Scientia Geographica Sinica  2017 , 37 (2): 181-189

Orginal Article

空间相互作用模型中的目的地竞争效应 ——基于中国城市间铁路客流数据的实证研究

陶卓霖12, 戴特奇3, 郑清菁3, 梁进社3

1.北京大学城市与环境学院,北京 100871
2.北京大学城市规划与设计学院,广东 深圳 518055
3.北京师范大学地理学与遥感科学学院,北京 100875

Competing Effects Among Destinations in Spatial Interaction Models:An Empirical Study Based on Intercity Railway Passenger Data of China

Tao Zhuolin12, Dai Teqi3, Zheng Qingjing3, Liang Jinshe3

1.College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871,China
2.School of Urban Planning and Design, Peking University, Shenzhen 518055, Guangdong, China
3.School of Geography, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China

中图分类号:  K902

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2017)02-0181-09

通讯作者:  通讯作者:戴特奇(1980-),讲师。通讯作者:戴特奇(1980-),讲师。

收稿日期: 2016-01-19

修回日期:  2016-10-25

网络出版日期:  2017-02-25

版权声明:  2017 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41401170)资助






关键词: 空间相互作用模型 ; 重力模型 ; 目的地竞争模型 ; 空间结构 ; 距离衰减参数


Spatial interaction model is an important research field. Existing studies indicate spatial structure of destinations has a significant impact on spatial flow. Thus, traditional spatial interaction models suffer model misspecification problem because the absence of spatial structure variable. Among the modified models introduced to solve the misspecification problem, the competing destinations model is the most widely-used one.The competing destinations modelassumes that the travelers’ destinations selecting process adopts a hierarchical information processing strategy.Based on this strategy, the spatial decision process is divided into two stages. In the first stage, travelers select a destinations cluster containing a set of destinations; in the second stage, travelers select an individual destination from the cluster selected in the first stage. The competing destinations model has been empirically applied in numerous studies in foreign countries.However, the empirical conclusions with respect to the validity of the competing destinations model are still far from agreement. Moreover, none empirical study of this model has been conductedin China. This study applies the competing destinations model based on intercity railway passenger data in 2010 in China, and test its validity by comparing it with traditional spatial interaction models. The estimations of the competing destinations model as well as the traditional spatial interaction model are conducted by the maximum likelihood method, which is calculated by a new method distinguishing from existing studies, i.e. the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. The conclusions can be drawn as follows. 1) Spatial structure has a significant impact on intercity railway passenger flow of China, and there exists a significant competing effect among destinations both in the system-wide estimation results and in the origin-specific estimation results. The system-wide distance-decay parameter estimated in the competing destinations model (-1.165) is more negative than in the traditional spatial interaction model (-1.108). In the other hand, 124out of a total number of 177 (the ratio is 70% ) origin-specific distance-decay parameter estimationsare more negative in the competing destinations model than in the traditional spatial interaction model, while 140 out of 177 (79%) origin-specific destinations accessibility indicator estimations are negative in the competing destinations model. These characteristics have not ever been reported in Chinese context in existing studies. 2) The competing destinations model reduces the spatial autocorrelation among distance-decay parameters, thus significantly corrects the misspecification problem of traditional spatial interaction models. These results illustrate that the competing destinations model performs significantly better than the traditional spatial interaction model, and thus the improvements by the competing destinations model are empirically valid in Chinese context. 3) The parameters estimation and empirical analysis of traditional spatial interaction models (i.e. gravity model) in existing literature may be biased, while the competing destinations model is an efficient improvement and can play an important part in empirical analysis.

Keywords: spatial interaction models ; gravity model ; competing destinations model ; spatial structure ; distance-decay parameter


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陶卓霖, 戴特奇, 郑清菁, 梁进社. 空间相互作用模型中的目的地竞争效应 ——基于中国城市间铁路客流数据的实证研究[J]. , 2017, 37(2): 181-189

Tao Zhuolin, Dai Teqi, Zheng Qingjing, Liang Jinshe. Competing Effects Among Destinations in Spatial Interaction Models:An Empirical Study Based on Intercity Railway Passenger Data of China[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2017, 37(2): 181-189

空间相互作用模型(spatial interaction model, SIM)是分析和模拟各类流数据的常用模型方法,其中重力模型最具代表性,广泛应用于人口迁移流[1, 2]、客运流[3~5]、贸易流[6, 7]、信息流[8, 9]等流数据的研究中。流数据反映了城市或区域间相互作用的强度,通过对流数据进行分析,可以探究城市或区域间的相互关系[10~12],进一步加强空间相互作用模型的应用价值。

国内目前对空间相互作用模型的研究大多局限于传统的重力模型,包括对距离衰减函数形式[13]、距离衰减参数的时间变化路径[14]、以及距离衰减参数的空间差异[15]的讨论,也是在传统重力模型框架下展开。但是,这些研究均没有考虑空间结构的影响(这里空间结构是指目的地的空间结构,同时也作用于空间流的空间结构,在相关研究中通常直接表述为空间结构的影响),在传统空间相互作用模型中隐含着无关选择独立性(IIA)假设,即人们在出行决策中仅考虑目的地本身的属性和空间阻力,而不会考虑目的地之间的相互影响,由出发地和目的地构成的各条流(origin-destination flow)之间相互独立[16]。然而,既有研究表明空间结构会对空间流产生显著影响,缺乏这一因素的传统空间相互作用模型必然存在变量遗漏的模型偏误问题,导致模型参数标定的偏误,参数空间分布自相关显著。国外研究已经证实了这种影响较为显著,直接影响模型标定结果的科学性和准确性[17~20]。中国较新的实证研究也发现重力模型参数的空间分布存在一定的规律性[15],这说明忽略空间结构的传统重力模型在中国应用中也可能存在偏误问题。

针对空间结构的影响,已有一些研究对传统SIMs进行了修正,其中目的地竞争模型(competing destinations model,CDM)得到了较多的关注[21]。该模型在空间相互作用模型中加入了目的地之间的竞争效应,由Fotheringham在20世纪80年代提出[22]。该模型认为,人们在选择目的地时并非如传统空间相互作用模型那样考虑所有潜在目的地,而是服从一种分层级的目的地选择过程(hierarchical destination choice),第一阶段首先对庞大的目的地信息进行简化处理,选择一个大的区域作为目的地选择范围;第二阶段再进一步从所选大区域中选择具体地目的地[16]

目前虽然已有很多目的地竞争模型的实证研究,但这些研究对该模型的有效性检验结果并不完全一致[16, 23~25]。既有研究中所关注的研究区域主要集中于美国和日本,尚未有针对中国的研究。目的地竞争模型与传统重力模型相比,在中国应用中是否会得到更优的效果?这不但对于评价中国传统SIMs应用研究的结果可靠性极为重要,而且也能丰富目的地竞争模型的实证应用,为目的地竞争模型有效性的讨论提供新的例证。针对这一研究问题,本文采用中国2010年城市间铁路客流数据,对目的地竞争模型进行实证应用,并与传统空间相互作用模型相比较,以检验目的地竞争模型在中国应用的有效性,促进空间相互作用模型的科学应用。

1 目的地竞争模型

目的地竞争模型可以由空间相互作用模型中的无约束模型或出发地约束模型衍生得到[22],通常后者的表现更优[25]。因此,CDM实证研究大多将后者及由其衍生得到的CDM进行比较[16, 23, 25]。出发地约束空间相互作用模型的数学形式可表述为:


式中: Tij表示出发地i到目的地j的流量; Oi表示从i出发的总流量; Mj是目的地j的质量大小,通常可由人口、经济等变量度量; dijij的距离,可以是直线距离、行驶里程或交通时间; α1j质量的参数; β1为距离衰减参数; Zi为出发地平衡因子,以确保每个出发地发出的流量 Tij之和等于 Oi,可以表述为:



为解决传统空间相互作用模型中的IIA假设的问题,修正忽略空间结构导致的模型偏误,Fotheringham提出了分层级的目的地选择机制,构建了一种两阶段的目的地选择过程[16],第一阶段先选择一个较包含多个目的地的集合 c,其效用为 Uc;第二阶段再从这个集合中选择一个具体的目的地 j,效用为 Uj。两个阶段效用之间的关系可表述为:


式中: Uc表示第一阶段选择目的地集合 c获得的效用; Uj表示第二阶段从集合c中选择目的地 j获得的效用; δ为参数,表示目的地竞争效应的存在情况。当 δ=1时,选择目的地集合 c的效用等于选择集合中各目的地效用的直接加和,即不存在目的地竞争效应,是传统空间相互作用模型的情形。当 δ<1时,选择目的地集合 c的效用小于选择集合中各目的地效用之和,即处于较大目的地集合中对于目的地而言是相对劣势的,因此目的地之间存在竞争效应。当 δ>1时,选择目的地集合 c的效用大于选择集合中各目的地效用之和,即处于较大目的地集合中对于目的地而言是相对优势的,因此目的地之间存在集聚效应。



式中: Aj表示目的地 j的可达性变量,由式(5)定义; α2β2γ为相应参数; Zi为出发地平衡因子,由式(6)定义;其他变量与式(1)含义相同;城市质量 Mj采用城市总人口衡量;距离 dij采用城市间铁路出行的最短时间衡量。可达性有多种衡量方法,本文采用潜能模型进行衡量,一是因为潜能模型能够较为综合地反映规模和距离因素对可达性的影响,二是潜能模型与空间相互作用模型属于同一框架,有利于目的地竞争模型形式的统一,且与国外相关经典文献相一致,便于结果的比较。目的地可达性计算公式为:


式中: Mk表示目的地 k的质量,考虑到城市人口规模是城市多方面功能和竞争力的综合体现,因此采用城市总人口作为质量指标; dkj表示 kj的距离,这里目的地可达性主要反映的是目的地之间的空间关系,根据Fotheringham的两阶段目的地选择机制,出行者在这一阶段主要考虑目的地是否同属于一个较大区域,因此采用目的地城市之间的欧式距离能够较好反映; λ为可达性指标中的距离衰减参数,通常认为 λ取值为1时拟合效果更好[26],因此本文设定为1。




2 数据与方法

2.1 数据来源

采用2010年中国城市间铁路客运量数据,数据中共涉及城市234个,包括15 806条城市OD客运数据,总计客运量为24.14亿人次。城市间铁路最短运行时间数据来自2010年全国铁路时刻表,作为城市间距离的度量。城市总人口指标来于《中国城市统计年鉴2011》[28]中的全市总人口。

2.2 实证分析方法


2.3 参数估计方法

不同于无约束空间相互作用模型(即重力模型)可以通过取对数方法转换为线性模型[15],单约束空间相互作用模型无法通过数学变换转换为线性形式[29]。此外,Wilson指出最小二乘法不适用于空间相互作用模型的估计[30]。因此,本文采用相关研究中广泛采用的极大似然估计方法进行单约束空间相互作用模型和目的地竞争模型的估计[22, 23, 29, 31]。Batty和Mackie[29]给出了单约束空间相互作用模型的极大似然估计方程,Hu和Pooler[25]在其基础上给出了目的地竞争模型的极大似然估计方程。


参考既有研究[23, 25],引入两个统计量G和PM(Percentage Misallocated)衡量模型的拟合效果。统计量G的数学形式为[23]


式中:G为拟合优度统计量; pij为实际观测数据中出发地i到目的地j的出行发生的概率; qij为模型估计的数据中ij出行发生的概率。G值越小说明模型的拟合效果越好。



式中: Tij为实际观测数据中出发地i到目的地j的出行量; Tij*模型估计得到的ij出行量; T为实际观测数据中的总出行量。PM值越小说明模型的拟合效果越好。

2.4 目的地可达性测算


图1   目的地可达性分布

Fig.1   Distribution of destinations accessibility

3 结果分析

3.1 全样本估计结果比较


表1   2个模型的全样本估计结果

Table 1   System-wide estimation results of the two models




3.2 分出发地估计结果比较



表2   2个模型的分出发地样本估计结果

Table 2   Origin-specific estimation results of the two models





图2   单约束空间相互作用模型的距离衰减参数的空间分布

Fig.2   Distribution of distance-decay parameters of production-constrained spatial interaction model



图3   目的地竞争模型的距离衰减参数的空间分布

Fig.3   Distribution of distance-decay parameters of competing destinations model

表3   距离衰减参数的空间自相关检验

Table 3   Spatial autocorrelation test of distance-decay parameters





3.3 与其它地区相关研究结果的比较


表4   本研究结果与相关研究的比较

Table 4   Comparing the research results with relevant studies







4 结论







The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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A gravity model analysis of international migration to North America

[J]. Applied Economics, 2000, 32(13): 1745-1755.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This study examines the influence of political, economic and demographic factors on the size and composition of migration flows to North America. A modified gravity model is specified and adjusted to include immigration regulations and characteristics specific to the origin and destination countries. For empirical test of the model, the time period of study is from 1976-1986, and 70 countries are covered for a total of 1540 observations of migration flows to Canada and the USA. The results reveal that the population of origin countries and the income of destination countries are two major determinants of migration to North America. High population areas of Asia and Latin America provided a large share of the immigrants. Domestic restrictions on political and civil freedom in origin countries are found to significantly impair migration to North America.
[2] 蒲英霞, 韩洪凌, 葛莹, .


[J]. 地理学报, 2016, 71(2): 205-216.      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>区际人口迁移不仅与迁出地和目的地的要素特征以及距离有关,而且还受到周边迁移流的影响.基于网络自相关理论,利用"六普"省际人口迁移数据和相关统计资料,在重力模型的基础上考虑迁移流之间可能存在的几种空间依赖形式,构建中国省际迁移流的空间OD模型,初步揭示区域经济社会等因素及其空间溢出效应对省际人口迁移的影响,并就区域要素变化对整个省际人口迁移系统产生的"连锁反应"进行了模拟.结果表明:① 中国省际迁移流之间存在显著的网络自相关效应.目的地和迁出地的自相关效应皆为正,导致迁入和迁出流的空间效仿行为;迁出地和目的地周边则出现负的自相关效应,导致迁移流的空间竞争行为;② 区域经济社会等因素通过网络空间关系对周边地区产生的多边溢出效应导致迁移流在空间上集聚.其中,距离衰减效应位居各要素之首,其溢出效应进一步加剧距离的摩擦作用;对目的地而言,区域工资水平和迁移存量超过GDP的影响并产生正的溢出效应,促进周边地区吸引更多的外来人口;对迁出地而言,人口规模和迁移存量产生正的溢出效应,推动周边地区人口外迁;③ 区域要素变化潜在地对整个省际人口迁移系统产生一系列"连锁反应",震荡中心及其周边区域的迁移流波动较大.江苏省GDP增长5%的模拟结果表明,江苏迁往全国其他省份的人口数量都有不同程度地减少,而其他省份入迁人口均有所增加.相对而言,江苏周边省份的迁入或迁出流受到的波动较大,偏远省份波及较小,这是传统的重力模型所无法解释的.</p>

[Pu Yingxia, Han Hongling,

Ge Ying et al. Multilateral mechanism analysis of interprovincial migration flows in China.

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2016, 71(2): 205-216.]      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>区际人口迁移不仅与迁出地和目的地的要素特征以及距离有关,而且还受到周边迁移流的影响.基于网络自相关理论,利用"六普"省际人口迁移数据和相关统计资料,在重力模型的基础上考虑迁移流之间可能存在的几种空间依赖形式,构建中国省际迁移流的空间OD模型,初步揭示区域经济社会等因素及其空间溢出效应对省际人口迁移的影响,并就区域要素变化对整个省际人口迁移系统产生的"连锁反应"进行了模拟.结果表明:① 中国省际迁移流之间存在显著的网络自相关效应.目的地和迁出地的自相关效应皆为正,导致迁入和迁出流的空间效仿行为;迁出地和目的地周边则出现负的自相关效应,导致迁移流的空间竞争行为;② 区域经济社会等因素通过网络空间关系对周边地区产生的多边溢出效应导致迁移流在空间上集聚.其中,距离衰减效应位居各要素之首,其溢出效应进一步加剧距离的摩擦作用;对目的地而言,区域工资水平和迁移存量超过GDP的影响并产生正的溢出效应,促进周边地区吸引更多的外来人口;对迁出地而言,人口规模和迁移存量产生正的溢出效应,推动周边地区人口外迁;③ 区域要素变化潜在地对整个省际人口迁移系统产生一系列"连锁反应",震荡中心及其周边区域的迁移流波动较大.江苏省GDP增长5%的模拟结果表明,江苏迁往全国其他省份的人口数量都有不同程度地减少,而其他省份入迁人口均有所增加.相对而言,江苏周边省份的迁入或迁出流受到的波动较大,偏远省份波及较小,这是传统的重力模型所无法解释的.</p>
[3] Grosche T, Rothlauf F, Heinzl A.

Gravity models for airline passenger volume estimation

[J]. Journal of Air Transport Management, 2007, 13(4): 175-183.      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">This paper presents two gravity models for the estimation of air passenger volume between city-pairs. The models include variables describing the general economic activity and geographical characteristics of city-pairs instead of variables describing air service characteristics. Thus, both models can be applied to city-pairs where currently no air service is established, historical data is not available, or for which factors describing the current service level of air transportation are not accessible or accurately predictable. One model is limited to city-pairs with airports not subject to competition from airports in the vicinity, while the other model includes all city-pairs. Booking data of flights between Germany and 28 European countries is used for calibration. Both models show a good fit to the observed data and are statistically tested and validated.</p>
[4] 李斌, 许立民, 秦奋, .


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[J]. 地理科学, 2015, 35(10): 1220-1229.

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

区域空间联系是不同客体之间基于空间法则下的相互作用现象,航空联系是诸多空间联系的一种。依据中国国内航班运营信息数据,运用基于O-D联系网络的GIS空间分析法,通过在大尺度数据空间内刻画每一条运营航线,深入解析全国通航中心城市间(不含港澳台)航空联系的网络结构,并与按重力模型计算的空间联系进行对比,分运距区段绘制中国城市空间相互作用联系与航空联系网络结构图谱,深入揭示航空联系的空间相互作用本质。进而分析东、中、西部及东北4区域间航空联系的网络结构差异,揭示中国航空联系的网络结构及区域结构特征。研究发现,城市航空联系网络与人口、经济之间的空间相互作用高度吻合,大城市集聚特征显著,空间分布较不平衡。依据进出港航班数量,可将通航中心城市划分为全国性、区域性、省域及地方性中心4个等级,其中北京、上海、广州为全国性中心。城市航空联系主要集中在600~2000 km空间距离范围内,总体上服从空间距离衰减规律。全国航空客流的区域分布极不平衡,东部航空运输地位极其突出,西部相对较强,中部与东北相对较弱。

[Wang Haijiang, Miao Changhong.

Network structure and regional difference of Aaviationlinks in China.

Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2015, 35(10): 1220-1229.]

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

区域空间联系是不同客体之间基于空间法则下的相互作用现象,航空联系是诸多空间联系的一种。依据中国国内航班运营信息数据,运用基于O-D联系网络的GIS空间分析法,通过在大尺度数据空间内刻画每一条运营航线,深入解析全国通航中心城市间(不含港澳台)航空联系的网络结构,并与按重力模型计算的空间联系进行对比,分运距区段绘制中国城市空间相互作用联系与航空联系网络结构图谱,深入揭示航空联系的空间相互作用本质。进而分析东、中、西部及东北4区域间航空联系的网络结构差异,揭示中国航空联系的网络结构及区域结构特征。研究发现,城市航空联系网络与人口、经济之间的空间相互作用高度吻合,大城市集聚特征显著,空间分布较不平衡。依据进出港航班数量,可将通航中心城市划分为全国性、区域性、省域及地方性中心4个等级,其中北京、上海、广州为全国性中心。城市航空联系主要集中在600~2000 km空间距离范围内,总体上服从空间距离衰减规律。全国航空客流的区域分布极不平衡,东部航空运输地位极其突出,西部相对较强,中部与东北相对较弱。
[6] 冯然.


[J]. 经济经纬, 2010, 27(5): 37-41.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Feng Ran.

A study of the influence of ICT on the export of service trade——an empirical analysis based on the modified gravity model.

Economic Survey, 2010, 27(5): 37-41.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[7] Carrere C.

Revisiting the effects of regional trade agreements on trade flows with proper specification of the gravity model

[J]. European Economic Review, 2006, 50(2): 223-247.      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">This paper uses a gravity model to assess ex-post regional trade agreements. The model includes 130 countries and is estimated with panel data over the period 1962&ndash;1996. The introduction of the correct number of dummy variables allows for identification of Vinerian trade creation and trade diversion effects, while the estimation method takes into account the unobservable characteristics of each pairs of trade partner countries, the endogeneity of some of the explanatory variables as well as a potential selection bias. In contrast to previous estimates, results show that regional agreements have generated a significant increase in trade between members, often at the expense of the rest of the world.</p>
[8] 元媛, 刘浩杰, 路紫.


[J]. 沈阳师范大学学报:自然科学版, 2012, 30(2): 241-244.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt" class="MsoNormal"><font size="3"><span style="font-family: 宋体">互联网信息传输的特殊性<font face="Times New Roman">,<span style="font-family: 宋体">使网站信息流的距离衰减特征比传统的距离衰减概念更具复杂性。研究以重力模型为基础<font face="Times New Roman">,<span style="font-family: 宋体">建立网站信息流距离衰减模型<font face="Times New Roman">,<span style="font-family: 宋体">以<font face="Times New Roman">25<span style="font-family: 宋体">个旅游网站为例<font face="Times New Roman">,<span style="font-family: 宋体">对旅游网站信息源吸引系数进行评价<font face="Times New Roman">,<span style="font-family: 宋体">并据此划分了网站的信息流距离衰减类型<font face="Times New Roman">,<span style="font-family: 宋体">从而为今后网站信息流<font face="Times New Roman">"<span style="font-family: 宋体">模糊距离衰减<font face="Times New Roman">"<span style="font-family: 宋体">研究奠定了理论与实证基础。研究表明<font face="Times New Roman">:1)<span style="font-family: 宋体">根据旅游网站的吸引强度系数值的大小<font face="Times New Roman">,<span style="font-family: 宋体">可将旅游网站的信息流距离衰减形态划分为<font face="Times New Roman">4<span style="font-family: 宋体">类<font face="Times New Roman">,<span style="font-family: 宋体">即α<font face="Times New Roman"><800<span style="font-family: 宋体">的距离衰减显著型、<font face="Times New Roman">800<<span style="font-family: 宋体">α<font face="Times New Roman"><1600<span style="font-family: 宋体">距离衰减较显著型、<font face="Times New Roman">1 600<<span style="font-family: 宋体">α<font face="Times New Roman"><2 400<span style="font-family: 宋体">不衰减型和α<font face="Times New Roman">>2 400<span style="font-family: 宋体">逆衰减型。<font face="Times New Roman">2)<span style="font-family: 宋体">在不同的吸引系数区段内<font face="Times New Roman">,<span style="font-family: 宋体">旅游网站表现为经济发达地区、旅游资源丰富或特色鲜明地区集中性。

[Yuan Yuan, Liu Haojie, Lu Zi.

Spatial distribution and fuzzy distance attenuation of tourism websites information flows.

Journal of Shenyang Normal University(Natural Science Edition), 2012, 30(2): 241-244.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt" class="MsoNormal"><font size="3"><span style="font-family: 宋体">互联网信息传输的特殊性<font face="Times New Roman">,<span style="font-family: 宋体">使网站信息流的距离衰减特征比传统的距离衰减概念更具复杂性。研究以重力模型为基础<font face="Times New Roman">,<span style="font-family: 宋体">建立网站信息流距离衰减模型<font face="Times New Roman">,<span style="font-family: 宋体">以<font face="Times New Roman">25<span style="font-family: 宋体">个旅游网站为例<font face="Times New Roman">,<span style="font-family: 宋体">对旅游网站信息源吸引系数进行评价<font face="Times New Roman">,<span style="font-family: 宋体">并据此划分了网站的信息流距离衰减类型<font face="Times New Roman">,<span style="font-family: 宋体">从而为今后网站信息流<font face="Times New Roman">"<span style="font-family: 宋体">模糊距离衰减<font face="Times New Roman">"<span style="font-family: 宋体">研究奠定了理论与实证基础。研究表明<font face="Times New Roman">:1)<span style="font-family: 宋体">根据旅游网站的吸引强度系数值的大小<font face="Times New Roman">,<span style="font-family: 宋体">可将旅游网站的信息流距离衰减形态划分为<font face="Times New Roman">4<span style="font-family: 宋体">类<font face="Times New Roman">,<span style="font-family: 宋体">即α<font face="Times New Roman"><800<span style="font-family: 宋体">的距离衰减显著型、<font face="Times New Roman">800<<span style="font-family: 宋体">α<font face="Times New Roman"><1600<span style="font-family: 宋体">距离衰减较显著型、<font face="Times New Roman">1 600<<span style="font-family: 宋体">α<font face="Times New Roman"><2 400<span style="font-family: 宋体">不衰减型和α<font face="Times New Roman">>2 400<span style="font-family: 宋体">逆衰减型。<font face="Times New Roman">2)<span style="font-family: 宋体">在不同的吸引系数区段内<font face="Times New Roman">,<span style="font-family: 宋体">旅游网站表现为经济发达地区、旅游资源丰富或特色鲜明地区集中性。
[9] 程婧瑶, 樊杰, 陈东.


[J]. 经济地理, 2013, 33(3): 8-14.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Cheng Jingyao, Fan Jie, Chen Dong.

Discernment of Chinese financial center system: gravity model approach.

Economic Geography, 2013, 33(3): 8-14.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[10] 顾朝林, 庞海峰.


[J]. 地理研究, 2008, 27(1): 1-12.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Gu Chaolin, Pang Haifeng.

Study on spatial relations of Chinese urban system: Gravity Model Approach.

Geographical Research, 2008, 27(1): 1-12.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[11] 戴特奇, 金凤君, 王姣娥.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 2005, 24(2): 80-89.      URL      摘要


[Dai Teji, Jin Fengjun, Wang Jiaoe.

Spatial interaction and network structure evolvement of cities in term of China's railway passenger flow in 1990s.

Progress in Geography, 2005, 24(2): 80-89.]      URL      摘要

[12] 赵东霞, 韩增林, 赵彪.


[J]. 地理科学, 2016, 36(6): 846-854.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

基于空间相互作用的重力模型、潜能模型、隶属度模型等方法,以东北地区41个城市为研究对象,定量分析1992~2012年东北地区城市经济联系的空间格局及其演化。研究结果表明:经济联系强度与区域空间结构关系密切;东北地区经济联系强度南方高于北方、中部地区高于两侧,时空差异明显;近20 a来,以沈阳、长春、哈尔滨为代表的区域性经济发展格局基本形成,区域中心城市没有变化,但最大引力联结城市变化明显;最后,提出了流域型城市及其格局的概念,并进行了具体分析。

[Zhao Dongxia, Han Zenglin, Zhao Biao.

Spatial framework and change of the Northeast China's economic links.

Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016, 36(6): 846-854.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

基于空间相互作用的重力模型、潜能模型、隶属度模型等方法,以东北地区41个城市为研究对象,定量分析1992~2012年东北地区城市经济联系的空间格局及其演化。研究结果表明:经济联系强度与区域空间结构关系密切;东北地区经济联系强度南方高于北方、中部地区高于两侧,时空差异明显;近20 a来,以沈阳、长春、哈尔滨为代表的区域性经济发展格局基本形成,区域中心城市没有变化,但最大引力联结城市变化明显;最后,提出了流域型城市及其格局的概念,并进行了具体分析。
[13] 王成金.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 2009, 28(5): 690-696.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Wang Chengjin.

Function simulation and regularity of distance decay of inter-urban traffic flow in China.

Progress in Geography, 2009, 28(5): 690-696.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[14] 戴特奇, 刘毅.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 2008, 27(4): 110-116.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Dai Teji, Liu Yi.

Temporal variations in parameters of gravity model: an analysis on China's inter-city railway passenger flows.

Progress in Geography, 2008, 27(4): 110-116.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[15] 郑清菁, 戴特奇, 陶卓霖, .


[J]. 地理科学进展, 2014, 33(12): 1659-1665.      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要


[Zheng Qingjing, Dai Teji,

Tao Zhuolin et al. Spatial heterogeneity of gravity model parameters:a case study of inter-city railway passenger flow in China.

Progress in Geography, 2014, 33(12): 1659-1665.]      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

[16] Fotheringham A S, Nakaya T, Yano K, et al.

Hierarchical destination choice and spatial interaction modelling:a simulation experiment

[J]. Environment and Planning A, 2001, 33(5): 901-920.      URL      [本文引用: 5]      摘要

ABSTRACT A simulation experiment is proposed and undertaken to extend our understanding of the role of the competing destinations spatial interaction model in capturing the effects of hierarchical destination choice. In doing so, we make explicit the linkage between spatial choice behaviour at different levels of a spatial hierarchy. We also make explicit the way in which decisions made at one level of the hierarchy can lead to biased measurements of behaviour at a lower one. This is shown when conventional spatial interaction models are calibrated with interaction data that result from hierarchical destination choice.
[17] Cliff A D, Martin R L, Ord J K.

Evaluating the friction of distance paremeter in gravity models

[J]. Regional Studies, 1974, 8(3): 281-286.

[本文引用: 2]     

[18] Curry L.

A spatial analysis of gravity flows

[J]. Regional Studies, 1972, 6(2): 131-147.

[19] Sheppard E S, Griffith D A, Curry L.

A final comment on mis-specification and autocorrelation in those gravity parameters

[J]. Regional Studies, 1976, 10(3): 337-339.

[本文引用: 1]     

[20] Baxter M.

Model misspecification and spatial structure in spatial-interaction models

[J]. Environment and Planning A, 1983, 15(3): 319-327.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

ABSTRACT Concern has been expressed about the effects of spatial structure on parameter estimates from spatial-interaction models. The problem is essentially one of model misspecification. With a correctly specified model assumed, in which destination attraction depends on whether it is near to an origin or not, the consequences of using a misspecified model are examined. Explicit expressions for bias in the parameter estimates are derived; these are complex, but depend on terms that can be clearly interpreted in terms of aspects of spatial structure, such as scale, compactness, shape, remoteness of destinations, etc. Some simple special cases show how, with misspecified models, estimates from different systems will almost certainly differ. Extensions of the analysis and problems of estimation and interpretation are discussed.
[21] Pooler J.

Competition among destinations in spatial interaction models:a new point of view

[J]. Chinese Geographical Science, 1998, 8(3): 212-224.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[22] Fotheringham A S.

A new set of spatial-interaction models:the theory of competing destinations

[J]. Environment and Planning a, 1983, 15(1): 15-36.

[本文引用: 6]     

[23] Ishikawa Y.

An empirical study of the competing destinations model using Japanese interaction data

[J]. Environment and Planning A, 1987, 19(10): 1359-1373.      URL      [本文引用: 10]      摘要

Abstract The misspecification issue, that the estimate distance parameter in spatial-interaction models might be biased by the spatial structure under investigation, has remained unsettled. However, the competing destinations model recently developed by Fotheringham is the first ray of hope for a solution. In this paper, the empirical validity of Fotheringham's model is examined using data of migration and of university enrollment among Japanese prefectures. It becomes clear that the origin-specific estimates of the distance-decay parameter, calibrated from the production-constrained model, are, on the whole, less negatively biased. It is also confirmed that the dominance of the agglomeration effect for one set of data, and of the competition effect for other sets of data, are the sources of the misspecification issue. The empirical implications are discussed.
[24] Lo L.

Destination interdependence and the competing destinations model

[J]. Environment and Planning a, 1992, 24(8): 1191-1204.      URL      摘要

There are two types of destination interdependence; one arises because of people's preferences towards destination activities, and the other because of the locational arrangement of space. Destination interdependence affects spatial behaviour. In a previous paper it was shown that the conventional gravity model can handle neither aspect of destination interdependence. In this paper it is shown that the competing-destinations model, as a reformulated gravity prototype, is at best able to describe only locational structure effects.
[25] Hu P, Pooler J.

An empirical test of the competing destinations model

[J]. Journal of Geographical Systems, 2002, 4(3): 301-323.      URL      [本文引用: 10]      摘要

Abstract . It has long been believed that properties of spatial structure have a strong effect on trip distribution, which thus leads to a bias in the estimated distance decay parameters of spatial interaction models. This paper is an attempt to identify to what extent the spatial structure effect affects the trip distribution and determine whether the incorporation of a term to account for the relative location of destinations into the conventional gravity models, results in a model that can more correctly represent the actual trip distribution. The main focus is on the comparison of the origin鈥搒pecific estimates of the distance decay parameter, calibrated from the traditional production-constrained model and the production-constrained competing destinations model. The results show that the competing destinations model is superior to the conventional model in both reproducing the interaction flows and giving behavioral explanation to the distance decay parameters, but the essential aim of the competing destinations model to remove the map pattern from the distance decay parameters of the conventional model has not been identified.
[26] Guldmann J M.

Competing destinations and intervening opportunities interaction models of inter-city telecommunication flows

[J]. Papers in Regional Science, 1999, 78(2): 179-194.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This research makes use of a large sample (600,000) of individual telephone calls between local exchanges (cities, villages) within a U.S. region. Callers and callees are identified by their 4-digit SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) code. The intersectoral and interlocational flows (number of messages and conversation minutes) are aggregated into major economic sectors (Agriculture, Manufacturing, Retail Trade ...., and Households), and are analyzed by estimating, in a simultaneous equation framework, spatial interaction models that account for (1) the role of the spatial structure, which reflects the competition and agglomeration effects that take place among the flow destinations, and (2) the role of the reverse flows, which reflect the process of information creation necessary to complete intersectoral economic transactions. A particular focus is set on Fotheringham's competing destinations model and Stoufer's intervening opportunities model, while accounting for the effects of place hierarchy. A theoretical framework is presented, to guide the interpretation of the empirical results and their policy implications regarding the impacts of telecommunications deregulation, transportation and telecommunications interactions, and the role of information technologies in fostering the development of rural and peripheral areas.
[27] Fotheringham A S.

Modelling hierarchical destination choice

[J]. Environment and Planning a, 1986, 18(3): 401-418.

[本文引用: 2]     

[28] 国家统计局城市社会经济调查司. 中国城市统计年鉴2011[M]. 北京: 中国统计出版社, 2011.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Urban social and Economic Investigation Department of National Bureau of Statistics of the People’s Republic of China. China city statistical yearbook 2011. Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2011.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[29] Batty M, Mackie S.

The calibration of gravity,entropy,and related models of spatial interaction

[J]. Environment and Planning a, 1972, 4(2): 205-233.      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

This paper presents a methodology for deriving best statistics for the calibration of spatial interaction models, and several procedures for finding best parameter values are described. The family of spatial interaction models due to Wilson is first outlined, and then some existing calibration methods are briefly reviewed. A procedure for deriving best statistics based on the principle of maximum-likelihood is then developed from the work of Hyman and Evans, and the methodology is illustrated using the example of a retail gravity model. Five methods for solving the maximum-likelihood equations are outlined: procedures based on a simple first-order iterative process, the Newton - Raphson method for several variables, multivariate Fibonacci search, search using the Simplex method, and search based on quadratic convergence, are all tested and compared. It appears that the Newton - Raphson method is the most efficient, and this is further tested in the calibration of disaggregated residential location models.
[30] Wilson A G.

A statistical theory of spatial distribution models

[J]. Transportation Research, 1967, 1(3): 253-269.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

It is now widely believed that in the short-term retention of verbal material, both primary memory (PM) and secondary memory (SM) mechanisms are involved. In the experiments reported here an attempt was made to separate the PM and SM components in immediate free recall. The first experiment showed that neither age nor the size of set from which words were drawn affected the size of the PM component but that both factors affected retrieval from SM. The second experiment showed that word length affected neither the PM nor the SM component. It was concluded that PM stores a constant number of words regardless of word length.
[31] Thorsen I.

Empirical evaluation of alternative model specifications to predict commuting flows

[J]. Journal of Regional Science, 1998, 38(2): 273-292.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract This study is devoted to empirical and modeling aspects on how characteristics of spatial structure influence commuting flows. Within a doubly-constrained framework, results from a competing-destinations formulation are evaluated and compared to results from the traditional gravity model. The evaluation depends critically upon the specification of within-zone journeys-to-work. Specific labor-market characteristics are found to be significant to explain how workers are absorbed in diagonal elements of the trip-distribution matrix. We also find that the parametric specification of the accessibility measure is important, and that the competing-destinations formulation is superior to the traditional gravity model.
[32] Kennedy J, Eberhart R C.

Particle swarm optimization

[C]. IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, Perth, Western Australia, 1996.

[本文引用: 1]     

[33] Xiao Y, Wang F, Liu Y, et al.

Reconstructing gravitational attractions of major cities in China from air passenger flow data,2001-2008:A particle swarm optimization approach

[J]. Professional Geographer, 2013, 65(2): 265-282.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT In contrast to the conventional gravity model that estimates flows between cities of given sizes, the reverse gravity model attempts to reconstruct the theoretical gravitational attractions of cities from network flow data. This article introduces the particle swarm optimization (PSO) method in solving the reverse gravity model. With comparison to the linear programming (LP) and the simplified algebraic method (SAM), the advantages of the PSO method include flexibility in the impedance function and better goodness of fit. The method is applied to the case study of air passenger transport in China. The results indicate that estimated nodal attractions in cities are generally in line with their population sizes, but there are significant discrepancies between them. A close examination of the discrepancies reveals that a better developed tertiary sector and higher tourism revenue per capita are associated with overestimated attractions in air transport, and stronger railway dominance influences their underestimation. The changes of gravitational attractions in major cities from 2001 to 2008 indicate the declining dominance of the largest cities and a move toward a more balanced development in the air transport system of China.
[34] Tao Z, Cheng Y, Dai T et al.

Spatial optimization of residential care facility locations in Beijing,China:maximum Equity in accessibility

[J]. International Journal of Health Geographics, 2014, 13(1): 33.      URL      PMID: 25178475      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT Background The residential care system is rapidly developing and plays an increasingly important role in care for the elderly in Beijing. A noticeable disparity in the accessibility to existing residential care facilities, however, is demonstrated in existing studies. The spatial optimization of residential care facility (RCF) locations is urgently needed to promote equal access to residential care resources among the elderly population. Methods A two-step floating catchment area method with an additional distance-decay function is adopted to measure accessibility to residential care facilities. The spatial optimization model is developed to maximize equity in accessibility by minimizing the total square difference between the accessibility score of each demand location and the weighted average accessibility score. The Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method is implemented for the solution. Results The optimized RCF layouts improve equal spatial access to residential care resources with very low accessibility standard variation (0.0066). A relatively large number of beds (51% of the total beds) to be located in the suburban districts between the central and periphery districts of Beijing are optimized. A smaller number of beds to be located in the central and periphery districts (33% and 16% respectively) are optimized. The gaps between the existing and optimized layouts suggest that more RCF beds (5961 beds) are needed in suburban districts, while the RCF beds in some subdistricts located in the central and periphery districts are oversupplied (5253 and 1584 surplus beds respectively). Conclusions The optimized results correspond to the municipal special plan proposed by the Beijing government. The optimization objective of this study is different from traditional facility location optimization models, and the method is efficient in maximizing equal access to residential care facilities. This method can support knowledge-based policy-making and planning of residential care facilities.
