Scientia Geographica Sinica  2016 , 36 (3): 328-334

Orginal Article


孙斌栋, 李琬

华东师范大学中国现代城市研究中心/城市与区域科学学院,上海 200062

City Size Distribution and Economic Performance: Evidence from City-Regions in China

Sun Bindong, Li Wan

Center for Modern Chinese City Studies / School of Urban and Regional Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

中图分类号:  F129.9

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2016)03-0328-07

通讯作者:  李琬。E-mail:

收稿日期: 2015-01-14

修回日期:  2015-04-15

网络出版日期:  2016-03-20

版权声明:  2016 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41471139)、上海哲学社会科学规划课题(2014BCK003)、教育部人文社科重点研究基地重大项目 (11JJDZH004)资助






关键词: 城市规模分布 ; 城市空间结构 ; 单中心 ; 多中心 ; 经济绩效 ; 市域


In 2011, the proportion of China's urban population exceeded 50%. The focus of China's urbanization is shifting from improving the urbanization rate to optimizing spatial efficiency, and it is of significant importance to explore the optimal city size distribution in terms of economic performance. City size distribution is a kind of spatial structure that reflects individuals' location choice after weighing their own advantages and disadvantages, and this is bound to affect the performance of economy. However, there is no logical consistency answer on which one is more efficient, pursuing mono-centric spatial structure for higher agglomeration economy or hunting polycentric spatial structure for lower agglomeration diseconomy. Besides, research on the economic performance of city size distributions has long been neglected. Existing studies of urban size distribution are mainly concentrated in discovering the stylized facts and rules of city size distribution, validating whether the theory of city size distribution conforming to the facts, and explaining the mechanism on the formation of city size distribution and so on. Based on city-regions cross-sectional data in 2010, this article studies how different city size distribution influences economic performance, what kinds of city size distribution has a higher economic efficiency in the mono-centric or polycentric dimension, and whether the optimal economic performance of urban size distribution is affected by other factors. This conclusions show that: 1) the mono-centric city size distribution tends to be associated with higher labor productivity, but with further samples subdivision, the optimal city size distribution turns up a mono-poly-mono shift along with the rise of scale. 2) No evidence has been found to support that the level of economic development affects the optimal city size distribution. And 3) it is of great significance to shape the cities in China's western region into mono-centric form.

Keywords: city size distribution ; spatial structure ; mono-centric ; polycentric ; economic performance ; city-region


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孙斌栋, 李琬. 城市规模分布的经济绩效——基于中国市域数据的实证研究[J]. , 2016, 36(3): 328-334

Sun Bindong, Li Wan. City Size Distribution and Economic Performance: Evidence from City-Regions in China[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016, 36(3): 328-334

中国城镇化率已经超过50%,城镇化的关注点正从提高城镇化率转移到优化城镇化空间效率上来。根据国家新型城镇化纲要,制约人口自由流动的户籍制度开始松动,中国正面临着一个重构城市规模分布的时间窗口,因势利导地引导人口向更具空间效率的格局迁移和分布是当务之急,而怎样的城市规模分布具有更好的经济绩效则成为当前亟待回答的问题。城市规模分布(City Size Distribution)是城市地理学和经济地理学重要的研究主题之一,反映了要素尤其是人口在空间的分布和组合结构。已有针对城市规模分布的研究主要集中在揭示城市规模分布的特征和规律[1]、验证城市规模分布的理论法则与实际的相符程度[2~4]以及解释城市规模分布的形成机制[5~9]等方面,对城市规模分布的经济绩效研究十分有限,尺度不同,结论也不统一[10~15]


1 数据来源与城市规模分布的测度



lnS= α + β lnR



图1   规模分布指数的空间分布

Fig.1   The distribution of RS_F

2 城市规模分布经济绩效

2.1 模型设定




1) 被解释变量为劳均GDP(Y/L),采用2010年市域名义GDP总量除以劳动人口(元/人),用以衡量劳动生产率。由于集聚效应主要发生在工业和服务业,因此GDP数据剔除第一产业产值,劳动人口相应剔除了农林牧副渔业人口。

2) 解释变量除了城市规模分布指数外,还包括:劳均资本存量(K/L):市域资本存量除以劳动人口(元/人),目前国内资本存量没有公开数据,本文以2010年为标准对1978~2009年进行区划调整,然后根据永续盘存法测算得出。劳均建设用地(N/L):由于县的建设用地面积数据不可得,因此劳均建设用地面积为地级市市辖区和县级市市辖区的建设用地之和除以劳动人口(m2/人)。 二三产业劳动力规模。 人均受教育年限:近似反映劳动者人力资本状况。 政府支出比重:政府财政一般预算支出占全部GDP比重,根据巴罗[26]的建议,预算支出中剔除了教育支出。 劳均公路里程:市域范围的劳均公路里程(km2/人),宁夏自治区的地级市数据缺失,使样本数减少到267个。 二三产业比重:市域二三产业与GDP比值。主要变量的描述性统计分析因篇幅限制从略。

2.2 实证结果分析


表1   城市规模分布与经济绩效

Table 1   City size distribution and economic performance


注:1. 第(1)列为仅控制城市规模分布的二元回归,第(2)列在(1)的基础上加入其他影响劳动生产率的变量,第(3)列在(2)的基础上加入核心变量城市规模分布与规模的交乘项。2. 括号内为稳健标准误差,***、**和*分别表示在1%、5%和10%的显著性水平上显著,下同。3. 考虑到共线性问题,交乘项的两项均进行了减去均值的处理,下同。


模型中反映规模经济效应的市域二三产业劳动力尽管系数为正,但并不显著,也就是说市域范围的规模经济(模型中也尝试加入规模的二次项,但并不显著,所以并未在模型中控制规模二次项。)并不存在,将其置换为城镇人口和常住人口,结论仍一致,这似乎相悖于公认的规模收益递增这一预期。可能的原因是:城市规模收益递增在地理维度上有一定范围,目前中国市域还未发展为联系密切的区域单元,规模经济尚不存在;劳动力总量的增加不会单纯的带来集聚经济,还伴随着劳均GDP分母的增大带来的劳均GDP降低。对于本文来说,在市域规模经济不存在的情况下,单中心城市规模分布仍是有利于经济绩效的,这暗示着单个城市的规模经济并没有扩展到市域范围,市域范围内尚未发生“规模互借”( 规模互借(Borrowed Size)1973年由阿隆索提出,用来解释为什么大都市区的小城市比同等规模独立的小城市具有更高的收入。)。


当然,不仅城市规模分布可能影响经济发展,经济发展也可能会反过来影响城市规模分布,且这种影响已经得到部分实证检验的确认[27,28]。为了解决由于反向因果存在造成的估计结果有偏和不一致,本部分采用工具变量的两阶段最小二乘法回归(TSLS)进行模型的内生性检验,主要采用1个历史变量和1个地理变量作为规模分布的工具变量,具体为: 1953年常住人口测度的城市规模分布(基于数据可得性的考虑选择中国第一次人口普查(1953年)数据作为工具变量,并按2010年行政区划进行调整。由于1953年人口普查只统计常住人口数据,1953年城市规模分布是行政区划调整后的常住人口的规模位次分布值。);一级河流密度。为了在统计上对此进一步确认,本文在历史工具变量的基础上,加上一级河流密度进行Sargan过度识别检验。一方面,河流作为自然地理现象在一定地域范围内具有高度的随机外生特性,可以被假设为与个人或群体的异质性无关;另一方面,河流能起到分割城市作用,河流越密城市规模分布可能更加多中心。从统计检验结果看,模型通过了不可识别和弱工具检验,工具变量满足相关性的要求;Sargan过度识别检验拒绝工具变量内生的原假设,据此推断本文的工具变量具有良好的外生性。而进一步的Hausman和Durbin-Wu-Hausman检验结果表明,本文的城市规模分布不存在内生性,这与Lee等[12]、Meijers等[24]的结论基本一致,即城市规模分布的改变十分缓慢,以规模位次法测度的城市规模分布相对于这一时期的劳动生产率来说是外生的。这一结论表明上文多元回归结果是可信的。

3 城市规模分布的经济绩效:作用的异质性


3.1 市域规模

本文以100万二三产业劳动力规模为界( 以100万分组依据在于2010年所有城市样本的二三产业劳动力的平均规模为120.43万。),把原样本分成两个子样本分别回归。结果如表2所示,对于100万以下城市,与表1的全样本模型结果一致,单中心有助于提高经济绩效,但这里最优规模分布不再受规模影响。而对于100万以上的城市,规模分布则出现负显著,即多中心规模分布的经济绩效更高,且劳动力规模变为正显著,开始具有规模集聚递增效应。进一步根据表2第4列所得系数,综合考虑规模分布及其交乘项求取在不同规模条件下RS_F的边际作用,发现规模一旦超过283.38万,最优城市规模分布模式出现多中心到单中心的转变。为了探索这一变化原因,在第(5)列加入快速轨道交通里程和直辖市虚拟变量,结果交乘项不再显著,换句话说最优城市规模分布模式不再发生改变。


表2   劳动力规模分组下城市规模分布对经济绩效的影响

Table 2   Labor’s influence on the economic performance of city size distribution




3.2 发展水平



图2   分位数回归中城市规模分布的系数变化

Fig.2   Coefficients of cities size distribution in Quantile regression

3.3 地理区位


4 结论与展望


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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This paper examines the Pareto and primacy measures of the size distribution of cities. The mean Pareto exponent for a sample of 44 countries is 1.136, somewhat greater than the exponent of one implied by the rank-size rule. We find that value of the Pareto exponent is quite sensitive to the definition of the city and the choice of city sample size. The significance of non-linear terms in variants of the Pareto distribution also indicate that the rank-size rule is only a first approximation to a complete characterization of the size distribution of cities within a country. The relatively low correlation between primacy and Pareto measures confirms the need for a variety of measures of city size distributions. This paper also suggests that large cities are growing faster than small cities in most of the countries in our sample. This is indicated by the positive coefficient on the first non-linear term introduced into the Pareto equation. Finally, variations in the Pareto exponent and measures of primacy are partly explained by economic, demographic, and geographic factors.
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This paper assesses the empirical validity of Zipf07s Law for cities, using new data on 73 countries and two estimation methods 07 OLS and the Hill estimator. With either estimator, we reject Zipf07s Law far more often than we would expect based on random chance; for 53 out of 73 countries using OLS, and for 30 out of 73 countries using the Hill estimator. The OLS estimates of the Pareto exponent are roughly normally distributed, but those of the Hill estimator are bimodal. Variations in the value of the Pareto exponent are better explained by political economy variables than by economic geography variables.
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This paper presents a simple general equilibrium model of an economy where production and consumption occur in cities. The paper focuses on the different sizes and types of cities generated by market forces and whether these market forces generate optimally size cities. Before the model is presented, four complex questions are naively answered, revealing the most basic concepts underlying the paper and intellectual debts to the existing literature. First the model of a single city is presented. How factor rewards and cost of living vary with city size is analysed. Given these results, the paper presents an analysis of market equilibrium and optimum city size. Finally, equilibrium in an economy with multiple types of cities is examined. At the end of the paper, we discuss how natural resources and transportation costs in trade can be integrated into the model. Throughout the paper, it is assumed that capital and labour are scarce resources and perfectly mobile within the economy. The economy is situated on a flat featureless plain, large enough so that land per se is never a scarce resource (although location will be a scarce resource). This non-critical assumption implies the opportunity cost of land is zero. Lastly, there are no specified transport costs of inter-city trade.
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The size distribution of cities in the United States is startlingly well described by a simpler power law: the number of cities whose population exceeds S is proportional to 1/ S . This simple regularity is puzzling; even more puzzling is the fact that it has apparently remained true for at least the past century. Standard models of urban systems offer no explanation of the power law. A random growth model proposed by Herbert Simon 40 years ago is the best try to date—but while it can explain a power law, it cannot reproduce one with the right exponent. At this point we are in the frustrating postion of having a striking empirical regularity with no good theory to account for it. J. Japan. Int. Econ. , December 1996, 10 (4), pp. 399–418. Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305-6072
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Zipf's law is a very tight constraint on the class of admissible models of local growth. It says that for most countries the size distribution of cities strikingly fits a power law: the number of cities with populations greater than S is proportional to 1/S. Suppose that, at least in the upper tail, all cities follow some proportional growth process (this appears to be verified empirically). This automatically leads their distribution to converge to Zipf's law. 漏 2000 the President and Fellows of Harvard College and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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This paper embeds the canonical model of endogenous growth with product proliferation developed by Romer [Romer, P.M., 1990. Endogenous technical change. Journal of Political Economy 98, S71–S102] into a simple urban framework. This yields a reduced form isomorphic to the popular statistical device developed by Simon [Simon, H., 1955. On a class of skew distribution functions. Biometrika 42, 425–440], which in turn can yield Zipf's law for cities. The stochastic outcomes of purposeful innovation and local spillovers can thus serve as foundations for random growth models.
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The urbanization process and economic growth: The so-what question

[J].Journal of Economic Growth, 2003,8(1):47-71.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<a name="Abs1"></a>There is an extensive literature on the urbanization process looking at both urbanization and urban concentration, asking whether and when there is under or over-urbanization or under or over urban concentration. Writers argue that national government policies and non-democratic institutions promote excessive concentration&#x2014;the extent to which the urban population of a country is concentrated in one or two major metropolitan areas&#x2014;except in former planned economies where migration restrictions are enforced. These literatures assume that there is an optimal level of urbanization or an optimal level of urban concentration, but no research to date has quantitatively examined the assumption and asked the basic <img src="/content/T317782VG206636L/xxlarge8220.gif" alt="ldquo" align="MIDDLE" border="0">so-what<img src="/content/T317782VG206636L/xxlarge8221.gif" alt="rdquo" align="MIDDLE" border="0"> question&#x2014;how great are the economic losses from significant deviations from any optimal degrees of urban concentration or rates of urbanization? This paper shows that (1) there is a best degree of urban concentration, in terms of maximizing productivity growth (2) that best degree varies with the level of development and country size, and (3) over or under-concentration can be very costly in terms of productivity growth. The paper shows also that productivity growth is not strongly affected by urbanization per se. Rapid urbanization has often occurred in the face of low or negative economic growth over some decades. Moreover, urbanization is a transitory phenomenon where many countries are now fully urbanized.
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[14] 杨青山,杜雪,张鹏,.


[J].地理科学,2011,31(11): 1301-1306.

Magsci      摘要

以东北地区36个地级行政单元为样本,利用2000年中国第五次人口普查数据,采用Meijers等给出的区域城市人口中心度和分散度指标对各市域城市人口空间结构进行测度,同时借鉴Cobb-Douglas生产函数,推导出基于OLS算法的实证回归模型,选取中心度、分散度和首位城市人口规模等指标与劳动生产率进行实证分析。结果表明:① 首位城市人口规模越大,劳动生产率越高;② 中心度对劳动生产率的作用不明显;③ 分散度对劳动生产率有负的影响,并受到市域人口规模和市域尺度的影响。

[Yang Qingshan,

Du xue, Zhang Peng et al. The Urban Population Spatial Structure and Labor Productivity of Administrative Region of Cities in the Northeast China

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Magsci      摘要

以东北地区36个地级行政单元为样本,利用2000年中国第五次人口普查数据,采用Meijers等给出的区域城市人口中心度和分散度指标对各市域城市人口空间结构进行测度,同时借鉴Cobb-Douglas生产函数,推导出基于OLS算法的实证回归模型,选取中心度、分散度和首位城市人口规模等指标与劳动生产率进行实证分析。结果表明:① 首位城市人口规模越大,劳动生产率越高;② 中心度对劳动生产率的作用不明显;③ 分散度对劳动生产率有负的影响,并受到市域人口规模和市域尺度的影响。
[15] 张浩然,衣保中.



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[Zhang Haoran, Yi Baozhong.

Spatial Structure and Economic Performance in Chinese Urban Agglomerations

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[18] 王旭辉,孙斌栋.


[J].城市规划学刊,2012,(6):20-27.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

国内特大城市大多采取多中心空 间战略,但效果并不明显,其理念的有效性尤其是经济的有效性需要严谨检验。尽管主流经济学对此还没有完整、精确的答案,但城市经济方面的研究成果却给出了 方向性的结论,即随着城市规模扩大,集聚的负外部性产生的成本会逐渐超过规模经济带来的效益,最终导致单中心向多中心转化。这一结论从经济绩效角度为多中 心的规划理念提供了理论依据。实践中的多中心战略之所以达不到预期效果,原因在于城市经济模型是基于自由市场机制的前提假设,而这与现实存在很大出入。为 了降低由多中心结构形成的时滞性造成的城市利益损失,政府应发挥作为城市整体利益最大化代表的作用,在尊重经济运行规律的基础上及时做出空间转型的决策, 并发挥政策聚焦和资源调动优势,促进外围有初始优势的地区迅速发展成为次中心城市,积极主动地推进多中心空间结构的形成,从而实现城市空间布局的最优化和 城市整体利益的最大化。

[Wang Xuhui, Sun Bindong.

The Economic Performance of the Polycentric Spatial Structure of Mega-cities: Based on the Models of Urban Economics

. Urban Planning Forum, 2012, (6): 20-27. ]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

国内特大城市大多采取多中心空 间战略,但效果并不明显,其理念的有效性尤其是经济的有效性需要严谨检验。尽管主流经济学对此还没有完整、精确的答案,但城市经济方面的研究成果却给出了 方向性的结论,即随着城市规模扩大,集聚的负外部性产生的成本会逐渐超过规模经济带来的效益,最终导致单中心向多中心转化。这一结论从经济绩效角度为多中 心的规划理念提供了理论依据。实践中的多中心战略之所以达不到预期效果,原因在于城市经济模型是基于自由市场机制的前提假设,而这与现实存在很大出入。为 了降低由多中心结构形成的时滞性造成的城市利益损失,政府应发挥作为城市整体利益最大化代表的作用,在尊重经济运行规律的基础上及时做出空间转型的决策, 并发挥政策聚焦和资源调动优势,促进外围有初始优势的地区迅速发展成为次中心城市,积极主动地推进多中心空间结构的形成,从而实现城市空间布局的最优化和 城市整体利益的最大化。
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Rank-1/2: A simple way to improve the OLS estimation of tail exponents

[J]. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics,2011, 29(1): 24-39.      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Despite the availability of more sophisticated methods, a popular way to estimate a Pareto exponent is still to run an OLS regression: log(Rank) = a - b log(Size), and take b as an estimate of the Pareto exponent. The reason for this popularity is arguably the simplicity and robustness of this method. Unfortunately, this procedure is strongly biased in small samples. We provide a simple practical remedy for this bias, and propose that, if one wants to use an OLS regression, one should use the Rank - 1/2, and run log(Rank - 1/2) = a - b log(Size). The shift of 1/2 is optimal, and reduces the bias to a leading order. The standard error on the Pareto exponent xi is not the OLS standard error, but is asymptotically (2/n)(1/2)xi. Numerical results demonstrate the advantage of the proposed approach over the standard OLS estimation procedures and indicate that it performs well under dependent heavy-tailed processes exhibiting deviations from power laws. The estimation procedures considered are illustrated using an empirical application to Zipf's law for the United States city size distribution.
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Even a decade after the concept of polycentric development became popular and increasingly widespread in Europe as a normative policy stance allegedly leading to cohesion and competitiveness, its empirical basis is still rather weak. This is partly due to a lack of conceptual clearness, which makes its measurement difficult. This research briefing synthesises the results of two recent ESPON projects that aim to create a quantitative measurement of the extent of polycentricity of national urban systems, as well as the links they find between polycentricity and economic and social objectives. Both approaches have their limits and have been, and can be criticized from various perspectives. Some suggestions on how to proceed with this research agenda are presented.
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<a name="Abs1"></a>Evidence from a broad panel of countries shows little overall relation between income inequality and rates of growth and investment. For growth, higher inequality tends to retard growth in poor countries and encourage growth in richer places. The Kuznets curve&#x2014;whereby inequality first increases and later decreases during the process of economic development&#x2014;emerges as a clear empirical regularity. However, this relation does not explain the bulk of variations in inequality across countries or over time.
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[J].地理学报, 2013, 68(12): 1632-1642.      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Sheng Kerong, Sun Wei.

A study of sequential city growth pattern: Theoretical model and empirical evidence of U.S. urban system

. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2013, 68(12): 1632-1642. ]      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

