Scientia Geographica Sinica  2015 , 35 (12): 1591-1598

Orginal Article


高红山1, 潘保田1, 李炳元2, 李琼1

1.兰州大学西部环境教育部重点实验室,甘肃 兰州 730000
2.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101

Paradigms in Geomorphology and Its Value in Education and Research

GAO Hong-shan1, PAN Bao-tian1, LI Bing-yuan2, LI Qiong1

1.Key Laboratory of Western China's Environmental Systems, Ministry of Education, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou,Gansu 730000, China
2. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China

中图分类号:  K90-0

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2015)12-1591-08

收稿日期: 2014-12-20

修回日期:  2015-03-16

网络出版日期:  2015-01-20

版权声明:  2015 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金面上项目(41071007)、国家重点基础研究发展计划资助(2011CB403301)和国家自然科学基金重大研究计划-重点支持项目(91125008)资助






关键词: 范式 ; 地貌发生学 ; 地貌描述学 ; 过程地貌学 ; 系统地貌学


At least since the time of Gilbert and Davis, geomorphologists have pursued and employed theory-laden observational techniques. From the Davisian geographical cycle which is basically descriptive, the quantitative-dynamic approach to landform studies and hydraulic geometry, to the systematic geomorphology today, there are full of paradigms, principles and basic concepts. Full recognition and understanding of these paradigms are essential for developing a unified approach to the science of geomorphology. Summarizing paradigms from teaching geomorphological history in the curriculum is also important. It helps to maintain and stimulate student’s interest in professional education. Reading original literatures could help students to learn more qualitative description and critical methodological detail. As a result, students would realize how to accept the ideas and theories of geomorphology critically. To the discipline development and scientific research in geomorphology, paradigm means a common scientific “language”, by which introducing it into our domestic study is a prerequisite for access to the international geomorphological community. Summary of fundamental research questions and continuous study to those basic theoretical researches is the best way to make a renaissance of modern geomorphology in China.

Keywords: paradigm ; Geomorphogeny ; Geomorphography ; process geomorphology ; systematic geomorphology


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高红山, 潘保田, 李炳元, 李琼. 地貌学的基本范式及其在教学科研中的作用[J]. , 2015, 35(12): 1591-1598

GAO Hong-shan, PAN Bao-tian, LI Bing-yuan, LI Qiong. Paradigms in Geomorphology and Its Value in Education and Research[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2015, 35(12): 1591-1598




1 William Morris Davis 的侵蚀循环学说





2 Walther Penck的地形分析即地壳活动原理


由于Penck英年早逝,其遗著行文委婉晦涩,即便德国学者也难解其意,致使他的思想在德国也没有得到广泛认可[22],其理论复苏主要出现在1953年地形分析的英译本[20]出版之后。其间伯克利学派起了重要的推动作用,他们的学生主要基于对德文原始文献的分析,加之大量的野外考察以验证戴维斯和彭克地貌学方法的优劣性;Sauer[23]更是认为地貌学的研究要以描述和分类为主,地貌发生学应当被取代,地貌解释的工作留给坐办公室的地质学者(Armchair geologist)完成。另外,南非学者King [24]也尽了最大努力,但20世纪后半叶随着研究兴趣的转移,这种长/大尺度地貌学理论已不再是学界研究的核心。


3 Arthur N. Strahler和John T. Hack 的动力地貌学

虽然地貌学的系统研究根植于力学和流体动力学[10, 25,26],但是鉴于Davis缺乏对地表过程的真实关注[27],相关工作被地貌学家所忽视。直到20世纪中期顺应计量革命的社会发展潮流,地貌学开始出现从定性到定量的转变[28,29]。Strahler[30]正是从Horton的遗著[29]中看到了一个工程学家从水力学的角度对河流地貌过程进行的毕生努力和研究,进而开始从传统定性到注重于过程定量研究的转变,即其积极倡导的动力地貌学,后来又被称为定量地貌学或过程地貌学。Strahler[30,31]认为地貌学应该把研究重点放在工程学家关注的侵蚀和动力系统之中,地貌过程是一个趋向于稳定态和具有自我调节的开放系统,此中重力和分子剪切力作用于地表物质从而造成了风化、侵蚀、传输和堆积等地貌特征,动力学方法的终极目标是利用数学模型,结合理性推导和经验分析对可观察数据及其相关的能量、物质和时间进行研究。数量,其实是种符号,我们用以代表抽象事实,可能使之具体化;用以代表思想,可以使之简化。以数理作为研究方法,在思考上可有严格轨迹可循的思想路线,从而避免了漫无边际的猜想。而时间是区分历史地貌学和动力地貌学的标志,前者总是关注于“发生了什么”,后者更关心“发生着什么”。另外,就系统而言,时间只在开始时重要,一旦有了平衡,时间就不再是关键问题。


Strahler和Hack原是戴维斯学派的弟子,他们并没有完全否定侵蚀循环理论,只是随着对计量研究的重视,长尺度地貌演化理论逐渐被边缘化了。当然,这种范式转变的企图面临着重重阻力,如戴维斯的忠实拥趸英国地貌学界的权威Wooldridge[35]极其武断地认为地貌学的基础即是对地形的解释,而非过程研究,后者应该留给自然地质学。好在由于Strahler的坚持及其对后继人才的培养[36],动力地貌学俨然成为20世纪后半叶地貌学研究的重心。当然此中统计学方法大行其道[37,38],而非Strahler开始倡导的热动力学原则,以至于日本学者Yatsu[39]极其嘲讽地评论:“Strahler吆喝的是酒,卖的是醋。”另外,自然地理学之中的动力均衡(Dynamic Equilibrium)与稳定态(Steady State)是同义词,即系统近乎平衡但变化极其缓慢,所以Huggett[40]建议应该用均夷(Grade)取代动力均衡一词。时至今日,面对板块构造、气候变化和地表过程及其速率(或为作用过程,及其变化频率和幅度)风起云涌的研究,地貌学的现实依然是地貌演化理论尚处于真空之中:我们知晓戴维斯地貌学的不足,但又不能完成抛弃,因为尚缺乏一个基于过程研究用以解释地貌演化的统一理论[41]。近年来水力地貌学家努力构建的地貌传输法则[42,43]或许可以为此提供可能。

4 Luna B. Leopold 的水力几何学

在寻求定量研究的同时,Leopold领导下的河流地貌学逐渐成为学界研究的热点,进而成就了一段地貌学研究的黄金时代(20世纪50年代、70年代)。Leopold等[44,45]发现在一定时段内河道横断面的几何形态(宽度、深度和过水面积)与水流参数(流速、水面坡度、水流阻力和含沙量)随流量变化,进而创立水力几何学或河流动态理论(Regime Theory),以研究或描述上述7个因子作为自变量与流量之间的关系。就给定断面而言,河道宽度的变化不如流量的变化快,而向下游方向,河床宽度变化较快,且与流量的平方根成正比;深度随流量增加而增加,且向下游方向快速增加;流速亦随流量增加而增加,但向下游方向几乎是恒定的或略微增大;含沙量增加的变速要远远大于其它因子,但向下游方向悬移质变化不大;河道的糙度随流量增加有所降低,向下游方向亦是如此;水面坡度是恒定的,但向下游方向快速减小。而具有一致性或者可预测水力几何特征的、稳定的冲积河流被认为是均衡的或者动态的。


5 J Harlen Bretz的斯波坎洪水与新灾变论


其实,地质学的均变论概念本身就具有两重性[53]:一个为本质上的均变论(Substantive Uniformitarianism),假定速率和物质条件不变的地质演化理论;一个为方法上的均变论(Methodological Uniformitarianism),主张自然法则时空变化的一套原则。前者是错误的,应该被抛弃;后者也有点多余。或者说我们现在应该知道,均变论并不要求地质过程的速率和强度是恒定的,而地表过程的幅度和频率是变化的,自然界的物理、化学法则是不变的且不可被侵犯[54]。另外,任何地貌过程与其存在的时空尺度有关,其变化过程的幅度和频率问题显然是地貌学研究的核心议题。

6 Richard J. Chorley和Stanley A. Schumm 的系统地貌学

20世纪后半叶地貌学从演化到过程、从过程到系统的范式转变过程,Strahler的学生Chorley和Schumm起到了推波助澜的作用。Chorley [55]认为由于地表系统是一个开放系统,地貌学的研究目的和方法就不应局限于戴维斯学派的演化历史,而应该寻求地表形态和过程之间的可能联系,对地貌现象的多元特征进行研究。无疑,他非常成功地促进了研究的变革,但是我们很难估价Chorley的工作对地貌学所带来变化的尺度和范围[56],以至于Yatsu[39]的评价也有点偏颇:“现在看来Chorley并不像一位地貌学家,而是这场启蒙运动的拥护者”。Chorley参与出版的四卷地貌学史[57~60]实为学界之瑰宝。

相对而言,Schumm对地貌学的贡献则较为具体,他博士毕业后进入美国地质调查局,在Leopold领导下对河流地貌进行研究,进而提出了冲积河道的形态与沉积物类型有关[61]、河流形变[62]、地貌临界和复杂响应[63]等创新性理论和概念。转入科罗拉多州立大学之后,Schumm创建了用以地表过程模拟的实验室,进而扩展了研究方向。另外,他对地貌学学科属性和研究方法的探究已成为科学哲学的简易读本[47]。在调和历史学派和过程学派的争论方面, Schumm的贡献也功不可没[64],他们界定了流域的地貌因子是时空尺度的函数,并基于过程研究对侵蚀循环理论进行了修定[65]。最终促成了地貌学系统理论的完整性,现在我们应该把地貌系统作为一个非线性的复杂系统,从不同的时空尺度对其演化历史和地表过程进行综合研究。


7 基本范式在课堂教学和科学研究中的作用





The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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[J].Geomorphology,1993,6(4):287-307.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT Because geomorphology is a science, it is permeated by theory. Overt recognition of this actuality is frequently resisted by geomorphologists. Earth history does not represent an alternative to earth science, it is an essential component of earth science. In its broadest sense science seeks to discover new knowledge through a two-stage activity involving the creation and justification of ideas (theory). Deduction is generally regarded as the only logically-consistent method of justifying ideas. The creation of ideas is a much more controversial topic. Some methodologists deem it beyond logic; certainly deductive arguments, which are nothing more than formal, logical expressions of theory, play no role in the conception of new ideas. Many earth scientists generate possible explanations of observed phenomena based on abductive reasoning. Others advocate reliance on purported forms of “pure” induction, such as serendipity and intuition, in which observations assume primacy over theory. Besides lacking consistency and educability, the latter posture is flawed because it mistakenly implies that becoming well-versed in theory is irrelevant to or impedes scientific discovery. Irrational or subjective factors play a role in the creation of ideas, but it is erroneous to claim that these factors are divorced from theory. Science is first and foremost a cognitive activity; thus, the primacy of observations in science is a myth. All observations are theory-laden in the sense that the act of observation inherently involves interpretation and classification, both of which can only occur within the context of theoretical preconceptions. Even discoveries based on unexpected observations require the fortunate investigator to recognize the theoretical importance of what is seen or measured.The most useful view of geomorphology as a science is one in which theory is seen as central, but fragile, and in which theory and observation are viewed symbiotically with theory providing the generative force and observation providing a vital policing role. Much of the current debate in geomorphology centers around differences in characteristics of theory, type of scientific arguments, and metaphysical perspectives among investigators working at different temporal scales. Full recognition and understanding of these differences are essential for developing a unified approach to the science of geomorphology.
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All the varied forms of the lands are dependent on—or, as the mathematician would say, are functions of—three variable quantities, which may be called structure, process, and time. In the beginning, w
[8] Davis W M.

Baselevel, grade and peneplain

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[18] Baker V R.


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Discusses the philosophy of semiotics as a means of describing the highly productive reasoning processes of geologists. Interpretation of Earth's signs via all manners of measurement, quantitative modeling, and experimentation; Viewing of signs as vital entities; Semiotic grammar providing the means to describe the representational character of signification.
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No abstract available.
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[J].Geological Society of America Bulletin,1952,63(9): 923-938.[923:DBOG]2.0.CO;2      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

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Two aqueous suspensions, one containing crystals of uniform size and the other containing colloidal particles, were made with each of seven solid contact poisons (two DDT-analogues, DDT, rotenone, 2-bromomercurithiophen, dieldrin and endrin). The relative toxicity of each pair of suspensions was found in dipping or measured-drop tests on as many as possible of the species Oryzaephilus surinamennsis L., Tribolium castaneum Herbst and Tenebrio molitor L. In addition, some tests were made by injection of colloidal suspensions. In each test, insects were kept after treatment at two temperatures: 28 degrees C. and 11, 17 or 20 degrees C.; counts of kill were made after 24 hr. The tests measured three different kinds of temperature coefficient of insecticidal action. In the contact tests, the colloid was nearly always more toxic than the crystals. In all the tests, except those with dieldrin, the relative toxicity (colloid : crystals) was greater at the lower after-treatment temperature, i.e. the temperature coeficient of the relative toxicity was negative. But in the case of dieldrin, the coefficient was positive. The DDT-analogues, DDT, rotenone and endrin were more toxic at the lower after-treatment temperature, i.e. they had negative temperature coefficients of kill by contact action. In all these cases the temperature coefficient of kill by contact action was greater for colloid than for crystals. Dieldrin and 2-bromomercurithiophen had positive temperature coefficients of kill by contact action. With dieldrin, the temperature coefficient was greater for colloid than for crystals; but with 2-bromomercurithiophen, the reverse was true. The temperature coeficient of kill by injection was negative for DDT, but positive for dieldrin and endrin; the other poisons were not tested by injection. A possible explanation for the results of the contact tests is given in an Appendix. The explanation is based on a number of assumptions about the penetration of insect cuticle by solid poisons. These assumptions lead to the conclusion that the effect of temperature on the relative toxicity depends on the temperature coefficient of kill by internal action of the poison on the insect. This can be measured by injection tests. If it is negative or zero, the ratio of toxicities (colloid: crystals) by contact action, measured quite soon after treatment of the insects, will be greater at a low temperature after treatment than at a high temperature after treatment; but if the coefficient is positive, the effect of temperature on relative toxicity cannot be foretold. The experimental results seem to confirm the assumptions.
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[37] Strahler A N.

Statistical analysis in geomorphic research

[J].Journal of Geology,1954,62(1):1-25.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Not Available
[38] Chorley R J.The application of statistical methods to geomorphology[C]//Dury G H.Essays in Geomorphology.New York:American Elsevier Publishing Company Inc.,1966,275-387.

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To make geomorphology more scientific

[J].Transactions, Japanese Geomorphological Union,1992,13(2):87-124.

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To Make Geomorphology More Scientific YATSU Eiju Transactions, Japanese Geomorphological Union 13(2), 87-124, 1992-04-25
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[J].Geological Society of America Bulletin,1988,100(2):160-171.<0160:LAATSF>2.3.CO;2      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Not Available
[42] Dietrich W E,Bellugi D,Heimsath A M,et al.

Geomorphic Transport laws for predicting landscape form and dynamics

[C]//Wilcock P,Iverson R. Prediction in Geomorphology.American Geophysical Union monograph No.135,Washington D C,2003,103-132.

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[43] Dietrich W E,Perron J T.

The search for a topographic signature of life

[J].Nature,2006,439(7075):411-418.      URL      PMID: 16437104      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Landscapes are shaped by the uplift, deformation and breakdown of bedrock and the erosion, transport and deposition of sediment. Life is important in all of these processes. Over short timescales, the impact of life is quite apparent: rock weathering, soil formation and erosion, slope stability and river dynamics are directly influenced by biotic processes that mediate chemical reactions, dilate soil, disrupt the ground surface and add strength with a weave of roots. Over geologic time, biotic effects are less obvious but equally important: biota affect climate, and climatic conditions dictate the mechanisms and rates of erosion that control topographic evolution. Apart from the obvious influence of humans, does the resulting landscape bear an unmistakable stamp of life? The influence of life on topography is a topic that has remained largely unexplored. Erosion laws that explicitly include biotic effects are needed to explore how intrinsically small-scale biotic processes can influence the form of entire landscapes, and to determine whether these processes create a distinctive topography.
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Downstream Change of Velocity in Rivers

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The Hydraulic Geometry of Stream Channels and Some Physiographic Implications

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An Introduction to Physical Geography and the Environment

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River Morphology as an Analog to Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection

[J].American Philosophical Society Proceedings,1994,138(1):31-47.

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iver channels exhibit a remarkable similarity, regardless of size. There is a neat progression of shapes and dimensions from the smallest rill to the Mississippi or the Amazon. There are, of course, differences among rivers in various climates and geological settings, but such differences seem overshadowed by similarities. For example, meander curves (see Figure 1)-the beautiful bends and loops of rivers seen most clearly from an airplane-appear similar in shape because there is a nearly constant ratio of wave length to channel width. The consistency of these relationships can be seen by the remarkable correlations shown in Figure 2. The plotted data represent individual locations on a wide variety of streams, rivers, and flumes where the radius, wave length and width could be measured on maps, photographs, or in the field. Comparable consistencies among different rivers exist in their hydraulic geometries, exemplified by the relations of water discharge to mean values of width, depth, and velocity. Had these characteristics been widely recognized in the last century, they probably would have been used as arguments for the teleology widely accepted in biology at that time. The concept held 鈥漷hat everything in nature and its processes leads to a... predetermined goal,... and that the world was driven by some intrinsic force or directly by the hand of God which would lead it to ever-greater... perfection鈥欌 (Mayr, 1991, pp. 125-29). Indeed, the nearly perfect geometry seen in some river forms evokes a wonder comparable to that we experience in observing components of the biologic world. It has been difficult for scientists in the fields of geography, geomorphology, and hydraulics to assimilate into a coherent philosophy the several aspects of river channels that evade explanation by simple determinism:
[49] Bretz J H.

The Channeled Scabland of the Columbia Plateau

[J].Journal of Geology,1923,31(8):617-649.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Scitation is the online home of leading journals and conference proceedings from AIP Publishing and AIP Member Societies
[50] Bretz J H.

Channeled Scabland and the Spokane Flood

[J].Journal of the Washington Academy of Science Journal,1927,17(8):200-211.

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The Nature of the Stratigraphical Record

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[52] Dury G H.

Neocatastrophism?A further look

[J].Progress in Physical Geography,1980,4(3):391-413.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper takes further an inquiry (Dury, 1975) into the prospects of a powerful growth of neocatastrophism, whether under the actual name or not. Coined for the purposes of palaeontology, the term has already escaped into geoscience in general. The concept of
[53] Gould S J.

Is uniformitarianism necessary

[J]?American Journal of Science,1965,263(3):223-228.

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[54] Monroe J S,Wicander R.

The Changing Earth:Exploring Geology and Evolution


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[56] Stoddart D R.

Richard J Chorley and modern geomorphology

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[57] Chorley R J,Dunn A J,Beckinsale R P.

The History of the Study of Landforms or the Development of Geomorphology,Volume1:Geomorphology before Davis


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[58] Chorley R J,Beckinsale R P,Dunn A J.

The History of the Study of Landforms or the Development of Geomorphology,Volume2:The Life and Work of William Morris Davis


[59] Beckinsale R P,Chorley R J.

The History of the Study of Landforms or the Development of Geomorphology,Volume3:Historical and Regional Geomorphology,1890-1950


[60] Burt T P,Chorley R J,Brunsden D,et al.

The History of the Study of Landforms or The Development of Geomorphology, Volume4:Quaternary and Recent Processes and Forms (1890-1965) and the Mid-Century Revolutions

[M].London:Geological Society,2008.

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[61] Schumm S A.

The shape of alluvial channels in relation to sediment type

[C]//United States Geological Survey Professional Paper,1960,352-B:17-30.

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[62] Schumm S A.

River metamorphosis

[C]//Proceedings of American Society of Civil Engineers,Journal of Hydraulics Division,1969,95:255-273.

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Geomorphic thresholds and complex response of drainage systems

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[64] Schumm S A,Lichty R W.

Time, space and causality in geomorphology

[J].American Journal of Science,1965,263(2):110-119.

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[65] Schumm S A.

Episodic erosion:A modification of the geomorphic cycle

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[66] Chorley R J,Schumm S A,Sugden D E.



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[67] Barry R G,Chorley R J.

Atmosphere,Weather and Climate 9th


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[68] Slaymaker O.

A pluralist, problem-focused geomorphology

[C]//Stoddart D R.Process and Form in Geomorphology.London:Roudedge,1997,328-39.

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[69] Smith D G.

Fluvial Geomorphology:Where Do We Go from Here

[J]?Geomorphology,1993,7(1-3):251-262.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

This article is not about how wonderful the future will be. Its aim is to awaken fluvial geomorphologists from complacency so that they can take action and prepare for tough competitive times ahead. In the following paragraphs I outline some of my deep concerns about the future of our field and suggest some survival remedies.
[70] Rhoads B L,Thorn C E.

The Scientific Nature of Geomorphology

[M].Chichester:John Wiley and Sons Ltd,1996.

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[71] Clifford N J.

The future of Geography:when the whole is less than the sum of its part

[J].Geoforum,2002,33(4):431-436.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In a recent article, Thrift has presented an optimistic account of the future of Geography. While this reply is broadly supportive of his claims that Geography is more diverse, and has more to offer than ever before, it is less optimistic with respect to the prospects for the survival of Geography as a unitary academic discipline. Experiences over the last 20 years in the UK higher education, in particular, the 2001 RAE exercise, point to an unfavourable institutional climate for the discipline. Within Geography, the ever-increasing diversity of its subject matter and research philosophy poses problems for disciplinary identity. This is reflected in the more restricted perspective of the subject outside the universities, and is compounded by a weakening of the link between Geography in the universities and the schools. In these circumstances, serious attention must be given to the changing nature of the discipline, to its positioning with respect to other subjects, and to its relations with the wider world. At a time of academic, cultural, technological and social dynamism, there are, nevertheless, opportunities as well as dangers for the subject. Although this reply is an explicitly bleak one regarding the future, the implicit message is that Geography can (and should) still prosper. The more positive outcome, however, rests on an appreciation and nurturing of a more traditional geographical heritage than Thrift identifies, as well as a more creative view of the relationship between fundamental and applied research.
[72] Rhoads B L, Thorn C E.

The role and character of theory in geomorphology

[C]//Gregory K J,Goudie A.The SAGE Handbook of Geomorphology.London:SAGE,2011,59-77.

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[73] 许炯心,李炳元,杨小平,.


[J].地理学报,2009,64(11):1375~1393.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[74] Orme A R.

Shifting paradigms in geomorphology:The fate of research ideas in an educational context

[J].Geomorphology,2002,47(2-4):325-342.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The acceptance of new ideas into the mainstream of geomorphological education is illustrated from the development of theories dealing with Earth history, glaciation, uniform flow, mass movement, continental mobility, cyclic erosion, and drainage networks. The lag between the conception of new ideas and their incorporation into mainstream texts has varied from negligible to more than 200 years. On one hand, despite its then untestable assumptions, the Davisian cycle of erosion gained rapid favor as the dominant paradigm of the early 20th century before it was found wanting. In contrast, concepts of uniform flow and slope stability, confirmed in the 18th century, waited almost 200 years for incorporation into geomorphology texts sensu stricto, although they had long been available in books on hydraulics and soil mechanics. Continental mobilism had a wild ride, culminating in the eventual acceptance of the plate-tectonics paradigm in the later 20th century. Explanations for the fate of these and other ideas are varied. New ideas are often opposed by establishment conservatism, language barriers, the perceived surrealism of new concepts, and simple ignorance. In contrast, new ideas may be accepted, sooner or later, by virtue of simplicity, forceful and well-connected leadership, or the death of opponents. Although mitigated by the information revolution of recent decades, these forces still persist and influence the extension of new ideas into a larger arena.
[75] Leddra M.

Time Matters:Geology's Legacy to Scientific Thought


[本文引用: 2]     

[76] Rhoads B L.

Whither physical geography

[J]?Annals of the Association of American Geographers,2004,94(4):748-755.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The Tijuana maquiladora sector has grown enormously over the past two decades. Short-term time series characteristics of this segment of the regional economy are analyzed in an attempt to clarify labor market behavior associated with this remarkable performance. Parameter estimation is accomplished using linear transfer function analysis. Data are drawn from the January 1980-December 2000 sample period. Empirical results indicate that real wage rates, maquiladora plants, United States industrial activity, and the real exchange rate of the peso play significant roles in determining month-to-month fluctuations in maquiladora employment. Sub-sample simulation exercises are conducted using a random walk benchmark in order to examine forecast accuracy. Empirical results indicate that the linear transfer function technique provides relatively accurate forecasts all step-lengths.
