Scientia Geographica Sinica  2016 , 36 (3): 352-358

Orginal Article


王俊松1, 颜燕23

1.华东师范大学城市与区域科学学院创新战略研究中心,上海 200062
2. 北京大学国家发展研究院,北京 100871
3. 北京大学-林肯研究院城市发展与土地政策研究中心,北京 100871

Spatio-temporal Evolution of Function Locations of Multinational Corporations in China

Wang Junsong1, Yan Yan23

1. Institutional for Innovation and Strategic Studies, School of Urban and Regional Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
2. National School of Development, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
3. Peking University-Lincoln Institute Center for Urban Development and Land Policy, Beijing 100871, China

中图分类号:  K902

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2016)03-0352-07

通讯作者:  颜燕,博士后。

收稿日期: 2014-07-31

修回日期:  2014-11-7

网络出版日期:  2016-03-20

版权声明:  2016 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学青年基金(41301117)资助






关键词: 跨国公司 ; 功能区位 ; 全球500强 ; 在华投资 ; 时空演化


With the development of Chinese transition, multinational corporations (MNCs) of fortune 500 gradually expand in China functionally and spatially. The article intended to explore how MNCs functional locations evolves in China and the mechanism of their expansion using fortune 500 investment statistics during 1979-2012. The results show that, 1) MNCs have invested in China sequentially. Production institutions and office were set up in China first. Then headquarters, R&D and sales institutions were set up in China in subsequence. After the government published the provisions of foreign-funded joint-stock company on several issues in 1995 and China’s entry into WTO, foreign institutions entering in China have been grown quickly. 2) Spatially, different functions have different location preference. Headquarters and R&D institutions emphasize talent and information resources, and inclined to distribute in top cities such as Beijing and Shanghai. Production institutes tended to locate in low cost areas and distribute across different level cities. Sales and business service functions tended to locate in great market potential areas. 3) The article highlighted the trend of subsequent entering, function upgrading and gravity transformation of MNCs based on expanding pattern of Siemens in China. 4) The function distribution and evolution has much to do with urban hierarchy and regional economic environment. Headquarters and R&D functions agglomerate in first tier hierarchy cities, production and sales distribute broadly in regional center such as province capital and other cities. 5) The location gravity center of MNCs has experienced apparent transformation. In early period, headquarters and R&D facilities agglomerated in Beijing, while production and sales gravity center agglomerated in the southern China. With the change of regional development environment, the gravity of R&D institutes moved to south and the gravity of production and sales moved to north. All gravity centers of MNC function intended to agglomerate together. 6) The results showed that the transformation of regional economic pattern is the main cause of MNCs functional gravity evolution. At the beginning of opening reforms, the strategy of regional economic development gave priority to coastal areas. The main function of MNCs entered in China is production and sales, which were mainly located in the southern China. With the marketization and globalization gravity shifting to the northern China, the gravity of sales and production of MNCs were also shifting to north of China. The campaign of western development since 1999 induced production, business service, office and headquarters of MNCs shifting to west. The balancing of regional spatial pattern propelled MNCs function gravity agglomerate together. The vertical linkages of functions further have propelled the co-agglomeration of functions of MNCs.

Keywords: multinational corporation ; functional location ; fortune 500 ; investment in China


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王俊松, 颜燕. 在华跨国公司功能区位的时空演化研究[J]. , 2016, 36(3): 352-358

Wang Junsong, Yan Yan. Spatio-temporal Evolution of Function Locations of Multinational Corporations in China[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016, 36(3): 352-358





本文认为,功能片段化、产业链联系和区域经济格局共同影响跨国公司的功能区位。功能片段化推动跨国公司将企业布局在最有盈利潜力的地区,而基于产业链的联系和功能互补则促使企业将功能布局在地理位置接近的地区,中国的经济格局变化是影响跨国公司产业布局变化的又一重要因素。已有的对跨国公司的研究强调从整体上关注影响外资的区位因素[9~13],或对外资某一特定功能的研究,如制造、研发或服务[4, 14, 15]。徐康宁等[9]从市场规模、人力资本等角度探讨了跨国公司不同功能的区位影响因素。贺灿飞等则进一步从连续投资和功能共聚的角度探讨了影响在华跨国公司功能区位的因素[3, 16]。本研究在前人研究的基础上进一步拓展,探讨功能片段化和产业链式投资的情况下,区域外部环境的变化如何影响跨国公司的功能区位演化。


1 跨国公司在华扩张过程

为探讨跨国公司在中国的扩张过程,选取历年《跨国公司中国报告》[17~19]世界财富五百强的外资企业数据,数据指标包括企业进入中国的时间、母公司、分支机构名称、所在城市、来源国等,对缺失数据通过企业的官方网站等进行补充。总共确认了495家外资跨国企业的5 425个分支机构,根据业务描述,将跨国公司功能分为地区总部、办事处、研发、商务服务、生产、销售市场和其他类型。

1.1 功能区位变化


图1   在华跨国公司的功能区位分布变化

Fig. 1   Functional location distribution of multinational corporations in China


图2   跨国公司不同功能环节的比重变化

Fig. 2   Different function proportions of multinational corporation

1.2 跨国公司功能区位和城市等级的关系




图3   在华跨国公司不同功能机构数的空间分布(2012年)

Fig.3   Distribution of different functions of multinational corporation in China (2012)

2 区域经济格局与跨国公司在华功能区位重心演化

跨国公司在中国的功能区位重心在空间上也处于演化之中,且功能区位的变化与中国区域经济格局的变化存在较强的关联。为探讨这种变化,以1980年以后每5 a作为一个时间段,将每5 a进入中国的财富500强外资跨国公司各功能机构的地理位置空间化,计算出每5 a跨国公司各功能机构空间位置的重心,( 功能区位重心的计算公式为 ,其中XY分别为某功能区位重心的经度和纬度,xiyi表示全国各区县中心i的经纬度,Mi表示机构数权重,本文中为i地区某类功能的机构数量。)并将其体现在地图上(图4),主要反映大型跨国公司进入中国以后的功能转移趋势。

2.1 跨国公司的各功能重心演化特征



图4   跨国公司各阶段功能区位重心的变化

Fig. 4   Gravity transformations of multinational corporations

2.2 跨国公司功能区位重心变化与中国区域格局变化一致




2.3 跨国公司功能重心分布从分离走向集中

随着经济改革在全国范围内推进,跨国公司不同的功能重心开始从分离走向集中。早期的销售和生产功能集聚在中国的南方地区,而总部和研发功能重心分布在山东省境内,显示出管理功能和生产销售功能在空间上的错位。随后研发和总部功能重心向南迁移,生产和销售重心向北迁移,跨国公司的功能重心在空间上趋于集中。经计算,1985~1990年进入的跨国公司各功能机构重心之间的平均空间距离为608 km,2006~2011年新进入的跨国公司各功能机构重心之间的平均空间距离为211 km,距离缩短了近2/3,显示出上下游功能环节的集聚对跨国公司的重要性。




3 结论




The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Despite the recent advances in the theory of location, the analysis of the role of services surrounding production activity has been largely neglected. This paper analyzes the co-location of a multinational firm's value chain in the enlarged European Union. Depending on its particular characteristics, each function (or activity) would favor different country characteristic. Opposing this dispersion force, vertical linkages between stages can encourage firms to co-locate different activities in the same country. We use recently collected individual firm data on almost 11 000 location choices for a 5 years period and 23 countries. We analyze the determinants of location choice for each activity, including sectoral and functional agglomeration variables. We also illuminate the co-location of functions at the firm level, specifically that of R&D and production.
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随着交通通讯技术的发展,跨国公司在东道国内部实现功能空间分离.伴随中国渐进式的改革开放进程,全球500 强跨国公司逐步在中国实现地理扩张和功能扩张.本文基于1979-2008 年电子信息和医药化工产业的全球500 强跨国公司在华投资数据研究跨国公司功能区位.研究表明,跨国公司倾向于在已有投资的城市追加投资,不同功能呈现一定差异性地理分布,但功能之间共聚趋势明显.区域性总部和商务功能聚集在一线城市,生产功能布局于省会和一线城市周边地区,研发功能追随生产功能.条件逻辑模型分析表明,跨国公司功能区位存在显著的公司内集聚、跨公司集聚、来源国集聚以及跨功能共聚现象.市场潜力及城市行政地位也是吸引跨国公司投资的重要因素.随着全方位开放格局形成,集聚效应较制度优势更为重要.跨国公司分支机构地理集聚提升一线城市的功能,强化顶级城市的领导力和聚集力.跨国公司的功能片段化布局既依托我国的城市等级体系,又在一定程度上重塑我国城市空间结构,促进城市体系按价值链等级进行专业化分工并推动区域协作.

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Magsci      [本文引用: 6]      摘要

随着交通通讯技术的发展,跨国公司在东道国内部实现功能空间分离.伴随中国渐进式的改革开放进程,全球500 强跨国公司逐步在中国实现地理扩张和功能扩张.本文基于1979-2008 年电子信息和医药化工产业的全球500 强跨国公司在华投资数据研究跨国公司功能区位.研究表明,跨国公司倾向于在已有投资的城市追加投资,不同功能呈现一定差异性地理分布,但功能之间共聚趋势明显.区域性总部和商务功能聚集在一线城市,生产功能布局于省会和一线城市周边地区,研发功能追随生产功能.条件逻辑模型分析表明,跨国公司功能区位存在显著的公司内集聚、跨公司集聚、来源国集聚以及跨功能共聚现象.市场潜力及城市行政地位也是吸引跨国公司投资的重要因素.随着全方位开放格局形成,集聚效应较制度优势更为重要.跨国公司分支机构地理集聚提升一线城市的功能,强化顶级城市的领导力和聚集力.跨国公司的功能片段化布局既依托我国的城市等级体系,又在一定程度上重塑我国城市空间结构,促进城市体系按价值链等级进行专业化分工并推动区域协作.
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Information exchanges across firms within cities are considered to be one of the major agglomeration forces in the regional economics literature. In addition, the quality of transport infrastructures arises as one of the major determinants in the location decisions of firms across cities and hence on urban economic growth. However, the significance of information exchanges between cities and the role of airports as a mean of managing such information efficiently has received much less attention. We deal with these issues through the empirical analysis of the determinants of the location of large firms麓 headquarters across major European urban areas, focusing the attention on the attractiveness of a city for large firms due to the supply of non-stop intercontinental flights.
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Studies on foreign direct investment locations in China have been conducted mainly at interregional and interprovincial scales, and little attention has been paid to the intraurban scale where location decisions of foreign firms can differ from domestic firms. This article explores the intraurban locations of information and communication technology (ICT) firms in Suzhou, a city experiencing rapid globalization. We have found that the distribution of ICT firms in Suzhou exhibits distinctive spatial patterns characterized by a geographically based, institutionally created spatial mismatch between foreign and domestic firms. Foreign firms are concentrated in national-level development zones—China–Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park in the east and Suzhou New and Hi-Tech District in the west—whereas domestic firms tend to agglomerate in the inner city and the provincial-level development zone in the north. Poisson and negative binomial analyses further reveal that the locations of foreign firms are strongly correlated to development zones, and the agglomeration economies derived from the stock of foreign investment rather than domestic firms. The case of Suzhou highlights the challenges that Chinese cities face in industrial upgrading and technological development through embedding transnational corporations.
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Zhao S. X. B. and Zhang L. (2007) Foreign Direct Investment and the formation of global city-regions in China, Regional Studies 41, 979-994. FDI inflows have redrawn the map of China's geo-economy, reinforcing spatial clustering of economy. Currently, certain Chinese urbanized regions along the Pacific coast, notably the Pearl River Delta region (PRD) in South China, the Yangtze River Delta region (YRD) in Southeast China and the Bohai Rim region (BRR) in North China, have become the agglomerative centres for a variety of the Fordist-style of manufacturing operation. As a strong outward linkage is the major engine of growth in those extended metropolitan regions, they are often labelled as global city-regions. This paper attempts to provide a more comprehensive explanation of the questions about how global city-regions have come into being and what processes have interacted to produce global city-regions in China, focusing on the period shortly before and after China's accession into the WTO. After reviewing the extant theoretical perspectives, this paper attempts to construct the trajectory of Chinese global city-region growth based mainly on empirically derived knowledge on FDI in China with investigation on both external and internal dynamics. Zhao S. X. B. et Zhang L. (2007) L'investissement direct etranger et l'etablissement de cites-regions mondiales en Chine, Regional Studies 41, 979-994. L'afflux d'IDE a redessine la carte geo-economique de la Chine, renforcant l'agglomeration geographique de son economie. A l'heure qu'il est, certaines regions urbanisees de la Chine situees le long de la cote du Pacifique, notamment la region du Pearl River Delta (PRD) dans la Chine du Sud, la region du Yangtze River Delta (YRD) dans la Chine du Sud-Est, et la region de la Bohai Rim (BRR) dans la Chine du Nord, sont devenues les centres d'agglomeration pour toute une serie d'activites industrielles du type fordiste. Etant donne que des liens externes s'averent la force motrice de la croissance dans ces zones metropolitaines etendues, ces dernieres sont souvent classees comme cites-regions mondiales. Cet article cherche a fournir une explication plus detaillee des origines des cites-regions mondiales et des actions reciproques qui ont vu naitre les cites-regions en Chine, portant sur la periode juste avant et apres l'adhesion de la Chine a l'OMC. Apres avoir fait la critique des apercus theoriques existants, on cherche a dessiner le chemin de la croissance des cites-regions en Chine, principalement a partir des connaissances empiriques a propos de l'IDE en Chine, tout en examinat a la fois les dynamiques externe et interne. IDE Cites-regions mondiales OMC Chine Zhao S. X. B. und Zhang L. (2007) Auslandische Direktinvestitionen und die Entstehung globaler Stadtregionen in China, Regional Studies 41, 979-994. Durch den Zufluss von auslandischen Direktinvestitionen hat sich das Bild der chinesischen Geookonomie gewandelt und die raumliche Clusterbildung in der Wirtschaft verstarkt. Heute sind in China bestimmte urbanisierte Regionen entlang der Pazifikkuste zu agglomerativen Zentren fur die verschiedensten produzierenden Betriebe im fordistischen Stil geworden, insbesondere die Region des Pearl River Delta in Sudchina, die Region des Yangtze River Delta in Sudostchina und die Bohai-Rim-Region in Nordchina. Da starke Verbindungen nach aussen in diesen erweiterten metropolitanen Regionen der wichtigste Wachstumsmotor sind, werden diese Regionen oft als globale Stadtregionen bezeichnet. In diesem Beitrag wird versucht, eine umfassendere Erklarung fur die Fragen zu liefern, wie globale Stadtregionen entstanden sind und welche Wechselwirkungen von Ablaufen in China globale Stadtregionen hervorgebracht haben. Hierbei konzentrieren wir uns auf den Zeitraum unmittelbar vor und nach der Aufnahme von China in die WTO. Nach einer Uberprufung der bestehenden theoretischen Perspektiven versuchen wir, den Werdegang des Wachstums der globalen Stadtregionen von China zu rekonstruieren, wobei wir uns in erster Linie auf empirisch gewonnene Informationen uber auslandische Direktinvestitionen in China stutzen und sowohl externe als auch interne Dynamiken untersuchen. Auslandische Direktinvestitionen Globale Stadtregionen WTO China Zhao S. X. B. y Zhang L. (2007) Inversion directa extranjera y la creacion de ciudades region globales en China, Regional Studies 41, 979-994. Las entradas de IDE han modificado el mapa geoeconomico de China reforzando la aglomeracion espacial de la economia. Algunas regiones chinas urbanizadas hoy dia en la costa del Pacifico, especialmente al sur en el delta del rio Pearl, al sureste en el delta del rio Yangtze y al norte en la region Bohai Rim, se han convertido en los centros de aglomeracion para toda una serie de actividades manufactureras al estilo Fordista. Puesto que un solido vinculo externo representa el principal motor de crecimiento en estas regiones metropolitanas ampliadas, las regiones con frecuencia se denominan ciudades region globales. La finalidad de este ensayo es explicar de un modo mas exhaustivo el por que y como estas regiones se han convertido en ciudades region globales en China y que procesos han sido determinantes para este desarrollo, poniendose especial enfasis en el periodo poco antes y despues de la entrada de China en la OMC. Tras revisar las perspectivas teoricas actuales, intentamos analizar la trayectoria del crecimiento en China de las ciudades region globales basada principalmente en conocimientos derivados sobre la IDE investigando las dinamicas tanto externas como internas. IDE Ciudades region globales OMC China
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发达国家城市正向功能专业化转型,企业组织形式变革直接导政了城 市的功能转型.在功能专业化背景下,城市间将出现更多的信息联系、决策联系以及资本联系,更需要面对面的交流.一些城市专业化高端功能,成为区域的控制中 心,另一些城市则承担价值链的低端功能.本文基于全球500强跨国公司在华投资数据,探讨中国城市功能专业化趋势.在1979~2008年 间,跨国公司在地理和功能上都显著地进行了扩张.跨国公司相同功能和互补功能集聚在相同城市,跨国公司的渐进式多次授资导致了公司内不同功能在相同城市的 地理集聚.本文结果表明,中国城市尤其是在城市体系高端的城市具有吸引价值链高端功能的竞争力,呈现一定功能专业化趋势.跨国公司在东道国内部的功能布局 提供了考察城市经济转型的独特视角.

[He Canfei, Xiao Xiaojun, Zhou Peisi.

Towards functional specialization of Chinese cities—A perspective of locational strategy of multinational corporations in China

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发达国家城市正向功能专业化转型,企业组织形式变革直接导政了城 市的功能转型.在功能专业化背景下,城市间将出现更多的信息联系、决策联系以及资本联系,更需要面对面的交流.一些城市专业化高端功能,成为区域的控制中 心,另一些城市则承担价值链的低端功能.本文基于全球500强跨国公司在华投资数据,探讨中国城市功能专业化趋势.在1979~2008年 间,跨国公司在地理和功能上都显著地进行了扩张.跨国公司相同功能和互补功能集聚在相同城市,跨国公司的渐进式多次授资导致了公司内不同功能在相同城市的 地理集聚.本文结果表明,中国城市尤其是在城市体系高端的城市具有吸引价值链高端功能的竞争力,呈现一定功能专业化趋势.跨国公司在东道国内部的功能布局 提供了考察城市经济转型的独特视角.
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