地理科学  2017 , 37 (10): 1517-1526 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2017.10.008

Orginal Article


陈艳华1, 韦素琼12, 陈松林12

1. 福建师范大学地理科学学院,福建 福州 350007
2.福建师范大学地理研究所,福建 福州350007

The Spatial Organization Pattern and Its Complexity Characteristics of Cross-Border Production Networks of Taiwan-funded Enterprises in Mainland China: Based on Top 1 000 Taiwan-funded Enterprises in Mainland China

Chen Yanhua1, Wei Suqiong12, Chen Songlin12

1. College of Geographical Sciences, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, Fujian, China
2. Geographical Institute, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, Fujian, China

中图分类号:  K902

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2017)10-1517-10

通讯作者:  通讯作者:韦素琼,博士,教授。E-mail:suqiongwei@126.com

收稿日期: 2016-10-31

修回日期:  2016-12-30

网络出版日期:  2017-10-20

版权声明:  2017 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41371145)、福建省公益类优先领域重点项目(2018R1101)资助






关键词: 企业组织联系 ; 空间关联网络 ; 网络基本要素 ; 复杂网络 ; 大陆台商千大企业


This article examines the spatial organization pattern and its complexity structure characteristics of cross-border production networks of Taiwan-funded enterprises in mainland China with the aid of GIS, Matlab and Gephi, based on firm-level data such as registration time, addresses, industry types, main businesses of Top 1 000 Taiwan-funded enterprises in mainland China during 1988-2014. The results show that: 1) There are obvious regional differences and industrial directivity in the spatio-temporal evolution pattern of Top 1 000 Taiwan-funded enterprises in 1988-2014, namely, “south dense north sparse” and “east high and west low” on the whole. They concentrate in the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta, the West Sea, the West Triangle Economic zoo, respectively represented by electronic information, machinery and petrochemical industries in all the manufacturing industry and by the producer services industry such as wholesale and retail services and information transmission, computer services and software industry 2) Spatial structure features of cross-border production networks of Taiwan-funded enterprise in mainland China are showed as: a. Network contact covers a wide range; b. Network contact presents a three axis radial space structure which was taken Taipei as the core, along the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta and the West Triangle; c. The spatial heterogeneity of the network connection keys is significant; 3) The cross-border production network of Taiwan-funded enterprises in mainland China is in transition from the random network to the scale-free one, characterized by small world network, and forms six big city communities. But there are still some shortcomings, which are also our further research direction.

Keywords: enterprise organization ; spatial correlation networks ; basic elements of the network ; complex network ; top 1000 Taiwan-funded enterprises in mainland China


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陈艳华, 韦素琼, 陈松林. 大陆台资跨界生产网络的空间组织模式及其复杂性研究——基于大陆台商千大企业数据[J]. 地理科学, 2017, 37(10): 1517-1526 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2017.10.008

Chen Yanhua, Wei Suqiong, Chen Songlin. The Spatial Organization Pattern and Its Complexity Characteristics of Cross-Border Production Networks of Taiwan-funded Enterprises in Mainland China: Based on Top 1 000 Taiwan-funded Enterprises in Mainland China[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2017, 37(10): 1517-1526 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2017.10.008



1 数据处理与方法

研究数据来源于台湾地区‘中华征信所’提供的2015年大陆台商千大企业数据。该数据主要采用问卷调查、电话追踪为主的方式在大陆实地调查,以营收净额规模由高至低排序,涵盖了营收规模达新台币1亿元(人民币2 500万元)以上且排名前1 000位的投资中国大陆台商关系企业资料。其中,台商系指台方投资持股达到45%以上,台方投资者如为自然人,需具有台籍身份。台方投资者如为法人,其母公司之台资持股需达50%以上,才能视为台商身份。

本研究从中选取两岸母子企业名称、地址以及大陆子企业注册时间、行业类型等数据资料,并辅以查询相应的企业官网对部分缺失的企业注册时间、地址信息等进行补充,形成了较为完善的两岸母子企业空间组织统计信息库,含台湾母企、大陆子企924家(因76家大陆子企由台商个人或团体直接在大陆投资成立,尚未在台湾设立母企或在大陆设立分支机构,故予以剔除)。在此基础上,结合Google Earth 软件提供的API接口,提取两岸母子企业地理位置数据共1 846条,以样本企业所覆盖的大陆92个设区市以上行政区域、台湾14个市/县(5个直辖市、9个县)行政区域为研究单元,运用ArcGIS10.0空间分析软件将台湾母企、大陆子企的地理位置数据、空间关联网络数据植入地图,以进行基于母子联系的大陆台资企业网络特征的空间属性表达与分析。


2 台商千大企业在大陆的时空演变特征

2.1 总体分布

20世纪80年代末,伴随大陆对外开放、区际开放以及对台渐进开放政策的逐步实施[33],以及台湾当局“解除戒严” “戒急用忍” “积极开放,有效管理”等反复不定的政治态度,台商赴大陆投资经历了漫长而曲折的发展历程。相应地,大陆台商千大企业的投资进程亦呈现出明显的阶段性特征,企业数量变化主要表现为1988~1999年的波动增加、2000~2009年的波动减少以及2010~2014年的急剧减少的显著特征。这与相关学者[43,44]基于宏观的大陆投资数据分析而提出的“曲折发展期(1991~2000年)和快速发展期(2001~2010年)”的研究结果不尽相同,即,自2000年以来大中型台资企业增长量在大陆虽达到最大值(94家)且于2000~2007年持续高于平均增加值(44家),但并未显示出快速增长之势,反而开始波动下滑,至2010年再次达到平均值后骤减。一定程度上,反映了台资快速增长的现象并非由入围千大的大型或中型企业引起,而主要源于部分小型企业,这也间接地与其以小型企业为载体沿着产业链上下游功能在大陆进行扩张投资的独特投资方式相互印证。

从大陆台商千大企业的空间分布来看(图1),这是一个西进北上的动态扩散过程,整体上呈“南密北疏”“东高西低”的格局,集中分布于以上海、广东、福建、重庆为代表的长三角、珠三角、海西区、西三角等地区,覆盖了20个省份,4个直辖市(北京、天津、上海、重庆)。其中,1988~1999年大陆台商千大企业主要分布在广东、江苏、上海、福建,占该阶段总企业增量(325个)的33.8%、25.5%、12%、10.8%;与之相比,2000~2009年新设企业数量猛增且分布范围更广,尤以江苏、广东、上海、浙江的增长量最大,占该阶段总企业增量(597个)的45.4%、18.9%、12.9% 、5.2%、3.9%,其覆盖范围拓展至广西、贵州、河北、吉林、陕西、云南等省份的18个城市(如南宁、安顺、沧州、长春、西安、柳州等);2010~2014年则表现为新增企业数量锐减(78家),主要分布在江苏、重庆、广东、福建、湖南等地。可见,台商千大企业在大陆空间扩散路径与其他外商投资一致,呈现由沿海地区向中西部地区渐进式的地理扩张特征。不同之处在于其空间布局模式由“大集聚,小分散”转变为“大分散,小集聚”,即1988~1999年的新增台资大中型企业高度集聚于长三角、珠三角、海西区等东南沿海地区,而2000~2014年则表现为显著的扩散趋势,广泛地分布于具有一定产业基础的中南部区域,但集聚程度较弱。这与陈嘉等[1,34]提出的“台资热点区域近20 a来不断向北扩展,环渤海地区至今仍未成为台商投资的热点地区”的研究结论基本相同。

图1   1988~2014年新增大陆台商千大企业地理分布演化

Fig. 1   The distribution of newly-increased enterprises of Top1000 Taiwan-funded enterprises in Mainland China in 1988-2014

2.2 行业分布


图2   大陆台商千大企业的主要制造业行业和服务业企业比重变化

Fig. 2   The Proportion of Taiwan-funded main manufacturing industry and service industry in Mainland China in 1988-2014


图 3   台商千大企业在大陆设立的主要制造业行业和服务业的时空格局变化

Fig. 3   Spatio-temporal evolution of Taiwan-funded main manufacturing industry and service industry in Mainland China

3 大陆台资跨界生产网络的空间结构特征

3.1 网络联系覆盖地域广泛

借鉴金钟范等学者[31]建立的网络基本要素和联系密度等概念和指标,将母企与其在境外1个子企的关系视为1个网络联系键,网络联系键的端点视为网络结点(1个城市具有1/2个联系键,即对外连线),构建大陆台商千大企业组织联系下两岸空间组织关联网络的量化分析表(表1)。目前大陆台资跨界生产网络已在两岸形成了924户网络联系键,1 848户网络结点,249个网络城市对,106个网络结点城市,即促成92个大陆城市和14个台湾市县纳入联系网络,从空间分布上看,网络联系键和城市对已扩展到大陆的东南部、中部、西南部、西部地区和台湾的北部、中部、西部及东部地区,说明目前两岸企业网络联系覆盖地域广泛,经贸联系紧密。

表1   大陆台资跨界生产网络的空间联系密度格局(单位:个)

Table 1   The link bond distribution in Taiwan-funded enterprises production networks in Mainland China





3.2 网络联系呈三轴放射状的空间结构

为研究大陆台资跨界生产网络的空间模式,提取106个网络节点城市间网络联系强度大于0的边权,利用ArcGIS10.0中提供的自然断裂法Natural Breaks (Jenks)将联系强度划分为3个等级,绘制大陆千大台商企业的空间关联网络图(图4)。大陆台资跨界生产网络联系呈现以台北为核心、沿长三角、珠三角和西三角等3个方向的点轴放射状空间结构,其中,一级联系是主导力量,包括台北-苏州/上海/东莞、新北-苏州/深圳、桃园-苏州和新竹-苏州,而二级联系(如台北-广州/深圳/厦门,新北-东莞,桃园-深圳等)、三级联系(如台北-中山/福州/南京等)进一步强化和巩固了这一空间模式。一方面,这与台资较早进驻长三角和珠三角有关;另一方面,西三角异军突起,也说明空间距离、跟进其他FDI投资是初期台商投资大陆的主要影响因素,后期由于两岸关系逐步转暖,加之台商对大陆的了解加深,政策导向和经济条件逐渐取而代之成为区位布局的决定因素。

图4   大陆台资跨界生产网络的空间结构

Fig. 4   Spatial structure of Taiwan-funded enterprises production networks in Mainland China

3.3 网络联系键的空间异质性显著

千大台资企业的网络联系键在不同空间尺度下的差异性十分显著。从区域层次来看,网络联系键集中分布于大陆东南部、台湾北部地区,达587个,占全部联系键的63.4%,且城市对达462个,占全部城市对的50.1%(表1)。其中,处于网络核心的苏州和台北,其联系键数高达124.5、163个,分别是其第二层次结点城市(如上海、新北等) 和第三层次结点城市(如重庆、高雄等)联系键的2~13.8倍,且是其各自第四层次节点城市(如福州、济南、苗栗、南投等)的12~65倍(图4a)。从地市尺度来看,最大的1对网络联系流发生在台北-苏州,流当量高达69,而最小的网络联系流当量仅为1,但分布广泛,涉及130个城市对。因此,无论是广域还是局域尺度上,这种分布差异性很大程度上促成了“三轴放射状”的空间分布模式的形成。



4 大陆台资跨界生产网络的拓扑结构及其复杂性的实证分析

4.1 度及强度分布特征

首先,以大陆89个设区市以上城市作为网络节点,利用Gephi软件中的Force Atlas算法插件生成大陆台资跨界生产网络的可视化图谱(图5),直观反映各台资子企业在大陆所布局的城市之间错综复杂的关系。其中,节点的大小、连线多寡分别代表其在网络中的重要程度(节点度数)、联系频繁程度。可以看到,台商千大企业布局规模较大的核心城市有上海、苏州、东莞、深圳等。

图5   大陆台资跨界生产网络可视化图谱

Fig. 5   The visualizing map of Taiwan-funded enterprises production networks in Mainland China

其次,计算并绘制节点度及点权度累积分布概率分布如图6图7所示,经拟合,发现大陆台资跨界生产网络的空间关联存在2个特点:1)无向网络的度分布虽已呈现出一定的“长尾”特征,表现为少数节点度值较高,即存在为数较少的对其他节点关联控制力较强的城市节点。但是相对于幂次关系拟合,指数分布的特征更加明显,即采用幂次关系的拟合度明显不及指数函数(R2=0.829 8<0.984 8,均通过了0.05水平的显著性检验);相反,点权网络度分布的拟合度有所提升,达0.894 9,满足幂率拟合分布。因此,该网络虽表现出了随机网络的特征,但仍具备一定程度的无标度性,根据指数网络特征是对网络标度间断结果的一种反映[1,29],可以判定目前该网络处于随机网络向无标度网络的过渡转化时期;2)双对数转换后的无向网络度符合双段幂律分布。其中,第一段与第二段拟合的R2值分别为0.974 9和0.937 3,均通过了0.05水平的显著性检验,表现出明显的无标度特性;同时,双对数转换后的强度分布表现为近似于一条直线的无标度网络分布,虽尚未覆盖全部节点,存在“拖尾”现象,但是其拟合率为0.783 9,符合幂律分布特征[29]。因此,可以判定,目前大陆台资跨界生产网络处于随机网络向无标度网络的过渡转化期。

图6   节点度和加权点度累计概率分布

Fig. 6   The cumulative degree and strength distribution

图7   双对数转换后的节点度和加权点度分布

Fig. 7   The distribution of degree and strength after double logarithmic transformation

4.2 网络整体结构特征

为考察大陆台资跨界生产网络结构的局部连接性和易达性,利用Gephi、Matlab软件计算得到平均路径长度和平均聚类系数分别为1.814和0.837,是同规模随机网络的1.12倍 (La) 和2.65 (Ga)倍(随机网络的理论值分别为1.618和0.315),小世界指数为2.36 (sigma= Ga/La),根据较小的平均路径长度和相对较大的聚类系数特征[29],可以判定大陆台资企业关联网络已初步形成小世界网络结构特征,即该网络具有较好的联通性和强集聚性。具体表现在:1)在大陆台资企业空间组织网络的1 482条连接路径中,长度为1(不需中介就直接产生联系) 的最短路径有1 456条,占比18.6%;长度为2(只需要通过1次中介就可连接)的最短路径有6376条,占81.4%。因此,任意两个节点之间发生联系最多只需要一次中转节点就可产生联系,说明整个网络的可达性较高;2)在所有网络节点中,聚类系数为1的节点有33个,对应的度值介于2~21(如大连、昆明、嘉兴等);聚类系数为0的节点有11个(如莆田、北海、平湖等),对应的度值均为1。可见,节点的聚类系数与其度值大小成正比,即高度节点的聚类系数较高,低度节点则表现为较小的聚类系数,说明网络具有择优连接的特征。这一结论与事实相符,台湾鸿海集团在大陆投资建立的子企业为 53家,其中苏州最多(9家),深圳次之(7家),其余则大多分布于上海、惠州、中山、重庆等地。

5 结论与讨论


1) 大陆台商千大企业的时空演变格局特征具有明显的区域差异性和行业指向性。从总体分布来看,大陆台商千大企业的投资进程呈现出明显的阶段性特征,即1988~1999年的波动增加、2000~2009年的波动减少以及2010~2014年的急剧减少,空间分布整体上呈“南密北疏”“东高西低”的格局,集中于以上海、广东、福建、重庆为代表的长三角、珠三角、海西区、西三角等地区;从行业分布来看,分别以制造业中的电子信息、机械和石化产业和以服务业中的一般批发零售业和信息传输、计算机服务与软件业等生产性服务业为主,这也间接说明了台资电子信息产业的高速发展与信息传输、计算机服务与软件业等生产性服务业的跟进投资存在关联性发展之态势。

2) 采用网络基本要素分析法,分析了大陆台资跨界生产网络的空间结构特征,表现在3个方面:一是网络联系覆盖地域广泛,两岸经贸联系日益紧密;二是网络联系呈现以台北为核心、沿长三角、珠三角和西三角等3个方向的点轴放射状空间结构;三是网络联系键的空间异质性显著,表现在不同空间尺度和不同产业之间,尤其是台资生产性服务企业的网络联系键随电子信息企业的集聚地分布明显。总之,该网络基本覆盖了两岸主要的经济发达地域,但地域和产业的联系强度并不均衡,主要以大陆长三角、珠三角、西三角和台湾的台北、新北、桃园为主,形成空间关联网络。

3) 选择复杂网络模型的度分布函数、聚类系数、平均路径长度,定量测度了大陆台资跨界生产网络的拓扑结构和复杂性特征。结果表明:大陆台资跨界生产网络处于随机网络向无标度网络的过渡转化时期,并表现为出明显的小世界网络特征。


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] 吴康,方创琳,赵渺希.



[本文引用: 7]     

[Wu Kang,Fang Chuanglin,Zhao Miaoxi.

The spatial organization and structure complexity of Chinese intercity networks.

Geographical Research,2015,34(4):711-728.]

[本文引用: 7]     

[2] 徐进钰. 介面的经济地理意义:硅谷-新竹-苏沪的跨界连结[M]//海峡两岸地理学术研讨会暨2001年学术年会论文摘要集.北京,上海:中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,华东师范大学,2001.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Xu Jinyu.The economic geography of interfaces: cross-border links between silicon valley. //In: Geographical symposium on cross-straits and academic conference paper sets. Beijing and Shanghai:Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, East Normal University,2001.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[3] Scott A J.

Technopolis: high-technology industry and regional development in southern California

[J].Journal of Regional Science,1993(2): 338-339.

https://doi.org/10.2307/144318      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[4] 杨友仁,夏铸九.



https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-0585.2005.02.012      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

以最近8年内在苏州地区投资设厂的信息电子业台商为例,分析其本地集聚的供应链的企业间交易 关系的本质和组织网络的治理模式,以探讨全球生产网络的地域性集聚的经济地理意义,以及企业组织间的治理结构对地方发展的影响.指出这一轮信息电子业台商 的跨界投资基本上强化台湾代工厂商与品牌大厂之间的策略性合作,然而台商生产网络的跨界扩展也交织着企业组织间的权力运作,导致生产网络的治理模式发生改 变并形成了空间集聚的动力.研究显示,从全球生产网络的厂商间交易治理结构出发的分析视角有助于理解区域发展的机会与限制,而就发展中国家由全球生产网络 之跨界转移所形成的新工业空间而言,经济地理学所强调的厂商间具有地理邻近特征的"互赖性"并不能脱离全球商品链所内含的不对称权力关系.

[Yang Youren,Xia Zhujiu.

The organizational governance model of cross-border production networks-Taiwanese information electronics industry in Suzhou as an example.

Geographical Research,2005,24(2):253-264.]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-0585.2005.02.012      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

以最近8年内在苏州地区投资设厂的信息电子业台商为例,分析其本地集聚的供应链的企业间交易 关系的本质和组织网络的治理模式,以探讨全球生产网络的地域性集聚的经济地理意义,以及企业组织间的治理结构对地方发展的影响.指出这一轮信息电子业台商 的跨界投资基本上强化台湾代工厂商与品牌大厂之间的策略性合作,然而台商生产网络的跨界扩展也交织着企业组织间的权力运作,导致生产网络的治理模式发生改 变并形成了空间集聚的动力.研究显示,从全球生产网络的厂商间交易治理结构出发的分析视角有助于理解区域发展的机会与限制,而就发展中国家由全球生产网络 之跨界转移所形成的新工业空间而言,经济地理学所强调的厂商间具有地理邻近特征的"互赖性"并不能脱离全球商品链所内含的不对称权力关系.
[5] Gereffi G.Commodity Chains and Global Capitalism[M]. USA: Praeger Press, 1994.

[本文引用: 1]     

[6] Gereffi G,Humphrey J,Sturgeon T J.

The Governance of Global Value Chain

[J].Review of International Political Economy,2005,12(1):78-104.

https://doi.org/10.1080/09692290500049805      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article builds a theoretical framework to help explain governance patterns in global value chains. It draws on three streams of literature – transaction costs economics, production networks, and technological capability and firm-level learning – to identify three variables that play a large role in determining how global value chains are governed and change. These are: (1) the complexity of transactions, (2) the ability to codify transactions, and (3) the capabilities in the supply-base. The theory generates five types of global value chain governance – hierarchy, captive, relational, modular, and market – which range from high to low levels of explicit coordination and power asymmetry. The article highlights the dynamic and overlapping nature of global value chain governance through four brief industry case studies: bicycles, apparel, horticulture and electronics.
[7] Porter M E.On Competition[M].Boston:Harvard Business School Press,1998.

[本文引用: 1]     

[8] Henderson J,Dicken P, Hess M et al.

Global production networks and the analysis of economic development

[J].Review of International Political Economy,2002,9(3):436-464.

https://doi.org/10.1080/09692290210150842      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article outlines a framework for the analysis of economic integration and its relation to the asymmetries of economic and social development. Consciously breaking with state-centric forms of social science, it argues for a research agenda that is more adequate to the exigencies and consequences of globalization than has traditionally been the case in 'development studies'. Drawing on earlier attempts to analyse the cross-border activities of firms, their spatial configurations and developmental consequences, the article moves beyond these by proposing the framework of the 'global production network' (GPN). It explores the conceptual elements involved in this framework in some detail and then turns to sketch a stylized example of a GPN. The article concludes with a brief indication of the benefits that could be delivered by research informed by GPN analysis.
[9] Ernst D,Kim L.

Global production networks,knowledge diffusion, and local capability formation

[J].Research Policy,2002,31(8-9):1417-1429.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0048-7333(02)00072-0      URL      摘要

This paper develops a conceptual framework that explores the linkage between the evolution of global production networks (GPN), the role of network flagships in transferring knowledge, and the formation of capabilities by local suppliers. GPN are a major innovation in the organization of international business. These networks combine concentrated dispersion of the value chain across the boundaries of the firm and national borders, with a parallel process of integrating hierarchical layers of network participants. The network flagships transfer both explicit and tacit knowledge to local suppliers through formal and informal mechanisms. This is necessary to upgrade the local suppliers’ technical and managerial skills, so that they can meet the flagships’ specifications. We also examine how GPN can act as mediators in the capability formation of local suppliers.
[10] Coe N M,Martin H, Wai-Chung Y H et al.

Globalizing Regional Development:A Global Production Networks Perspective

[J].Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers,2004,29(4):468-484.

https://doi.org/10.1111/tran.2004.29.issue-4      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[11] 张正博.



https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1673-291X.2010.30.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

全球生产网络理论首先从全球价值链的分解出发,并且在全球分工体 系进程中产生了全球生产网络理论不同的发展历程和不同的理论分析视角,全球生产网络的发展对于解释世界投资和贸易方向及其模式的改变是一种理论上的创新. 全球生产网络对现实经济活动的解释有很强的针对性.全球生产网络今后在区域比较、产业深化、服务网络等方面可能有新的发展态势.

[Zhang Zhengbo.

The development process and trend of Global production networks theory

. Economic Research Guide,2010(30):5-6.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1673-291X.2010.30.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

全球生产网络理论首先从全球价值链的分解出发,并且在全球分工体 系进程中产生了全球生产网络理论不同的发展历程和不同的理论分析视角,全球生产网络的发展对于解释世界投资和贸易方向及其模式的改变是一种理论上的创新. 全球生产网络对现实经济活动的解释有很强的针对性.全球生产网络今后在区域比较、产业深化、服务网络等方面可能有新的发展态势.
[12] 马海涛,周春山.



https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2010.02.011      URL      摘要


[Ma Haitao,Zhou Chunshan.

The review on applications of production networks paradigm to different geographical scales.

World Regional Studies,2010,19(2):84-90.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2010.02.011      URL      摘要

[13] 吴锋.



[Wu Feng.

Production frontier and production network—A review of global production networks.

Shanghai Economic Review,2009,(5):103-110.]

[14] 朱妮娜,叶春明.



URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zhu Nina,Ye Chunming.

A review OF Global and the east Asian regional production networks.

Yunnan Finance & Economics University Journal of Economics & Management,2011,(6):18-23.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[15] 杨春.



https://doi.org/10.11821/xb201110005      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

基于从全球生产网络(GPNs)层面分析区域发展战略性耦合(strategic coupling)的视角,本文探讨自21世纪初以来,台资跨境生产网络在中国大陆的空间重组,特别是个人电脑(计算机)企业从珠三角向长三角地区再布局 的动力机制与格局。通过对相关企业的深度访谈与个案研究,指出台资个人电脑企业在珠三角地区与长三角地区的空间再布局是在各区域地方制度下,GPNs架构 中全球领先企业(global lead firms)与分布在2个三角洲区域处于GPNs较低层级供应企业(supplier firms)之间进行不同的战略性耦合之结果。研究阐明在经济全球化背景下‘新区域主义’理论对区域发展仅分析区域内部因素之局限性,因应跨地域 (trans-local)动力的出现,全球生产网络视角下区域内部与外部因素的战略耦合,已成为理解全球经济化下区域发展的重要理论框架。

[Yang Chun.

Restructuring the Cross-Border Production Networks of Taiwanese Investment in China: Relocation of Personal Computer Firms from Pearl River Delta to Yangtze River Delta.

Acta Geographica Sinica,2011,66(10):1343-1354.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/xb201110005      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

基于从全球生产网络(GPNs)层面分析区域发展战略性耦合(strategic coupling)的视角,本文探讨自21世纪初以来,台资跨境生产网络在中国大陆的空间重组,特别是个人电脑(计算机)企业从珠三角向长三角地区再布局 的动力机制与格局。通过对相关企业的深度访谈与个案研究,指出台资个人电脑企业在珠三角地区与长三角地区的空间再布局是在各区域地方制度下,GPNs架构 中全球领先企业(global lead firms)与分布在2个三角洲区域处于GPNs较低层级供应企业(supplier firms)之间进行不同的战略性耦合之结果。研究阐明在经济全球化背景下‘新区域主义’理论对区域发展仅分析区域内部因素之局限性,因应跨地域 (trans-local)动力的出现,全球生产网络视角下区域内部与外部因素的战略耦合,已成为理解全球经济化下区域发展的重要理论框架。
[16] 王益民,宋琰纹.


[J].中国工业经济,2007,(4): 46-53.

URL      摘要


[Wang Yimin,Song Yanwen.

Global Production Network Effect,Cluster Closure,and Paradox of Upgrading—An Analysis Based on Taiwanese Notebook Computer Cluster in Mainland China.

China Industrial Economics,2007,(4):46-53.]

URL      摘要

[17] 李翔宇.



[Li Xiangyu.

A study on Taiwan-funded manufacturing industry networks in mainland China.

Beijing:Masteral Dissertation of Beijing Polytechnic University,2009.]

[18] Wang J C, Hsingchin H.

The Association between the Operating Efficiency of Taiwanese FDI Enterprises in Mainland China and the Investment Performance of Their Parent Companies

[J]. Chinese Studies, 2014, 3(3):100-112.

https://doi.org/10.4236/chnstd.2014.33014      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper uses data envelopment analysis and seemingly unrelated regression estimation model to examine the association between the operating efficiency of Taiwanese FDI enterprises in mainland China and the investment performance of their parent companies. We find that the more capital-intensive Taiwanese FDI enterprises in mainland China have higher operating efficiencies. Enterprises investing in East China area have lower operating efficiency. In addition, higher operating efficiencies of FDI enterprises in mainland China are associated with higher investment performance of the Taiwanese parent companies. The Taiwanese parent companies with greater investment of FDI enterprises in mainland China also have higher investment performance. The Taiwanese parent companies with higher R & D expenditure percentages do not result in improved investment performance because of a lack of spillover to FDI subsidiaries or more uncertain factors. Furthermore, the wholly-owned investment type of a parent company has greater investment performance than joint-venture investment type.
[19] Dicken P,Kelly P F, Olds K et al.

Chains and networks,territories and scales:towards a relational framework for analyzing the global economy

[J].Global Networks,2001,1(2):89-112.

https://doi.org/10.1111/1471-0374.00007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

A vast and continually expanding literature on economic globalization continues to generate a miasma of conflicting viewpoints and alternative discourses. This article argues that any understanding of the global economy must be sensitive to four considerations: (a) conceptual categories and labels carry with them the discursive power to shape material processes; (b) multiple scales of analysis must be incorporated in recognition of the contemporary 'relativization of scale'; (c) no single institutional or organizational locus of analysis should be privileged; and (d) extrapolations from specific case studies and instances must be treated with caution, but this should not preclude the option of discussing the global economy, and power relations within it, as a structural whole. This paper advocates a network methodology as a potential framework to incorporate these concerns. Such a methodology requires us to identify actors in networks, their ongoing relations and the structural outcomes of these relations. Networks thus become the foundational unit of analysis for our understanding of the global economy, rather than individuals, firms or nation states. In presenting this argument we critically examine two examples of network methodology that have been used to provide frameworks for analysing the global economy: global commodity chains and actor-network theory. We suggest that while they fall short of fulfilling the promise of a network methodology in some respects, they do provide indications of the utility of such a methodology as a basis for understanding the global economy.
[20] Defever, Fabrice.

The spatial organization of multinational firms

[J]. Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique,2012, 45(2):672-697.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1540-5982.2012.01708.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Downloadable ! Author(s): Fabrice Defever. 2010 Abstract: Using six years of firm-level data covering 224 regions of the enlarged European Union, we evaluate the importance to a firm of locating its activities (production, headquarters, R&D, logistics and sales) close together. We find that, after controlling for regional characteristics, being closely located to a previous investment positively affects firm location choice. However, the impact of distance is dependent on the type of investment (production or service). While within-firm co-location is important for both service and production activities, only production plants are likely to be located close to prior production investments. In this latter case, national borders have a surprisingly positive effect, increasing the probability of choosing a nearby location, but on the other side of the border.
[21] Alcacer J,Delgado M.

Spatial organization of firms and location choices through the value chain

[J].Clinical Microbiology & Infection,2013, 17(7):1001-1006.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-0691.2010.03328.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

We explore the impact of geographically bounded, intrafirm linkages (internal agglomerations) and geographically bounded, interfirm linkages (external agglomerations) on firms’ location strategies. Using data from the Census Bureau’s Longitudinal Business Database, we analyze the locations of new establishments of biopharmaceutical firms in the United States from 1993 to 2005. We consider all activities in the value chain and allow location choices to vary by research and development, manufacturing, and sales. Our findings suggest that internal agglomerations have a positive impact on location. The effects of internal agglomerations vary by activity, and they arise both within an activity (e.g., among plants) and across activities (e.g., between sales and manufacturing). Our results also suggest that previous estimates of the effect of external agglomerations may be overestimated because the existing literature abstracted from internal agglomerations. This paper was accepted by Bruno Cassiman, business strategy .
[22] Marcuello C.

Spatial patterns and determinants in New Firm Formation: are cooperatives different?

[J].Small Business Economics,2014, 44(1):171-187.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11187-014-9581-5      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Panel data on the entry of both worker cooperative and capitalist firms in Spain are used to test the spatial determinants at regional level. Cooperative firms in general are also included in the analysis. We focus on supply, demand and institutional factors, including specific factors of cooperatives as model of analysis. Data are for the period 1995 2009 for NUT-2 regions in Spain, one of the European countries with a more dynamic cooperative sector. Results show the main determinant of the creation of worker cooperatives is the unemployment level, followed by the wage level in the region, the population growth and the emergence of strong cooperative culture. We also find the party in the regional government affects to the creation rate. Compared with capitalist firms, we observe a contrary sense in the influence of unemployment level and a higher importance of the influence of the governing party. Copyright Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
[23] Keuschnigg C,Devereux M P.

The arm's length principle and distortions to multinational firm organization

[J].Journal of International Economics,2013,89(2):432-440.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jinteco.2012.08.007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

To prevent profit shifting by manipulation of transfer prices, tax authorities typically apply the arm's length principle in corporate taxation and use comparable market prices to ‘correctly’ assess the value of intracompany trade and royalty income of multinationals. We develop a model of firms subject to financing frictions and offshoring of intermediate inputs. We find that arm's length prices systematically differ from prices set by independent agents. Application of the principle distorts multinational activity by reducing debt capacity and investment of foreign affiliates. Although it raises tax revenue and welfare in the headquarter country, welfare losses may be larger in the subsidiary location, leading to a loss in world welfare.
[24] Wall R S, Knaap G A V D.

Sectoral Differentiation and Network Structure Within Contemporary Worldwide Corporate Networks

[J].Economic Geography,2011,87(3):267-308.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1944-8287.2011.01122.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article contributes to the converging literatures on global production networks and new regionalism, which show that these two entities and their respective geographic scales are complexly interdependent. It explores two key conceptual differences between the leading world city network studies of Alderson and Beckfield and the work of the Global and World City (GaWC) Research Network. The first is the sectoral differentiation of the data, in which the former focuses on multinational corporations in all industrial sectors and the latter specifically targets only advanced producer services. The second involves methodological differences that lead to dissimilar network structures. Alderson and Beckfield made only a basic hierarchical differentiation of the firms, while the GaWC study used a more elaborate classification method. Combining these approaches, we explore firms' global and regional interdependencies (their centrality within their network and its structure). Using a single data set of the top 100 global multinationals (2005) and their ownership linkages with thousands of subsidiaries in 2,259 unique cities worldwide. The findings not only reveal the nodal centralities and linkage structures within the “all industrial sector” network and the “producer service sector” network but also show a strong correlation between these two networks, specifically toward the apex of the economic systems, and evidence of the coexistence of hierarchical and heterarchical city network structures.
[25] Lüthi S,Thierstein A,Goebel V.

Intra-firm and extra-firm linkages in the knowledge economy:the case of the emerging mega-city region of Munich

[J]. Global Networks,2010,10(1):114-137.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1471-0374.2010.00277.x      URL      摘要

With the aim of identifying emerging patterns of spatial development and the driving forces behind the associated process, in this article we draw together two threads of interlinked phenomena. First, we look at how multi-location firms from the knowledge economy develop their intra-firm networks internationally. Second, we establish the partners with which these firms have working relationships along individual chains of value, and in which these extra-firm linkages are located. We start from a conceptual background that combines the location behaviour of firms with a value chain approach. We analyse the two main pillars of the knowledge economy advanced producer services (APS) and high-tech firms. A case study carried out in the greater Munich area provides the empirical basis and draws on quantitative and qualitative research methods. The results provide evidence that the greater Munich area can be regarded simultaneously as a hierarchically organized polycentric mega-city region and high-grade localized system of value chains.
[26] Jacobs W,Ducruet C,Langen P D.

Integrating world cities into production networks:the case of port cities

[J].Global Networks,2010,10(1): 92-113.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1471-0374.2010.00276.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In this article we analyse the location patterns of firms that provide specialized advanced producer services (APS) to international commodity chains that move through seaports. Such activities can take place in world cities or in port cities. The analysis of APS location patterns in port cities provides a good opportunity to integrate the study of world cities into the framework of Global Production Networks. Based upon our empirical findings, we conclude that while port-related APS activities predominantly follow the world city hierarchy, a number of port cities stand out because they act as nodes in global commodity flows and as centres of advanced services related to shipping and port activities. Based on these empirical findings we address future avenues of research.
[27] 李健,宁越敏,汪明峰.



https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2008.04.013      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Li Jian,Ning Yuemin,Wang Mingfeng.

Global Production Networks of computer industry and its development in mainland China.

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2008,63(4): 437-448.]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2008.04.013      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[28] 李仙德.



[本文引用: 1]     

[Li Xiande.

A study on urban networks based on the enterprise network.

Shanghai:Doctoral Dissertation of East China Normal University,2012.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[29] 汪小帆,李翔,陈关荣.复杂网络理论及其应用[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2006.

[本文引用: 4]     

[Wang Xiaofan,Li Xiang,Chen Guangrong.The theory and its application of complex networks.Beijing:Tsinghua University Press,2006.]

[本文引用: 4]     

[30] Barabasi A L, Reka Albert.

Emergence of scaling in random networks

[J]. Science, 1999(286): 509-512.

https://doi.org/10.1126/science.286.5439.509      URL      PMID: 10521342      摘要

Systems as diverse as genetic networks or the World Wide Web are best described as networks with complex topology. A common property of many large networks is that the vertex connectivities follow a scale-free power-law distribution. This feature was found to be a consequence of two generic mechanisms: (i) networks expand continuously by the addition of new vertices, and (ii) new vertices attach preferentially to sites that are already well connected. A model based on these two ingredients reproduces the observed stationary scale-free distributions, which indicates that the development of large networks is governed by robust self-organizing phenomena that go beyond the particulars of the individual systems.
[31] Watts D J, Strogatz S H.

Collective dynamics of ‘small world’ networks

[J]. Nature, 1998(393): 440-442.

[本文引用: 2]     

[32] 冷炳荣.



[本文引用: 1]     

[Leng Bingrong.

Research from the network to the city network.

Lanzhou:Doctoral Dissertation of Lanzhou University,2011.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[33] 韦素琼,陈松林,陈进栋,.三重开放、交通设施完善与制造业集聚——基于福建省的分析[M].北京:科学出版社,2014.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Wei Suqiong,Chen Sunlin, Chen Jindong et al. The analysis of ‘Ternary Opening up’,traffic facilities and manufacturing Agglomeration—A Case in Fujian province. Beijing:Science Press,2014.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[34] 陈嘉,韦素琼,陈松林.



URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Chen Jia,Wei Suqiong,Chen Songlin.

Evolvement of spatial pattern of TDI in Mainland China for resent 20 years.

Economic Geography,2012,32(11):89-93.]

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