Scientia Geographica Sinica  2017 , 37 (1): 64-71

Orginal Article


孙斌栋, 丁嵩

1.华东师范大学中国现代城市研究中心/城市与区域科学学院,上海 200062

Progress and Implications for Polycentric Spatial Structure’s Effect on Economic Performance

Sun Bindong1, Ding Song1

1.Center for Modern Chinese City Studies / School of Urban and Regional Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

中图分类号:  F293

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2017)01-0064-08

通讯作者:  通讯作者:丁嵩。E-mail:

收稿日期: 2015-12-23

修回日期:  2016-02-14

网络出版日期:  2017-01-15

版权声明:  2017 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41471139)、上海哲学社会科学规划课题(2014BCK003)、华东师范大学优秀博士学位论文培育项目(PY2015001)、教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地基金 (16JJD790012)资助






关键词: 空间结构 ; 多中心 ; 集聚经济 ; 经济绩效


Implementing polycentric development strategy is seen, by substantial urban and regional planning, as the major policy instrument to achieve the objective of spatial balanced development in China. However, the question whether the polycentric spatial structure is economically efficient or not is not answered, especially the economic performance comparison between mono-centric and polycentric spatial structure. Based on classifying the relative theoretical and empirical studies on polycentric economic performance, this article concludes the following findings. Firstly, in theory, polycentric spatial structure can obtain agglomeration economy enjoyed by one single city under the same size through ‘borrowed size’, specialization and cooperation among cities, and relatively avoiding agglomeration diseconomy owing to the small size. Secondly, in practice, the consensus that polycentric spatial structure is economically efficient has not yet achieved owing to the heterogeneity of urban size, economic development level, geographical scale, functional connections and industrial type. In the end, we put forward some directions for domestic research and policy implications. The first priority is to build the academic framework for study on polycentric spatial structure, including spatial layout measurement, performance identification and mechanism analysis. What's more, deepening the characteristics identification and evolution analysis of polycentric spatial structure is necessary. For instance, we can make use of new techniques and methods, such as big data, to measure the spatial structure of different scales, and lay more emphasis on the functional linkage. Finally, we should pay more attention to the comparative study between China and foreign countries, for instance, analyzing the different roles of governments in the formation of polycentric spatial structure.

Keywords: spatial structure ; polycentric ; agglomeration economy ; economic performance


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孙斌栋, 丁嵩. 多中心空间结构经济绩效的研究进展及启示[J]. , 2017, 37(1): 64-71

Sun Bindong, Ding Song. Progress and Implications for Polycentric Spatial Structure’s Effect on Economic Performance[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2017, 37(1): 64-71


1 多中心空间结构的形成


2 多中心经济绩效的理论基础

2.1 集聚经济与空间结构



2.2 多中心之间的“互借规模”

由于城市之间物理距离的存在,一些学者对多中心空间结构下使用集聚经济这一概念提出质疑。Capello建议使用“城市网络外部性(urban network externalities)”[5],而Parr提出“区域外部性(regional externalities)”的概念[6];Boix和Trullén则专门区分了城市之间的集聚经济与网络经济[7]。其中,Alonso提出的“互借规模”(borrowed size)最具代表性,地理临近且联系紧密的小城市组合由于相互靠近获得了更大的根基,因此可以拥有与同等规模的单一特大城市相同的城市功能[8]。Alonso指出,与相同规模的单一特大城市相比,正是由于“互借规模”的作用,大西洋沿岸巨型城市区域的较小城市获得了更高的收入。Phelps等明确指出“互借规模”这一概念对于理解英国东南部小企业形成的地理空间分布意义重大,位于大都市区附近规模相对较小且可达性较高的农村地区,由于动态空间外部性的作用,企业同时获得了金钱(pecuniary)与技术(technological)外部性[9]。Phelps进一步解释为:“Alonso认为规模较小的人口与商业的集中可以避免大城市所带来的负外部性,但同时却可以获取外部经济。例如,位于小城市的人们可以获得较大规模城市所提供的购物与娱乐等生活设施,厂商则可以获得更为灵活的劳动力市场、仓储与商业服务等功能”[10]

此外,Meijers重点分析了多中心城市区域下城市之间是否存在一种协同机制[11],具体包含:城市之间是否可以逐渐的相互互补?用来描述多中心城市区域下空间功能结构的网络化空间组织模型是否比中心地理模型更为准确?多中心城市区域是否可以提供类似于单中心城市下的用于支持一些设施的关键规模?其将多中心城市区域下的协同机制细分为互补性(complemenratiry)、区域组织能力(regional organizing capacity)以及关键规模(critical mass),研究发现多中心城市区域并不仅仅是简单的部分加总,在互补性、组织能力和关键规模三大特征的交互作用下,多中心城市区域形成了城市网络的3种协同释放机制:合作机制、互补性机制、外部性机制。

2.3 多中心下的集聚不经济



3 多中心经济绩效的实证研究

3.1 形态多中心


3.1.1 区域尺度

以往针对多中心经济绩效的实证研究重点关注了区域尺度的形态多中心,将具体城市视为没有任何空间组织形式的点,以大都市区为基本的研究单元,分析单中心、多中心或分散化哪种空间组织形式是最有效率的。此类研究通常首先选取测度空间结构的变量,如规模、密度、集聚与分散、单中心与多中心等,之后加入劳动力、土地、资本、人力资本、制度等控制变量,重点关注空间结构变量对经济绩效指标估计系数的方向与大小。限于空间尺度的选取、城市规模、发展阶段等因素的影响,多中心空间结构是否有利于经济绩效的提升尚未得出一致性的结论。具体而言,Lee和Gordon系统检验了美国79个大都市区空间结构对就业与人口增长、形成新业务的净收入、行业搅拌(industrial churn)等经济绩效的影响,基于普通最小二乘法与局部加权回归估计的结果显示,并不存在最优的城市空间结构,最有效率的城市空间结构随城市发展的不同阶段和城市规模而不同[15,16]。然而,Meijers等以美国113个大都市区为案例,重点关注了两大问题: 地理临近且联系密切的较小城市之间是否可以发挥“互借规模”的效应,即3个25万人口规模的城市组合是否比1个75万人口构成的单一特大城市劳动生产率要高; 较小城市的组合是否可以取代唯一特大城市的城市化外部性效应。研究发现,由于集聚不经济相对有限,多中心带来了更高的劳动生产率,但规模与多中心的交互项系数显著为负,表明规模较小的城市组合并不能取代单中心结构下唯一特大城市的城市化外部性[17]。之后,Meijers进一步论证了当控制了人口、密度、经济结构、人力资本等影响因素后,与单中心空间结构相比,多中心使美国大都市区的劳动生产率增长11%、工资增长5.7%[1]

3.1.2 大都市区内部尺度


具体来看,Rosenthal等分析了集聚经济作用的地理范围,该变量不仅可以识别邮政编码尺度就业的空间集聚,而且考虑到了临近地区的影响,研究发现集聚经济效应体现在一个特定的产业内部即存在本地化经济,且具有距离衰减效应[26]。van Soest等以荷兰South-Holland省的416个邮政编码地区为研究样本,使用距离加权变量以及到主中心的距离解释就业增长与新经济活动的产生,并不显著的回归系数表明集聚经济效应随距离的增加而急剧降低且与主中心关联不大[27]。Garcia-López和Muñiz以巴塞罗那大都市区为案例,考察了两种集聚经济效应:一种是大都市区所带来的,与就业主中心有关;另一种则以本地为尺度,与临近地区的经济状况有关,研究发现存在大都市区的城市化经济与本地化经济、临近地区的专业化经济两种集聚经济类型[28]

3.2 功能多中心


基于流数据的功能性多中心可以真实反映城市之间经济主体、城市网络联系的紧密程度,因此近来成为实证研究的一个主要方向。其中最具代表性的是英国城市规划大师Peter Hall教授领衔开展的POLYNET(“欧洲多中心巨型城市区域的可持续管理”)项目,该项目研究了西欧8个巨型城市区域的类型和动力机制,其中就包括利用通勤反映每个巨型城市区域内部各功能性城市之间的联系、利用商务旅行活动(用航班和列车数据替代)反映各巨型城市区域之间以及与世界其他大城市之间的联系等[30]。此外,Goetz等尝试从通勤网络界定城市空间结构对本地经济增长的影响,以美国的劳动力市场区域为例,发现更高的城市中心性,例如成为经济枢纽或交流的纽带,不利于人均收入的增长[31]。Veneri等以意大利NUST-3区域为例,分析了集聚收益是否受区域内部经济活动的空间组织影响,利用市域的通勤流构建功能性多中心指标,发现功能性多中心对劳动生产率的估计系数显著为负,即不同节点之间的关系或功能临近性并不能取代单中心区域的物理临近性,单中心的集聚外部性作用更强[32]。此外,Veneri等研究发现形态多中心与功能多中心具有高度相关性,多中心发展将会导致区域收入差异扩大,但功能性多中心却可以极大地促进劳动生产率的提高[33]。Burger等认为一个区域越趋近于功能多中心,则该区域的首位城市规模越大且就越能够自给自足,吸引越多来自于区域之外的流(如高素质的劳动力)[29]。Hassens等则根据高端生产性服务业数据评估了比利时中部巨型城市区域的功能多中心,发现比利时中部展现了更多等级性的都市系统特征,并以布鲁塞尔为支配性的服务城市[34]

功能性多中心下城市之间的互动可以呈现出多元的形式,如以通勤、购物以及企业之间贸易流为基础的城市网络,每种类型功能联系的空间组织并不必然是相同的。一个区域可能因为某一种功能联系而被认为是多中心与空间一体化的,而同样这个区域可能因为其他类型的功能联系被认为是单中心且松散的。Burger等通过分析英国22个城市区域1981~2001年间的就业和通勤形式,发现大都市区空间结构的变化呈现出异质性,并不是所有的城市区域都正在经历向多中心空间结构的转变,特别指出功能性空间结构的测度受不同类型经济互动的影响[35]。van Oort等用荷兰兰斯塔德地区企业之间的联系数据检验了是否存在一体化与经济互补性,研究发现兰斯塔德地区不同类型的空间相互作用存在着明显的等级制,也就是说,并不存在功能一体化,中心地理模型更适用于该地区。而这与兰斯塔德地区作为典型的多中心区域并不相符,从而引发了对多中心网络化空间结构的质疑[36]。相类似,Burger等通过分析兰斯塔德地区的通勤、上学、商务旅行、购物旅行、贸易流和投资流,强调了多中心城市区域背景下功能联系的复杂性,研究发现虽然从形态多中心视角来看,兰斯塔德地区毫无疑问是多中心的,但基于功能性视角却并非如此,不同区域之间的相互依赖程度是相对有限的,只有阿姆斯特丹才是真正意义上的全球城市[37]

3.3 多中心经济绩效的行业差别



4 国内相关研究



5 结论与启示

城市区域化的发展趋势以及特大城市城市病问题凸显的现实压力,促使人们不得不对城市与区域的空间组织结构重新审视。在此背景下,多中心空间结构以及多区域联动的协同发展模式成为炙手可热的研究主题。基于此,本文通过综述相关理论与实证研究得出结论: 在城市之间“互借规模”、发挥专业化分工与协作的比较优势、较小的城市规模使得集聚不经济相对较少的共同作用下,多中心空间结构理论上可以获得同等规模单一特大城市所享有的集聚经济;受城市规模、发展阶段、地理空间尺度、行业构成、功能联系的异质性等因素影响,多中心空间结构的经济绩效表现不一,尚无法得出明确的实证结论,加强对不同影响因素的对比分析尤为必要; 国内论证多中心空间结构与经济绩效之间关系的实证研究相对较少,亟需进一步扩展。


基于以上分析,国内研究未来重点可从以下几个方向加以拓展与完善: 构建基于“格局–绩效–机制”的多中心空间结构分析框架。鉴于国内相关研究大都先验性的认为多中心发展有利于空间均衡目标的实现,今后可基于中国的典型案例,对多中心空间结构是否有利于劳动生产率的提高、缓解交通拥堵、实现职住均衡和社会公平等关键议题展开计量实证研究,并深入探索内在作用机制,以便挖掘可供指导实践的科学规律。深化对多中心空间结构特征的系统识别。考虑到多中心的尺度依赖特征,无论是探索城市内部的主次中心关系,还是城市区域范围内大中小城市与小城镇之间的协调发展问题,都应重视形态多中心向功能多中心的转向,充分利用大数据时代的技术优势,挖掘更加精细空间尺度下的动态微观联系数据,以期丰富对多中心空间结构特征及发展趋势的研判。 加强对中外多中心发展共性与个性的辨析。以国外相关理论为基础,对比发展阶段、空间尺度、产业结构、城市功能等异质性条件下的多中心绩效,重点关注基于中国特殊制度与发展背景下的多中心形成及演化格局,评估行政力量主导下的高铁站点、新区、新城与开发区等经济空间组织对多中心绩效的影响,并与国外相关研究进行综合比较。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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ABSTRACT.鈥 This paper presents a descriptive analysis of spatial trends in six U.S. metropolitan areas. The results show that generalized job dispersion was a more common spatial process than subcentering during the 1980s and 1990s when jobs continued to decentralize from the metropolitan core to the suburbs. Three distinctive patterns of spatial development were found. Job dispersion was predominant in Portland and Philadelphia, whereas the polycentricity of Los Angeles and San Francisco was further reinforced. New York and Boston with large and long-established CBDs were less prone to decentralization. Each metro seems to have developed a unique pattern of decentralization in light of their histories and circumstances, which has limited the growth of commuting times.
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ABSTRACT Firms and workers are much more productive in large and dense urban environments. There is substantial evidence of such agglomeration economies based on three approaches. First, on a clustering of production beyond what can be explained by chance or comparative advantage. Second, on spatial patterns in wages and rents. Third, on systematic variations in productivity with the urban environment. However, more needs to be learned about the causes of agglomeration economies. We have good models of agglomeration through sharing and matching, but not a deep enough understanding of learning in cities. Despite recent progress, more work is needed to distinguish empirically between alternative causes. Copyright (c) 2010, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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ABSTRACT Although considerable reliance has been placed on the concept of agglomeration economies in the analysis of industrial location, it tends to be ill-defined, and the term has come to assume a variety of connotations. A system of classification for agglomeration economies is outlined, which differs in several respects from previous ones, both in terms of definition and coverage. Certain aspects of this classification are explored, and attention is then given to a number of issues surrounding the concept of agglomeration economies that do not appear to have been adequately considered. These include the extent of agglomeration economies, the possible absence of agglomeration economies at a given agglomeration, and the spatial context of agglomeration economies.
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Abstract.鈥 Recent theories of regional growth and local development emphasise the roles of agglomeration and knowledge as the main determinants of growth, whereas the theories of the networks of cities remark that growth is a process not only within cities but also between cities. The objective of this paper is to measure the factors that affect the evolution of different intensities of knowledge in a region's cities. An adaptation of the OECD knowledge classification is used to divide the industries by knowledge intensity and to model the determinants of these intensities in a spatial context. Results suggest that higher growth rates are associated with higher levels of technology and knowledge. The growth of the different kinds of knowledge is related to local and spatial factors (agglomeration and network externalities) and each knowledge intensity show a particular response to these factors.
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Abstract In this paper we suggest that some elements of the observed urban-rural shift in firm formation and growth may centre on the phenomenon of 'borrowed size'. In doing so, we make a link between literature on the geography of small firm formation and growth, the theory of agglomeration and the relations among settlements within urban systems. Spatial externality fields have expanded over time so that small firms can locate in smaller settlements and yet access specialized labour and informational external economies of nearby larger urban areas. We examine the relevance of aspects of borrowed size in the relationship of small firms in Leighton Linslade and Lichfield to the local economy and nearby larger urban centres. In particular we question the contribution of local institutional support to the growth of rural enterprise stressed in recent analysis. We conclude by briefly noting the implications of borrowed size for conceptions of the local economy and local economic policy.
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While the geographical clustering of economic activities remains an enduring feature of the industrial landscape and a perennial source of theoretical and empirical interest, the geographical scale at which external economies and agglomerative effects are now claimed to operate is on the increase. Such changes in the spatial form and potential causes of agglomeration over time pose important questions. How should we analyse changes in the spatial extent of external economies and agglomerative effects? Ought we to pay more attention to the sorts of banal economic spaces thrown up as part of increasingly diffuse forms of agglomeration? To answer the first of these questions, it is noted how economists and geographers have explained agglomerations often in the rather singular and invariant categories of pecuniary and Marshallian externalities respectively. This paper considers the relevance of neo-Marshallian analysis and the concept of 'borrowed size'--as variations on these classical principles--to an analysis of the mobility and fixity of external economies and contemporary diffuse forms of agglomeration. Whilst reflecting important changes in the spatial extent of industrial agglomerations, they are insufficiently sensitive to the interaction of different types of external economies with different scale-dependencies. In answering the second question, it is noted that part of the value of analysing the economic basis of largely overlooked 'banal' intermediate places lies in what they may reveal about the functioning of diffuse forms of agglomeration.
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Beyond optimal city size: an evaluation of alternative urban growth patterns

[J]. Urban Studies, 2000, 37(9): 1479-1496.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The aim of the paper is to present a critical view of theoretical works on city size. We begin with the consideration that, during the 1960s and 1970s, the question of optimal city size tended to be expressed in a misleading way. The real issue is not 'optimal city size' but 'efficient size', which depends on the functional characteristics of the city and on the spatial organisation within the urban system. Economies of scale exist up to a certain city size. However, urban development generates conditions leading to structural readjustments which may create new economic advantages. These structural adjustments may either be sectoral trasformations towards higher-order functions, or increases in external linkages with other cities. The paper provides empirical evidence of these processes, and contains an econometric evaluation of urban location benefits and cost functions with respect to different levels of network integration, size and urban function. The model is applied to 58 Italian cities.
[13] Bailey N, Turok I.

Central Scotland as a polycentric urban region: useful planning concept or chimera?

[J]. Urban Studies, 2001, 38(4): 697-715.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Interest in the concept of the polycentric urban region (PUR) has been growing among planners and policy-makers in north-west Europe. PURs are believed to offer a means of promoting regional economic competitiveness while safeguarding environmental objectives. This paper interrogates the concept and examines its relevance to the central Scotland region. Central Scotland has a polycentric physical form, but the evidence that it is a single functional region in economic terms is much more mixed. The dominant pattern of interactions suggests two separate city-regions, although links between adjoining areas seem to be growing. Despite considerable rivalry between public organisations across the region, there appears to be increasing support for the development of some kind of strategic spatial framework to inform key investment decisions and to promote closer collaboration. This would not necessarily be based on the PUR concept, since it is too broadly specified at present to guide the kinds of decision that need to be made. Further work is needed to elaborate and refine the concept.
[14] Parr J B.

The polycentric urban region: a closer inspection

[J]. Regional Studies, 2004, 38(3): 231-240.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Parr J. B. (2004) The polycentric urban region: a closer inspection, , 231-240. The concept of the polycentric urban region (PUR) is one that has gained considerable currency over the last decade. Nevertheless, a certain vagueness continues to surround the concept. A set of conditions is outlined that would need to be satisfied before a PUR could reasonably be said to exist. The PUR is contrasted with other types of region, and various forms of the PUR are then briefly reviewed. Consideration is next given to the supposed economic advantages of the PUR. This is followed by a discussion of the extent to which the concept of the PUR has emerged as a focus in urban and regional policy.Parr J. B. (2004) Un examen plus approfondi de la région urbaine polycentrique, , 231-240. Pendant la dernière décennie, la notion de région urbaine polycentrique s'est répandue. Toujours est-il que cette notion s'entoure d'une certaine imprécision. On esquisse ici un ensemble de conditions qu'il faut satisfaire avant que l'on puisse légitimement confirmer l'existence d'une région urbaine polycentrique. On compare la région urbaine polycentrique aux autres typologies de régions et, ensuite, on réexamine brièvement diverses formes de région urbaine polycentrique. Puis on considère les avantages économiques présumés de la région urbaine polycentrique. Il s'ensuit une discussion de la question suivante: jusqu'à quel point la notion de région urbaine polycentrique est-elle devenue le point central de la politique d'aménagement du territoire?Parr J. B. (2004) Die polyzentrische Stadtregion: eine eingehendere Untersuchung, , 231-240. Der Begriff der polyzentrischen Stadtregion (Polycentric Urban Region - PUR) ist ein Konzept, dessen Gebrauch im letzten Jahrzehnt betr01chtlich zugenommen hat. Trotzdem bleibt ihm eine gewisse Unbestimmtheit anhaften. Es werden eine Reihe Bedingungen umrissen, die erfüllt werden mü08ten, bevor man ernstlich behaupten kann, da08 es tats01chlich eine PUR gibt. Die PUR wird anderen Regiontypen gegenübergestellt, und dem schlie08t sich eine kurze Besprechung verschiedener Formen der PUR an. Sodann wird überlegt, was für wirtschaftliche Vorteile den PUR zugeschrieben werden k02nnen. Der Aufsatz schlie08t mit einer Diskussion des Ausma08es, in dem der Begriff der PUR zu einem Kernstück der Stadt-und Regionalpolitik geworden ist.Parr J. B. (2004) La región urbana policéntrica: un examen más detallado, , 231-240. El concepto de región urbana policéntrica (RUP) es un concepto que se ha puesto considerablemente de actualidad en la última década. No obstante, este concepto continúa rodeado de una cierta vaguedad. Se enumeran una serie de condiciones que necesitarían ser satisfechas antes de que se pudiera afirmar de forma razonable que existe una RUP. La RUP se contrasta con otros tipos de regiones, y varias formas de la RUP son luego brevemente revisadas. A continuación se examinan las supuestas ventajas económicas de la RUP. Se prosigue con un examen de hasta qué punto el concepto de la RUP ha emergido como objetivo de políticas urbanas y regionales.
[15] Lee B, Gordon P.

Urban spatial structure and economic growth in US metropolitan areas[R]. Newport Beach: The 46th annual meeting of the

Western Regional Science Association, 2007.

[本文引用: 2]     

[16] Lee B, Gordon P.

Urban structure: its role in urban growth, net new business formation and industrial churn

[J]. Région et Développement, 2011, 33: 137-159.

[本文引用: 2]     

[17] Meijers E J, Burger M J.

Spatial structure and productivity in US metropolitan areas

[J] Environment and Planning A, 2010, 42(6): 1383-1402.

[本文引用: 2]     

[18] Muñiz I,

Garcia-López M A, Galindo A. The effect of employment subcenters on population density in Barcelona

[J]. Urban Studies, 2008, 45(3): 627-649.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The polycentric models of the new urban economics (NUE) predict that population density decreases while increasing the distance to employment centres. In contrast with this, some studies have calculated non-significant gradients or even positive ones, which appear to threaten seriously the usefulness of these theoretical models. Does this mean that this theoretical framework should be given up in order to understand the decision-making processes of the actors in a polycentric city and their cumulative effects on urban structure? Or, rather, is it a matter of overcoming problems with the appropriate estimating techniques? This study has tested the effect of decentralised and integrated sub-centres in the Barcelona metropolitan region on population density in 1991 and 2001. From the preliminary results, it is clear that population density increases with distance in a considerable number of the sub-centres that have sprung up as employment has decentralised. It has been detected that this result is due not so much to the higher value of more distant residential land compared with that nearer the employment sub-centres, but to deficiencies in the econometric model used. The problem is that the sub-centres belonging to this group are very close together. Once this is resolved, it is demonstrated that, although distance has less effect on decentralised sub-centres than integrated ones, in both cases the effect is negative; that is, when distance increases, population density is reduced. Therefore, the results obtained are not clearly contrary to the predictions of the theoretical models.
[19] Redfearn C L.

The topography of metropolitan employment: identifying centers of employment in a polycentric urban area

[J]. Journal of Urban Economics, 2007, 61(3): 519-541.      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">While it is well recognized that US metropolitan areas are polycentric, there is little consensus as to the appropriate method for identifying concentrations of employment within them. Existing methods suffer from strong assumptions about parametric form, misspecification, or reliance on local knowledge to calibrate model parameters. This paper introduces a new nonparametric method for identifying subcenters. Results indicate that this, more flexible, nonparametric approach yields greater accuracy with regard to both urban and suburban centers compared with other approaches. This approach should provide better data for the numerous topics that depend on the spatial accounting of employment within metropolitan areas.</p>
[20] McMillen D P.

Nonparametric employment subcenters identification

[J]. Journal of Urban Economics, 2001, 50(3): 448-473.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

A two-stage procedure is proposed for identifying urban employment subcenters. The first stage identifies candidate subcenters as significant positive residuals in a smoothed employment density function. Subcenters are those sites that provide significant explanatory power in the second-stage, semiparametric employment density function estimation. The procedure can be applied to either aggregated or disaggregated data, does not require detailed knowledge of the study area, and is easily reproducible by other researchers. Results are presented for five previously studied cities—Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, and San Francisco—and a new one, New Orleans.
[21] Baumont C, Ertur C, Gallo J.

Spatial analysis of employment and population density: the case of the agglomeration of Dijon

[J]. Geographical Analysis, 2004, 36(2): 146-176.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The aim of this paper is to analyze the intra-urban spatial distributions of population and employment in the agglomeration of Dijon (regional capital of Burgundy, France). We study whether this agglomeration has followed the general tendency of job decentralization observed in most urban areas or whether it is still characterized by a monocentric pattern. In that purpose, we use a sample of 136 observations at the communal and at the IRIS (infra-urban statistical area) levels with 1999 census data and the employment database SIRENE (INSEE). First, we study the spatial pattern of total employment and employment density using exploratory spatial data analysis. Apart from the CBD, few IRIS are found to be statistically significant, a result contrasting with those found using standard methods of subcenter identification with employment cut-offs. Next, in order to examine the spatial distribution of residential population density, we estimate and compare different specifications: exponential negative, spline- exponential and multicentric density functions. Moreover, spatial autocorrelation, spatial heterogeneity and outliers are controlled for by using the appropriate maximum likelihood, generalized method of moments and Bayesian spatial econometric techniques. Our results highlight again the monocentric character of the agglomeration of Dijon.
[22] McMillen D P, McDonald J F.

Suburban subcenters and employment density in metropolitan Chicago

[J]. Journal of Urban Economics, 1998, 43(2): 157-180.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

No abstract is available for this item.
[23] McMillen D P, Lester T W.

Evolving subcenters: Employment and population densities in Chicago 1970-2020

[J]. Journal of Housing Economics, 2003, 12(1): 60-81.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

No abstract is available for this item.
[24] McMillen D P.

The return of centralization to Chicago: using repeat sales to identify changes in house price distance gradients

[J]. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2003, 33(3): 287-304.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Distance gradients for the unit price of housing can only be estimated accurately from a simple hedonic house value function if data are available on all housing characteristics. A simple extension of the repeat sales estimator makes it possible to identify changes in the distance gradient over time. The estimates suggest a dramatic return of centralization to the Chicago housing market. After a long period during which house prices were not affected by distance from the central business district, values now decline by more than 8% per mile.
[25] Giuliano G, Redfearn C, Agarwal A et al.

Employment concentrations in Los Angeles 1980-2000

[J]. Environment and Planning A, 2007, 39(12): 2935-2957.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT Are contemporary metropolitan regions becoming more dispersed? There are theoretical arguments for both concentration and dispersal. The purpose of our research is to establish an empirical base that can help us to understand the evolution of metropolitan spatial structure. Using data for the Los Angeles region from 1980, 1990, and 2000, we identify employment centers and describe spatial trends in the pattern of employment inside and outside these centers. We find: (1) a remarkable degree of stability in the system of centers; (2) an increase in the average distance of jobs from the traditional core; (3) the emergence and growth of employment centers; (4) the rapid growth of dispersed employment in outer suburbs. These trends appear to defy simple models of urban evolution and call for a more nuanced portrayal of contemporary regions and the dynamics underlying spatial organization.
[26] Rostenthal S S, Strange W C.

Geography, industrial organization, and agglomeration

[J]. Review of Economics and Statistics, 2003, 85(2): 377-393.

[本文引用: 1]     

[27] van Soest D P, Gerking S D, van Oort F G.

Spatial impacts of agglomeration externalities

[J]. Journal of Regional Science, 2006, 46(5): 881-899.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT This article examines the extent to which agglomeration economies in one location affect employment growth and establishment births, using data from the Dutch province of South-Holland. The data are of particular interest because they represent a census, rather than a sample, of all establishments and the location of establishments can be pinpointed to within 416 (postal) zip code areas averaging less than 6 km-super-2 in size. Results suggest that agglomeration economies positively affect employment growth and the location of new establishments, but with the possible exception of manufacturing, this effect dies out quickly with distance. Thus, the main finding is that for many industries, agglomerative forces may well operate at a geographic scale that is smaller than a city. Copyright Blackwell Publishing, Inc. 2006
[28] Garcia-López M A, Muñiz I.

Urban spatial structure, agglomeration economies, and economic growth in Barcelona: an intra-metropolitan perspective

[J]. Papers in Regional Science, 2013, 92(3): 515-534.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

No abstract is available for this item.
[29] Burger M, Meijers E.

Form follows function? Linking morphological and functional polycentric

[J]. Urban Studies, 2012, 49(5): 1127-1149.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Abstract Empirical research establishing the costs and benefits that can be associated with polycentric urban systems is often called for but rather thin on the ground. In part, this is due to the persistence of what appear to be two analytically distinct approaches in understanding and measuring polycentricity: a morphological approach centring on nodal features and a functional approach focused on the relations between centres. Informed by the oft-overlooked but rich heritage of urban systems research, this paper presents a general theoretical framework that links both approaches and discusses the way both can be measured and compared in a coherent manner. Using the Netherlands as a test case, it is demonstrated that most regions tend to be more morphologically polycentric than functionally polycentric. The difference is largely explained by the size, external connectivity and degree of self-sufficiency of a region0964s principal centre.
[30] Hall P, Pain K.

The polycentric metropolis: learning from mega-city regions in Europe

[M]. London: Earthscan, 2006.

[本文引用: 1]     

[31] Goetz S J, Han Y, Findeis J F et al. U.S.

commuting networks and economic growth: measuring and implication for spatial policy

[J]. Growth and Change, 2010, 41(2): 276-302.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT Labor market areas (LMAs) have long been a staple of regional and urban analysis. As commuting patterns have expanded over time, these areas have become larger and more complex, and the dichotomous designation of a county either belonging to an LMA or not may no longer be adequate. We apply recent advances in network science to conduct a more refined analysis of U.S. commuting patterns, and examine their effects on local economic growth. Results show that network degree and entropy measures explain variations in county per capita income growth patterns. Higher in- and out-commuting entropies are associated with lower per capita income growth, but their interaction enhances economic growth in places simultaneously open to both in- and out-commuters. Using these results, common ground may be found for creating new forms of regional governance that better reflect local realities of cross-county border flows of workers and economic activity. Copyright (c) 2010 Copyright the Authors. Journal compilation (c) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc..
[32] Veneri P, Burgalassi D.

Spatial structure and productivity in Italian NUST-3 regions

[J]. Università Politecnica delle Marche, Departimentio di science economiche esoliali, Quarerno di Recerca, 2011, 364: 1-26.

URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

This work is an investigation of how spatial structure affects labour productivity in Italian provinces. The analysis draws on agglomeration theories, and analyzes whether agglomeration benefits are dependent on the way activities are spatially organized within regions. Urban spatial structures have declined in terms of size, dispersion and polycentricity. Using instrumental variables and spatial econometric techniques, we assess the effects of spatial structure for the 103 Italian NUTS-3 regions. The findings include negative impacts of both polycentricity and dispersion and a positive impact of size.
[33] Veneri P, Burgalassi D.

Questioning polycentric development and its effects. Issues of definition and measurement for the Italian NUST-2 regions

[J]. European Planning Studies, 2012, 20(6): 1017-1037.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT Polycentric development is a widely used term both in academic research and in the normative agenda. However, its theoretical foundations and economic implications are still unclear and the concept of polycentricity still does not have a shared definition or a shared measurement method. The aim of this study is two-fold. First, it defines and measures polycentricity at a NUTS-2 regional level, by comparing functional and morphological methods. Second, in the light of the role assigned to polycentric development in terms of policy, the study investigates the relationships between the degree of regional polycentricity and the key economic variables of performance, namely, competitiveness, social cohesion and environmental sustainability. Our main finding was that functional and morphological methods lead to similar results. In addition, we find a correlation between polycentricity and a more unequal income distribution and a higher level of productivity, especially when polycentricity was measured in functional terms. No stable correlations were found between polycentricity and measures of environmental sustainability, such as land consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
[34] Hassens H, Derudder B, van Aelst S et al.

Accessing the functional polycentric of the Mega-City-Region of central Belgium based on advanced producer service transaction links

[J]. Regional Studies, 2014, 48(12): 1939-1953.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper comments on three aspects of POLYNET's implementation of the Globalization and World Cities (GaWC) model to measure functional polycentricity at the local scale. These aspects are: (1) the use of advanced producer services (APS) office locations as a proxy for inter-city relations, (2) the problematic calculation of the functional polycentricity index, and (3) the narrow conceptualization of functional polycentricity. Alternative methodologies based on transaction link data are introduced to examine whether Central Belgium displays features of a functionally polycentric mega-city-region. The results suggest that this is not the case: Central Belgium displays more features of a hierarchical urban system with Brussels as the dominant service city. However, some indications are found for a preliminary urban network formation.
[35] Burger M J, de Goei B, van der Laan Let al.

Heterogeneous development of metropolitan spatial structure: Evidence from commuting patterns in English and Welsh city-regions, 1981-2001

[J]. Cities, 2011, 28(2): 160-170.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT In the contemporary literature on urban systems, it is often suggested that the conceptualization of urban systems as monocentric spatial entities has become increasingly problematic. However, by analyzing employment and commuting patterns in English and Welsh city-regions between 1981 and 2001, it can be shown that not all city-regions are experiencing a shift toward a polycentric spatial structure. Although most city-regions in Southeast England and the Midlands are becoming more polycentric, the spatial structures of many city-regions in the North have not shown significant change. In fact, some are becoming more monocentric. In addition, polycentricity takes different forms, which indicates that the development of metropolitan spatial structure can be characterized as a heterogeneous spatial process.
[36] van Oort F G, Burger M, Raspe O.

On the economic foundation of the urban network paradigm: Spatial integration, functional integration and economic complementarities within the Dutch Randstad

[J]. Urban Studies, 2010, 47(4): 725-748.

[本文引用: 1]     

[37] Burger M J, van der Knaap B, Wall R S.

Polycentricity and the multiplicity of urban networks

[J]. European Planning Studies, 2014, 22(4): 816-840.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Empirical studies on polycentric urban regions (PURs) tend to analyse their spatial organization by examining only one type of functional linkage between cities. However, it has generally been accepted that urban networks are multiplex phenomena and that spatial interactions between cities can take many different forms, for example, commuting, shopping trips, and inter-firm trade. The spatial organization of each of these functional linkages is not necessarily identical, and, therefore, a region can appear to be polycentric and spatially integrated based on the analysis of one type of functional linkage but monocentric and loosely connected based on the analysis of another type of functional linkage. The aim of this paper is to stimulate further discussion on the multiplexity of urban networks with regard to the relational complexity of urban regions. Focusing on one PUR (Randstad Holland), we compare the geographical scope and spatial structure of different functional networks within it. Our results indicate that the spatial organization of the urban network depends on the lens through which it is assessed.
[38] Meijers E.

Summing small cities does not make a large city: polycentric urban regions and the provision of cultural, leisure and sports amenities

[J]. Urban Studies, 2008, 45(11): 2323-2342.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The paper explores whether a polycentric urban region can reap the advantages of its combined urban size to a similar extent as a similar-sized monocentric city-region. This question is elaborated for the provision of cultural, leisure and sports amenities. Their presence in 42 Dutch regions is expressed in an index, which serves as the dependent variable in a multiple regression model. An explaining variable is the extent of polycentricity of a region. Correcting for differences between regions in terms of population size, the number of visitors and average income, it turns out that the more polycentric a region is, the fewer cultural, leisure and sports amenities are present. Conversely, the more monocentric a region, the more such amenities.
[39] Burger M J, Meijers E J, van Oort F G.

Regional spatial structure and retail amenities in the Netherlands

[J]. Regional Studies, 2014, 48(12): 1972-1992.      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Burger M. J., Meijers E. J. and van Oort F. G. Regional spatial structure and retail amenities in the Netherlands, Regional Studies. This paper examines how the presence of retail amenities in Dutch regions is dependent on their spatial structure. Retail amenities, in particular those specialized retail functions that require a large urban support base, are less found in more polycentric and more dispersed regions. This can be explained by the observation that in polycentric and dispersed regions the degree of market fragmentation is higher as a result of more intense regional competition and spacing between retail centres. Evidence is found for ways to overcome the lack of agglomeration benefits in more polycentric and more dispersed regions. Both concentration of retail and more complementarities between cities' retail amenities may make up for the disadvantages of regions being polycentric or dispersed. These findings provide a rationale to coordinate regionally specialized retailing in polycentric and dispersed regions.
[40] 冯健, 周一星.


[J]. 地理学报, 2003, 58(6): 903-916.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Feng Jian, Zhou Yixing.

The Growth and distribution of population in Beijing metropolitan area.

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2003, 58(6): 903-916. ]      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[41] 孙铁山, 王兰兰, 李国平.


[J]. 地理学报, 2012, 67(6): 829-840.

Magsci      摘要

本研究应用非参数计量方法,实证刻画北京都市区人口—就业空间分布演化,揭示在快速城市化和城市增长背景下,北京都市区空间结构特征及发展趋势。研究发现,北京都市区人口和就业分布都呈现多中心空间结构。20 世纪80 年代以来,随着人口郊区化,北京都市区人口次中心数量不断增加,并由近郊向远郊扩展,人口分布呈现明显的分散化和多中心化趋势,但人口分散的空间范围还比较有限。与人口的分散化趋势不同,2004-2008 年,北京都市区就业仍呈现向心集聚的趋势,造成远郊就业次中心的影响不断被弱化,都市区空间结构的多中心性有所降低。这说明北京都市区的单中心或强中心结构可能并未从根本上改变,且人口的分散化和就业的向心集聚导致宏观面上人口—就业的空间失衡。北京都市区多中心空间结构的形成,需要强化郊区次中心的集聚能力,同时注重人口—就业的平衡布局,这是未来北京都市区空间结构调整的重点。

[Sun Tieshan, Wang Lanlan, Li Guoping.

Distributions of population and employment and evolution of spatial structures in the Beijing metropolitan area.

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2012, 67(6): 829-840. ]

Magsci      摘要

本研究应用非参数计量方法,实证刻画北京都市区人口—就业空间分布演化,揭示在快速城市化和城市增长背景下,北京都市区空间结构特征及发展趋势。研究发现,北京都市区人口和就业分布都呈现多中心空间结构。20 世纪80 年代以来,随着人口郊区化,北京都市区人口次中心数量不断增加,并由近郊向远郊扩展,人口分布呈现明显的分散化和多中心化趋势,但人口分散的空间范围还比较有限。与人口的分散化趋势不同,2004-2008 年,北京都市区就业仍呈现向心集聚的趋势,造成远郊就业次中心的影响不断被弱化,都市区空间结构的多中心性有所降低。这说明北京都市区的单中心或强中心结构可能并未从根本上改变,且人口的分散化和就业的向心集聚导致宏观面上人口—就业的空间失衡。北京都市区多中心空间结构的形成,需要强化郊区次中心的集聚能力,同时注重人口—就业的平衡布局,这是未来北京都市区空间结构调整的重点。
[42] 秦贤宏, 魏也华, 陈雯, .


[J]. 地理研究, 2013, 32(4): 711-719.      Magsci      摘要


[Qin Xianhong, Wei Yehua, Chen Wen et al.

Population expansion and polycentric development of Nanjing city in a period of hyper-growth.

Geographical Research, 2013, 32(4): 711-719.]      Magsci      摘要

[43] 周春山, 罗彦, 陈素素.

近 20 年来广州市人口增长与分布的时空间演化分析

[J]. 地理科学, 2004, 24(6): 641-647.      URL      摘要


[Zhou Chunshan, Luo Yan, Chen Susu.

Spatial-temporal evolvement of growth and distribution of population in Guangzhou in recent twenty years.

Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2004, 24(6): 641-647.]      URL      摘要

[44] 谢守红, 宁越敏.


[J]. 数理统计与管理, 2006, 25(5): 518-522.      URL      摘要

根据广州市第三、四、五次人口 普查资料,运用GIS技术对空间数据进行提取,然后对广州城市人口密度分布进行数学模拟和比较。结果表明,1982年以来广州市人口密度呈现典型的 Clark分布,而且随着时间的推进,其拟合程度越来越高,今后将逐步向Newling模型演变。

[Xie Shouhong, Ning Yueming.

Distribution of population density and evolution model in Guangzhou.

Application of Statistics and Management, 2006, 25(5): 518-522.]      URL      摘要

根据广州市第三、四、五次人口 普查资料,运用GIS技术对空间数据进行提取,然后对广州城市人口密度分布进行数学模拟和比较。结果表明,1982年以来广州市人口密度呈现典型的 Clark分布,而且随着时间的推进,其拟合程度越来越高,今后将逐步向Newling模型演变。
[45] 蒋丽, 吴缚龙.


[J]. 热带地理, 2013, 32(2): 147-155.

URL      摘要


[Jiang Li, Wu Fulong.

Guangzhou population spatial distribution and polycentric spatial structure evolution.

Tropical Geography, 2013, 32(2): 147-155.]

URL      摘要

[46] 孙斌栋, 魏旭红.


[J]. 地理学报, 2014, 69(6): 747-758.      Magsci      摘要


[Sun Bindong, Wei Xuhong.

Spatial distribution and structure evolution of employment and population in Shanghai metropolitan area.

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2014, 69(6): 747-758.]      Magsci      摘要

[47] 罗震东.


[J]. 国际城市规划, 2010, 25(1): 60-65.      URL      摘要

功能多中心是多中心城市区域最为本质的特点和最为关键的演进阶段。基于欧洲POLYNET研究所形成的功能多中心测度方法,选取长江三角洲目前最受商务旅行青睐且使用最为普遍的城市间动车组(CRH:China Railway High—speed)每日车次数作为替代数据,对区域的功能多中心程度进行测度,并与欧洲8个城市区域进行比较。通过测度和比较同时参考其他相关研究,认为长江三角洲地区的功能多中心程度较高,已经接近较为典型的功能多中心城市区域。

[Luo Zhendong.

Study on the functional polycentricity of Yangtze River Delta.

International City Planning, 2010, 25(1): 60-65. ]      URL      摘要

功能多中心是多中心城市区域最为本质的特点和最为关键的演进阶段。基于欧洲POLYNET研究所形成的功能多中心测度方法,选取长江三角洲目前最受商务旅行青睐且使用最为普遍的城市间动车组(CRH:China Railway High—speed)每日车次数作为替代数据,对区域的功能多中心程度进行测度,并与欧洲8个城市区域进行比较。通过测度和比较同时参考其他相关研究,认为长江三角洲地区的功能多中心程度较高,已经接近较为典型的功能多中心城市区域。
[48] 韦亚平, 赵民.


[J]. 城市规划, 2006, 30(4): 9-16.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Wei Yaping, Zhao Min.

Spatial structure and performance of metropolis: interpretation and application of polycentric structure.

City Planning Review, 2006, 30(4): 9-16.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[49] 杨青山, 杜雪, 张鹏, .


[J]. 地理科学, 2011, 31(11): 1301-1306.

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

以东北地区36个地级行政单元为样本,利用2000年中国第五次人口普查数据,采用Meijers等给出的区域城市人口中心度和分散度指标对各市域城市人口空间结构进行测度,同时借鉴Cobb-Douglas生产函数,推导出基于OLS算法的实证回归模型,选取中心度、分散度和首位城市人口规模等指标与劳动生产率进行实证分析。结果表明:① 首位城市人口规模越大,劳动生产率越高;② 中心度对劳动生产率的作用不明显;③ 分散度对劳动生产率有负的影响,并受到市域人口规模和市域尺度的影响。

[Yang Qingshan, Du Xue, Zhang Peng et al.

The urban population spatial structure and labor productivity of administrative region of cities in the Northeast China.

Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2011, 31(11): 1301-1306.]

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

以东北地区36个地级行政单元为样本,利用2000年中国第五次人口普查数据,采用Meijers等给出的区域城市人口中心度和分散度指标对各市域城市人口空间结构进行测度,同时借鉴Cobb-Douglas生产函数,推导出基于OLS算法的实证回归模型,选取中心度、分散度和首位城市人口规模等指标与劳动生产率进行实证分析。结果表明:① 首位城市人口规模越大,劳动生产率越高;② 中心度对劳动生产率的作用不明显;③ 分散度对劳动生产率有负的影响,并受到市域人口规模和市域尺度的影响。
[50] 李佳洺, 张文忠, 孙铁山, .


[J]. 地理学报, 2014, 69(4): 474-484.      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

城市群作为中国城镇化的主要载体,社会经济要素将会向城市群大规模的集中,人口和经济集聚对城市群的空间结构和经济发展产生重要影响。通过对1995-2010年间中国20个城市群人口和经济集聚程度进行研究,表明中国城市群集聚程度整体仍是一个增加的过程,且经济集聚度高于人口集聚度,两者呈现很高的线性正相关关系;进一步采用城市基尼指数和首位城市集聚度两种方法分别对城市群集聚程度进行测度和分析,认为20个城市群可以分为强单中心、弱单中心、多(双) 中心以及弱中心4 种城市群集聚类型;使用局部加权回归的方法对城市群集聚水平和经济增长率之间的关系进行探索性分析,发现城市群经济集聚度与经济增长之间关系整体上符合倒U型假说的特征,而人口集聚与经济增长没有表现出明显的规律性特征。

[Li Jiaming, Zhang Wenzhong, Sun Tieshan et al.

Characteristics of clustering and economic performance of urban agglomerations in China.

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2014, 69(4): 474-484.]      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

城市群作为中国城镇化的主要载体,社会经济要素将会向城市群大规模的集中,人口和经济集聚对城市群的空间结构和经济发展产生重要影响。通过对1995-2010年间中国20个城市群人口和经济集聚程度进行研究,表明中国城市群集聚程度整体仍是一个增加的过程,且经济集聚度高于人口集聚度,两者呈现很高的线性正相关关系;进一步采用城市基尼指数和首位城市集聚度两种方法分别对城市群集聚程度进行测度和分析,认为20个城市群可以分为强单中心、弱单中心、多(双) 中心以及弱中心4 种城市群集聚类型;使用局部加权回归的方法对城市群集聚水平和经济增长率之间的关系进行探索性分析,发现城市群经济集聚度与经济增长之间关系整体上符合倒U型假说的特征,而人口集聚与经济增长没有表现出明显的规律性特征。
[51] 张浩然, 衣保中.


[J]. 经济评论, 2012, (1): 42-47.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zhang Haoran, Yi Baozhong.

Spatial structure and economic performance in China urban agglomeration.

Economic Review, 2012, (1): 42-47.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[52] 孙斌栋, 李琬.


[J]. 地理科学, 2016, 36(3): 328-334.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>基于2010年市域数据,定量分析市域范围的城市规模分布对经济绩效的影响,并探索最优城市规模分布的影响因素。结果表明,<i>① </i>在控制了其它重要的生产要素后,单中心规模分布具有更高的劳动生产率;<i>② </i>随着规模由小变大,具有最优经济绩效的城市规模分布形式存在单中心<i>-</i>多中心<i>-</i>单中心的转变;<i>③ </i>没有发现经济发展水平影响最优城市规模分布的明确证据;<i>④ </i>西部地区城市规模单中心分布更有助于提高经济绩效。</p>

[Sun Bindong, Li Wan.

City size distribution and economic performance: evidence from city-regions in China.

Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016, 36(3): 328-334.]      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>基于2010年市域数据,定量分析市域范围的城市规模分布对经济绩效的影响,并探索最优城市规模分布的影响因素。结果表明,<i>① </i>在控制了其它重要的生产要素后,单中心规模分布具有更高的劳动生产率;<i>② </i>随着规模由小变大,具有最优经济绩效的城市规模分布形式存在单中心<i>-</i>多中心<i>-</i>单中心的转变;<i>③ </i>没有发现经济发展水平影响最优城市规模分布的明确证据;<i>④ </i>西部地区城市规模单中心分布更有助于提高经济绩效。</p>
[53] 华杰媛, 孙斌栋.


[J]. 城市问题, 2015, (9): 68-73.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Hua Jieyuan, Sun Bindong.

Economic Performance of the Polycentric Metropolitan Spatial Structure in China.

Urban Problems, 2015, (9): 68-73.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[54] 孙斌栋, 王旭辉, 蔡寅寅.


[J]. 城市规划, 2015, 39(8): 39-45.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Sun Bindong, Wang Xuhui, Cai Yinyin.

An empirical study on the economic performance of polycentric spatial structure of mega-cities in China.

City Planning Review, 2015, 39(8): 39-45.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

