men at the origin a low proportion of men at the destination as well as by unfavourable conditions concerning rainfall variability land degradation and land availability at the origin and favourable conditions at the destination for these variables. (authors)
[6] |
How migration restrictions limit agglomeration and productivity in China [J]. ,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdeveco.2005.04.002 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
China strongly restricts rural-rural, urban-urban, and rural-urban migration. The result which this paper documents is a surplus of labor in agriculture. However, the paper argues that these restrictions also lead to insufficient agglomeration of economic activity within both rural industrial and urban areas, with resulting first order losses in GDP. For urban areas the paper estimates a city productivity relationship, based on city GDP numbers for 1990-97. The effects of access, educational attainment, FDI, and public infrastructure on productivity are estimated. Worker productivity is shown to be an inverted U-shape function of city employment level, with the peak point shifting out as industrial composition moves from manufacturing to services. As far as we know this is the first paper to actually estimate the relationship between output per worker and city scale, as it varies with industrial composition. The majority of Chinese cities are shown to be potentially undersized - below the lower bound on the 95% confidence interval about the size where their output per worker peaks. The paper calculates the large gains from increased agglomeration in both the rural industrial and urban sectors. It also examines the effect of capital reallocations, where the rural sector is grossly undercapitalized.
[7] |
Estimating the contributions of migration factors to interprovincial migration in China 1995-2000 [J]. ,https://doi.org/10.1007/s004290050127 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
A set of migration data in China was used to estimate a multilevel Poisson migration model. The model explained 65.9% of the variation in 1995鈥2000, which is greater than the 29.8% explained by the ordinary least squares extended gravity model. Two income variables had positive impact on migration, confirming the importance of income in internal migration in China. A decomposition approach was then used to estimate the effects of spatial structure and the origin and destination attributes on migration in China. The space effect on in-migration was the highest in the eastern coastal regions in China, spanning from Zhejiang to Hebei. Many regions in the central part of China have relatively large positive attribute distribution effects. Several regions, including Beijing, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang, and Guangdong, have outstanding pull effects, the own attribute effect, on migration.
[8] |
Interprovincial migration, population redistribution, and regional 1990 and 2000 census comparisons [J]. , |
[9] |
中国农村人口省际省内迁移机制研究 [J].,
[10] |
中国流动人口地域类型的划分方法及空间分布特征 [J].,
<p>随着中国流动人口规模快速增长和影响日趋深远,各级政府在制订经济社会发展战略、区域与城市规划等各类重大决策时,亟需准确地认识和把握中国流动人口的空间分布特征及不同地域类型。本文在综合比较现有流动人口地域类型划分方法优缺点的基础上,提出了综合考虑净迁移率和总迁移率的复合型指标及其修正方法,并根据中国第五次人口普查分区县的流动人口数据,运用以上多种划分方法实证研制出中国流动人口地域类型的多种划分方案,并进行了比较分析。结果表明:① 综合考虑净迁移率和总迁移率的复合指标法,可以同时测度区域流动人口的方向性与活跃度,兼具以上两种单一性指标法的特色和优势,特别是能清晰地分辨出区域流入人口与流出人口的规模均比较大的平衡型活跃区这种独特类型,具有显著的优势。② 进一步考虑份额指标的修正型复合指标法,能有效地消除因区域人口总量过小或过大而导致流动人口活跃度被高估或低估的偏差,划分结果更加符合实际。③ 中国流动人口地域类型的空间分布格局与其自然环境、人口密度及经济社会发展水平的区域差异关系密切。中国各类流动人口活跃区主要分布在位处第三阶梯和大于800 mm等降雨线的东部季风区,其人口密度及经济社会发展水平相对较高。</p>
[11] |
中国省际人口迁移区域模式变化及其影响因素——基于2000和2010年人口普查资料的分析 [J]., |
[12] |
Spatial and temporal changes of floating population in China between 1990 and 2000 [J]. ,https://doi.org/10.1007/s11769-007-0099-5 URL Magsci [本文引用: 1] 摘要
By studying the county-level census data of 1990 and 2000, we analyzed the spatial and temporal changes in the floating population in China between 1990 and 2000. The results of the analysis revealed the following characteris- tics. First, the spatial distribution of the migrants (referred to as 'floaters' in this paper) became increasingly concentrated in the cities during the 1990s. Second, the number of floaters increased rapidly during this period, and the area in which the floaters settled expanded quickly into four population explosion belts: the coast, the Changjiang River Delta, the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway and national border belts. Third, the number of inter-province floaters increased rapidly and exceeded that of intra-province floaters in the 1990s. In addition, to obtain a quantitative relationship between the number of floaters and 10 socio-economic variables by using statistical methods and also to find the chiefly important pulling factors of the migration destination, the authors selected approximately 100 cities with the largest population of floaters. Consequently, we found that four factors-GDP, passenger trips per 10,000 persons, per capita GDP and foreign direct investment-could provide an explanation for 83.7% of the number of floaters in 2000. The GDP showed the highest correlation with the number of floaters, suggesting that a highly developed economy is the most important factor that attracts floaters. Furthermore, a fairly close relationship between the number of floaters and the GDP was also found in 2000 for all the counties.
[13] |
中国人口迁移的区域差异与流场特征 [J].,https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2005.01.012 URL Magsci [本文引用: 1] 摘要
[14] |
[15] |
中国近期农村人口迁移态势研究 [J].,
[16] |
Short-term dynamics of the US interstate population exchange, 1935-1980 [J]. , |
[17] |
Exploring the ethnic dimension of internal migration in Great Britain using migration effectiveness and spatial connectivity [J]. ,https://doi.org/10.1080/1369183X.2010.497987 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
Using data from the 2001 Census Special Migration Statistics, this paper explores ethnic variations in the propensity to migrate, the effectiveness of net migration in redistributing ethnic populations, and the connectivity between places that results from ethnic migration. London has by far the largest concentration of ethnic minority populations in Great Britain and plays a key role in the national internal migration system. By decomposing the net migration balances of boroughs into those within and across London's outer metropolitan boundary, the paper reveals different spatial processes of decentralisation and dispersal as well as centralisation when comparing ethnic groups.
[18] |
宁夏城市化进程中的流动人口对社会经济发展的影响及其对策研究 [J].,https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1007-0672.2006.03.007 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
目前宁夏流动人口的主体是农村青壮年人口,主要流向是从农村和回 汉杂居地区流向城镇、外来人口大部分来自本区,外省流入人口以邻近省份就近流入为主,人口的流出--农村多于城镇、川区多于山区、长期多于短期.宁夏目前 的人口流动符合经济规律,具有合理性,对经济社会发展利大于弊,能有力地促进农村经济发展和社会进步,同时农村人口流动也会给农村社会经济和城市的稳定发 展带来若干负面影响.
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论中部农区农户打工区位选择影响因素——以河南省三个样本村为例 [J].,https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2009060005 URL Magsci [本文引用: 1] 摘要
The study on employment location of farm household is the basis of understanding flow law of farm employees. Through the case study on three sampting villages in Henan province, we find that the personal characteristic, family characteristic and the community characteristic have significant influence on the employment location choice. On personal characteristic, the sex has significant influence on employment space and also age on employment distance. On family characteristic, family type has significant influence on employment distance, as well as family generation number and learner number on employment distance and employment space. On community characteristic, economic development level and terrain in village have significant influence on employment space. The relation network of farm household plays a key role in the employment location choice. Based on gaining some earnings, the choice for employment location of farm household is the result of considering all the factors, such as personal characteristics, family characteristics and community characteristics. The farm household is in logos. The geographic factor has important influence on employment location. Like the migrants in migration, the non-permanence farm employees are also selective, but the causation is decreasing the family management cost and avoiding the migration risk. Therefore, to regulate the rule of labor mobility market, reduce the risk of migration, construct rural social service system and eliminate the worries of the employment workers have critical significance to rational flow of rural surplus labor. Their policy implications are that the guidance of early employees and nurturing network of relations are of great significance for development of labor economy to the villages that have fewer emigrants. When migrant workers develop into a relatively large size, potential employees are likely to be real employees relying on its own network. Therefore, the government should focus on nurturing the seed employees. Furthermore, the formation of that relation network has played a key part in the employment location choice in validating applicability of the "migration network theory" in temporary migration.
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