Scientia Geographica Sinica  2017 , 37 (1): 28-36

Orginal Article


吴健生12, 毛家颖1, 林倩3, 李嘉诚14

1.北京大学深圳研究生院城市规划与设计学院城市人居环境科学与技术重点实验室,广东 深圳 518055
2.北京大学城市与环境学院地表过程分析与模拟教育部重点实验室,北京 100871
3.宁波市城乡规划研究中心,浙江 宁波 315040
4.深圳市城市规划设计研究院城市发展与土地政策研究所,广东 深圳 518028

Urban Growth Boundary Based on the Evaluation of Habitat Quality:Taking the Yangtze River Delta as an Example

Wu Jiansheng12, Mao Jiaying1, Lin Qian3, Li Jiacheng14

1.Key Laboratory for Urban Habitat Environmental Science and Technology, Shenzhen Graduate School, Peking University, Shenzhen 518055, Guangdong, China
2.Key Laboratory for Earth Surface Processes, Ministry of Education, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
3.Ningbo Urban-Rural Planning Research Center, Ningbo 315040, Zhejiang, China
4.Department of Urban Development and Land Policy, Urban Planning & Design Institute of Shenzhen, Shenzhen 518028, Guangdong, China;

中图分类号:  F292

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2017)01-0028-09

通讯作者:  通讯作者:毛家颖。E-mail:

收稿日期: 2016-02-23

修回日期:  2016-05-26

网络出版日期:  2017-01-15

版权声明:  2017 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金(41330747)资助





基于“生态优先”理念,提出一种利用生境质量评估策略的城市增长边界划定方法。结合ArcGIS和InVEST模型,通过综合评估生境自身及其在威胁情境下的质量,模拟各市独立规划、建设用地指标再分配及区域一体化发展的三类建设用地扩张情景,分别划定2024和2034年的长三角地区城市增长边界。结果表明:研究区生境质量总体呈南高北低格局,平均生态系统服务价值密度为10 770.604元/(hm2·a),高质生境位于西南地区;根据指标再分配及一体化发展情景模拟的2024年研究区建设用地总量分别为10 583.273 km²和10 489.090 km²,2034年达到13 603.535 km²和13 252.370 km²;模拟的建设用地集中在东部沿海地区,并向北部及环杭州湾区域拓展;建设用地指标再分配能从整体上减少建设用地对优质生境的占用,区域一体化发展则能进一步降低城市发展造成的生态压力。

关键词: 城市增长边界 ; 生境质量 ; 生态系统服务 ; 长三角地区 ; InVEST模型


The world’s natural ecosystem provides products of 15 trillion pounds annually, but with the universal urban expansion caused by economic development, ecological balance is gradually disrupted. Therefore, it’s critical to maintain ecosystem stability in the identification of urban growth boundary, which is regarded as an effective tool to control urban sprawl. However, very few methods, currently, have taken ecosystem into their account. With the concept that “ecology goes first”, this article put forward a method to identify the urban growth boundary based on the evaluation of habitat quality. Using the platform of ArcGIS and InVEST model, two aspects of habitat quality were considered in the assessment: the quality of habitat itself and the quality under threats. As a representative of the former quality, ecosystem service value of each cell was calculated. As to the latter one, InVEST model was used to assess cells’ threatened degree. In the prediction of the amount of future construction land, three scenarios were developed. The first scenario was based on the assumption that cities had separate development and urban planning. The second scenario assumed that in spite of the separate planning, it’s possible to conduct the redistribution of construction land index. The third scenario ignored the boundaries of administrative jurisdiction and regarded the study area as a single. By selecting districts with lower habitat quality as construction land, the simulated urban growth boundary of the Yangtze River Delta in 2024 and 2034 were determined. The conclusions showed that habitat quality in the south of the Yangtze River Delta was overall higher than that in the north and the average density of ecosystem service values was 10 770.6 yuan/(hm²•yr). Habitat with higher quality was located in the southwest area, while the lower one was in the eastern district and Round Hangzhou Bay. By 2024, the predicted quantity of construction land have been to 10 583.27 km² (scenario 1 and 2) and 10 489.09 km² (scenario 3), and then have been to 13 603.53 km² (scenario 1 and 2) and 13 252.37 km² (scenario 3) by 2034. East coastal area would be the center of construction land, and the northern districts and Round Hangzhou Bay were considered to be the main expansion area. In order to avoid the occupation of construction land on habitats with higher quality as a whole, 9 cities were classified as emigration region of construction land index, and 5 cities were categorized as immigration area, and the left 2 cities were transition regions. Moreover, regional integration of the Yangtze River Delta could also helpfully mollify the contradictions between urban development and ecological protection. Policy recommendations on the identification of urban growth boundary were proposed at the end, while possible innovations and inadequacies of this article were also concluded.

Keywords: urban growth boundary ; habitat quality ; ecosystem service ; the Yangtze River Delta ; InVEST model


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吴健生, 毛家颖, 林倩, 李嘉诚. 基于生境质量的城市增长边界研究——以长三角地区为例[J]. , 2017, 37(1): 28-36

Wu Jiansheng, Mao Jiaying, Lin Qian, Li Jiacheng. Urban Growth Boundary Based on the Evaluation of Habitat Quality:Taking the Yangtze River Delta as an Example[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2017, 37(1): 28-36

随着城市化进程的不断加快,土地资源供需矛盾突出,城市边界无序扩张,生态系统服务能力的削弱和退化[1,2]已成为制约城市可持续发展的重要因素之一[3],因此如何确定适度的城市增长规模是当前城市研究的热点话题。其中,以“精明增长”和“新城市主义”为理论基础的城市增长边界(Urban Growth Boundary,UGB)备受关注,它是指通过划定城市土地和农村土地之间的界线,将合法的城市开发限定在一定区域内,从而控制城市的无序蔓延,在某种程度上是一种“不发展政策”[4,5]。自20世纪30年代英国伦敦的“绿带”政策,该理念已在多国得到了实践推广,如美国波特兰大都市区规划、日本“划线制度”、南非“城市藩篱”等[6~8]。中国对城市增长边界的引介可追溯至20世纪90年代末[9],研究重点由国外经验介绍转移至城市增长边界的中国化效能[10,11],并衍生出“规划七线”、“四区边界”、“城镇建设用地边界”等类似概念[12]。目前城市增长边界的两类划定方法,无论是基于人口预测和用地标准设定规模指标及进行空间布局[13,14],还是基于CA、Sleuth等模型进行城市增长的空间模拟[15~17],或只考虑经济、政策等非生态因素,或只以人均建设用地面积指标对“生态适宜性”原则进行侧面反映,对生态系统自身反馈的关注明显不足。因而,亟需将生态效应纳入城市规划实践,这不仅凸显了城市规划的全局综合效应,而且对维持城市复合系统的自然保育功能和实现可持续发展至关重要。


1 研究地区与研究方法

1.1 研究区概况

长三角地区是长江中下游平原的重要组成部分,选取经济地理意义上的狭义长三角地区为研究区,总面积约为115 399.31 km²,包含苏、浙、沪的16个城市[32](东经119°20′~122°32′,北纬28°14′~33°25′)。长三角地区地处北亚热带季风气候,地貌以平原为主体,在西部和南部间有低丘散布[33]。总体来看,南部主要分布为林地和草地,北部则以耕地居多,河网密布于整个区域,耕地、林地、草地和水域分别占研究区面积的52%、25%、3%和9%。作为中国第一大经济区及率先跻身于世界级城市群的地区,长三角地区的城市蔓延不仅挤占了生态用地,加剧了生境破碎化程度,还导致了一系列环境问题的产生,部分地区生态承载力已全面超载。城市增长累积的诸多负面效应已严重威胁长三角地区生态环境,并成为了地区可持续发展的主要障碍。

1.2 数据来源

1.3 研究方法


1.3.1 生境质量评估

1) 基于自身的生境质量定量评估

一般而言,生态系统服务价值量高的地类能为物种提供较好生境[34],故以生态系统服务价值量表征生境自身质量。参照中国生态系统服务价值当量因子表[35],以CPI指数修正后的460.67元/hm2作为单位当量因子的经济价值量,并针对研究区进行生物量因子修正[36],设定长三角地区与全国农田生态系统之比为1.76∶1.00,计算得到研究区林地、草地、耕地、水域等生态系统的单位面积生态服务价值量。生态用地存在集聚效应[37],基于GIS块状分析统计300 m×300 m栅格研究单元的生态系统服务价值量,生成研究区生境自身质量评价图。生物量因子修正公式如下:


式中, pij为校正后的第j类生态系统第i种生态服务功能单位面积的价值量; aj为第j类生态系统的生物量; Aj为全国一级生态系统类型单位面积平均生物量; Pij为第j类生态系统第i类生态服务功能单位面积的全国平均取值。

2) 基于威胁的生境质量定量评估

生境质量一般随附近人类土地利用及其强度的加大而降低[38],故基于生境所受威胁的综合分析,采用InVEST(Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs)模型,评估生境在威胁情境下的质量。InVEST模型常用于生态系统服务定量评估,其中,生境质量(Habitat Quality)的衡量包含4个要素:各威胁的相对影响、各生境对各威胁因子的相对敏感性、生境与威胁源距离及土地受合法保护的水平。生境对威胁因子的敏感度越高,该因子对生境退化的影响越大,假定栅格x处的用地或生境类型为j,则该点受到的总威胁指数(Dxj)可表示为:


式中,r为威胁因子,R为威胁因子总量,y为威胁因子r栅格图层中的单个栅格, Yr为威胁因子r图层中的栅格总和, Wr为归一化威胁权重, ry用于判断栅格y是否为威胁因子r的来源地, irxy为生境与威胁因子之间的距离函数, βx表示在社会、法律等保护状态下威胁源到栅格x的可达性水平, Sjr表示土地覆被类型j对于威胁因子r的敏感性,则x处土地覆被类型j的生境质量(Qxj)为:


式中,zk为尺度常数,z=2.5,k为半饱和常数; Hj是土地覆被类型j对应的生境类型得分,表示该土地覆被类型作为生境的支持能力。

假定土地的法律保护处于有效状态,基于2010年30 m×30 m土地利用/植被覆盖图(Current Land Cover Map),界定耕地、林地、草地、水域为生态用地,提取建设用地、铁路、主要公路、次要公路、港口和航道等6类威胁因子图层(Threat Layers),结合文献查阅及专家访谈[39],确定威胁因子权重、威胁源对生态用地的最大影响距离(Threats Data)及生态用地对威胁因子的敏感度(Sensitivity of Land Cover Types to Each Threat)(表1)。

表1   长三角地区威胁数据表

Table 1   The threat data in the Yangtze River Delta



3) 生境质量综合评估


1.3.2 情景设定及城市增长边界划定



式中, C(t,n)tt+n时期的城市建设用地面积; URR(t)t时期的城乡人口比; rur(t,n)代表 规划期内城乡人口比增长率,即城镇人口增长率与农村人口增长率之差; P(t)t时期的常住总人口; a为规划期内人口年增长率,包括自然与机械增长率;C为人均城市建设用地面积,以100 m²/人纳入计算[42];数据主要来自2007~2015年《中国统计年鉴》[43]、《浙江省统计年鉴》[44]、《江苏省统计年鉴》[45],人口相关数据均以常住人口为统计口径。


以不同情景的城市建设用地预测结果为阈值,选取生境质量低值斑块为建设用地。城市发展存在自身规律,为体现建设用地的空间集聚效应,同时模拟城市间边界融合现象,经建设用地结果矢量化及面积统计,剔除小于10 hm2的破碎化区域[46],并结合滤波分析,以八邻域的加权平均值重新定义中心栅格属性,对城市边界进行细微调整。

2 结果与分析

2.1 长三角地区生境质量空间分异

长三角地区平均生态系统服务价值密度(即单位面积的生态价值量)为10 770.6元/(hm2·a),并呈现显著的空间异质性(图1),其中杭州价值密度最高[17 694.3元/(hm2·a)],上海最低[4 417.28元/(hm2·a)](图1a),而受北耕南林的土地利用格局影响,南部生境自身质量普遍较高,水域集中地的生态集聚效应突出(图2a)。生境受威胁区域则主要分布在环杭州湾及东部沿海地区,低质生境呈现“块网结合”模式(图2b),相较而言,上海、无锡、苏州、嘉兴的建设、交通用地等生境威胁因子布局紧凑,生境受威胁程度较高,且内部异质性明显,而上海低质生境比例最大(图1b)。总体来看,长三角地区生境综合质量呈现南高北低态势,低质生境主要分布在西北及环杭州湾区域,高质生境则位于西南地区(图2c),杭州、苏州、台州的生境质量整体较高,上海生境质量最低,南通生境均质化程度最高,苏州生境质量分布最为不均(图1c)。

图1   生态系统服务价值密度(a)、基于威胁的生境质量(b)及生境综合质量(c)统计

Fig.1   Statistical graphs of ecosystem service values’ density (a), threatened-habitat quality (b) and comprehensive habitat quality (c)

图2   生境基于自身质量(a)、威胁质量(b)及综合质量(c)空间分布

Fig.2   Spatial distribution of self-habitat quality (a), threatened-habitat quality (b) and comprehensive habitat quality (c)

2.2 长三角地区城市建设用地扩张情景模拟

模拟建设用地扩张的3类情景分别以各市建设用地量、各市汇总后建设用地量及长三角建设用地量为阈值,相应的城市建设用地预测量如表2所示。2014~2024年,情景二和情景三的建设用地增加量分别为2 546.644 km²和2 452.462 km²,年均增长率为3.106%和3.003%,2024~2034年增加量上升为3 020.262 km²和2 763.280 km²,年均增长率则下降为2.829%和2.632%。20 a间,情景一的各市建设用地增长量有较大差异,其中上海市扩张最多(分别为691.578 km²和907.599 km²),而苏州市扩张最快(年均增长率分别为5.214%和4.752%)。

表2   3类情景下城市建设用地需求量预测

Table 2   The predicted urban construction land under three scenarios



2.3 长三角地区城市增长边界划定


图3   长三角地区不同规划情景下2024、2034年城市增长边界

Fig.3   The simulated urban growth boundary of the Yangtze River Delta in 2024 and 2034 under three scenarios

2.4 不同情景城市增长边界对比


3 结论与讨论

3.1 结论

研究以长三角地区为例,结合生态系统服务价值量、InVEST模型生境质量模块和GIS技术,基于生境质量评价结果,分别划定了2024和2034年3类规划情境下的研究区城市增长边界。结果表明,长三角地区平均生态系统服务价值密度为10 770.604元/(hm2·a),生境质量总体呈南高北低格局,内部异质性显著,高质生境位于西南地区,低质生境则以“块网结合”模式位于西北及环杭州湾区域。根据情景二和情景三模拟得到2024年长三角建设用地总量分别为10 583.273 km²和10 489.090 km²,并在2034年达到13 603.535 km²和13 252.370 km²,建设用地集中分布在东部沿海地区,并向北部及环杭州湾区域拓展,研究区北部建设规模较大,但南部集聚效应更为明显,苏南、浙北的建设用地规模及集聚度远高于苏中、浙南地区。而由于各地经济发展与生态保护的矛盾存在空间差异,通过建设用地指标再分配的方式,从整体上减少建设用地对优质生境的占用,将嘉兴、宁波、绍兴、湖州、镇江、无锡、常州、扬州、泰州等9市划为建设用地指标迁入区,上海、杭州、南京、舟山、苏州等5市为指标迁出区,并设定台州和南通两市为指标的迁出-迁入过渡区。在此基础上,推动长三角一体化发展、实现人口及经济要素在空间上的自由流动能够进一步降低建设用地需求量,从而缓解城市发展造成的生态压力。

3.2 讨论



The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] 李冰,毕军,田颖.



Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

通过对太湖流域重污染区1999 年、2007 年遥感影像数据解译结果的分析,获取了太湖流域重污染区主要土地利用类型的信息,分析了8 a 来研究区内土地利用与覆被变化趋势,对区域土地利用类型的生态系统服务价值进行评估。结果表明,1999~2007 年,太湖流域重污染区内耕地面积从2 033.53 km<sup>2</sup>减少到1 401.04 km<sup>2</sup>,而林地、建设用地、园地、水域总体呈增加的趋势,其中减少的耕地主要转化为建设用地。1999~2007 年太湖流域重污染区的生态系统服务价值呈减少趋势,土地利用变化使研究区生态资产减少了2.40 亿元,除气体调节和原材料以外,各单项服务功能的价值量均呈现递减的趋势。

[Li Bing, Bi Jun, Tian Ying.

Effects of Land Use Change on Ecosystem Service Value in the Heavy Polluted Area in Taihu Lake Basin.

Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2012, 32(4): 471-476.]

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

通过对太湖流域重污染区1999 年、2007 年遥感影像数据解译结果的分析,获取了太湖流域重污染区主要土地利用类型的信息,分析了8 a 来研究区内土地利用与覆被变化趋势,对区域土地利用类型的生态系统服务价值进行评估。结果表明,1999~2007 年,太湖流域重污染区内耕地面积从2 033.53 km<sup>2</sup>减少到1 401.04 km<sup>2</sup>,而林地、建设用地、园地、水域总体呈增加的趋势,其中减少的耕地主要转化为建设用地。1999~2007 年太湖流域重污染区的生态系统服务价值呈减少趋势,土地利用变化使研究区生态资产减少了2.40 亿元,除气体调节和原材料以外,各单项服务功能的价值量均呈现递减的趋势。
[2] 白杨,郑华,庄长伟,.


[J].生态学报,2013,33(3):711-717.      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Bai Yang, Zheng Hua, Zhuang Changwei et al.

Ecosystem services valuation and its regulation in Baiyangdian basin: Based on InVEST model.

Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2013, 33(3): 711-717.]      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[3] Egoh B,Reyers B,Rouget M et al.

Spatial congruence between biodiversity and ecosystem services in South Africa

[J].Biological conservation,2009,142(3):553-562.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Ecosystems services sustain humans all over the world. The unsustainable use of ecosystem services around the world has led to widespread degradation which now threatens human health and livelihoods. Although the maintenance of ecosystem services is often used to justify biodiversity conservation actions, it is still unclear how ecosystem services relate to different aspects of biodiversity and...
[4] Tannier C,Thomas I.

Defining and characterizing urban boundaries:A fractal analysis of the theoretical cities and Belgian cities

[J].Computers,Environment and Urban Systems,2013,(41):234-248.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract In this paper we extract the morphological boundaries of urban agglomerations and characterize boundary shapes using eight fractal and nonfractal spatial indexes. Analyses were first performed on six archetypal theoretical cities, and then on Belgium 18 largest towns. The results show that: (1) the relationship between the shape of the urban boundary (fractal dimension, dendricity, and compactness) and the built morphology within the urban agglomeration (fractal dimension, proportion of buildings close to the urban boundary) is not straightforward; (2) each city is a unique combination of the morphological characteristics considered here; (3) due to their different morphological characteristics, the planning potential of Flemish and Walloon cities seems to be very different.
[5] Long Y,Han H Y,Tu Y C et al.

Evaluating the effectiveness of urban growth boundaries using human mobility and activity records

[J].Cities,2015,(46):76-84.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract We proposed a methodology to evaluate the effectiveness of Beijing’s Urban Growth Boundaries (UGBs) using human mobility and activity records (big data). The research applied data from location check-in, transit smart card, taxi trajectory, and residential travel survey. We developed four types of measures to evaluate the effectives of UGBs in confining human activities and travel flows, to examine the conformity of urban activities with the planned population, and to measure the activity connections between UGBs. With the large proportions of intra- and inter-boundary travel flows and an overwhelming majority of check-ins inside the UGBs, the research concluded that Beijing’s UGBs were effective in containing human mobility and activity. However, the connections between UGBs, indicated by the spatial differentiation of the travel flows, were not consistent with the plan’s intention and strategy. It indicated the potential underdevelopment of the public transit serving several new cities.
[6] Jun M J.

The effects of Portland's urban growth boundary on housing prices

[J].Journal of the American Planning Association,2006,72(2):239-243.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Unlike previous studies, which used metropolitan level data, this study uses spatially disaggregated data (block group data from the U.S. Census) to statistically test the effects of Portland's urban growth boundary (UGB) on housing prices. This analysis shows no evidence of a significant difference between housing prices inside and outside the UGB, suggesting that both inside and outside the UGB are parts of a single housing market.
[7] Marin M C.

Impacts of urban growth boundary versus exclusive farm use zoning agricultural land use

[J].Urban Affairs Review,2007,43(2):199-220.      URL      摘要

ABSTRACT This study compares net impacts of developmental potentials, externalities, and uncertainties associated with the urban growth boundary (UGB) with those of certainty and tax savings in the exclusive farm use (EFU) districts on land values in Portland, OR, using a hedonic Thünian econometric model. Using a geographic information systems—based data set of Christmas tree and horticultural farms, value effects of the urban growth boundary were found to vary by farm size, land use, and proximity to urban activities. The results suggested that proximity to negative externalities associated with urban activities had strong impacts on farming within the UGB. These impacts overweighed advantages associated with tax savings and increasing certainty within EFU districts.
[8] Tayyebi A, Pijanowski B C,Tayyebi A H.

An urban growth boundary model using neural networks, GIS and radial parameterization: An application to Tehran, Iran

[J].Landscape and Urban Planning,2011,100(1):35-44.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Urban growth boundaries (UGBs) are common tools employed by planners to constrain urban expansion in order to increase density of urban services and protect surrounding rural landscapes. Planners could use models that estimate future urban growth boundaries based on those factors that drive urban expansion. Unfortunately, few models have been developed that simulate the urban growth boundary. This paper presents an urban growth boundary model (UGBM) which utilizes artificial neural networks (ANN), geospatial information systems (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) to simulate the complex geometry of the urban boundary of Tehran, Iran. Raster-based predictive variables are used as inputs to the ANNs parameterized using vector routines. ANNs were used to train on seven predictor variables of urban boundary geometry for Tehran: roads, green spaces, slope, aspect, elevation, service stations, and built-area. We show that our UGBM can predict urban growth boundaries with urban area with 80 84% accuracy. The model predicts urban boundaries in all cardinal directions equally well. We use the model to predict urban growth to the year 2012. We summarize the use of UGBs in planning around the world and describe how this model can be used to assist planners in developing future urban growth boundaries given the need to understand those factors that contribute toward urban expansion.
[9] 韩昊英. 城市增长边界的理论与应用[M].北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2014.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Han Haoying.Theories and Application of Urban Growth Boundaries. Beijing: China Architecture and Building Press, 2014.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[10] 冯科,吴次芳,韦仕川,.



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[Feng Ke, Wu Cifang,

Wei Shichuan et al. Research on urban growth boundary: Theoretical analysis and its application in China.

Economic Geography, 2008, 28(3): 425-429.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[11] 黄明华,田晓晴.


[J].规划师,2008,24(6):13-15.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Huang Minghua, Tian Xiaoqing.

Reflection on urban growth boundary in the new urban planning formulation means.

Planners, 2008, 24(6): 13-15.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[12] 李咏华. 城市增长边界设定的路径、技术、方法[M].北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2014.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Li Yonghua.The Establishment of Urban Growth Boundary Research Path, Technique, Method. Beijing: China Architecture and Building Press, 2014.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[13] 翟宝辉,王如松,李博.


[J].城市规划学刊,2008,(4):70-74.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zhai Baohui, Wang Rusong, Li Bo.

The scale and allocation of urban land use based on land unfit for construction.

Urban Planning Forum, 2008, (4): 70-74.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[14] 罗震东,张京祥.


[J].城市规划学刊,2007,(1):39-43.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

非城市建设用地规划与城市增长管理是一个问题的两个方面.在总结 中国多个城市非城市建设用地规划的实践进展的同时,从概念、目标、内容、方法以及实施等角度归纳当前关于非城市建设用地的相关研究成果.进而对当前非城市 建设用地规划与研究的总体进展进行分析、评价,并深入思考研究的进一步发展方向与内容.

[Luo Zhendong, Zhang Jingxiang.

The total progress on the planning study for the land out of urban constructing in China.

Urban Planning Forum, 2007, (1): 39-43.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

非城市建设用地规划与城市增长管理是一个问题的两个方面.在总结 中国多个城市非城市建设用地规划的实践进展的同时,从概念、目标、内容、方法以及实施等角度归纳当前关于非城市建设用地的相关研究成果.进而对当前非城市 建设用地规划与研究的总体进展进行分析、评价,并深入思考研究的进一步发展方向与内容.
[15] 张鸿辉,王丽萍,金晓斌,.



[本文引用: 1]     

[Zhang Honghui, Wang Liping,Jin Xiaobin et al

Simulation of Spatio-temporal Dynamical Change of Urban Growth Based on Multi-agent System: Case Study of Lianyungang City, China.

Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2012, 32(11): 1289-1296.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[16] 高玉宏,张丽娟,李文亮,.



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[Gao Yuhong, Zhang Lijuan,Li Wenliang et al

Urban Expansion Simulation Using GIS Spatial Analysis and Cellular Automata—A Case Study in Daqing City.

Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2010, 30(5): 723-727.]

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[17] 何丹,金凤君,周璟.



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[He Dan, Jin Fengjun, Zhou Jing.

The Changes of Land Use and Landscape Pattern Based on Logistic-CA-Markov Model—A Case Study of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Region.

Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2011, 31(8): 903-910.]

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[18] Millennium Ecosystem Assessment.Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Synthesis Report[M].Washington,DC: Island Press,2005.

[本文引用: 1]     

[19] Kreuter U P,Harris H G,Matlock M D et al.

Change in ecosystem service values in the San Antonio area,Texas

[J].Ecological Economics,2001,39(3):333-346.      URL      摘要

San Antonio is one of the fastest growing metropolitan areas in the USA. Urban sprawl may significantly impact ecosystem services and functions but such effects are difficult to quantify and watershed-level estimates are seldom attempted. The objective of the study reported here was to determine whether LANDSAT MSS could be used to quantify changes in land-use and ecosystem services due to urban sprawl in Bexar County, TX, in which San Antonio is centered. The size of six land cover categories in the summer of 1976, 1985, and 1991 were estimated in the 141?671 ha of three watersheds in Bexar County. Coefficients published by Costanza and co-workers in 1997 [Nature 387 (1997) 253] were used to value changes in ecosystem services delivered by each land cover category, and a sensitivity analysis was conducted to determine the effect of manipulating these coefficients on the estimated values. Although we estimated that there was a 65% decrease in the area of rangeland and a 29% increase in the area of urbanized land use between 1976 and 1991, there appeared to be only a 4% net decline in the estimated annual value of ecosystem services in the study area (i.e. $5.58 haper year, with a 15-year cumulative total value of $6.24 million for the whole study area). This relatively small decline could be attributed to the neutralizing effect of the estimated 403% increase in the area of the woodlands, which were assigned the highest ecosystem value coefficient. When we assumed that the shift of rangelands to woodlands produced no net change in the value of ecosystem services per hectare, the estimated annual ecosystem service value declined by 15.4% ($23.22 haper year) between 1976 and 1991. When conducting time-series studies of ecosystem services, it is important to identify parallel changes in land cover types in order to quantify the potentially neutralizing influence of positive land cover changes on the negative effects of urban sprawl on ecosystem services.
[20] Chaudhary S,McGregor A,Houston D et al.

The evolution of ecosystem services: A time series and discourse-centered analysis

[J].Environmental Science and Policy,2015,(54):25-34.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The concept of ecosystem services is becoming increasingly influential in environmental research and policy reshaping human nvironment interactions. In this paper, we trace the rapid growth of ecosystem services across academic disciplines and amongst organizations at the boundary of science and policy. We approach ecosystem services as an evolving discourse and track its evolution across key institutional time frames. The review shows how the concept emerged in the United States as an economic and ecological response to ecosystem degradation, and has since expanded to incorporate a wide array of disciplinary perspectives across multiple countries. A discursive-institutional analysis identifies four key moments when ideas and initiatives from academia and policy became institutionalized. Using a spiral metaphor, we argue such moments shape subsequent research, policy and practice. The foundations of economics and ecology remain dominant, however there are emerging opportunities for other disciplines who have been marginal to this discourse up until now to contribute to what is becoming an increasingly powerful and global concept. We argue that social scientists must become more involved to ensure issues of poverty, justice, equality, differentiated wellbeing, governance, rights, and marginality are to influence the next institutional spiral of this important and influential discourse.
[21] Häyhä T,Franzese P P,Paletto A et al.

Assessing, valuing, and mapping ecosystem services in Alpine forests

[J].Ecosystem Services,2015,(14):12-23.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Forests support human economy and well-being with multiple ecosystem services. In this paper, the ecosystem services generated in a mountainous forest area in North Italy were assessed in biophysical and monetary units. GIS was used to analyze and visualize the distribution and provision of different services. The assessment of ecosystem services in biophysical units was an important step to investigate ecosystem functions and actual service flows supporting socio-ecological systems. The Total Economic Value (TEV) of all the investigated ecosystem services was about 3302M/yr, corresponding to 82002/ha/yr. The provisioning services represented 40% of the TEV while the regulating and cultural services were 49% and 11%. The service of hydrogeological protection, particularly important in areas characterized by a high risk of avalanches and landslides, showed a major importance among the regulating services (81%) and within the TEV (40%). Results from mapping ecosystem services were useful in identifying and visualizing priority areas for different services, as well as exploring trade-offs and synergies between services. Finally, we argue that while a biophysical perspective can ensure a solid accounting base, a comprehensive economic valuation of all categories of forest ecosystem services can facilitate communication of their importance to policy makers.
[22] Stoll S, Frenzel M, Burkhard B et al.

Assessment of ecosystem integrity and service gradients across Europe using the LTER Europe network

[J].Ecological Modelling,2015,(295):75-87.

[23] 王耕,王嘉丽,龚丽妍,.



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[Wang Geng, Wang Jiali, Gong Liyan et al.

Spatial-temporal Evolution of Regional Eco-security Based on GIS-Markov Model—A Case Study of Ganjingzi District in Dalian, Liaoning Province.

Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2013, 33(8): 957-964.]

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[24] Costanza R,d’Arge R,De Groot Ret al.

The value of the world's ecosystem services and natural capital


[本文引用: 1]     

[25] Daily G C.Nature’s Services: Social Dependence on Nature Ecosystems[M].Washington,DC: Island Press,1997.

[本文引用: 1]     

[26] Leh M D K,Matlock M D,Cummings E Cet al.

Quantifying and mapping multiple ecosystem services change in West Africa

[J].Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment,2013,(165):6-18.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Although ecosystem services have been identified to be declining over the previous decades, there is no clear methodology of evaluating the impacts of land use change on ecosystem services. This paper presents a methodology for quantifying and assessing changes in multiple ecosystems services as a result of land use change using the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST) model. The model was used to map and quantify biodiversity and four ecosystem services for Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire for 2000, 2005 and 2009 land use conditions: water yield, carbon storage, nutrient retention, and sediment retention. The study developed a suite of indices to analyze land use change impacts on the status, change and spatial patterns of multiple ecosystem services. On a national scale, the results show a mix of increases in service (water yield, N retention and P retention in Ghana, and, N and P retention in Cote d’Ivoire), little change in services (sediment retention in Ghana and sediment retention and water yield in Cote d’Ivoire) and decreases in services (biodiversity and carbon storage in both countries) from 2000 to 2009. The assessment illustrates a methodology that can be employed by land managers in exploring multiple management scenarios and their implications for multiple ecosystem services change.
[27] Su C H,Fu B J.

Evolution of ecosystem services in the Chinese Loess Plateau under climatic and land use changes

[J].Global and Planetary Change,2013,(101):119-128.      URL      摘要

Abstract Due to the lengthy historic land use by humans and the climate change characterized by warming and drying, the Loess Plateau has been plagued by ecosystem degradation for a long time. A series of ecological conservation projects launched since the 1970s altered the land use pattern greatly, and exerted a profound influence on the ecosystem services. Based on the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST) and Carnegie–Ames–Stanford Approach (CASA) models, we assessed the historical fluctuation of sediment control, water yield, and net primary production (NPP) in the Loess Plateau. The results showed that sediment retention was greatly consolidated indicated by the sharp decrease of sediment export. Water yield decreased at first and increased later. Both sediment export and water yield showed an increasing ‘spatial homogenization’ tendency during the period. NPP was steady between 1990 and 2000, and then increased greatly after 2000. Ecosystem services are interlinked closely and complexly. Correlation analyses indicated a positive relationship between the difference in sediment export and water yield (r2 = 0.7766868) from 1975 to 2008, with negative correlations between the difference of NPP and water yield (r2 = 61 0.4226868)/sediment export (r2 = 61 0.24068) from 1990 to 2008. This, to some extent, implies that there are tradeoffs between the services of water yield and sediment control/NPP, and there is synergy between sediment control and NPP. Climatic and land use changes are the major drivers on ecosystem services fluctuation. Correlation analyses showed that the decrease of precipitation significantly hindered water yield (r2 = 0.9806868) and sediment export (r2 = 0.7916868). The increase of temperature exerted a slight negative influence on water yield (r2 = 61 0.3506868). A spatial concordance existing between the ‘cropland to grass/woodland’ area and the high sediment control (r2 = 0.3136868)/NPP (r2 = 0.4886868) area indicated that the land use change from cropland to woodland/grassland significantly consolidated sediment control and NPP production. The observed spatio-temporal variation of ecosystem services and their correlations provide an operable criterion for land use management policies.
[28] 冯应斌,何建,杨庆媛.



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[Feng Yinbin, He Jian, Yang Qingyuan.

Evaluation of Ecological Effects in Land Use Planning: A Case Study of Ecological Barrier Zone of Three Gorges Reservoir Area.

Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2014, 34(12): 1504-1510.]

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[29] Marquès M,Bangash R F,Kumar V et al.

The impact of climate change on water provision under a low flow regime:A case study of the ecosystems services in the Francoli River basin

[J].Journal of Hazardous Materials,2013,(263):224-232.      URL      PMID: 23958138      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Mediterranean basin is considered one of the most vulnerable regions of the world to climate change and with high probability to face acute water scarcity problem in the coming years. Francol River basin (NE Spain), located in this vulnerable region is selected as a case study to evaluate the impact of climate change on the delivery of water considering the IPCC scenarios A2 and B1 for the time spans 2011-2040, 2041-2070 and 2071-2100. InVEST model is applied in a low flow river as a new case study, which reported successful results after its model validation. The studied hydrological ecosystem services will be highly impacted by climate change at Francol River basin. Water yield is expected to be reduced between 11.5 and 44% while total drinking water provisioning will decrease between 13 and 50% having adverse consequences on the water quality of the river. Focusing at regional scale, Prades Mountains and Brugent Tributary provide most of the provision of water and also considered highly vulnerable areas to climate change. However, the most vulnerable part is the northern area which has the lowest provision of water. Francol River basin is likely to experience desertification at this area drying Anguera and Vallverd tributaries.
[30] Kirchner M,Schmidt J,Kindermann G et al.

Ecosystem services and economic development in Austrian agricultural landscapes-The impact of policy and climate change scenarios on trade-offs and synergies

[J].Ecological Economics,2015,(109):161-174.      URL      摘要

We have developed an integrated modeling framework (IMF) to quantify indicators for ecosystem services (ES) and economic development (ED) in agricultural landscapes. Austria serves as a case study in which impacts, trade-offs, and synergies of ES and ED are assessed for different agricultural policy pathways and regional climate change scenarios. Agricultural intensification and incentivized use of provisioning ES (e.g. biomass production) lead to higher macro-economic output (e.g. GDP) but usually reduce ES related to regulation and maintenance (e.g. ecological integrity, climate regulation), as well as cultural services (landscape diversity). We revealed both synergies for certain ES (e.g. biomass production and soil organic carbon stocks) as well as large spatial deviations from the national mean across the heterogeneous agricultural landscapes in Austria. Climate change scenarios (i) lead to substantial variation in ES and ED indicators and (ii) usually amplify trade-offs by stimulating land use intensification. Our findings depict the complex relationship between different ES and ED indicators as well as the importance of considering spatial heterogeneity and regional climate change. This assessment can help to improve targeting of agri-environmental schemes in order to provide a more balanced and efficient supply of ES and to foster rural development.
[31] Delphin S,Escobedo F J,Abd-Elrahman A et al.

Mapping potential carbon and timber losses from hurricanes using a decision tree and ecosystem services driver model

[J].Journal of Environmental Management,2013,(129):599-607.      URL      PMID: 24036093      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Information on the effect of direct drivers such as hurricanes on ecosystem services is relevant to landowners and policy makers due to predicted effects from climate change. We identified forest damage risk zones due to hurricanes and estimated the potential loss of 2 key ecosystem services: aboveground storage and timber volume. Using land cover, plot-level forest inventory data, the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST) model, and a decision tree-based framework; we determined potential damage to subtropical forests from hurricanes in the Lower Suwannee River (LS) and Bay (PB) watersheds in Florida, US. We used biophysical factors identified in previous studies as being influential in forest damage in our decision tree and hurricane wind risk maps. Results show that 31% and 0.5% of the total aboveground storage in the LS and PB, respectively was located in high forest damage risk (HR) zones. Overall 15% and 0.7% of the total timber net volume in the LS and PB, respectively, was in HR zones. This model can also be used for identifying timber salvage areas, developing ecosystem service provision and management scenarios, and assessing the effect of other drivers on ecosystem services and goods.
[32] 张旭亮,宁越敏.



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在经济全球化的今天,国际竞争已经更多地表现为城市群之间的竞争,积极推进长三角城市群城市 国际化,不仅对长三角地区发展,而且对整个国家的发展都有非常重要的战略意义。在相关概念辨析的基础上,对长三角城市群城市等级、经济联系、经济隶属度和 国际化程度进行计量分析;发现上海仍在长三角城市群中处于核心主导地位,但城市群内部的城市经济结构已经发生重构,杭州、苏州、宁波、无锡等城市组团和与 上海的联系不断加强,这种趋势将不断扩大。城市国际化异军突起,中小城市国际化充分彰显,是长三角城市群城市国际化发展的重要力量。在此基础上,提出了长 三角城市群整体及辐射区、次级核心城市和中小城市三重城市国际化的空间发展战略。

[Zhang Xuliang, Ning Yuemin.

Urban economic contacting and internationalization spatial development strategy in Yangtze Delta Area urban agglomeration.

Economic Geography, 2011, 31(3): 353-359.]

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在经济全球化的今天,国际竞争已经更多地表现为城市群之间的竞争,积极推进长三角城市群城市 国际化,不仅对长三角地区发展,而且对整个国家的发展都有非常重要的战略意义。在相关概念辨析的基础上,对长三角城市群城市等级、经济联系、经济隶属度和 国际化程度进行计量分析;发现上海仍在长三角城市群中处于核心主导地位,但城市群内部的城市经济结构已经发生重构,杭州、苏州、宁波、无锡等城市组团和与 上海的联系不断加强,这种趋势将不断扩大。城市国际化异军突起,中小城市国际化充分彰显,是长三角城市群城市国际化发展的重要力量。在此基础上,提出了长 三角城市群整体及辐射区、次级核心城市和中小城市三重城市国际化的空间发展战略。
[33] 周炳中,陈浮,包浩生,.


[J].资源科学,2002,24(2):88-92.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

文中探讨了可持续利用目标下土地利用分类的必要性以及分类原则、依据和方法等问题。以长江三角洲地区为例 ,在对该区土地利用现状进行全面详细调查研究的基础上 ,提出“可持续利用、综合性、满足人类需求的适应性和系统性”四大分类原则 ,并以土地利用的形式与功能相结合的综合分类方式 ,将长江三角洲地区土地利用现状划分为四大零级系统、9个一级类别、39个二级类型和 4 3个三级类型 ,形成四级层次的分类体系。本方案是土地可持续利用理论与分类理论相互结合探讨的初步结果 ,可为长江三角洲土地利用与管理实践提供依据。

[Chen Bingzhong, Chen Fu,

Bao Haosheng et al. Land use classification in Yangtze River Delta.

Resources Science, 2002, 24(2): 88-92.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

文中探讨了可持续利用目标下土地利用分类的必要性以及分类原则、依据和方法等问题。以长江三角洲地区为例 ,在对该区土地利用现状进行全面详细调查研究的基础上 ,提出“可持续利用、综合性、满足人类需求的适应性和系统性”四大分类原则 ,并以土地利用的形式与功能相结合的综合分类方式 ,将长江三角洲地区土地利用现状划分为四大零级系统、9个一级类别、39个二级类型和 4 3个三级类型 ,形成四级层次的分类体系。本方案是土地可持续利用理论与分类理论相互结合探讨的初步结果 ,可为长江三角洲土地利用与管理实践提供依据。
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The maintenance of ecosystem goods and services, i.e. natural capital, is the basic guarantee of environmental security that aims to evaluate the level of threats to the actual flux of natural capital. This research concerns a natural protected area in southern Italy and aims at (1) assessing the temporal dynamics of land-use and land-cover mosaics, and indirectly of the natural capital they support, using the economic valuation of ecosystem goods and services as surrogate; and (2) ascertaining whether all the past environmental conservation policies have fostered the natural capital, reducing or increasing its security. To these purposes, orthorectified aerial photos, referring to July 1954, 1987, 1997 and 2004, were used to analyze the landscape change trajectory and the consequent change of natural capital flux. Surprisingly the results showed that not all environmental conservation policies have played an equal role in fostering the maintenance of natural capital. This research highlighted that the recognition of the natural value of a site according to the European Directives is not sufficiently effective for the conservation of the natural capital, while the presence of a local management authority setting some limits on human activities that cause landscape changes, can increase the security of natural capital. This is of particular relevance considering that in each European partner country there is a great number of areas that are recognized for their natural value but that, at the moment, are not protected at a local level with any measure aimed at mitigating human impact.
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