中图分类号: P90
文献标识码: A
文章编号: 1000-0690(2017)02-0252-07
收稿日期: 2016-03-4
修回日期: 2016-05-18
网络出版日期: 2017-02-25
版权声明: 2017 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.
作者简介:卞子浩(1994-),男,安徽,硕士研究生,研究方向:自然地理与生态水文学。E-mail: bianzihao@126.com
Under the background of rapid urbanization in the Qinhuai River Watershed, models of land use change are primary tools for analyzing the causes and consequences of land use changes. We choose CLUE-S model to simulate the land use situation of it in 2020. We use linear regression model, Markov model and the gray GM (1, 1) model respectively to predict the demand for land use which is needed by the non-spatial module of CLUE-S model, then we compared the three forecast results.In order to further verify the influence of policy on land use change, two prediction scenarios were established, one is "natural development" scenario where land use will change according to historical trend and the other is "optimization" scenario which considered the effects of planning policy. We simulated the Qinhuai River Watershed land use pattern in 2020 under different scenarios, and analyze the landscape pattern of it. The results shows that the Kappa index of Linear regression model, Markov model, the gray GM (1, 1) model are 0.866, 0.849, 0.867 respectively, so three methods all satisfy the requirements of model accuracy; In “natural development” scenario, the water area, paddy field, forest land, urban land and the dry farm change, compared to 2010, by 21.5%, 15.3%, 9.0%, 9.0%, 9.0%, respectively, while in “optimization” scenario water area, paddy field, forest land, urban land and the dry farm change by 3.1%, 1.6%, 10.8%, 6.3%, 10.8%, respectively; Under the “optimization” scenario, the land use condition can meet the requirement of protection of basic farmland and ecological land, increasing infiltration capacity of rainwater, and alleviating the urban heat island effect. This work could be the reference for the choice of the method of non-spatial module and provide scientific support for land use planning and managements of the watershed.
陆地表层是未来地球计划的研究主体,土地利用变化是陆地表层中人类活动对地球环境变化影响的最直接体现[1,2]。近20 a来,国际全球环境变化人类行为计划(IHGP)和国际地圈生物圈计划(IGBP)的共同执行计划LUCC(Land Use and Land Cover Change)的实施,极大促进了土地利用变化科学的发展[3]。土地利用变化模型可以帮助人们更好地理解社会、经济、物理变量对土地利用变化影响的机制[4],因而已得到广泛地应用,尤其在未来土地利用情景模拟和预测中越来越发挥重要作用[5]。土地利用模拟常用元胞自动机方法,即根据周边土地利用类型和人为定义的驱动力确定元胞内土地利用类型,但是其邻域转换规则依赖于用户的经验知识,驱动力与土地利用的关系也通常是经验性的。此外还有部分模型常常只能模拟一种土地利用类型转变,因而它们都没有解释好不同土地利用类型之间的竞争性。CLUE-S模型属于一种动态的、较小尺度上的土地利用变化空间分布模拟模型,其根据土地利用与驱动因子之间的关系来模拟土地利用变化,和其它模型相比,其可以在模拟过程中考虑不同土地利用类型之间竞争性。但目前CLUE-S模型只支持土地利用变化的空间分配,而非空间的土地利用变化需要事先运用其它方法进行计算或估计,再作为参数输入模型。目前已有诸多方法被应用于非空间土地需求量计算上,其中包括Markov模型[6]、GM(1,1)模型[7]和时间序列函数方法[8]等预测方法。在目前的研究中,对于非空间部分模型的选择,通常受到研究者自身认识和数据获取的局限,不同嵌入模型之间效果的比较和总结研究较少[9]。本文利用CLUE-S模型模拟秦淮河流域2020年土地利用变化情况,并分别使用线性回归、Markov模型、灰色GM(1,1)模型模拟计算土地需求量嵌套入CLUE-S模型非空间模块中,并对模拟结果进行比较,为后期该模型使用过程中非空间方法的选择提供依据。同时,CLUE-S模型通过输入不同的土地需求参数以及土地转换参数,能够较好模拟政策控制下土地利用变化情况[10],因此被较多的应用于区域土地利用优化[8]。通过模拟不同情景下秦淮河流域土地利用情况,反映政策导向下未来土地利用优化方式,为流域土地利用规划提供参考。
秦淮河流域位于江苏省西南部,流域面积2 635.75 km2,流域范围介于31°55′N~32°02′N、118°39′E~118°53′E之间。流域涉及到南京和镇江的句容两市,其中南京占全流域的64.38%,镇江的句容市占35.62%。秦淮河流域的地形为完整的构造盆地,呈蒲扇形,四面环山,为茅山山脉和宁镇山脉所包围,中间低洼平原地区,地势平坦,最高海拔为450 m。流域气候属于亚热带湿润季风气候,流域年平均气温15℃,多年平均降水量1 034~1 276 mm。
表1 秦淮河流域土地利用变化(hm2)
Table 1 Land use change of the Qinhuai River Watershed (hm2)
年份 | 水域 | 水田 | 林地 | 城镇用地 | 旱地 |
2000 | 12056.25 | 109006.30 | 31900.00 | 37600.00 | 73012.50 |
2005 | 13425.00 | 105712.50 | 31650.00 | 44687.50 | 68100.00 |
2010 | 13387.50 | 100631.30 | 31256.25 | 61662.50 | 56637.50 |
2) 马尔可夫模型。
表2 2020年秦淮河流域土地利用需求量(hm2)
Table 2 Land use demand of the Qinhuai River Watershed in 2020(hm2)
模型 | 水域 | 水田 | 林地 | 城镇用地 | 旱地 |
线性回归 | 14718.75 | 92256.25 | 30612.50 | 85725.00 | 40262.50 |
Markov | 16262.50 | 85193.75 | 28450.00 | 93406.25 | 40262.50 |
灰色GM(1,1) | 14837.57 | 93028.72 | 30631.40 | 104366.10 | 44829.32 |
图1 秦淮河流域2005年土地利用现状图与2020年模拟结果
Fig.1 Land use status in 2005 and simulation results in 2020 in Qinhuai River Watershed
图2 2010年土地利用现状与2020年秦淮河流域2种情景下土地利用空间布局模拟
Fig.2 Land use status in 2010 and land use simulations under two kinds of scenarios in 2020
表3 不同情景下秦淮河流域土地利用景观格局指数
Table 3 Land use scape pattern index under different situations
2010年实际 | 1.061 | 1.442 | 23.406 | 97.802 |
2020年情景1 | 1.007 | 1.431 | 25.111 | 97.452 |
2020年情景2 | 1.068 | 1.451 | 23.659 | 97.771 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
[1] |
面向“未来地球”计划的陆地表层格局研究 [J].https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2015.01.002 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
Tang Qiuhong et al. Land surface pattern study under the framework of Future Earth. https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2015.01.002 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
[2] |
Future Earth. Future Earth initial design report [R/OL].2013. . 2015-10-05. |
[3] |
土地利用/土地覆被变化(LUCC)模型研究进展 [J].https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2009.04.008 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
Recent progresses of land use and land cover change(LUCC) models. https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2009.04.008 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
[4] |
Simulating land use change in urban renewal areas: A case study in Hong Kong [J].https://doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2014.10.008 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
A considerable amount of research has been conducted on land use change, as it is extremely helpful when it comes to decision-making and policy formulation. Although land use change in urban renewal areas differs from that in new towns, very little research has focused on urban renewal and even less at the local or district level where most decisions need to be made. This study therefore developed a model for simulating land use change in urban renewal districts by combining the conversion of land use and its effects at small regional extent (CLUE-S) model and the Markov chain prediction model. The Yau Tsim Mong district of Kowloon in Hong Kong was the study area for the simulation, and historical land utilization data from 2000 to 2009 was used to validate the proposed model. By applying the validated model, four future land use scenarios were simulated for 2018 (the baseline scenario, the open space scenario, the residential scenario and the balanced scenario). The results not only indicate the effectiveness of the proposed model but also provide alternatives for future urban renewal based on different policy directions taken in the land use planning process.
[5] |
Scenario-based studies of future land use in Europe [J].https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2005.11.023 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
Atmospheric aerosols from natural and anthropogenic processes have both primary and secondary origins, and can influence human health, visibility, and climate. One key process affecting atmospheric concentrations of aerosols is the formation of new particles and their subsequent growth to larger particle sizes. A field study was conducted at the Blodgett Forest Research Station in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California from May through September of 2002 to examine the effect of biogenic volatile organic compounds on aerosol formation and processing. The study included in-situ measurements of concentration and biosphere-atmosphere flux of VOCs, ozone, aerosol size distribution, aerosol physical and optical properties, and meteorological variables. Fine particle growth events were observed on approximately 30 percent of the 107 days with complete size distribution data. Average particle growth rates measured during these events were 3.8 +/- 1.9 nm hr(-1). Correlations between aerosol properties, trace gas concentrations, and meteorological measurements were analyzed to determine conditions conducive to fine particle growth events. Growth events were typically observed on days with a lesser degree of anthropogenic influence, as indicated by lower concentrations of black carbon, carbon monoxide, and total aerosol volume. Days with growth events also had lower temperatures, increased wind speeds, and larger momentum flux. Measurements of ozone concentrations and ozone flux indicate that gas phase oxidation of biogenic volatile organic compounds occur in the canopy, strongly suggesting that a significant portion of the material responsible for the observed particle growth are oxidation products of naturally emitted very reactive organic compounds.
[6] |
基于CLUE-S和Markov复合模型的土地利用情景模拟研究——以江苏省环太湖地区为例 [J].https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-0690.2009.04.019 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
ZuoTianhui et al. Land use scenarios simulation based on CLUE-S and Markov Composite model——A Case Study of Taihu Lake Rim in Jiangsu Province. https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-0690.2009.04.019 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
[7] |
基于CLUE-S模型和GIS的土地利用变化模拟研究 [D].Simulation of land use change based on CLUE-S model and GIS: The case of Wuzhong country, Suzhou city. |
[8] |
基于CLUE-S模型的土地利用空间布局多情景模拟研究——以甘肃省榆中县为例 [J].
利用CLUE-S模型,以甘肃省榆中县为案例区,基于1996年土地利用现状,对2008年土地利用进行模拟,在200 m×200 m模拟尺度下,Kappa指数为0.82.在此基础上,设置耕地保护、建设发展和生态保护3种土地利用空间布局情景,模拟2020年不同情景下榆中县土地利用空间布局.结果表明:耕地保护情景下,耕地稳定性较高,分布集中连片,主要集中在榆中盆地,耕地转出主要集中在北部地区,主要转变为草地和林地;建设发展情景下,建设用地围绕榆中县城关镇扩展,主要由耕地和草地转入,耕地的稳定性较差;生态保护情景下,林地和草地得到较好保护,呈现集中连片特征,地势较高处的耕地转变为林地和草地.生态保护情景下,土地利用空间格局的聚集性最高,连通性最好.CLUE-S模型是模拟榆中县土地利用空间布局的有力工具,模拟结果可为该区土地利用规划修编和未来城市规划布局提供科学依据.
Multi-simulation of Spatial Distribution of Land Use Based on CLUE-S Model: A Case Study of Yuzhong County, Gansu Province.
利用CLUE-S模型,以甘肃省榆中县为案例区,基于1996年土地利用现状,对2008年土地利用进行模拟,在200 m×200 m模拟尺度下,Kappa指数为0.82.在此基础上,设置耕地保护、建设发展和生态保护3种土地利用空间布局情景,模拟2020年不同情景下榆中县土地利用空间布局.结果表明:耕地保护情景下,耕地稳定性较高,分布集中连片,主要集中在榆中盆地,耕地转出主要集中在北部地区,主要转变为草地和林地;建设发展情景下,建设用地围绕榆中县城关镇扩展,主要由耕地和草地转入,耕地的稳定性较差;生态保护情景下,林地和草地得到较好保护,呈现集中连片特征,地势较高处的耕地转变为林地和草地.生态保护情景下,土地利用空间格局的聚集性最高,连通性最好.CLUE-S模型是模拟榆中县土地利用空间布局的有力工具,模拟结果可为该区土地利用规划修编和未来城市规划布局提供科学依据.
[9] |
CLUE-S模型应用进展与改进研究 [J].https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2012.01.001 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
Recent progresses on the application and improvement of the CLUE-S Model. https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2012.01.001 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
[10] |
Modeling the Spatial Dynamics of Regional Land Use: The CLUE-S Model [J].https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-002-2630-x URL PMID: 12148073 [本文引用: 1] 摘要
Land-use change models are important tools for integrated environmental management. Through scenario analysis they can help to identify near-future critical locations in the face of environmental change. A dynamic, spatially explicit, land-use change model is presented for the regional scale: CLUE-S. The model is specifically developed for the analysis of land use in small regions (e.g., a watershed or province) at a fine spatial resolution. The model structure is based on systems theory to allow the integrated analysis of land-use change in relation to socio-economic and biophysical driving factors. The model explicitly addresses the hierarchical organization of land use systems, spatial connectivity between locations and stability. Stability is incorporated by a set of variables that define the relative elasticity of the actual land-use type to conversion. The user can specify these settings based on expert knowledge or survey data. Two applications of the model in the Philippines and Malaysia are used to illustrate the functioning of the model and its validation.
[11] |
秦淮河流域1980-2010年土地利用变化及驱动机制 [J].
Land use change and its driving mechanism in Qinhuai river watershed during 1980-2010.
[12] |
Land-cover change model validation by an ROC method for the Ipswich watershed, Massachusetts, USA [J].https://doi.org/10.1016/S0167-8809(01)00187-6 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
Scientists need a better and larger set of tools to validate land-use change models, because it is essential to know a model鈥檚 prediction accuracy. This paper describes how to use the relative operating characteristic (ROC) as a quantitative measurement to validate a land-cover change model. Typically, a crucial component of a spatially explicit simulation model of land-cover change is a map of suitability for land-cover change, for example a map of probability of deforestation. The model usually selects locations for new land-cover change at locations that have relatively high suitability. The ROC can compare a map of actual change to maps of modeled suitability for land-cover change. ROC is a summary statistic derived from several two-by-two contingency tables, where each contingency table corresponds to a different simulated scenario of future land-cover change. The categories in each contingency table are actual change and actual non-change versus simulated change and simulated non-change. This paper applies the theoretical concepts to a model of deforestation in the Ipswich watershed, USA.
[13] |
中国区域土地利用需求量预测方法研究进展 [J].https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-2324.2009.04.037 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
The progress of forecast methods of region land use demand in China. https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-2324.2009.04.037 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
[14] |
Relationships between land use patterns and water quality in the Taizi River basin, China [J].https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.02.003 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
Using land use types and landscape metrics, as well as statistical and spatial analysis, we determined the relationships between land use patterns and river water quality in the Taizi River basin, China, during dry and rainy seasons in 2009. Correlation and multiple linear regressions indicated that vegetated areas had a positive contribution to river water quality and predicted total nitrogen during the rainy season. Built-up land use strongly influenced nitrogen and phosphorus parameters in river water. Agricultural land use was associated with most physicochemical variables and nitrogen during the rainy season. Landscape metrics during both seasons were significantly associated with river water quality. Shannon's diversity index was the primary predictor for chloride and ammoniacal nitrogen. Mean Euclidean nearest neighbor index defined ammoniacal nitrogen, orthophosphate, and total phosphorus during the dry season. Biological oxygen demand and permanganate index were expressed by Contagion during the rainy season. Factor analysis indicated that the river suffered organic, phosphorus, and nitrogen pollution and a zone dominated by agricultural and built-up land uses in the river basin tended to have worse water quality than other areas. The results provide a useful approach that uses landscape patterns to estimate water quality in rivers for water pollution control and land use management.
[15] |
基于景观格局的城市热岛研究进展 [J].https://doi.org/10.5846/stxb201106280965 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
Studies on urban heat island from a landscape pattern view: a review. https://doi.org/10.5846/stxb201106280965 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
[16] |
“海绵城市”理论与实践 [J].https://doi.org/10.11819/cpr20150605a URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
“Sponge City”: Theory and practice. https://doi.org/10.11819/cpr20150605a URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
[17] |
Combining system dynamic model and CLUE-S model to improve land use scenario analyses at regional scale: A case study of Sangong watershed in Xinjiang, China [J].https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecocom.2010.02.001 URL [本文引用: 2] 摘要
Uses of models of land use change are primary tools for analyzing the causes and consequences of land use changes, assessing the impacts of land use change on ecosystems and supporting land use planning and policy. However, no single model is able to capture all of key processes essential to explore land use change at different scales and make a full assessment of driving factors and impacts. Based on the multi-scale characteristics of land use change, combination and integration of currently existed models of land use change could be a feasible solution. Taken Sangong watershed as a case study, this paper describes an integrated methodology in which the conversion of land use and its effect model (CLUE), a spatially explicit land use change model, has been combined with a system dynamic model (SD) to analyze land use dynamics at different scales. A SD model is used to calculate area changes in demand for land types as a whole while a CLUE model is used to transfer these demands to land use patterns. Without the spatial consideration, the SD model ensures an appropriate treatment of macro-economic, demographic and technology developments, and changes in economic policies influencing the demand and supply for land use in a specific region. With CLUE model the land use change has been simulated at a high spatial resolution with the spatial consideration of land use suitability, spatial policies and restrictions to satisfy the balance between land use demand and supply. The application of the combination of SD and CLUE model in Sangong watershed suggests that this methodology have the ability to reflect the complex behaviors of land use system at different scales to some extent and be a useful tool for analysis of complex land use driving factors such as land use policies and assessment of its impacts on land use change. The established SD model was fitted or calibrated with the 1987鈥1998 data and validated with the 1998鈥2004 data; combining SD model with CLUE-S model, future land use scenarios were analyzed during 2004鈥2030. This work could be used for better understanding of the possible impacts of land use change on terrestrial ecosystem and provide scientific support for land use planning and managements of the watershed.
[18] |
Projecting land use transitions at forest fringes in the Philippines at two spatial scales [J].https://doi.org/10.1023/B:LAND.0000018370.57457.58 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
Abstract This paper presents two applications of a spatially explicit model of land use change at two spatial scales: a nation-wide application for the Philippines at relatively coarse resolution and an application with high spatial resolution for one island of the Philippines: Sibuyan island, Romblon province. The model is based on integrated analysis of socio-economic and biophysical factors that determine the allocation of land use change in combination with the simulation of the temporal dynamics (path-dependence and reversibility of changes), spatial policies and land requirements. Different scenarios of near-future developments in land use pattern are simulated illustrating the effects of implementing spatial policies. Results from the coarse scale model with national extent mainly serve to identify the overall pattern of land use change and hot zones of deforestation. The detailed application provides more insight in the pattern of land use change and its consequences for ecological processes. The use of the results for environmental assessments is illustrated by calculating spatial indices to assess the impact of land use change on forest fragmentation. It is concluded that spatially explicit modeling of land use change yields important information for environmental management and land use planning. The applications illustrate that the scale of analysis is an important determinant of the model configuration, the interpretation of the results and the potential use by stakeholders. There is no single, optimal, scale for land use change assessments. Each scale enables different types of analysis and assessment: applications at multiple scales therefore give complementary information needed for environmental management.
[19] |
Simulating the optimal land-use pattern in the farming-pastoral transitional zone of Northern China [J].https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2008.01.001 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
This paper describes land-use pattern optimization simulation in the farming-pastoral zone of Northern China. For simulating land-use pattern optimization, the improved Conversion of Land Use and its Effects (iCLUE) model is used, which takes into account both physical and economic factors. The iCLUE model is composed of three modules: gross demand control, spatial analysis, and spatial allocation. In the gross demand control module, the Grey Linear Programming (GLP) method is used to analyze 11 constraint factors covering eight themes of the study area which are then solved by the simplex method. The simulated model is verified by the comparison between the actuality of 2000 and simulated state of 2000. Verified results of the simulation indicate that the iCLUE model can perform land-use optimizing simulation at the regional level effectively, which provides useful information for improving the ecological environment at the regional level.
[20] |
Downscaling of land use change scenarios to assess the dynamics of European landscapes [J].https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2005.11.024 URL [本文引用: 1] 摘要
Abstract Europe's rural areas are expected to witness massive and rapid changes in land use due to changes in demography, global trade, technology and enlargement of the European Union. Changes in demand for agricultural products and agrarian structure are likely to have a large impact on landscape quality and the value of natural areas. A spatially explicit, dynamic, land use change model has been used to translate European level scenarios into a high resolution assessment of changes in land use for the 25 countries of the European Union. Scenarios differ in worldview, ranging from enhanced global cooperation towards strong regionalisation on one hand and strong to weak government intervention on the other. Global economic and integrated assessment models were used to calculate changes in demand for agricultural area at country level while a spatially explicit land use change model was used to downscale these demands to land use patterns at 1 km2 resolution. The land use model explicitly accounts for the variation in driving factors among countries and the path dependence in land use change trajectories. Results indicate the large impact abandonment of agricultural land and urbanization has on European landscapes and the different scenarios indicate that spatial policies can make an important contribution to preserve landscapes containing high natural and/or historic values. Furthermore, the dynamic simulations indicate that the trajectory of land use change has an important impact on resulting landscape patterns as a result of the path-dependence in land use change processes. The results are intended to support discussions on the future of the rural area and identify hotspots of landscape change that need specific consideration.
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