Scientia Geographica Sinica  2016 , 36 (4): 621-627

Orginal Article


胡刚12, 宋慧1, 石星军3

1.青岛大学旅游与地理科学学院,山东 青岛 266071
3.青岛大学物理科学学院,山东 青岛 266071

Evaluation of Topography Factors Based on the Unit Contributing Catchment Area

Hu Gang12, Song Hui1, Shi Xingjun3

1. School of Fourism and Geographical Sciences, Qingdao 266071,Shandong, China
2. Key Laboratory of Water Cycle & Related Land Surface Processes, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
3. College of Physics, Qingdao University, Qingdao 266071,Shandong, China

中图分类号:  S157

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2016)04-0621-07

收稿日期: 2014-05-24

修回日期:  2014-08-30

网络出版日期:  2016-07-21

版权声明:  2016 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金面上项目(41173094)和中国科学院陆地水循环及地表过程重点实验室基金(2013A002)资助National Nature Sciences Foundation of China (41173094) and Open Foundation from Key Laboratory of Water Cycle and Related Land Surface Processes, CAS(2013A002)






关键词: 地形因子 ; 单位汇水面积 ; 特征评价 ; 土壤侵蚀模型


Topography factor is one of the main components for soil loss prediction in soil erosion model. Here topography factor includes slope length factor and slope gradient factor, which have been the emphasis and difficulty in related research. Although many of LS factor algorithms have been proposed in literatures, it is not yet clear for the differences between them. In this article, L factor is calculated based on the algorithm of Desmet,which evolved from the unit contributing catchment area. With S factor value calculated based on different algorithms, LS factors are presented, which are called the kind of LS factor from unit contributing catchment area. Then they are compared with the LS factor from modified AML program of Remortel. The AML program is designed to calculate the L factor based on the grid cumulative length in the runoff path. When compared to the LS factor value from modified AML program, the method of unit contributing catchment area yields broadly greater results. In the limited range of slope gradient in the study area, different methods yield similar slope factor values. In contrast, it is obvious for the difference of slope length factor from different algorithms. This is especially true for the algorithms of Govers, in which the slope length index is constant value. This indicated that with the condition of long slope length and low slope gradient in study area, different LS algorithms have more influence on the slope length factor. Meanwhile, through the analysis of soil erosion mechanism, we concluded that it’s more reasonable for the slope length factor index to use variable values related to slope gradient. With the introduction of the use of DEM in soil erosion prediction, it’s more possible to calculate the soil loss for a wide range of region. However, the calculation is based on cell, which means that the slope gradient is not the same for all cells, e.g. the slope of each cell has a larger range, esp. for the small area with large elevation difference. In this case, it’s especially true for the slope length index values to be variable values related to slope gradient.

Keywords: topography factor ; unit contributing area ; characteristic evaluation ; soil erosion model


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胡刚, 宋慧, 石星军. 基于单位汇水面积的地形因子特征评价[J]. , 2016, 36(4): 621-627

Hu Gang, Song Hui, Shi Xingjun. Evaluation of Topography Factors Based on the Unit Contributing Catchment Area[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016, 36(4): 621-627

地形因子是土壤侵蚀模型中的主要构成部分,也是目前研究的重点和难点。土壤侵蚀模型中的地形因子包括坡长因子(L)和坡度因子(S),坡长因子反映了土壤侵蚀量与坡长之间的量化关系[1],坡度因子则反映了坡度对侵蚀的影响[2]。通用土壤流失方程(USLE)及其修订版(RUSLE)中的L因子表示标准化到22.13 m坡长上的土壤侵蚀量[3]

坡长为从地表径流源点到坡度减小至有沉积出现地方之间的距离,或到一个明显的渠道之间的水平距离[4]。坡长可以从野外直接测量,也可以通过等高线量算确定。RUSLE中一般用汇水渠道表示坡长结束的地方,由于地形图上一般没有标明汇水渠道,所以通过等高线确定的坡长一般过长[5]。随着数字制图技术的出现,利用DEM(Digital Elevation Model)计算坡长得到广泛应用。其中基于径流路径栅格累积提取坡长的算法思路为:在计算水流流向的基础上,定义局部高点作为坡长累计计算起点,根据水流来向和流向关系,由高到低,通过不断寻求径流结束点的方式,利用多重循环和迭代方法,完成对累计坡长的计算[6],该算法中以Hichy和Remortel的研究为代表[7]。国内学者以Remortel的AML程序为基础进行了改进和应用[8, 9]


1 研究区域


于125°16′12″E~125°18′7″E, 49°0′0.8″N~49°1′5.1″N,流域面积为3 km2。为研究方便,本文所讨论2号小流域为通过径流算法得到的纯自然流域,与受诸如机耕路、垄作方向等人类活动而使自然径流流向发生改变,并最终形成的流域形态稍有不同。该区是典型东北漫川漫岗地带,呈坡长坡缓的地形特征,海拔高度一般在400 m以下,相对高差≤100 m,坡度一般为1°~3°,大坡度在3°~6°之间。

该区域基本是在1949年后开始大规模开垦,尽管时间相对较短,但到目前为止侵蚀相当严重,据相关研究,该区的侵蚀速率达到了14.5 t/(hm2·a)[11],远超容许土壤流失量。研究区气候属寒温带大陆性半湿润气候,气温冷热相差悬殊,夏季最热月份在7月,平均气温20.8℃,最高气温可达37℃;冬季最冷在1月份,平均气温为-22.5℃,最低气温可达-43.7℃。初春温差较大,年均气温0.4℃左右。年降水量在500~550 mm间,降水年际变化大,分布不均,集中在7~9月份,占到全年的64%。本区漫岗基本都已开垦成耕地,耕种作物主要为大豆和小麦(Triticum aestivum),大豆(Glycine max)实行垄作耕种。由于难以做到完全等高起垄,所以往往造成顺(坡)垄沟状面蚀和断垄沟状侵蚀。

2 资料与方法


本研究所用栅格DEM是在1:1万地形图基础上矢量化所得,首先利用矢量化数据构建不规则三角网TIN,进而将其转化为栅格DEM。通过量算等高线间的间距,最终确定栅格DEM的分辨率为2 m。依据构建转化得到的栅格DEM,分别计算基于单位汇水面积和基于径流路径栅格累积两类不同算法LS因子值。

为对比分析两类不同算法差异,考虑到数据量,利用Hawths Tools工具在计算得到的LS因子栅格图上随机生成300个点,并提取其LS因子值。由于RUSLE极少使用超过305 m的坡长,加之本研究所用基于径流路径的坡长算法是根据RUSLE所得,因此,本研究中对于坡长超过305 m的随机点不予考虑,最终实际参与对比分析的随机点为291个。流域随机分布291点的坡度和坡长的最小值、最大值、平均值和标准偏差如表1所示。

表1   流域随机分布291点的坡度及坡长相关参数

Table 1   The related parameters of slope gradient and slope-length for randomly distributed 291 points



3 LS因子算法

本研究基于单位汇水面积的坡长因子计算,采用的是Desmet提出的算法[12],该算法以Foster[13]提出的不规则坡面坡长因子计算公式推演而来。地形因子中的坡度因子则分别采用Wischmeier[4]、McCool[14]、 Govers[15]、Nearing[16]等人的研究成果。上述坡度坡长因子的具体算法请参阅相应文献,在此不再赘述。对于基于单位汇水面积的地形因子而言,由于坡长因子和坡度因子分别来自于不同的研究成果,为表述方便,将LS因子算法的名称,以LS因子中所采用的坡度因子算法进行命名。研究中面积计算涉及到的流向算法,统一采用Quinn等提出的多流向算法(Multiple Flow)[17]

基于径流路径栅格累计算法是在Remortel[7]的AML(arc macro language)程序基础上对相关参数修改得到。Remortel算法提取的坡长反应了侵蚀-沉积发生的空间位置,由于其简单易算而得到广泛的应用。目前Remortel的AML程序已经发展到第四版,不同版本的AML程序算法在坡长指数因子值的选取和坡度因子算法上有所不同。以其最新版第四版为例,代码反映出该版本m取值较之前版本更为精细,m值根据McCool等研究[18]并经局部内插得到。该版算法中的坡度因子,则是根据McCool等于1987年提出的S因子计算公式[19]得来。第四版AML程序中坡长指数(m)取细沟和细沟间侵蚀之比较低情况下的数值,而这仅适用于诸如草地和其他有覆盖的紧实土壤,这与本研究区细沟和浅沟较为发育不符,因此将m修正为RUSLE中采用的Foster等[20]的计算方法。

4 结果与讨论

4.1 Remortel修正算法与原版算法比较


图1   Remortel修正算法和原始第四版AML算法值与McCool因子值对比

Fig.1   Comparison of LS factor value from the modified AML algorithm of Remortel and his original No.4 AML algorithm with the LS value from McCool

4.2 不同算法流域值比较


表2   典型流域不同算法LS因子值流域参数值

Table 2   The parameters of LS from different algorithm for classic watershed of northeast China




4.3 两类算法LS因子值比较


图2   不同算法LS因子值与Remortel修正算法计算值的比较

Fig.2   Comparison of reference value with calculated LS value from different algorithm



图3   不同算法的坡度因子和坡长因子值

Fig.3   Slope length factor and slope steepness factor from different algorithm of USLE(Wischmeier), RUSLE(McCool), Govers, Nearing, and modified AML of Remortel

4.4 坡长指数m的影响


表3   小流域内291随机点的坡度参数值

Table 3   Slope parameters for the random sampled 291 points


in No 2 watershed





图4可以看到,在坡长大于约22 m的坡面上,无论是RUSLE还是USLE中的坡长因子计算值,在等坡长条件下,坡长因子值都随着坡度的增加而增加;在坡长小于约22 m的坡面上,则正好相反,即在等坡长条件下,坡长因子值都随着坡度的增加反而减小。这说明在大于22 m的坡面上,等坡长条件下土壤侵蚀随着坡度的增加而增强,而在小于22 m的坡面上,则正好相反。RUSLE和USLE模型计算可以看出,坡长与侵蚀间关系的复杂性。

图4   基于USLE、RUSLE和Govers算法的不同坡度条件下的坡度因子

Fig.4   Slope length factor of USLE、RUSLE and Govers for different slope gradient

同时,从图4还可以看出,尽管USLE和RUSLE中的m取值有所不同,但在有限的坡长条件下,两者的差异相对有限。只不过,在大于22 m的坡面上,1.57%坡度下USLE算法坡长因子值大于等坡长条件下RUSLE中的坡长因子值,但在4.13%和12.67%坡度条件下,正好相反,RUSLE中的坡长因子值大于等坡长条件下USLE算法得到的坡长因子值。

对于坡长指数为定值的Govers算法而言,由于m为定值,所以不同坡度条件下由其计算得到的坡长因子不存在随坡度变化的情形,而且由于m值较大,由其计算得到的坡长因子值在大于22 m坡长的坡面上,都要远远大于USLE和RUSLE中L因子的计算值。




5 结语

1) 在研究区坡长坡缓的地形条件下,基于单位汇水面积的地形因子计算值普遍要大于基于径流路径栅格累积的地形因子计算值。这也就意味着在其他因子相同的条件下,由前者计算得出的土壤侵蚀量要高于后者计算得到的侵蚀量。在现有坡长测量或计算具有不确定性和复杂性条件下,展开单位汇水面积与侵蚀量关系的试验研究尤为必要。

2) 坡度因子和坡长因子分别来看,研究区不同算法计算得到的坡度因子差别不大,与之相比,坡长因子则差异明显。这说明在研究区坡长坡缓的地形条件下,坡长因子对LS因子算法响应更为敏感。

3) 从不同算法坡长因子计算值来看,坡长因子指数为变值的坡长因子计算值间的差别不大,而对于坡长因子指数相对较大并为定值的Govers算法而言,其计算值则要远远大于其他算法的计算值。侵蚀机理分析认为,在应用DEM进行流域尺度地形因子计算时,坡长指数采用与坡度有关的变值更为合理。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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The Universal Soil Loss Equation has been used for a number of years to estimate soil erosion. One of its parameters is slope length, however, slope length has traditionally been estimated for large areas rather than calculated. Using data from regular grid DEMs, a method is described in this paper for calculating the cumulative downhill slope length. In addition, methods for calculating slope angle and downhill direction (aspect) are defined. Details of the algorithm and its associated advantages and disadvantages are discussed.
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ABSTRACT A limitation of using the USLE and RUSLE soil erosion models at regional landscape scales has been the difficulty in obtaining an LS-factor grid suitable for use in GIS applications. Previous work resulted in an Arclnfo GRID AML program that allows the creation of a USLE-based LS factor grid using a DEM elevation dataset. This paper describes the additions and modifications applied to the previous AML code to produce a RUSLE-based version of the LS factor grid. These alterations included replacing the USLE algorithms with their RUSLE counterparts and redefining some of the assumptions made regarding slope characteristics. In areas of the Western USA where it was tested, the RUSLE-based AML program has produced LS values that are roughly comparable to those listed in the RUSLE Handbook guidelines.
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Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

区域土壤侵蚀研究中,坡度、坡长只能基于中低分辨率DEM提取,但提取的坡度发生衰减,坡长发生扩张。以陕西省延安市及周边地区为研究区,利用国家测绘局生产的1∶25万数字地形图和研究区内典型地区1∶5万数字地形图,在ANUDEM软件支持下,建立了研究区50m分辨率和典型地区10 m分辨率的水文地貌关系正确DEM,利用直方图匹配原理对50m分辨率DEM上提取的坡度、坡长进行变换,并对变换前后坡度、坡长对土壤侵蚀强度的影响进行了评价分析。结果表明,经变换后的坡度整体变陡,坡长整体变短,变换后坡长平均值和累积频率曲线与高分辨率(10m)坡长均较接近,且其空间格局基本保持不变。利用中国土壤流失方程计算坡度坡长均不变换、只对坡度变换、只对坡长变换和坡度坡长均变换4种情况下的土壤侵蚀强度研究结果表明,只对坡长变换时土壤侵蚀强度有所减小,而只对坡度变换和坡度、坡长均变换时土壤侵蚀强度增大,且前者增大幅度较大。说明坡度衰减比坡长扩张对土壤侵蚀评价结果的影响更大,在实际应用中有必要对坡度和坡长都进行变换,以期为土壤侵蚀定量评价提供更加准确的数据支持。

[Guo Weiling, Yang Qinke,

Cheng Lin et al. Re-scaling method of slope length factor in the soil erosion assessment of regional scale.

Science of Soil and Water Conservation,2010,8(4):73-78.]

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

区域土壤侵蚀研究中,坡度、坡长只能基于中低分辨率DEM提取,但提取的坡度发生衰减,坡长发生扩张。以陕西省延安市及周边地区为研究区,利用国家测绘局生产的1∶25万数字地形图和研究区内典型地区1∶5万数字地形图,在ANUDEM软件支持下,建立了研究区50m分辨率和典型地区10 m分辨率的水文地貌关系正确DEM,利用直方图匹配原理对50m分辨率DEM上提取的坡度、坡长进行变换,并对变换前后坡度、坡长对土壤侵蚀强度的影响进行了评价分析。结果表明,经变换后的坡度整体变陡,坡长整体变短,变换后坡长平均值和累积频率曲线与高分辨率(10m)坡长均较接近,且其空间格局基本保持不变。利用中国土壤流失方程计算坡度坡长均不变换、只对坡度变换、只对坡长变换和坡度坡长均变换4种情况下的土壤侵蚀强度研究结果表明,只对坡长变换时土壤侵蚀强度有所减小,而只对坡度变换和坡度、坡长均变换时土壤侵蚀强度增大,且前者增大幅度较大。说明坡度衰减比坡长扩张对土壤侵蚀评价结果的影响更大,在实际应用中有必要对坡度和坡长都进行变换,以期为土壤侵蚀定量评价提供更加准确的数据支持。
[9] 罗红, 马友鑫, 刘文俊, .



Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


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Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

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[12] Desmet J P J, Govers G.

A GIS procedure for automatically calculating the USLE LS factor on topographically complex landscape units

[J]. J.Soil and Water Cons, 1996, 51(5): 427-433.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

A computer algorithm to calculate the USLE and RUSLE LS-factors over a two-dimensional landscape is presented. When compared to a manual method, both methods yield broadly similar results in terms of relative erosion risk mapping. However there appear to be important differences in absolute values. Although both method-yield similar slope values, the use of the manual method leads to an underestimation of the erosion risk because the effect of flow convergence is not accounted for. The computer procedure has the obvious advantage that it can easily be linked to GIS software. If data on land use and soils are available, specific K, C and P-values can be assigned to each land unit so that predicted soil losses can then be calculated using a simple overlay procedure. The algorithm leaves the user the choice to consider land units as being hydrologically isolated or continuous. A comparison with soil data showed a reasonably good agreement between the predicted erosion risk and the intensity of soil truncation observed in the test area.
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Evaluating irregular slopes for soil loss prediction

[J]. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 1974, 17(2): 305-309.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT The effects of slope irregularities on soil erosion by water were analyzed on the basis of recent progress in mathematical simulation of the basic erosion processes. The report presents the analysis and extends it to field application. A technique is proposed for evaluating the universal soil-loss equation's topographic factor for irregular field or construction-site slopes. The technique also provides a means of evaluating the effects of differences in soil erodibility that may be associated with changes in slope steepness.
[14] Mc Cool D K, Foster G R, Mutchler C Ket al.

Revised slope length factor for the Universal Soil Loss Equation

[J]. Trans. ASAE, 1989,32, 1571-1576.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

[15] Govers G.

Rill erosion on arable land in Central Belgium: Rates, controls and predictability

[J]. Catena, 1991, 18(2): 133-155.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

A survey was set up in Central Belgium in order to assess rill erosion rates on arable land. Mean rill erosion rate for all fields in the survey during a three year period was 0.36 kg/m2. Statistical analysis of the data allowed to calculate mean estimates for the slope and length exponent of 1.45 and 0.75 respectively. These results agree well with other data. Mean values should be used with caution as a rather important variation in slope and length exponents was found which could not be explained. Apart from topography, vegetation cover is by far the most important control on between-field variations in rill erosion rate. Other significant factors are soil texture, aggregate stability and, for silty soils, the state of the surface layer.
[16] Nearing M A.

A single,continuous function for slope steepness influence on soil loss

[J]. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 1997, 61(3): 917-919.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT Recently proposed relationships for the effect of slope steepness on soil loss by water are linear functions of the sine of the slope angle. The Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) uses two such functions: one for slopes 9%. Recent research indicates that yet a different linear function is necessary for slopes greater than approximately 22%. The objective of this study was to develop a single slope steepness function that is representative of the data for all slopes. The resultant equation takes the form of a logistic function. It closely follows the RUSLE relationships for the slope steepness factor for slopes up to 22%, and also fits existing data for slopes greater than those from which the RUSLE relationships were derived.
[17] Quinn P, Beven K,

Chevallier P et al. The prediction of hillslope flow paths for distributed hydrological modelling using digital terrain models

[J]. Hydrological Processes, 1991 (5): 59-79.

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[18] Mccool D K, Length G S,Factors S et al. Predicting soil erosion by water:a guide to conservation planning with the revised Universal soil loss equation(RUSLE).Agricultural Handbook 703[Z].1997 .

[本文引用: 1]     

[19] Cool M K D, Brown L C, Foster GRet al.

Revised slope steepness factor for the Universal Soil Loss Equation

[J]. Transactions of the ASABE, 1987, 30(5): 1387-1396.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT A reanalysis of historical and recent data from both natural and simulated rainfall soil erosion plots has resulted in new slope steepness relationships for the Universal Soil Loss Equation. For long slopes on which both interrill and rill erosion occur, the relationships consist of two linear segments with a breakpoint at 9% slope. These relationships predict less erosion than current relationships on slopes steeper than 9% and slopes flatter than about 1%. A separate equation is proposed for the slope effect on short slopes where only interrill erosion is present. For conditions where surface flow over thaw-weakened soil dominates the erosion process, two relationships with a breakpoint at 9% slope are presented.
[20] Foster G,

Meyer L, onstad C. A runoff erosivity factor and variable slope length exponents for Soil loss estimates

[J]. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 1977, 20(4): 683-687.

URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[21] 江忠善, 郑粉莉, 武敏.中国坡面水蚀预报模型研究[J].泥沙研究,2005(4):1-6.

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[Jiang Zhongshan, Zheng Fenli, Wu Min.Prediction Model of Water Erosion on hillslopes. Journal of Sediment Research,2005(4):1-6.]

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[22] Wischmeier W H, Smith D D, Uhland R E.

Evaluation of factors in the soil-loss equation

[J].Agricultural Engineering, 1958, 39(8): 458-462.

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