Scientia Geographica Sinica  2015 , 35 (4): 483-490

Orginal Article


刘洁12, 陈晓宏2, 许振成1, 虢清伟1, 肖志峰3, 王兆礼4, 吴根义15

1.环境保护部华南环境科学研究所,广东 广州 510655
2.中山大学水资源与环境研究中心,广东 广州 510275
华南农业大学地理信息系,广东 广州 510642
4.华南理工大学土木与交通学院,广东 广州 510641
5. 湖南农业大学环境科学与工程系,湖南 长沙 410128

The Impact of Variation in Rainfall on Runoff in the Dongjiang River Basin

LIU Jie12, CHEN Xiao-hong2, XU Zhen-cheng1, GUO Qing-wei1, XIAO Zhi-feng3, WANG Zhao-li4, WU Gen-yi15

1.South China Institute of Environmental Sciences, MEP, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510655,China
2.Department of Water Resources and Environment, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510275,China
3.Department of Geo-informatics & Survey Engineering, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510642,China
4.School of Civil Engineering and Transportation, South of China University of Technology, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510641,China
5. Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, Hunan 410128, China

中图分类号:  P339

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2015)04-0483-08

通讯作者:  陈晓宏,教授。E-mail:

收稿日期: 2014-02-21

修回日期:  2014-05-8

网络出版日期:  2015-04-20

版权声明:  2015 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2014ZX07602-004, 2012ZX07206),环保部中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务专项(PM-zx021-201211-089)资助


作者简介:刘 洁(1980-),女,江西南昌人,高级工程师,研究方向为流域环境规划与环境管理。E-mail:




关键词: 径流 ; 降雨 ; HSPF模型 ; 随机模拟 ; 东江流域


The impact of rainfall variation on watershed hydrological process is an issue of great deliberation in geographical and environmental sciences. In this article, a comprehensive watershed model—The hydrological simulation program FORTRAN(HSPF) was set up and calibrated for the Dongjiang River basin in China, and was repeatedly run with various rainfall scenarios generated by the daily rainfall stochastic simulation model. The results indicated that: (1) The runoff changed in the same trend either with rise and fall in mean value or variation coefficient of rainfall; (2) In the four given scenarios (mean value of rainfall has increased by 20% and 40%, decreased by 20% and 40%, respectively), change magnitude of runoff was similar under same change magnitude of mean value of rainfall; (3) The average annual runoff raised by 24.93% when the variation coefficient of rainfall raised by 40%, and raised by 10.84% when the variation coefficient of rainfall raised by 20%. However, it fell by 3.84% and 5.35% respectively when the variation coefficient of rainfall fell by 20% and 40%, which presented that the increase of variation coefficient of rainfall has a greater impact on runoff than the decrease of variation coefficient of rainfall does. The intensity of rainfall change is an important factor affecting the runoff, and heavy rainfall has a great effect on the runoff; (4) Change of runoff due to fluctuation of variation coefficient of rainfall gradually decreased, when variation coefficient of rainfall gradually declined; (5) Average annual runoff raised by 33.99% as mean value of rainfall raised by 20%, and raised by 10.84% as variation coefficient of rainfall raised by 20%, which means change of mean value of rainfall has bigger impact on runoff change than variation coefficient of rainfall; (6) Variation of monthly runoff caused by different rainfall scenarios is more obvious in June, July and August than other months.

Keywords: runoff ; rainfall ; HSPF ; stochastic simulation ; Dongjiang River Basin


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刘洁, 陈晓宏, 许振成, 虢清伟, 肖志峰, 王兆礼, 吴根义. 降雨变化对东江流域径流的影响模拟分析[J]. , 2015, 35(4): 483-490

LIU Jie, CHEN Xiao-hong, XU Zhen-cheng, GUO Qing-wei, XIAO Zhi-feng, WANG Zhao-li, WU Gen-yi. The Impact of Variation in Rainfall on Runoff in the Dongjiang River Basin[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2015, 35(4): 483-490



1 研究区域与基础数据

1.1 研究区域

东江是珠江流域的主要河流之一,发源于江西省寻乌县桠髻钵,上游称寻乌水,南流入广东境内,至龙川合河坝安远水后称东江。东江干流由东北向西南流,河道长度至石龙为520 km,至狮子洋为562 km,石龙以上流域总面积27 040 km2

1.2 基础数据

采用的地形数据是由国家基础地理信息中心提供的1:25万的海拔等值线矢量数据栅格化后形成的东江流域地形栅格数据;土壤数据根据1:25万广东土壤类型图对东江流域部分进行矢量化;土地利用/覆被数据来自于两期 Landsat MSS/TM/ETM+ 遥感影像经过校准和解译完成的资料,成像时间分别为 1980 年代初期(1982年、1983年与1984年)和 2000年(1999年、2000年与2001年);气象数据采用1980~2010年降雨、最高最低气温等气象因子日值数据,来源于中国气象数据共享服务网提供的中国地面气候资料日值数据集(位于东江流域及附近的寻乌、连平、东源、惠阳与深圳5个气象站点的降雨与气温数据)和中国地面降水日值0.5°×0.5°格点数据集;博罗水文站径流量数据(1980~2005年)来自广东省水文局。

2 研究方法与研究过程

2.1 建立基于HSPF模型的东江流域产汇流模型

2.1.1 HSPF模型简介


2.1.2 数据预处理

1) 气象数据的预处理。


2) 下垫面数据的预处理。


3) 子流域和水文响应单元的划分。


2.1.3 模型模拟效果评估的基本方法


式中: Qi为第i个观测流量(m3/s); Qi'为第i个模拟流量(m3/s); Q-为平均观测流量(m3/s);n为观测数据的数量;i为观测值的索引。

2.1.4 模型率定的基本过程

使用1980~2005年东江流域博罗水文站月平均天然径流量资料进行径流的率定与校验,其中1980~1983年数据用于模型预热,1984~1992年数据用于模型率定,1993~2005年数据用于模型验证。与之对应,1980~1992年的径流模拟过程采用1980年~1992年的气象数据、1980年下垫面数据作为模型的输入数据;1993~2005年的径流模拟过程采用1993~2005年的气象数据、2000年下垫面数据作为模型的输入数据。采用以下基本步骤进行水文过程模拟的参数调整[32]:① 年度总径流量偏差纠正;② 季节总径流量偏差纠正;③ 高流量与低流量部分偏差纠正;④ 流量曲线形状调整。

2.2 建立东江流域日降雨模拟模型

2.2.1 流域降雨现状变化特征分析

在时间序列趋势分析中,Mann-Kendall检验法是被世界气象组织推荐并被广泛使用的非参数检验方法,该方法不需要样本遵从一定的分布,也不受少数异常值的干扰,适用于水文、气象等非正态分布的时间序列数据的分析。Mann-Kendall检验法的统计分析步骤详见文献[33] [35]。

2.2.2 建立日降雨模拟模型采用的数学方法

1) 随机理论


2) Pearson-Ⅲ型分布

Pearson-Ⅲ型分布曲线是Pearson曲线族中的一种,较常应用于气象水文频率计算。分布函数参数包括Cv,Cs, x̅,分别表示离差系数、偏态系数、均值。

3) 马尔科夫链


2.2.3 东江流域日降雨模拟模型的建立过程


1) 计算有雨转移概率



2) 生成天气状况


3) 日降雨量的随机模拟

根据随机生成的天气情况,若为晴天,则日降雨量为0,否则为雨天,随机生成一个随机数p,作为降雨量发生的概率。雨日降雨量样本序列符合Pearson-Ⅲ型分布,根据每月雨日降雨量样本序列计算日降雨量分布函数参数(均值 x̅、变差系数Cv、偏态系数Cs),进而根据降雨量发生概率和分布函数可计算出对应的日降雨量[6]

2.3 降雨变化的径流响应研究


3 研究结果

3.1 径流过程模拟结果


表1   博罗站径流模拟结果

Table 1   The simulation results of runoff at Boluo hydrologic station



图1   1980~1992年博罗水文站径流模拟校准结果(a)与相关分析(b)

Fig.1   Runoff simulation calibration results (a) and correlation analysis(b) at Boluo hydrologic station in 1980-1992

图2   1993~2005年博罗水文站径流模拟验证结果(a)与相关分析(b)

Fig. 2   Runoff simulation validation results (a) and correlation analysis (b) at Boluo hydrologic station in 1993-2005

图3   博罗水文站1984~1992年(a)与1993~2005年(b)多年平均月径流过程

Fig.3   Average monthly runoff process in 1984-1992(a) and in 1993-2005(b)at Boluo hydrologic station

3.2 东江流域降雨变化特征及日降雨随机模拟效果


表2   东江流域年降雨量的Mann-Kendall检验值

Table 2   Mann-Kendall test value of annual and seasonal rainfall at representative stations in the Dongjiang River Basin

时间寻 乌连平东源惠阳深圳



在降雨现状特征分析的基础上建立东江流域的日降雨随机模拟模型。东江流域1986~2010年有雨转移概率计算结果见表3;日降雨随机模拟结果如表4所示,模拟结果显示各月降雨天数与实测资料最大相差2 d,全年相差13 d,各月模拟值与实测值月均降雨量相对误差都在15%以内,相对误差的绝对值最小0.33%,最大14.1%。降雨模拟序列与实测序列较吻合,模拟结果具有良好的精度,基于马尔科夫链与Pearson-Ⅲ型分布的日降雨随机模拟模型适合应用在东江流域的降雨变化的情景模拟及其所带来的影响的分析中。

表3   东江流域1986~2010年有雨转移概率计算结果

Table 3   Monthly probability of rainy day transition in the Dongjiang River Basin in 1986-2010



表4   日降雨随机模拟结果(1986~2010年多年平均)

Table 4   Results of daily rainfall stochastic simulation of every month (average of years 1986-2010)



3.3 降雨变化对东江流域径流影响的模拟分析结果

3.3.1 对年径流的影响

各降雨情景下,年径流的变化情况如表5表6所示。情景一:降雨量均值 x̅增加40%;情景二:降雨量均值 x̅增加20%;情景三:降雨量均值 x̅减少20%;情景四:降雨量均值 x̅减少40%;情景五:降雨量变差系数Cv增加40%;情景六:降雨量变差系数Cv增加20%;情景七:降雨量变差系数Cv减少20%;情景八:降雨量变差系数Cv减少40%。

表5   降雨均值变化情景下的年径流模拟结果

Table 5   Simulated rate of annual runoff variation under different mean value of rainfall



表6   降雨量Cv变化情景下的年径流模拟结果

Table 6   Simulated rate of annual runoff variation under different variation coefficient of rainfall





3.3.2 对月径流的影响


图4   降雨均值变化情景下的多年平均月径流模拟结果(博罗)

Fig.4   Simulated average monthly runoff under different mean value of rainfall at Boluo hydrologic station

图5   降雨Cv变化情景下的多年平均月径流模拟结果(博罗)

Fig.5   Simulated average monthly runoff under different variation coefficient of rainfall at Boluo hydrologic station



4 结 论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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本文应用大尺度陆面水文模型--可变下渗能力模型VIC(Variable Infiltration Capacity)与区域气候变化影响研究模型PRECIS(Providing Regional Climate for Impacts Studies)耦合,对气候变化情景下海河流域水资源的变化趋势进行预测.结果表明:未来气候情景下,即使海河流域降水量增加,年平均径流量仍将可能减少,预示海河流域的水资源将十分短缺;若考虑21世纪人口增长因素,海河流域的水资源形势将更加严峻;未来气候情景下,汛期的径流量增加,说明海河流域发生洪水的可能性将增大.
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从水文气象耦合的角度入手,根 据汉中流域的特点,首次在汉江流域MM5运行的9 km×9 km网格上构建了VIC日分布式水文模型。利用流域内7个水文站的径流资料对该模型进行了应用检验。结果表明,该模型能较好模拟汉中流域的日径流过程,其 模拟精度与集总式VIC模型和集总式三水源新安江模型基本相当,但它充分考虑了研究流域内降水输入和下垫面条件的空间差异性,能够提供网格降水分布及流域 内产汇流的分布状况,能进一步同中尺度MM5气象模式耦合,延长洪水预报的预见期。
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URL      Magsci      摘要

<p>汉江流域未来的气候变化趋势和对水资源的影响,将直接关系到南水北调工程和引江济汉工程的使用和效益。因此,分析研究汉江流域水资源对气候变化的响应特点,可为地面调水、空中水资源开发、应对气候变化的不利影响和更好地保护南水北调中线水源区的水资源提供科学依据。以1971~2000年为基准期,应用SWAT模型对汉江流域基准期内的逐月径流进行了模拟;在30 a基准期径流模拟的基础上,以全球变化背景下可能出现的25种不同气候变化模式为假设条件,模拟出各假设气候变化模式下汉江流域水资源状况,获得了各气候变化模式下汉江流域水资源相对于基准期的变化率,研究了汉江流域水资源对气候变化的响应程度。结果表明:模型模拟精度高于评价标准(〖WTBX〗Ens&gt;05,r2&gt;06〖WTBZ〗),SWAT模型适用于汉江流域的径流模拟;不同气候变化情景下,汉江流域径流变化较实际蒸散发的变化明显;降水对地表径流、基流的影响要大于气温;气温对实际蒸散发的影响大于降水;降水增加或气温降低都会导致径流增加,而降水增加或气温增加都会导致实际蒸散发的增加.</p>
[10] 王渺林,夏军.



URL      Magsci      摘要

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The Hydrologic Simulation Program 鈥 Fortran (HSPF) model was chosen in this study to simulate stream flow and nutrient transport process. Five hypothetical climate change scenarios were used to cover the possible ranges of variability in the year 2050. An enhanced population-coupled Markov-Cellular Automata (CA-Markov) land use model was developed to predict the 2050 land use pattern. When these scenarios were incorporated into the HSPF model, the future conditions in the LMR basin were postulated. The findings demonstrated that: 1) the LMR watershed would experience an increase in flow and nutrients under the 2050 land use projection, 2) stream flow and water quality impacts would be amplified when both climate and land use changes were simultaneously considered, 3) land use change (and in the case of the LMR watershed, urbanization) could help to alleviate water shortage during the dry years, 4) total phosphorus and nitrogen would increase under all future climate and land use scenarios; the highest increase was found under the combined wettest and future land use scenarios, and 5) the described approach is effective in simulating the hydrologic and water quality effects of climate and land use changes in a basin scale. These results are relevant to planners; they can be useful in formulating realistic watershed management policies and mitigation measures.
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The Hydrological Simulation Program-FORTRAN (HSPF) was modified to simulate watershed pollutant loads in paddy farming regions. Dike height and the Dirac delta function were added to a modified HSPF code (HSPF-Paddy) to incorporate the behavior of ponded water and nutrients in rice paddy fields. HSPF-Paddy was validated by examining its application to a rice paddy plot (3000聽m 2 ) and a watershed (1803聽km 2 ) that contained a significant proportion of rice paddy fields (30%). The model efficiency at the plot scale was very high showing 0.52, 0.93, and 0.93 for ponded water depth, and accumulation of total nitrogen, and total phosphorus, respectively, and simulated values and observed data were in close agreement. Model efficiency was somewhat lower at the watershed scale showing 0.82, 0.78, 0.44, 0.61, and 0.63 for stream flow, temperature, 5-day biochemical oxygen demand, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus, respectively. However, model performance was generally within expectations, and generally model efficiency greater than 0.5 is deemed acceptable considering the complexity of the watershed in terms of size and land use. This comprehensive, dynamic model is applicable to a wide range of scales, from plot to watershed, and can be used to simulate various paddy field and watershed environmental conditions, including loads from point and nonpoint source pollution. It may be a practical alternative to the unit-load method for estimates of watershed pollution loads, especially in paddy farming regions, where nonpoint source pollution loads may be poorly estimated because of highly site-specific conditions. The application of HSPF-Paddy is recommended for watershed management and best management practices (BMPs) evaluation in paddy farming regions.
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A correction of DIN uptake simulation by Michaelis-Menton saturation kinetics in HSPF watershed model to improve DIN export simulation

[J].Environmental Modelling & Software,2006,(21):45-60.      URL      摘要

Plant uptake of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) has a major effect on the watershed export of DIN. Plant uptake depends on soil moisture. The literature describes plant uptake under two conditions. One condition, when moisture is deficient, increasing moisture may increase nitrogen (N) uptake (in mass per unit time). The other condition, when moisture is sufficient, i.e., at or above the field capacity, increasing it may dilute the solution and decrease N uptake. The two different observed relationships of moisture and uptake cannot be simply simulated by the Michaelis鈥揗enton saturation kinetics under the current setting in the Hydrological Simulation Program 鈥 Fortran (HSPF) software. This paper first compares two methods of simulated plant N uptake. The current HSPF (Version 11) uses concentration (per unit time) as the unit of uptake rate for the entire range of moisture conditions, which is inappropriate for moisture-sufficient conditions and results in higher uptake and lower DIN export during higher flow days. An alternative method uses mass (per unit area per unit time) as the unit of uptake rate, resulting in a better DIN load-flow relationship. However, it overestimates uptake in moisture-deficient conditions. This paper presents an integral method, which simply combines the above two mechanisms to simulate plant uptake in different moisture saturation conditions to improve load-flow relationships. However, it is not optimal in the operation of HSPF. Ultimately, a synthetic method, which is operational through HSPF code modification, is introduced. The synthetic method results in a better relationship between moisture and uptake, and provides reliable exports of DIN under a range of hydrology conditions.
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Coupling of hydrologic and hydraulic models for the Illinois River Basin

[J].Journal of Hydrology,2007,(344): 210-222.      URL      摘要

SummaryThe Hydrologic Simulation Program - Fortran (HSPF) was applied to the Illinois River Basin using the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (USEPA) Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS) system. Values of the HSPF model parameters were based on the calibrations of three representative watersheds within the basin. Over the 1985-1995 simulation period, monthly and annual mass balances correlated well with observed discharges at three gaging stations along the Illinois River. However, poor correlation of daily flows was due largely to the weakness of the HSPF model in routing dynamic flows through the complicated Illinois River system. To address this problem, a one-dimensional unsteady state flow model (UNET) developed for the main stem of the Illinois River was coupled with the HSPF model to perform the flow routing. Comparison of hydrographs showed much closer correlation between coupled HSPF-UNET model simulations of daily flows and observed flow hydrographs. This study also showed that peak flows simulated by the HSPF model occurred several days before the actual observations. However, the coupled HSPF-UNET model simulated peak flow time more closely to the observations. The Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) computed using observed and simulated daily flows from HSPF and HSPF-UNET models was 0.72 and 0.79 at Marseilles, 0.63 and 0.82 at Kingston Mines, and 0.40 and 0.85 at Valley City, respectively. As expected, the NSE computed using mean monthly flows was also slightly better from HSPF-UNET than from HSPF, but the annual NSE values were nearly same from both models.
[18] Hunter H M,Walton R S.

Land-use effects on fluxes of suspended sediment, nitrogen and phosphorus from a river catchment of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia

[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2008,(356): 131-146.      URL      摘要

SummaryA 6-year study was conducted in the Johnstone River system in the wet tropics of north-eastern Australia, to address concerns that the Great Barrier Reef is at risk from elevated levels of suspended sediment (SS) and nutrients discharged from its river catchments. Aims were to quantify: (i) fluxes of SS, phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) exported annually from the catchment and (ii) the influence of rural land uses on these fluxes. Around 55% of the 1602 kmcatchment was native rainforest, with the reminder developed mainly for livestock and crop production. Water quality and stream flow were monitored at 16 sites, with the emphasis on sampling major runoff events. Monitoring data were used to calibrate a water quality model for the catchment (HSPF), which was run with 39 years of historical precipitation and evaporation data. Modelled specific fluxes from the catchment of 1.2 卤 1.1 t SS hay, 2.2 卤 1.8 kg P hayand 11.4 卤 7.3 kg N haywere highly variable between and within years. Fluxes of SS and P were strongly dominated by major events, with 91% of SS and 84% of P exported during the highest 10% of daily flows. On average, sediment P comprised 81% of the total P flux. The N flux was less strongly dominated by major events and sediment N comprised 46% of total N exports. Specific fluxes of SS, N and P from areas receiving precipitation of 3545 mm ywere around 3-4 times those from areas receiving 1673 mm y. For a given mean annual precipitation, specific fluxes of SS and P from beef pastures, dairy pastures and unsewered residential areas were similar to those from rainforest, while fluxes from areas of sugar cane and bananas were 3-4 times higher. Specific fluxes of N from areas with an annual precipitation of 3545 mm ranged from 8.9 卤 6.5 kg N hay(rainforest) to 72 卤 50 kg N hay(unsewered residential). Aggregated across the entire catchment, disproportionately large fluxes of SS, total P and total N were derived from areas of sugar cane and banana production. Fluxes of nitrate N comprised 32% of mean annual total N flux and were disproportionately high from unsewered residential areas and from areas used for sugar cane and banana production. Notably, 60% of the total catchment flux of nitrate came from areas of sugar cane, which comprised only 12% of the total land area. Modelled scenarios suggest contemporary nitrate fluxes were nearly six times those under natural conditions (pre-development), a much greater increase than estimated for SS, total P and total N. These elevated nitrate fluxes are of particular concern for the protection of aquatic ecosystems, since nitrate is a readily bio-available form of N. Results of the study suggest management practices associated with certain land uses may need further investigation and improvement. To reduce nitrate fluxes, this includes a need to address fertiliser management in the sugar cane and banana industries and wastewater disposal practices in unsewered residential areas.
[19] Walton R S,Hunter H M.

Isolating the water quality responses of multiple land uses from stream monitoring data through model calibration

[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2009,(378): 29-45.      URL      摘要

SummaryQuantifying relationships between stream water quality and catchment land uses is a major goal of many water quality monitoring programs. This is a challenging task that is rarely achieved through simple analysis of raw data alone. Multiple regression analysis provides one approach, which despite significant limitations, can be successful when very large data sets are available and only annual estimates are required. However, regression techniques have limited application to sub-annual data sets. We present a new method for isolating the water quality responses of different land uses from monitoring data through hydrological model calibration, using a process of simultaneous calibration at several monitoring sites. In addition to model parameters, model algorithm complexity and the number of land-attribute groups are also used as calibration 'parameters'. This helps increase model parameter uniqueness and model predictive certainty. We applied the technique to water quality data from the Johnstone River catchment (1602 km ) in north-east Australia, using the HSPF model. The data comprised >4000 samples from over five years of monitoring at 16 sites, which drained sub-catchments of differing land area and proportions of each land use. Monitoring occurred at flow gauging sites during high stream flows, and regularly at all sites during non-event periods. Variables modelled included discharge, suspended sediment, and various forms of nitrogen and phosphorus. The calibration process aimed to maximise both goodness-of-fit and parameter sensitivity. We achieved a substantial simplification of HSPF algorithms without appreciable reduction in goodness-of-fit, by a combination of: fixing parameters, tying parameters, and introducing new, simpler equations. Two key calibration tools were reducing the number of land-use groups (by combining land uses) and tying parameters between the three flow paths modelled (surface flow, interflow and base flow). These in turn removed insensitive parameters, increased the sensitivity of remaining parameters, and increased model predictive power. For calibration of suspended sediment, we found our conceptual model was too complex for the information content of the data, so it was necessary to group certain land uses and simplify algorithms in HSPF. In contrast, for nitrate, our conceptual model was too simple, with successful calibration requiring a finer resolution of land use in the catchment. A major advantage of our technique is that it can isolate land-use effects from stream monitoring data on a modelling time step that is unachievable by regression analysis, with a sensitivity that enables detection of relatively small differences in time and/or space. The technique also enhances confidence in estimates, it identifies 'sensitive' and 'insensitive' parameters and processes, and it provides a robust calibration by reducing the parameter solution space. Further, by using a hydrological model the technique can account for spatial and temporal variation in land use and rainfall. It is also predictive, so it can be used to assess impacts of land-use-change scenarios within the catchment. Additionally, it can provide insights into the type and amount of data required to isolate land-use effects on different water quality parameters, which can be used to enhance the effectiveness and cost-efficiency of the monitoring program design.
[20] Luo B,Li J B,Huang G H,et al.

A simulation-based interval two-stage stochastic model for agricultural nonpoint source pollution control through land retirement

[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2006,(361):38-56.      URL      PMID: 16242757      摘要

ABSTRACT This study presents a simulation-based interval two-stage stochastic programming (SITSP) model for agricultural non-point source (NPS) pollution control through land retirement under uncertain conditions. The modeling framework was established by the development of an interval two-stage stochastic program, with its random parameters being provided by the statistical analysis of the simulation outcomes of a distributed water quality approach. The developed model can deal with the tradeoff between agricultural revenue and "off-site" water quality concern under random effluent discharge for a land retirement scheme through minimizing the expected value of long-term total economic and environmental cost. In addition, the uncertainties presented as interval numbers in the agriculture-water system can be effectively quantified with the interval programming. By subdividing the whole agricultural watershed into different zones, the most pollution-related sensitive cropland can be identified and an optimal land retirement scheme can be obtained through the modeling approach. The developed method was applied to the Swift Current Creek watershed in Canada for soil erosion control through land retirement. The Hydrological Simulation Program-FORTRAN (HSPF) was used to simulate the sediment information for this case study. Obtained results indicate that the total economic and environmental cost of the entire agriculture-water system can be limited within an interval value for the optimal land retirement schemes. Meanwhile, a best and worst land retirement scheme was obtained for the study watershed under various uncertainties.
[21] Lee K S,Chung E S.

Development of integrated watershed management schemes for an intensively urbanized region in Korea

[J].Journal of Hydro-environment Research,2007,(1): 95-109.      URL      摘要

A systematic, seven-step approach to integrated watershed management for sustainability was proposed and applied to upstream watershed of the Anyangcheon in Korea, which experiences streamflow depletion, frequent flood damages, and poor water quality due to rapid urbanization. To understand watershed components and processes, static and dynamic data were collected and synthetic hydrologic cycles generated by HSPF (Hydrologic Simulation Program – FORTRAN) were simulated (STEP 1). To identify and quantify problems within the watershed, three indices (following the pressure–state–response model) were employed: Potential Flood Damage (PFD), Potential Streamflow Depletion (PSD), and Potential Water Quality Deterioration (PWQD). Composite programming, a method of multi-criteria decision-making, was employed to estimate all indices and analytic hierarchy process are introduced to quantify the weighting values of all indicators (STEP 2). The primary goal of managers is to maintain certain minimum levels of water for instreamflow requirement and total maximum daily load (TMDL). Therefore target water quality and, instreamflow requirements (including low flow and fish flow) were specifically set (STEP 3). All possible management alternatives were listed (STEP 4) and a few specific management options which are technically, economically, and environmentally feasible, were selected (STEP 5). The ability of each feasible option to achieve the desired water quantity and quality criteria was analyzed and quantified using the HSPF (STEP 6). Finally, an evaluation index was calculated using each of the proposed alternatives in order to rank the sustainability and priority of alternatives (STEP 7).
[22] Lee S,Mesister W N,et al.

Assessing the hydrologic performance of the EPA’s nonpoint source water quality assessment decision support tool using North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS) products

[J].Journal of Hydrology,2010,(387):212-220.

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[24] Dawdy D R,Bergman J M.

Effect of rainoff variability on streamflow simulation

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[25] Seliga T A,Aron G,Aydin K,et al.

Storm runoff simulation using radar-estimated rainfall rates and a unit hydrograph model(SYN-HYD) applied to the Greve watershed

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[26] Arnaud P,Bouvier C,Cisneros L,et al.

Influence of rainfall spatial variability on flood prediction

[J]. Journal of Hydrology,2002,260(1-4):216-230.      URL      摘要

This paper deals with the sensitivity of distributed hydrological models to different patterns that account for the spatial distribution of rainfall: spatially averaged rainfall or rainfall field. The rainfall data come from a dense network of recording rain gauges that cover approximately 2000km 2 around Mexico City. The reference rain sample accounts for the 50 most significant events, whose mean duration is about 10h and maximal point depth 170mm. Three models were tested using different runoff production models: storm-runoff coefficient, complete or partial interception. These models were then applied to four fictitious homogeneous basins, whose sizes range from 20 to 1500km 2 . For each test, the sensitivity of the model is expressed as the relative differences between the empirical distribution of the peak flows (and runoff volumes), calculated according to the two patterns of rainfall input: uniform or non-uniform. Differences in flows range from 10 to 80%, depending on the type of runoff production model used, the size of the basin and the return period of the event. The differences are generally moderate for extreme events. In the local context, this means that uniform design rainfall combining point rainfall distribution and the probabilistic concept of the areal reduction factor could be sufficient to estimate major flood probability. Differences are more significant for more frequent events. This can generate problems in calibrating the hydrological model when spatial rainfall localization is not taken into account: a bias in the estimation of parameters makes their physical interpretation difficult and leads to overestimation of extreme flows.
[27] Lee S,Ni-Mesister W,Toll D.

Assessing the hydrologic performance of the EPA’s nonpoint source water quality assessment decision support tool using North American Land Data Assimilation System(NLDAS) products

[J].Journal of Hydrology,2010,(387):212-220.

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Riverflow forecasting through conceptual mode1

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Criteria for Evaluation of Watershed Models

[J].ASCE Task Committee on Definition of Criteria for Evaluation of Watershed Models. J.Irrig Drain.Eng., ASCE,1993,1l9(3):429-442.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[30] Donigan A S,Imhof J C,Bicknell B R,et al.

Application Guide for Hydrological Simulation Program: FORTRAN(HSPF)

[S].”EPA-600/3-84-065”, Environmental Research Laboratory, Athens, GA. 1984,177.

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[J]. 地理学报,2004,59(1):125~135.

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

<p>为了评价在相对较短时间内针对长江上游地区地表水径流所建立模型的模拟效果,以及检验以GCM模型和其他卫星数据所估算的降水数据作为输入数据的可行性,选择分布式水文模型HSPF以及1987年和1988年的ISLSCP降水数据作为输入数据。模型模拟结果表明:从整个长江上游地区看,在校正期内,5天平均流量的Nash&ndash;Sutcliffe相关系数 (R<sub>2</sub>) 为0.94;在验证期内,Nash-Sutcliffe相关系数 (R<sub>2</sub>) 为0.95。此外,该模型对长江上游主要支流的5天平均流量的模拟效果也很好,R<sub>2</sub>的值在0.46到0.96之间。例外的情况主要发生在沱江和嘉陵江,模型对2年洪水期的峰值流速的估计值偏低,沱江只有实际值的71%,嘉陵江只有实际值的61%。ISLSCP估计的降水比实际测量的降水频繁且程度要弱,这可能是HSPF不能在所有时间和所有区域都具有较好模拟效果的一个主要原因。</p>
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