Scientia Geographica Sinica  2016 , 36 (3): 417-423

Orginal Article


姚治国12, 陈田2, 尹寿兵3, 李新刚4

1.天津外国语大学国际商学院,天津 300071
2.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101
3.安徽师范大学国土资源与旅游学院,安徽 芜湖 241000
4.天津商业大学公共管理学院,天津 300134

Regional Tourism Eco-Efficiency Model and an Empirical Research of Hainan Province

Yao Zhiguo12, Chen Tian2, Yin Shoubing3, Li Xingang4

1. School of International Business of Tianjin Foreign Studies University, Tianjin 300071, China
2. Institute of Geography Science and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
3. College of Territoral Resources and Tourism, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241000, Anhui, China
4.School of Public Management of Tianjin Commerce University, Tianjin 300134, China

中图分类号:  K901

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2016)03-0417-07

收稿日期: 2015-01-28

修回日期:  2015-04-28

网络出版日期:  2016-03-20

版权声明:  2016 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自科基金青年项目(41301159)、天津市哲学社会科学规划项目(TJGL13-010)、教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(15YJC790047)资助






关键词: 旅游生态效率 ; 旅游碳足迹 ; 海南省


Based on the theory of the Tourism Carbon Footprint, Tourism Eco-efficiency and Tourism Economic Effects, this article proposed the concept and model of Tourism Eco-efficiency. This study took Hainan Province as a research object, calculated the tourism eco-efficiency value of Hainan Province in 2012 quantitatively, and made a mechanism analysis on regional differences of tourism eco-efficiency. According to the empirical research, this article drew some conclusions as follows: 1) In term of the tourism eco-efficiency of Hainan Province in 2012, the tourism eco-efficiency of tourism transport was 0.898 yuan/kg, the tourism eco-efficiency of tourism accommodation is 7.13 yuan/kg, the tourism eco-efficiency of tourism activity or amusement was 16.32 yuan/kg, the total tourism eco-efficiency was 1.787 yuan/kg, the tourism eco-efficiency value of tourism activity and tourism accommodation is greater than tourism transport. 2) In case of the same travel distance, there were some measures to enhance the tourism eco-efficiency as follows: to improve the level of per capita consumption, to extend the average residence time, to increase the average frequency of participation of tourism activities, it is also known as an theory that tourism market structure with "short-distance, long stay, high consumption" is conducive for optimizing tourism eco-efficiency, vice versa, tourism market structure with "long-distance, short stay, lower consumption" will drives down the value of tourism eco-efficiency. 3) The reasons that the tourism eco-efficiency of Hainan Province is lower than some compared destination could be summarized as: longer tourists average outside transport distance, higher proportion of tourists choosing aircraft as transport model, tourism revenues by statistics relatively lower to the actual consumption figure.

Keywords: tourism eco-efficiency ; tourism carbon footprint ; Hainan Province


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姚治国, 陈田, 尹寿兵, 李新刚. 区域旅游生态效率实证分析——以海南省为例[J]. , 2016, 36(3): 417-423

Yao Zhiguo, Chen Tian, Yin Shoubing, Li Xingang. Regional Tourism Eco-Efficiency Model and an Empirical Research of Hainan Province[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016, 36(3): 417-423


1 旅游生态效率模型设计

1.1 旅游生态效率的概念

旅游生态效率概念来源于生态效率,生态效率的核心属性在于“最少投入,最大产出”,世界上许多组织与机构给出了不同的定义[9]。Ayres认为生态效率是一个描述在产品和服务生产过程中既能降低能源和自然资源消耗,又能提升产品和服务的价值,并且可以减少污染物释放的概念 [10]。相应地,旅游生态效率指为实现旅游经济效益最大化和环境影响最小化的“双重目标”,用旅游收益与环境影响的比值核算的一个旅游学变量,是一个定量化评价旅游可持续发展能力的指标体系。

1.2 旅游碳足迹模型

碳足迹指的是人们为了满足生活需要消耗能源而产生的包含CO2在内的温室气体数量[11]。旅游碳足迹(Tourism Carbon Footprint)也即旅游者在旅游交通、旅游餐饮、旅游住宿、旅游娱乐活动等过程中直接和间接引起的CO2排放总和。旅游碳足迹与旅游能源消耗是一个问题的两个方面,在工业化国家,能源消费碳排放占碳排放总量的90%以上[12]。旅游碳足迹的产生本质上是因为旅游过程中化石能源的利用与消耗,两者可以相互转化 [5]。本文依据旅游生命周期评价(Life Cycle Assessment, LCA)的理论,采用“自下而上”的方法,将旅游活动产生碳足迹的过程分解为旅游交通碳足迹、旅游住宿碳足迹、旅游活动碳足迹。相应地,旅游碳足迹模型包括旅游交通碳足迹模型、旅游住宿碳足迹模型、旅游活动碳足迹模型,3个模型汇总即得旅游碳足迹综合模型。

1.2.1 旅游交通碳足迹模型





表1   不同交通方式的相关变量系数

Table 1   Factors for different transport modes




1.2.2 旅游住宿碳足迹模型




1.2.3 旅游活动碳足迹模型




1.2.4 旅游碳足迹综合模型


T=Tt+Th+Ta (4)


1.3 旅游生态效率模型






2 区域旅游生态效率实证分析

2.1 案例地介绍与资料来源


旅游生态效率计算需要两种变量值,一是旅游碳足迹,二是旅游收益。旅游碳足迹计算所需数据中旅游碳排放强度系数、旅游交通碳足迹等价因子等直接引用已有研究成果;所需客源地空间结构、旅游交通方式利用率、旅游消费结构、旅游者平均停留天数、旅游住宿设施利用率、旅游活动平均参与频次、旅游活动参与者比例等数据来自2012年10月进行的市场调研,该调研共发放问卷1 864份,收回1 842份,剔除无效问卷104份,实际有效问卷为1 738份,问卷有效回收率为94.35%,有效问卷数量和比率能够满足研究需要。海南省国际和国内旅游者人数、海南省旅游总体收入、海南省国际旅游者分国别人数等数据,均来自海南省旅游发展委员会的年度统计资料(2002~2012)。另外,旅游者旅行距离利用公共交通信息和GIS软件获取。

2.2 旅游收益结构分析

旅游经济收益统计是一个复杂的过程,也是一个难以精确计算的结果。通过分析旅游者消费结构,确定旅游地在旅游各个部门的收入,作为旅游经济收益值,计算旅游生态效率。旅游市场接待人均收入反映了旅游经济发展水平的高低。据统计,2012年海南省旅游者总数为3 320.36 万人次,国内和国际旅游者数量分别为3 238.80 万人次和81.56 万人次;2012年海南省旅游总收入为379.12亿元,人均旅游收入为1 141.80元/人,国内市场人均收入为1 101.61元/人,按照同期汇率换算,海外旅游市场人均收入为2 737.86元/人。市场调查统计显示,海南省2012年国内旅游者在旅游消费中支出比例为:交通(45.2%)、住宿(30.9%)、娱乐活动(7.9%)、餐饮(3.2%)、购物(11.8%)、其他(1%)。海外旅游者消费结构中交通、住宿、娱乐活动、餐饮、购物、其他的比例分别为33.1%、26.8%、11.0%、13.4%、10.8%、4.9%。将旅游者消费支出比例应用于海南省旅游收入计算,结果显示,2012年海南省旅游交通、旅游住宿、旅游活动的收入分别为168.66亿元、116.22亿元、30.65亿元。

2.3 研究结果与分析

2.3.1 旅游交通生态效率

旅游交通是旅游过程最大的碳足迹来源,因此基于碳足迹的旅游交通生态效率值对旅游环境影响的评价意义最大。海南省2012年交通部门的碳足迹总量为18 791.24×106kg,旅游交通人均碳足迹为565.94 kg/人次,旅游交通总收入为168.66亿元,基于碳足迹的旅游交通生态效率值为0.898元/kg,也即旅游交通部门每产生1 kg CO2排放量创造的经济收入为0.898元(表2)。

表2   基于碳足迹的2012年海南省旅游交通生态效率

Table 2   The tourism eco-efficiency of transport based on carbon footprint of Hainan Province in 2012



2.3.2 旅游住宿生态效率

旅游住宿部门在创造一定经济收益的同时,也成为旅游碳足迹和旅游能耗的重要来源,研究表明,海南省2012年旅游者因为住宿产生的碳足迹总和为2 330.56×106kg,旅游住宿经济收入为116.22亿元,旅游住宿人均碳足迹为70.19 kg/人次,海南省2012年基于碳足迹的旅游住宿生态效率值为7.13元/kg,也即旅游住宿部门每产生1 kg CO2排放量创造的经济收入为7.13元(表3)。

表3   基于碳足迹的2012年海南省旅游住宿生态效率

Table 3   The tourism eco-efficiency of accommodation based on carbon footprint of Hainan Province in 2012



2.3.3 旅游活动生态效率

旅游活动产生的碳足迹所占比例不大,但是游憩活动作为旅游者体验内容其研究意义较大。本文旅游活动类型借鉴已有研究成果和海南省实际情况进行确定。2012年海南省旅游活动产生的碳足迹为187.8×106 kg,旅游活动人均碳足迹为5.66 kg/人次,旅游活动总收益为30.65亿元,基于碳足迹的旅游生态效率值为16.32元/kg,说明旅游娱乐活动部门每产生1 kg CO2的排放量创造的经济收入为16.32元(表4)。

表4   基于碳足迹的2012年海南省旅游活动生态效率

Table 4   The tourism eco-efficiency of activity based on carbon footprint of Hainan Province in 2012



2.3.4 旅游总体生态效率

旅游总体生态效率是对旅游交通、旅游住宿、旅游活动生态效率值进行整合分析的结果。研究显示,海南省2012年旅游交通、旅游住宿、旅游活动产生的碳足迹的总和为21 209.6×106 kg,人均旅游碳足迹为638.77 kg/人次,旅游总收入为379.12亿元,基于碳足迹的旅游生态效率值为1.787元/kg,也即旅游消费每产生1 kg CO2排放量创造的旅游经济收益为1.787元。

2.3.5 旅游生态效率分布差异分析


1) 旅游生态效率部门差异分析



2) 旅游生态效率区域差异分析

旅游生态效率的研究方兴未艾,国内外部分学者通过实证研究了不同区域的旅游生态效率值。对比前人研究过的美国落基山国家山地公园[3]、塞舌尔[3]、舟山群岛地区[31]、黄山旅游风景区和九寨沟旅游区[32]的旅游生态效率值发现,落基山国家山地公园、塞舌尔的旅游生态效率值分别为3.283元/kg、1.049 元/kg,(欧元与人民币汇率为7.978 4。)舟山群岛地区旅游生态效率值为27.10元/kg,黄山旅游风景区和九寨沟旅游区旅游生态效率值分别为4.953元/kg和3.269元/kg。

比较而言,海南省2012年的旅游生态效率值(1.787元/kg)高于塞舌尔,而低于其它4个地区,旅游生态效率水平相对较差。海南省旅游生态效率偏低的原因主要是海南省旅游市场中大于2 000 km的长距离旅游者比例较高,而且外部交通的主要交通方式为乘坐飞机,旅游统计中人均旅游收入的数值比实际旅游者消费略低,因此,按照旅游生态效率的影响机制看,海南省旅游节能减排的空间较大。

3 结论与讨论


1) 从旅游部门比较看,海南省旅游活动和旅游住宿生态效率大于旅游交通生态效率,因此,在旅游出行距离既定的情况下,优化旅游地旅游生 态效率的措施在于:提高人均消费水平、延长平均停留时间、增加平均参与活动频次。也即,“短距离、长停留、高消费”的旅游模式有利于提升旅游生态效率,反之,“长距离、短停留、低消费”的旅游模式则拉低了旅游生态效率值。

2) 与部分旅游地相比较,海南省2012年总体旅游生态效率水平相对较差,这与海南省国内外旅游者外部交通平均距离较大、乘坐飞机旅游者比例较高、旅游收入统计值略低于实际消费等因素有关。

3) 由于旅游生态效率受到平均旅游消费、平均出行距离、平均停留时间、旅游交通方式等诸多因素的影响,而且是一个相对比值,因此单纯利用生态效率评价区域旅游可持续发展能力,也存在一定的不足。


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">The main purpose of industrial ecology is to evaluate and minimize impacts from economic activities of human society. Tourism as one economic activity, results in a full range of environmental impacts, but few applications of industrial ecology to tourism management have previously been discussed. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is used in this research to explore environmental impacts of island tourism, and then the environmental loads per tourist per trip can be found.</p><p id="">&#xA0;Penghu Island in Taiwan is taken as an example to examine this new approach. Various environmental loads in transportation, accommodation, and recreation activity sector are all inventoried and calculated here. In summary, per tourist per trip uses 1606&#xA0;MJ of energy, 607&#xA0;L of water, and emits 109,034&#xA0;g of CO<sub>2</sub>, 2660&#xA0;g of CO, 597&#xA0;g of HC, 70&#xA0;g of NO<sub>x</sub>. In addition, per tourist per trip also discharges 416&#xA0;L of wastewater, 83.1&#xA0;g of BOD, and 1.95&#xA0;g of solid waste. In terms of energy use, the transportation consumes the largest energy (67%); in particular, the airplane sector. Moreover, per Penghu tourist results in more environmental loads than local people; for example, the amount of solid waste discharge per tourist is 1.95&#xA0;kg per day, while that of per local people is 1.18&#xA0;kg. Finally, the advantages and limitations of such LCA approach are also discussed.</p>
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In densely populated areas of Central Europe, many successful tourist destinations face the problem of approaching the limit of their growth potential. Solutions to this problem commonly refer to the idea of "smart growth" based on increasing efficiency in the use of nature for economic production (eco-efficiency). In this paper, we show how eco-efficiency can be used to evaluate tourism strategies on local scale based on an augmented regional input-output model that delivers information on economic performance, land use (as indicator for environmental pressure), and employment. We illustrate this approach via a case study of the tourist destination of Davos in the Swiss Alps. The model predicts that the key drivers of land-use efficiency are: (i) the economic impact of tourists, (ii) occupancy intensity, and (iii) the density of beds per area covered by residential buildings and hotels. The economic impact of increasing bed capacity is highly dependent on the tourist category triggering the development; this can also be used to attract new tourist categories at the expense of tourist categories that make inefficient use of available land. As the impact of an increased density of beds per ground floor area is as high as an improved occupancy rate over during the year, spatial planning, building design, and facility management also play a major role in improving land efficiency in the tourism sector. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
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<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">In its present form, tourism is dependent on the availability of oil and is comparatively oil-intensive. While forecasts for future tourism growth are optimistic, there is also increasing evidence about the imminence of a peak in oil production and the economic effects that this would cause. Globally and on a destination level it will be necessary to consider how a transition towards fossil-fuel free economies might look like for tourism.It is therefore timely and prudent for the tourism sector to consider its current oil requirements and derive indicators for monitoring its oil consumption. In particular, destinations need indicators of the amount of oil consumed by the various markets from which they receive visitors. New Zealand is used as an example for assessing the oil-intensity of its Top 10 countries of origin based on the 10 indicators. Overall, the least exposed markets for New Zealand with respect to oil are Australia, China, Singapore, and Taiwan, although a more detailed analysis would be required for markets that display very heterogeneous travel behaviour. Among the indicators, eco-efficiency is particularly important as it allows comparison of resource inputs with economic outputs.</p>
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Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

应对全球气候变化,减少二氧化碳为主的温室气体排放是当前可持续发展的热点。目前中国已成为全世界最大的二氧化碳排放国,如何在保持经济稳定增长的同时降低碳排放是中国面临的严峻挑战。 本文以中国国家发展和改革委员会公布的首批低碳试点省份:陕西、广东、辽宁、湖北、云南5省为研究对象,基于IPCC国家温室气体排放清单编制指南核算5省份1995年-2008年能源消费产生的二氧化碳排放,并通过经济增长与二氧化碳排放关系的脱钩分析,探讨5个省份1995年-2008年经济增长与碳排放变化的相关关系。研究显示,5个省份在1995年-2008年间经济快速增长的同时碳排放迅速增加,经济增长与碳排放均呈现“弱脱钩”态势;预计伴随经济进一步增长,碳排放在未来很长一段时间内仍将呈增长趋势;如何实现碳排放总量减排而又达到经济增长与碳排放的“绝对脱钩”,是中国低碳经济战略的首要难题。

[Liu Zhu,Geng Yong,

Xue Bing et al. Research on the relationship between economic growth and carbon emissions of low-carbon Experimental provinces in China

. Resource Science, 2011,33(4):620-625.]

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

应对全球气候变化,减少二氧化碳为主的温室气体排放是当前可持续发展的热点。目前中国已成为全世界最大的二氧化碳排放国,如何在保持经济稳定增长的同时降低碳排放是中国面临的严峻挑战。 本文以中国国家发展和改革委员会公布的首批低碳试点省份:陕西、广东、辽宁、湖北、云南5省为研究对象,基于IPCC国家温室气体排放清单编制指南核算5省份1995年-2008年能源消费产生的二氧化碳排放,并通过经济增长与二氧化碳排放关系的脱钩分析,探讨5个省份1995年-2008年经济增长与碳排放变化的相关关系。研究显示,5个省份在1995年-2008年间经济快速增长的同时碳排放迅速增加,经济增长与碳排放均呈现“弱脱钩”态势;预计伴随经济进一步增长,碳排放在未来很长一段时间内仍将呈增长趋势;如何实现碳排放总量减排而又达到经济增长与碳排放的“绝对脱钩”,是中国低碳经济战略的首要难题。
[13] 汪玉林,姜克隽.中国城市交通节能政策研究[M].北京:人民交通出版社,2009.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Wang Yulin,Jiang Kejun.Research on Urban Transport Energy Saving Policy in China. Beijing: China Communications Press,2009.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[14] 吴文化.


[J].中国能源, 2007,(10):19-22.

URL      Magsci      摘要


[Wu Wenhua.

The Comparison of China's transportation sector energy consumption and carbon emissions to typical country

. Energy of China, 2007, (10):19-22.]

URL      Magsci      摘要

[15] 国家发展和改革委员会能源研究所课题组.中国2050年低碳发展之路:能源需求暨碳排放情景分析[M].北京: 科学出版社,2010:141-142.

[Energy Research Institute of China National Development and Reform Commission. Low-carbon development path to 2050 in China: Scenario Analysis of Demand for energy and Carbon Emission. Beijing: Science Press, 2010: 141-142.]

[16] 张陶新,周跃云,赵先超.




[Zhang Taoxin,Zhou Yueyun,Zhao Xianchao.

Analysis of Status and Development pathway of China urban low-carbon Communications construction

. Urban Development Studies,2011,(1):68-73.]


[17] 牛文元. 中国新型城市化报告2010[M].北京:科学出版社,2010.

[Niu Wenyuan.The New Reports of Chinese Urbanization in 2010. Beijing: Science Press , 2010.]

[18] 张陶新.


[J]. 中国人口·资源与环境,2012,22(8):3-9.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

探讨了中国城市化、经济发展、 技术进步等与城市道路交通碳排放之间的长期均衡关系与动态作用机制,并对中国城市道路交通碳排放进行了预测和情景分析。结果表明:①城市化率、交通能源强 度、城市居民消费水平和人均GDP对城市道路交通碳排放的长期均衡弹性分别为0.93、0.73、0.68、0.44;②城市道路交通碳排放的最大贡献者 在中短期内是交通能源强度,长期内是城市化率;③人均GDP增长率的提高,短期内会促使城市道路交通碳排放增长率提高,而长期又有助于使之降低;④中国城 市道路交通碳排放持续增长的趋势在相当长时期内不可避免;⑤不同的发展理念和政策与技术的组合,可以使城市道路交通碳排放发生重大变化。基于研究,提出了 中国城市道路交通碳减排的政策取向。

[Zhang Taoxin.

China Urban road transport emissions of carbon in the process of urbanization

. China Population Resources and Environment, 2012,22(8):3-9.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

探讨了中国城市化、经济发展、 技术进步等与城市道路交通碳排放之间的长期均衡关系与动态作用机制,并对中国城市道路交通碳排放进行了预测和情景分析。结果表明:①城市化率、交通能源强 度、城市居民消费水平和人均GDP对城市道路交通碳排放的长期均衡弹性分别为0.93、0.73、0.68、0.44;②城市道路交通碳排放的最大贡献者 在中短期内是交通能源强度,长期内是城市化率;③人均GDP增长率的提高,短期内会促使城市道路交通碳排放增长率提高,而长期又有助于使之降低;④中国城 市道路交通碳排放持续增长的趋势在相当长时期内不可避免;⑤不同的发展理念和政策与技术的组合,可以使城市道路交通碳排放发生重大变化。基于研究,提出了 中国城市道路交通碳减排的政策取向。
[19] Woodside A, King R.

An updated model of travel and tourism purchase-consumption systems

[J].Journal of Travel &Tourism Marketing, 2001, 10(1): 3-26.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT A purchase consumption system (PCS) is the sequence of mental and observable steps a consumer undertakes to buy and use several products for which some of the products purchased leads to a purchase sequence involving other products. The central PCS proposition (P1) is that several decisions within a customer's PCS are dependent on prior purchases of products that trigger these later purchases. While many additional propositions follow from this central proposition, only three are examined empirically in this report. P2: some of the important product purchases made subsequent to the destination choice are not pre-planned before the start of the trip; these purchases often include destination-area restaurant decisions, gift purchases, and activity purchases. P3: two categories of choice decisions occur for many travelers within a leisure-travel PCS: (1) the generic product decision (e.g., should I plan a trip?); and (2) the brand choice decision (e.g., which destination alternative should I select?). P4: destination visitors who are high information users participate in more activities, spend more money per day in the destination area, are more satisfied with their destination experiences, and have higher intentions to return compared to low information users. In the article additional propositions are proposed for examination in future research. To examine the propositions and the usefulness of the PCS framework for tourism research, qualitative, long interviews of visitors to an island tourism destination (the Big Island of Hawaii) were conducted. The results include strong empirical support for the four propositions. Several suggestions for future research are offered.
[20] Kelly J, Williams P W.

Modelling tourism destination energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions: Whistler, British Columbia, Canada

[J]. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2007, 15(1): 67-90.      URL      摘要

As awareness of tourism's energy impacts on global environments increases, and as knowledge of energy consumption's effects on tourism destination sustainability grows, so does the need for planners to develop proactive energy management strategies. However, the unique characteristics of energy consumption behaviour in resort destinations make it difficult to assess the relative merits of vario...
[21] Peeters P, Schouten F.

Reducing the ecological footprint of inbound tourism and transport to Amsterdam

[J]. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2007,14(2):157-171.


[22] Reilly J, Williams P, Haider W.

Moving towards more eco-efficient tourist transportation to a resort destination: The case of Whistler, British Columbia

[J]. Research in Transportation Economics, 2010,(26):66-67.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Transportation is not only a key component of the tourism value chain, but it is also a critical management consideration in shaping tourism's environmental footprint. Transportation consumes the greatest portion of the energy used in the tourism system. Most of this consumption is associated with travel to and from the destination. Despite this situation, scant research has addressed ways in which destinations can play a role in reducing this energy use challenge. Strategies such as shifting visitors to more energy-efficient modes have the potential to improve the eco-efficiency of tourist transportation. Using a case study of transportation management options and visitor responses in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, this paper examines visitor reactions to a range of transportation strategies designed to shift skiers from private to public modes of transport. Respondents completed an online survey employing both traditional and stated choice questioning methods to examine tourists' transportation choice behavior. Long-haul tourists were the most likely to shift transport modes based on the management options offered to them. Destination management strategies for moving this target group to public modes of transportation are described.
[23] Becken S, David G S, Frampton C.

Energy use with different travel choices

[J]. Tourism Management,2003, 24(3):267-277.

[本文引用: 1]     

[24] Lin T P.

Carbon dioxide emissions from transport in Taiwan’s national park

[J]. Tourism Management, 2010,(31):285-290.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">Transport profoundly affects energy use and carbon dioxide emissions in the tourism sector. This study focuses on five national parks in Taiwan, namely Kenting National Park, Yushan National Park, Yangmingshan National Park, Taroko National Park and Sheipa National Park, and applies a bottom-up approach to determine the amount of CO<sub>2</sub> emissions from domestic tourism transport in 1999&ndash;2006. The CO<sub>2</sub> emission factor of private car derived in this study reveals a higher value than that of previous study due to its lower load factors. Moreover, CO<sub>2</sub> emissions per person are different in each national park, influenced by the attributes of travel distance and transport mode. The scenario analysis indicates that CO<sub>2</sub> emission can be reduced by increasing load factors of transport, tourist switching from private cars to public transport and going to destinations close to their points of departure, which can be achieved by authorities through activity management, regulation control and price adjustment. This is also an adequate solution for Taiwan Government owing to the increases in transport volume and the limited tourism budget.</p>
[25] 张奔,戴铁军.


[J].再生资源与循环经济, 2011,4(4):11-15.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

首先,按照协同学划分子系统的 要求,将生态工业园划分成推力子系统、内部子系统及拉力子系统。然后,从各子系统对生态工业园稳定性的作用力角度,进一步研究了各子系统的组成结构。研究 表明推力子系统作用力由政府支持、经济支持、资源支持及市场支持构成,内部子系统作用力由技术充足、成员多样、关键种企业、合作距离、信息平台、空间距 离、领导因素及企业关联度组成,生态效率为拉力子系统作用力。

[Zhang Ben, Dai Tiejun.

The study of Eco Industrial Park construction with the Synergetic Perspective

. Recyclable Resources and Circular Economy, 2011,4(4):11-15.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

首先,按照协同学划分子系统的 要求,将生态工业园划分成推力子系统、内部子系统及拉力子系统。然后,从各子系统对生态工业园稳定性的作用力角度,进一步研究了各子系统的组成结构。研究 表明推力子系统作用力由政府支持、经济支持、资源支持及市场支持构成,内部子系统作用力由技术充足、成员多样、关键种企业、合作距离、信息平台、空间距 离、领导因素及企业关联度组成,生态效率为拉力子系统作用力。
[26] Stigson B.

A road to sustainable industry: how to promote resource efficiency in companies

[M].Düsseldorf: WBCSD,2001.

[本文引用: 1]     

[27] World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).

Measuring eco-efficiency: a guide to reporting company performance

[M]. Geneva: WBCSD, 2000.

[本文引用: 1]     

[28] Lee K F.

Sustainable tourism destinations: the importance of cleaner production

[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2001, (9): 313-323.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

“Sustainable tourism destination” is an emerging term used in recognition schemes to promote sustainable development at destinations. This concept, which is still being developed, has the potential to stimulate the implementation of sustainable development through an interdisciplinary, holistic and integrative approach which combines different aspects of existing tools. This article will discuss the following:
[29] Hasselmann K, Latif M,

Hooss G et al. The challenge of long-term climate change

[J]. Science, 2003, (302):1923-1925.


[30] Grapl H, Kokott J,

Kulessa M et al. Climate protection strategies for the first century: Kyoto and beyond[R]

. Berlin: WBGU, 2003.

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[31] 肖建红,于爱芬,王敏.


[J]. 旅游科学,2011,25(4):58-66.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[Xiao Jianhong,Yu Aifen,Wang Min.

Assessment of Carbon Footprint in Travel Process: A case Study of Zhoushan Islands

. Tourism Science, 2011,25(4):58-66.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[32] 章锦河.


[J].生态学报,2008,28(6):2764-2773.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zhang Jinhe.

The Ecological Impact Assessment of Tourism Wastes: Case Study of Jiuzhaigou and Huangshan

. Acta Ecologica Sinica,2008,28(6):2764-2773.]      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

