Scientia Geographica Sinica  2017 , 37 (1): 130-137

Orginal Article


寿东奇1, 姜洪涛1, 章锦河1, 周佳梅1, 喻皓1, 丁风芹1

1.南京大学国土资源与旅游学系,江苏 南京210046

Moderating Effects of Novelty-seeking on The Formation of Revisit Intention with The Xitang Ancient Town As Example

Shou Dongqi1, Jiang Hongtao1, Zhang Jinhe1, Zhou Jiamei1, Yu Hao1, Ding Fengqin1

1.Department of Land Resource and Tourism Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, Jiangsu, China

中图分类号:  F590.8

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2017)01-0130-08

收稿日期: 2016-05-18

修回日期:  2016-10-20

网络出版日期:  2017-01-15

版权声明:  2017 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金(41271161)资助National Nature Science Foundation of China (41271161).





以西塘古镇为案例地,利用问卷调查所获取的数据,通过层次回归分析的方法,探讨了重游意愿的形成机制以及不同求新动机水平下旅游者重游意愿的差异。结果表明: 满意度和地方依恋对短期、中期和长期重游意愿均有显著影响,求新动机仅对长期重游意愿有显著影响,而目的地形象对重游意愿的影响未达显著水平。求新动机对目的地形象与短期、中期和长期重游意愿的关系存在正向调节作用,不同求新动机水平下,目的地形象对重游意愿的影响程度不同。即随着求新动机增强,目的地形象对重游意愿的作用得到加强。求新动机对满意度与短期、中期和长期重游意愿的关系存在负向调节作用,不同求新动机水平下,满意度对重游意愿的影响程度不同。即随着求新动机增强,满意度对重游意愿的作用削弱。求新动机对地方依恋与重游意愿的关系不存在显著调节作用。

关键词: 求新动机 ; 重游意愿 ; 调节作用 ; 目的地形象 ; 满意度 ; 地方依恋


Revisit ratio has been accepted as one of the most important representation of the life cycle of resorts. It is economical and efficient for travel destinations to enhance tourists’ revisit intention, and then to boost revisit ratio. Because of the significance, revisit intention has been a popular topic in academia both at home and abroad. To understand the mechanism of the revisit intention, we establish a theoretical model to study the revisit intentions in different time, and frames and the moderating effect of novelty-seeking on the formation of revisit intention. In this article, we segregate revisit intention into short-term (travelers with revisit intention within 1 year), mid-term (revisit intention in 3 years) and long-term (beyond 3 years); take destination image, satisfaction and place attachment as independent variables; and novelty-seeking as moderating variable. With SPSS 19.0 and data collected in Xitang Ancient Town, the theoretical model is tested by the method of hierarchical regression analysis. Results indicate that, firstly, both satisfaction and place attachment are significant antecedents of short-, mid- and long-term revisit intention; destination image is not a significant direct influence factor of revisit intention; and novelty-seeking significantly affects long-term revisit intention. Secondly, novelty-seeking can significantly moderate the relationship between destination image and revisit intention in different period. The novelty-seeking is positively correlated with the positive effect of destination image on revisit intention. Because of this strong moderating effect, when low novelty seekers have a relatively higher proportion among the sample, the main effect of destination image on revisit intention will be weakened significantly, and this might explain the insignificant relationship between destination image and revisit intention. Thirdly, novelty-seeking has a negative moderating effect on the relationship between satisfaction and revisit intention in different periods. As the level of novelty-seeking increases, the main effect of satisfaction on revisit intention is diminished. Since high novelty seekers constantly pursue variety, they do not require total satisfaction during the travel. In contrast, low novelty seekers are highly sensitive to satisfaction; whether they are satisfied with the destination or not is a pivotal factor to make a revisit decision. Finally, the moderating effect of novelty-seeking on the relationship between place attachment and revisit intention in different periods is not significant, which means the main effect of place attachment on revisit intention has little relation with novelty-seeking. Above all, to Xitang ancient town, or any other similar destinations, tourism marketers should pay attention to tourists’ emotional identity and dependence to the destination and enhance tourist satisfaction, in order to improve revisit rate and develop customer loyalty. Since novelty-seeking can moderate the formation of revisit intention, tourism destination is expected to group travelers by the level of novelty-seeking, and develop personalized services for different groups to generate unique tourist experiences and to stimulate the will to return. This study contributes to tourism theory on the formation mechanism of revisit intention. Meanwhile, the findings will help travel destinations to make efficient marketing strategies.

Keywords: novelty-seeking tendencies ; revisit intention ; moderating effect ; destination image ; satisfaction ; place attachment


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寿东奇, 姜洪涛, 章锦河, 周佳梅, 喻皓, 丁风芹. 求新动机对游客重游意愿的调节作用研究——以西塘古镇为例[J]. , 2017, 37(1): 130-137

Shou Dongqi, Jiang Hongtao, Zhang Jinhe, Zhou Jiamei, Yu Hao, Ding Fengqin. Moderating Effects of Novelty-seeking on The Formation of Revisit Intention with The Xitang Ancient Town As Example[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2017, 37(1): 130-137




1 研究假设

1.1 重游意愿

重游意愿是指游客在一次旅游活动结束之后的一段时间内产生故地重游的意愿[1]。随着对重游意愿研究的不断深入,学者发现重游故地的意愿会随时间推移发生改变[11]。为研究重游意愿随时间的变化,有学者将重游意愿按时间长短划分为不同维度以探讨各时段重游意愿的形成机制[9]。根据前人研究,本文将重游意愿划分为短期(1 a内重游意愿)、中期(3 a内重游意愿)和长期(3 a后重游意愿)3个阶段[9,11]

1.2 目的地形象



1.3 满意度



1.4 地方依恋



1.5 求新动机





1.6 理论模型


图1   理论模型

Fig.1   The hypothetical model for this research

2 研究设计

2.1 问卷设计


2.2 数据收集与分析方法



2.3 样本基本情况

调查样本中男性占47.2%,女性占52.8%;被调查者年龄集中在18~45岁之间,占总样本的93.4%;84.0%的被调查者具有本科及以上学历;职业构成上学生较多,占总样本的27.9%,企事业管理人员(16.6%)、文教/专业技术人员(15.4%)以及服务/销售人员(12.3%)也占有相当比例;被调查者主要以中低收入者为主,月收入5 000元以下的占总样本的67.4%。调查样本与西塘多年来旅游市场结构特征比较吻合,样本具有代表性。

3 结果分析

3.1 信度检验

在进行层次回归分析之前,先采用SPSS19.0软件,计算整体量表Cronbach’s α系数和KMO统计量以及各个分量表的Cronbach’s α系数组合信度值(CR),并进行相关分析(表1)。结果显示,整体量表克朗巴赫系数为0.933,KMO统计量为0.924(p<0.01),各分量表克朗巴赫系数在0.506~0.913之间,均达到0.5临界值;组合信度除中期重游意愿外,均大于0.6临界值(0.78~0.91),表明测量量表内在一致性高,内在质量佳。


表1   各变量相关矩阵

Table 1   Correlation matrix of variables


注:对角线上是Cronbach’s α值,对角线以下是变量间的相关系数;**表示在0.01水平下显著。


3.2 假设检验


表2   层次回归分析结果

Table 2   Results of the hierarchical regression




3.2.1 主效应检验


3.2.2 调节效应检验


1) 求新动机对目的地形象与重游意愿的调节效应



图2   求新动机对目的地形象和重游意愿关系的调节作用

Fig.2   Moderating effect of novelty seeking on destination image and revisit intention

2) 求新动机对满意度与重游意愿的调节效应


图3   求新动机对满意度和重游意愿关系的调节作用

Fig.3   Moderating effect of novelty seeking on satisfaction and revisit intention


4 结论与讨论


1) 满意度与地方依恋对短期、中期和长期重游意愿均有显著积极影响,目的地形象对各阶段的重游意愿均没有显著影响,求新动机只对长期重游意愿存在显著积极影响。消费者心理学认为,顾客忠诚度的形成,与顾客对产品的满意度和某种情感上的认同有关[26]。本文的研究在旅游消费领域验证了这一结论。

2) 求新动机对目的地形象与重游意愿的关系存在显著正向调节作用。由于该调节作用十分显著(在模型M13M23M33中,交互作用项系数均在0.01水平下达到显著),因此当样本中求新动机水平较低的个体比例较高时,会对目的地形象与重游意愿的关系产生较严重的弱化效应,这可能是导致本研究中目的地形象对重游意愿影响未达到显著影响的原因。

3) 求新动机对满意度与重游意愿的关系存在显著负向调节作用。高求新动机者对满意度的敏感度较低,由于这类旅游者在决策过程中不断追求新奇,所以他们对于满意度的要求相对较低;而低求新动机者则对满意度有着较高程度的敏感,是否达到满意是这类旅游者能否产生重游意愿并作出重游决策的重要影响因素。

4) 求新动机对地方依恋与重游意愿的关系调节作用不明显。地方依恋对重游意愿的影响并不随求新动机水平的改变而产生明显变化。



The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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ABSTRACT Much research has been conducted on image of destination and destination choice. However, little attention appears to have been paid to the pattern of repeat business at specific destinations. This study investigated the pattern of repeat business of British tourists in Mallorca, Spain. The implications of the findings for the marketing of destinations are considered.
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Qualité, satisfaction et intentions de comportement. La qualité de performance est conceptualisée comme les attributs d’un service qui sont dirigés par des fournisseurs du tourisme, tandis que la satisfaction fait référence à l’état affectif du touriste après l’exposition à l’occasion. Un modèle d’équation structurelle part de l’hypothèse que la qualité de performance per04ue aurait un effet global plus fort sur les intentions de comportement que sur la satisfaction. Cette hypothèse a été confirmée. L’analyse indique aussi que le mesurage subjectif des perceptions de qualité correspond mieux à l’hypothèse que les données du mesurage sugjectif de non-confirmation. Les résultats suggèrent que les efforts d’évaluation devraient mesurer la qualité de performance et la satisfaction, mais que le mesurage de la qualité de performance sera plus utile, puisque celle-ci est ma0308trisable par la direction.
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Abstract Numerous authors have pointed out the influence of tourism image on consumer behaviour. Tourism image will also exercise some influence on the quality perceived by tourists and on the satisfaction obtained from the holiday experience. This paper focuses on the relationship between the image of a destination as perceived by tourists and their behavioural intentions, and between that same image and the post-purchase evaluation of the stay. We will also examine the relationship between quality and satisfaction and between these variables and the tourist's behaviour variables. We place the accent on a joint analysis of these relationships, using a structural equation model. The results of the empirical study show that tourism image is a direct antecedent of perceived quality, satisfaction, intention to return and willingness to recommend the destination. The role of image as a key factor in destination marketing is thus confirmed. With reference to the other relationships, on the one hand, it is confirmed that quality has a positive influence on satisfaction and intention to return and that satisfaction determines the willingness to recommend the destination. However, the influence of quality on ‘willingness to recommend’ and the influence of satisfaction on ‘intention to return’ cannot be corroborated. In this sense, further research could be necessary.
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ABSTRACT The present paper begins from the empirically established positive relationship between the measures of past purchases of a destination and those of the intention to repurchase in the future. It posits that this relationship is mediated by the development of place attachment. It also examines the moderating effect of novelty seeking at two distinct levels: novelty seeking as moderating the relationship between past purchases and place attachment and also that between place attachment and future purchase intention.
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世界遗产地形象对区域旅游发展 具有不可替代的重要作用,游客对于遗产地形象的认知、对于游览遗产地的满意程度,将有助于提高遗产地的知名度、美誉度,培养旅游者对遗产地的忠诚度。本文 以中国安徽宏村为研究对象,采用国外三维耦合结构的形象测量模型,分别建立由"功能型"、"混合型"和"心理型"构成的旅游者对目的地形象感知,通过抽样 数据验证了量表的信度和效度,并运用多因素回归方程验证了旅游者对目的地形象感知对于重游决策意向的影响,旨在提出世界遗产地开发建设和保护的相应政策建 议。

[Zhang Lan, Hou Guolin.

The influence of perceived image of Hongcun in the Anhui province on tourisms’ revisit intentions.

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世界遗产地形象对区域旅游发展 具有不可替代的重要作用,游客对于遗产地形象的认知、对于游览遗产地的满意程度,将有助于提高遗产地的知名度、美誉度,培养旅游者对遗产地的忠诚度。本文 以中国安徽宏村为研究对象,采用国外三维耦合结构的形象测量模型,分别建立由"功能型"、"混合型"和"心理型"构成的旅游者对目的地形象感知,通过抽样 数据验证了量表的信度和效度,并运用多因素回归方程验证了旅游者对目的地形象感知对于重游决策意向的影响,旨在提出世界遗产地开发建设和保护的相应政策建 议。
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<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">Destination revisit intention has been viewed as an important research topic both in academia and the tourism industry. It is important to observe tourists&rsquo; revisit intentions from a time perspective because the intention often changes over time. To understand the formation of temporally changing destination revisit intention, this study explored the effects of tourists&rsquo; novelty-seeking and destination satisfaction on the revisit intentions measured on short-term, mid-term, and long-term bases. The results indicated that <em>satisfaction</em> was a direct antecedent of short-term revisit intention, but not of mid-term or of long-term revisit intention, and that <em>novelty seeking</em> was a significant antecedent of mid-term revisit intention that was connected to long-term revisit intention. The roles of novelty seeking and destination satisfaction in establishing and reinforcing destination revisit intention as well as developing long-term commitment were discussed as well.</p>
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ABSTRACT Purpose – The main purpose of the present paper is to identify the differences in the antecedents of holiday destinations revisit intentions in the short and long run. Specifically, this work analyzes the influence of specific variety seeking, perceived value, destination image, satisfaction, switching costs and past switching behavior. Design/methodology/approach – This is a quantitative study and the authors collected data personal interviews at households using the random route sampling technique. The sample comprises 400 tourists who have been on holiday at least once in the last two years, excluding lodging in relatives' and friends' houses or their own secondary residence. The data is analyzed through structural equation modeling. Findings – The results show that there are relevant differences in the antecedents of holiday destination revisit intentions in the short and long term. The main determinants of the intention to return to the destination for the next holiday are past switching behavior, switching costs and specific variety seeking, whereas the assessment of the destination (image and satisfaction) does not have a significant effect. However, in the long term, satisfaction becomes the most relevant antecedent of intentions to return, specific variety seeking maintains its influence, and past switching behavior and switching costs become irrelevant. Practical implications – The findings have relevant implications for destination managers in helping them to understand the temporal pattern of tourist revisit intentions and the main antecedents. Originality/value – The main contribution of this paper is twofold. Firstly, researchers have rarely considered the temporal dimension when analyzing the antecedents of revisit intention, despite the usefulness of this approach to improve the understanding of tourists' return intentions. Secondly, the research is focused on specific variety seeking – that is, the propensity to seek variety in a concrete product category; rather than general variety seeking that is the usual approach.
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This article examines the destination loyalty and switching behavior of international travelers among four Mediterranean tourist destination countries. Specifically, the purpose is to explore how a specific destination visit influences chances of revisiting the same destination and visiting other destinations. Switching patterns revealed by Markov analysis indicate that travelers are likely to visit international destinations in a successive pattern. The findings suggest that destinations should focus their promotional efforts on visitors of specific destinations. Implications for destination marketing strategy and future research issues are discussed.
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Destination image was conceptualized as evolving from an organic image, through an induced image, to a complex image. These image phases were linked to the informative, persuasive, and reminding functions of promotion. Data were analysed from a sample of 568 prospective, first-time, and repeat long-stay winter visitors to the lower Rio Grande Valley in Texas. These three subsamples were conside...
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ABSTRACT This study identifies factors associated with and discriminating among destination adopters, inactives, and rejecters. The setting is the state of New Mexico. The empirical findings are based on a sample of more than 900 out-of-state residents. The approach demonstrates how destination image, destination experience, and demographic character istics combine to influence segment membership. Moreover, the results also indicate that adopters and inactives can be separated by their image of the destination and by demo graphic characteristics. Managerial implications are outlined.
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ABSTRACT Are there economic benefits to improving customer satisfaction? Many firms that are frustrated in their efforts to improve quality and customer satisfaction are beginning to question the link between customer satisfaction and economic returns. The authors investigate the nature and strength of this link. They discuss how expectations, quality, and price should affect customer satisfaction and why customer satisfaction, in turn, should affect profitability; this results in a set of hypotheses that are tested using a national customer satisfaction index and traditional accounting measures of economic returns, such as return on investment. The findings support a positive impact of quality on customer satisfaction, and, in tum, profitability. The authors demonstrate the economic benefits of increasing customer satisfaction using both an empirical forecast and a new analytical model. In addition, they discuss why increasing market share actually might lead to lower customer satisfaction and provide preliminary empirical support for this hypothesis. Finally, two new findings emerge: First, the market's expectations of the quality of a firm's output positively affects customers' overall satisfaction with the firm; and second, these expectations are largely rational, albeit with a small adaptive component.
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ABSTRACT Prior work on the equity and disconfirmation determinants of transaction satisfaction was extended to product satisfaction. Based on perceptions of inputs and outcomes of buyer, dealer, and salesperson, two subtractive versions of the equity formula-- absolute equity difference and equity advantage--were tested with fairness and preference as mediating variables. Both variables were related only to the equity advantage formula, and disconfirmation and fairness were shown to be distinct components of post-transaction dispositions. Moreover, product satisfaction was shown to be a function of product disconfirmation, complaining, and satisfaction with the dealer. The latter apparently mediates both fairness and salesperson satisfaction. Copyright 1989 by the University of Chicago.
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Consumer satisfaction has recently become a particularly salient concern for both business and government. This increased interest, however, has generated a relatively meager amount of research designed to assess the determinants of consumer satisfaction and dissatisfaction. This paper critically analyzes the existing survey and experimental research in this area, focusing on conceptual and methodological issues. An alternative model of consumer satisfaction based upon Thibaut and Kelley's (1959) comparison level theory is proposed.
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[J]. Leisure Sciences, 2010, 22(4):233-257.

[本文引用: 1]     

[22] Neuvonen M, Pouta E, Sievänen T.

Intention to revisit a national park and its vicinity

[J]. International Journal of Sociology, 2010, 40(3): 51-70.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The purpose of this study was to examine how the perceived quality of recreation services, with the intervening factors of place attachment, explain the future intention to revisit a national park region. Furthermore, we analyzed how social bonds with an area relate to place attachment and revisit intention. A case study on Seitseminen, Linnansaari, and Repovesi National Parks in Southern Finland provided empirical data on the interaction of park visitors with the park and surrounding rural area. Using onsite visitor sampling, a mail questionnaire was completed by 736 park visitors. The results showed that social networks, such as relatives or a recreational home in the region, were positively associated with place attachment and visit intention. A structural equation model revealed a positive interaction between the perceived quality of services, the recreation environment, hospitality, and place attachment. Those who were more satisfied with the services, recreation environment, and hospitality were more attached to the region. Among park visitors, perceptions of a high quality of both services and recreational environment correlated positively with attachment to the park and the region. A positive place attachment also increased the intention of respondents to revisit the region in the future.
[23] 江春娥, 黄成林.


[J]. 云南地理环境研究, 2011, 23(1): 71-75.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Jiang Chune, Huang Chenlin.

The study of relationship between place attachment and behavior intention of MT. Jiuhua.

Yunnan Geographic Environment Research, 2011, 23(1): 71-75.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[24] Keaveney S M.

Customer switching behavior in service industries: an exploratory study

[J]. Journal of Marketing, 1995, 59: 71-82.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Customer switching behavior damages market share and profitability of service firms yet has remained virtually unexplored in the marketing literature. The author reports results of a critical incident study conducted among more than 500 service customers. The research identifies more than 800 critical behaviors of service firms that caused customers to switch services. Customers' reasons for switching services were classified into eight general categories. The author then discusses implications for further model development and offers recommendations for managers of service firms.
[25] 江林. 消费者心理与行为[M]. 北京: 中国人民大学出版社, 2011.

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[Jiang Lin.Psychology and behavior of consumers. Beijing: China Renmin University Press, 2011.]

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Tourism: Principles, practices, philosophies

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[27] Kim S, Kim H.

Moderating effects of tourists' novelty-seeking tendencies on the relationship between satisfaction and behavioral intention

[J]. Tourism Analysis, 2015, 20(5): 511-522.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Novelty seeking is an important motivator of travel, and has been identified as one factor in why satisfied visitors may not return to the same destination. This study examined the extent to which novelty-seeking tendency influences the direction or strength of the relationship between satisfaction and tourists' behavioral intentions. The results indicated that novelty-seeking tendency weakened...
[28] Petrick J F, Morais D D, Norman W.

An examination of the determinants of entertainment vacationers’ intentions to revisit

[J]. Journal of Travel Research, 2001, 40: 41-48.      URL      摘要

ABSTRACT This study investigated the relationship of entertainment travelers’ past vacation behavior, vacation satisfaction, perceived vacation value, and intentions to revisit and repurchase. Subjects were inquirers for the purchase of an entertainment package that visited the destination and were systematically selected over a 12-month period. Results suggest that past behavior, satisfaction, and perceived value are good predictors of entertainment vacationers’ intentions to revisit the destination. It was further found that the variables of past behavior, satisfaction, and perceived value are poor predictors of intentions to visit and attend live theater entertainment or book an entertainment package during a visit. Given the relationships between past behavior, satisfaction, perceived value, and intentions to revisit, results of the present study provide important theoretical implications and direction for entertainment destination management.
[29] Sanchez-Garcia I, Pieters R,Zeelenberg M et al.

When satisfied customers do not return: Variety seeking’s effect on short-and long-term intentions

[J]. Psychology & Marketing, 2012, 29(1):15-24.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACTEven satisfied consumers frequently do not come back, which challenges loyalty theory and marketing practice. It is reasoned that variety-seeking tendencies will significantly affect short-term revisit intentions, whereas satisfaction and regret will mostly determine long-term revisit intentions. Thus, the influence of satisfaction on loyalty is hypothesized to be critically dependent on the time perspective of the intentions, now or later, and variety seeking. A representative survey (N = 400) in eight Spanish cities supported these predictions. Multivariate moderated-mediation analyses revealed that indeed the influence of satisfaction, regret, and variety seeking critically depends on the time perspective of the behavioral intentions.
[30] 温忠麟, 侯杰泰, 张雷.


[J]. 心理学报, 2005, 37(2): 268-274.

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[Wen Zhonglin, Hau Kit-Tai, Chang Lei.

A comparison of moderator and mediator and their applications.

Acta Psychological Sinica, 2005, 37(2): 268-274.]

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

