Scientia Geographica Sinica  2017 , 37 (5): 756-765

Orginal Article


孙晓东, 侯雅婷

华东师范大学工商管理学院旅游学系, 上海 200241

Evaluation of Tourist Satisfaction with Cruise Homeport: An Empirical Study on Shanghai

Sun Xiaodong, Hou Yating

Department of Tourism, School of Business Administration, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China

中图分类号:  F59

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2017)05-0756-10

通讯作者:  通讯作者:侯雅婷。E-mail:

收稿日期: 2016-10-8

修回日期:  2016-12-10

网络出版日期:  2017-05-25

版权声明:  2017 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(71572057, 71202134)、上海市人民政府决策咨询课题(2014-Z-J03-B)、国家旅游局旅游业青年专家培养计划项目(TYETP201522)资助






关键词: 邮轮 ; 邮轮旅游 ; 邮轮港口 ; 邮轮母港 ; 游客满意 ; 上海


The cruise industry has become one of the most rapidly developing segments in the entire tourism market. On a global basis, although the cruising sector is overwhelmed by North America and Europe, the Asia Pacific Region has reported exciting growth rates in recent years. As the core component of the Asian market, China is undergoing rapid development in terms of both infrastructure construction and cruise ship reception. A cruise port system has been established along Chinese coastline. In recent years, as the most developed cruise city in mainland of China, Shanghai is experiencing a fast developing phase with two outstanding cruise ports/terminals, the Shanghai Port International Cruise Terminal and the Wusongkou International Cruise Port, among which Wusongkou has the strongest berthing capacity for cruise ships in Asia Pacific Region, sending more than 986,000 homeport cruisers outside China in 2015. For a cruise homeport where infrastructure construction has been completed, it’s critical to continuously attract cruisers to visit through high level of service quality and tourist satisfaction. To do this, the key is to establish a comprehensive homeport satisfaction index system, identify expected satisfaction gap for each criteria, and then propose managerial strategies for improving tourist satisfaction. The purpose of this article is to evaluate cruiser satisfaction with cruise homeport, through an empirical study on Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Port. Firstly, we identified a homeport satisfaction index system including 27 criterion based on a broad literature review along with two brainstorming sessions. Then, a questionnaire was developed and distributed to more than 300 cruisers embarking on Shanghai. Based on collected data, we use a multiple criteria decision making method to evaluate and identify the gaps between each criteria and relevant aspired level. Our results show that homeport criterion with lower expected satisfaction level include internet service/WIFI, shopping/duty free shops, clearance/security check efficiency, currency exchange, children area, embarkation, seating room, parking lot, separation of passengers and vehicles, check in experience/welcome reception, post office/toilet/pubic phone, disembarkation, passenger transport (public and shuttle), etc. Finally, we proposed some managerial implications for Wusongkou to become a satisfied cruise homeport, including: 1) Improve network and information services; 2) Enhance value-added services in the port; 3) Establish a duty-free shopping area based on the Shanghai Free Trade Zone policies; 4) Focus on family travel groups, increase children's service facilities; 5) Improve efficiency of customs clearance and security check; 6) Optimize parking lot area and public transportation service; 7) Continue to strengthen safety and security measures. Generally speaking, results of this study could also contribute to development of other cruise ports in China.

Keywords: cruise ship ; cruise tourism ; cruise ports ; cruise homeport ; cruiser satisfaction ; Shanghai


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孙晓东, 侯雅婷. 邮轮母港游客满意度测评与提升研究——基于上海的实证分析[J]. , 2017, 37(5): 756-765

Sun Xiaodong, Hou Yating. Evaluation of Tourist Satisfaction with Cruise Homeport: An Empirical Study on Shanghai[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2017, 37(5): 756-765


从全球休闲与旅游业来看,邮轮产业经历了40余年的快速发展,已经成为最具成长性和经济效益最高的业务之一[1]。2015年全球邮轮游客接待量超过2 300万人次,邮轮产业总产出超过1 000亿美元 [2]。随着全球邮轮产业重心的不断东移,亚洲地区成为国际邮轮公司争夺的战略性新兴市场,邮轮投放和乘客接待量持续增长[1,3,4]。从客源输出来看,2012~2015年亚洲邮轮乘客数量由77.5万增长到接近210万,复合年均增长率超过39%;中国是亚洲客源增长的主要动力,2015年乘客数量达到98.6万,占47.4%的市场份额,复合年均增长率超过60%[4]。从运力投放来看,2013~2016年亚洲游客接待能力(Passenger Capacity)的年增长率接近30%,邮轮投放量的复合年均增长率超过12%[4],2016年亚洲乘客运力占全球市场的9.6%,超过澳洲(6.1%)、阿拉斯加(4.1%)和南美(2.7%),排在加勒比(33.7%)、地中海(18.7%)和欧洲其他地区(11.7%)之后,位列全球第四[2]。作为亚洲邮轮市场的核心成员,中国在邮轮港口系统规划与建设方面取得了长足进步,已经建成大连、天津、青岛、烟台、上海、舟山、厦门、深圳、广州、海口和三亚等邮轮港口,整体邮轮靠泊和接待能力位列亚太地区前列[5],其中上海拥有中国大陆硬件设施最完备的邮轮母港,2015年共接待出入境邮轮游客163万人次,位居全球前列,占全国总接待量的65.7%,同比增长35% [6]

作为邮轮旅游的关键节点和邮轮产业价值链的重要参与者,邮轮港口是中国深化邮轮经济的核心载体。在基础设施建设和邮轮接待能力达到一定规模后,邮轮港口只有持续吸引邮轮挂靠和游客访问才能保证邮轮产业的持续繁荣,而基本前提必须是通过功能配备和服务质量的不断优化来获得游客满意。现有邮轮研究证明,游客对邮轮港口及其目的地的满意水平对口碑传播和重游行为具有显著的影响作用[7~9]。特别是在邮轮旅游大众化(Mass Cruise)时代,顾客满意对于维护邮轮旅游“豪华性、高端性”的产品特征、触发游客口碑推介行为和重游行为具有极其重要的作用。目前,国内外邮轮游客满意方面的报道主要集中在国际邮轮市场方面,包括国际邮轮协会(CLIA)的顾客调研、国际邮轮公司的满意度测评、第三方调研机构的市场研究以及其他目的地市场的案例分析。从学术研究来看,现有成果主要从总体满意的角度对邮轮游客的满意度进行了测量,并进一步探讨满意度对顾客感知价值以及行为意向的影响[7~13]。然而此类研究只能从有限的维度提出较为宽泛的管理建议,而无法全面的针对单项指标提出满意度提升的具体对策,极大地降低了研究结果的应用性。对于邮轮母港满意度的提升问题,目前并无文献探讨满意度指标体系的构建以及单项指标的测评和提升问题。为此,本文采用文献分析、专家访谈、邮轮领队座谈和乘客预调研相结合的方式,构建了邮轮港口满意度的指标体系;进而以上海吴淞口国际邮轮港为案例,对邮轮游客的满意度进行了综合测评,并识别出了上海母港各个单项指标的期望满意差距;最后,提出上海邮轮母港满意度提升的对策和建议。研究结果同样对中国其他邮轮港口发展具有启示意义。

1 研究进展




此外,Brida等[11]对加勒比海母港卡塔赫纳出发的游客进行聚类分析,并对不同类别游客的满意度差异进行了比较,其中满意度指标包括机场设施、酒店、旅游信息、巴士和的士司机、历史中心、居民友好、清洁城市、交通和噪音、天气、街头小贩、港口设施和服务、价格等。Pranić等[25]通过对克罗地亚邮轮游客进行实证分析后识别出了4类满意度测量指标:信息服务与观光,包括游客信息中心服务、旅游宣传册可得性、有组织的城市/乡村旅游;目的地总体满意指标,包括总体旅游体验、物超所值,清洁整齐、人身安全和旅游标识质量;美食,包括餐饮质量与品种和居民好客; 目的地产品,包括可参观/可参加事情的多样性、购物和纪念品供给。此外,孙晓东等[26]从服务功能配备的角度总结出了邮轮港口对乘客的九大类服务指标,分别是停车场、候船室、交通服务、行李服务(行李寄出、预寄包裹)、旅游信息、安全保障、网络服务、残疾人设施以及其他基础设施(比如步道、邮局、特殊租赁等)。以上研究虽然涉及了较为具体的邮轮游客满意度指标,但均未从多指标综合评价的角度构建完备的满意度指标体系,因此无法对单项指标的满意差距进行识别,并提出针对性的提升策略。

2 指标体系构建

从国际邮轮业来看,作为邮轮航线的关键节点,邮轮港口是邮轮城市中与邮轮旅游最具相关性的基础设施。邮轮港口的设施建设与功能配备很大程度上影响邮轮挂靠的可能性。在指标识别与选取方面,采用两种方法:一是通过文献分析进行指标的初步识别,涉及国际邮轮公司(皇家加勒比邮轮公司、嘉年华邮轮公司、迪士尼邮轮公司、歌诗达邮轮公司等)的顾客调研报告、第三方机构(J.D. Power公司、Conde Nast Traveler旅游杂志、去哪儿网等)公布的市场报告、邮轮旅游目的地等组织的顾客调研实践以及上文的邮轮游客研究文献[7,11,16~26];二是通过专家访谈、旅行社邮轮领队座谈以及游客预调研等方法对指标进行增减和提炼,其中被访谈者主要包括以高校为代表的研究机构专家(6人)、包船旅行社的邮轮领队(13人)和通过旅行社获得的邮轮游客(20人)。最终的邮轮港口满意度指标体系包含27个单项测评指标,涉及港区本身设施配备、旅游咨询服务能力、工作人员服务水平、通关与行李处理效率、港口的地理区位、交通承接能力等多个方面(表1)。

3 研究方法

3.1 指标权重的确定方法

本研究的满意度测评将采用多指标综合评价的方法。首先,测评指标的权重采用变异系数法和游客重要度打分相结合的方法来确定,其中重要程度的打分直接通过问卷调查获得;而变异系数法则基于游客对指标的满意度打分来确定。基本含义为:一个指标游客感知越重要,并且在实际的满意度评价时的差异(变异)越大,说明该指标具有越大的提升空间,应重点考虑。指标总权重的确定过程为:假设被调研的邮轮游客数量为 m,共有 n个单项测评指标, si(j)为第 i个顾客对第 j个指标的满意度打分,则第 j个指标的总权重 wj为:

wj=Wj+Ij2, (j=1,2,,n)(1)

Wj=vjj=1nvj, (j=1,2,,n)(2)

vj=Sj2/sj¯Sj2=1m-1i=1msi(j)-sj¯2sj¯=1mi=1msi(j), (j=1,2,,n)(3)

式中, wj为第 j个指标的总权重; Wj为第 j个指标的变异系数权重; Ij为第 j个指标的打分权重,通过邮轮游客重要度打分均值的标准化获得; vj为第 j个指标满意度打分的变异系数; Sj2为第 j个指标满意度打分的方差; sj¯为第 j个指标满意度打分的均值。

3.2 单项指标的测评方法

在满意度测评方面,本文借鉴Liou等[27]、汪侠等[28]的研究,通过多指标综合评价中的灰色关联分析理论来测评和识别游客对特定指标的满意水平和期望满意差距。通过构建单项指标的加权期望满意差距(Weighted Satisfaction Gap)指数,可以识别出单项指标远离期望满意水平的程度,从而确定迫切需要提升的满意度指标。具体来看,对于特定指标 j,假设所有游客打分中分数最高为 a*(j),称为期望满意水平(Aspired Level)。此时,指标 j在游客 i上的灰色关联系数(越大越好)为:


式中, ξ[0,1]为分辨系数(Distinguished Coefficient),取值为0.5[27]。灰色关联系数的取值为[0,1],取值越大说明指标对特定游客来说越满意。进一步,基于特定游客 i在特定指标 j上相对于期望水平 a*(j)的灰色关联系数,可以获得指标的加权满意差距:

Gap(j)=i=1mGapi(j), (j=1,2,,n)(5)

Gapi(j)=wj×1-ra*(j),si(j), (j=1,2,,n)(6)

式中, Gap(j)为邮轮港口满意度指标 j的加权期望满意差距,取值越大说明该指标与游客的期望满意差距越大,满意度提升的迫切性就越高; Gapi(j)为指标 j相对于游客 i来说的加权期望满意差距。

4 问卷调查与实证分析

4.1 问卷设计与发放



4.2 邮轮母港满意度的测评结果

运用社会学统计分析软件SPSS 20.0 对调查问卷的信度和效度进行了检验。结果表明,本次调查样本的信度系数(克隆巴赫信度系数Cronbach α)达到0.953,说明问卷的信度良好;问卷的KMO值为0.921,大于0.7,说明问卷具有较好的结构效度。从人口统计资料来看,49.1%的邮轮游客为男性,50.9%的游客为女性,且绝大多数为已婚人士,占比达86.8%;接近60%的游客年龄在45岁以上,说明此次邮轮旅游以中老年团为主。在受教育水平方面,60%以上的游客受过高等教育,其中26.4%拥有高职或大专学历,34.3%的游客有本科及以上学历。在工作性质和职业方面,退休人员占多数,占比达43.1%,另有少量游客为在校学生,占比为3.2%;接近50%的游客家庭年收入在5~15万之间,绝大多数(87.3%)游客家庭年收入低于30万元。在出游经历方面,绝大多数游客并无出国旅游的经验,仅有不到22%的游客有过出国经历。在邮轮旅游方面,60%以上的游客是第一次参加邮轮旅游,80%以上游客的邮轮旅游经历少于3次。在出游伙伴方面,80%以上的游客选择家庭成员或同事作为邮轮旅游同行者,其中接近70%的出游伴侣为家庭成员。从客源地来看,上海母港的邮轮乘客主要来自长三角地区,其中50%以上的游客来自上海本地。在未来邮轮旅游方面,接近70%的游客仍然选择上海作为出发城市。

从单项指标的打分权重 Ij来看,测评结果显示,邮轮游客对港口治安(个人安全)、引导标识/指示牌、行李处理、游客疏导、登船、下船、环境卫生洁净、工作人员服务能力、公共交通/乘客输送、工作人员态度、餐饮、通关/安检效率和人车分流等指标的打分最高。通过公式(2)和(3)获得的变异系数权重 Wj显示,网络服务/WIFI、通关/安检效率、停车场、登船、购物/免税店、人车分流、下船、贵宾/VIP休息室、登记过程、儿童区域和公共交通/乘客输送等指标在游客心目中的重要性差异较大。从公式(1)获得的总权重 wj来看,在识别游客加权期望满意差距时,重点考虑的指标包括网络服务/WIFI、通关/安检效率、登船、停车场、下船、人车分流、登记过程、购物/免税店、公共交通/乘客输送、餐饮、环境卫生洁净、行李处理、引导标识/指示牌和儿童区域等(表1)。

表1   指标满意度打分的描述性统计及相关权重

Table 1   Descriptive statistics and weight of each port satisfaction criteria






图1   邮轮港口的游客满意情况占比

Fig. 1   Proportion of satisfied and dissatisfied cruisers

图2   邮轮港口满意度指标的期望满意差距

Fig. 2   Weighted satisfaction gap of each satisfaction criteria

4.3 进一步讨论及管理建议



1) 完善网络与信息服务,提升港区附加功能。目前,中国大部分邮轮港口已经具备了邮轮靠泊和乘客接待的硬件基础条件。而在游客满意度方面,邮轮母港的软性服务功能则发挥着更大的作用。本研究发现,网络服务/Wifi是上海吴淞口邮轮母港满意度水平较低的指标。邮轮港口可借鉴全国著名休闲街区的做法,一方面向游客提供快速免费Wifi服务,另一方面通过App平台建设,向游客输送停车、登记、登船、港区购物、周边景点、邮轮产品等实时在港服务信息。

2) 延伸上海自贸区功能,试点邮轮港区免税购物。优秀的邮轮母港应该以“邮轮城”的形象展示给游客,而不是一个仅仅提供上下船服务的客运码头。为了更好地满足顾客体验,提升游客满意度,邮轮码头周围应配备餐饮、货币兑换、免税店、综合商店、银行柜员机、贵宾候船室、游客服务中心等辅助设施。本次测评结果显示,上海邮轮港口的购物与免税店的游客满意度水平较低。上海应在港区免税购物方面加快政策突破步伐。比如,天津、上海、深圳、青岛等邮轮母港,可依托中国邮轮旅游发展实验区或自贸区的政策优势,借鉴“空港”模式,设立专门针对邮轮游客的免税购物及产品展示交易中心。上海可借助自贸区建设,将邮轮旅游发展试验区作为自贸区的延伸区域,在港区附近的“零点广场”试点免税购物与配套休闲娱乐措施。

3) 关注家庭出游群体,增加儿童服务设施。此次调研的游客人口统计数据表明,将近70%游客的旅伴为家庭成员。随着中国亲子旅游市场的不断壮大,家庭群体将是邮轮旅游的重要目标市场。比如,迪士尼邮轮特别注重邮轮亲子设施的配备,因此其满舱率与满意度一直领先于其他邮轮公司。此次游客满意度测评结果显示,儿童区域是邮轮港口游客满意水平较低的指标之一。目前中国港口通关效率较低,还未实现游客“凭票登船”制度,游客有相当长的时间在港区等待。邮轮港口应重视家庭出游群体,增加对儿童设施和服务的配备,比如在港区设立儿童游乐设施,开辟特定区域为儿童提供课程中心、运动项目与托婴服务等,从而更好地服务游客,提升港口的服务水平与满意度。

4) 提高通关安检效率,提升港区游客输送能力。通关/安检效率的提升一直是中国邮轮业关注的重要课题。本次调研发现,此项指标与游客的期望满意差距较大,而且不满意/非常不满意的游客比例将近15%。为此,在游客服务方面,要进一步推进旅客联检和便捷通关服务常态化、制度化以及通关签证的自主化和无纸化,尽可能节约旅客通关时间。最终,邮轮港口要通过提升游客通关、安检和登记效率,缩短游客的上下船时间,从而提升邮轮游客对港区服务的满意度。此外,邮轮港口的交通可达性和游客输送能力是邮轮母港选择的重要标准。本研究表明,与其他指标相比,上海邮轮港口的停车场、人车分流系统的满意水平较低,应该作为邮轮港口提升顾客满意的重要方向。为此,邮轮港口应通过港区交通系统优化、公共交通承接服务实现邮轮游客的快速输送。

5) 此外,邮轮港口要继续加强安全保障措施,防患于未然。从国内外研究现状来看,近年来关于邮轮安保方面的讨论越来越多。而在旅游研究中,海上恐怖主义和邮轮潜在威胁一直是被忽视的研究领域。Bowen等[29]采用情景分析法对邮轮乘客的风险感知进行研究后发现,尽管安全性(safety and security)被业界看作是邮轮旅游的“标志”,但仍有相当一部分(44%)的受访者认为邮轮恐怖袭击事件很有可能发生;为此,相关部门应该不断提升邮轮船舶和邮轮港口的安全保障措施。研究发现,安全保障指标的重要度打分最高,游客的满意度也较高,主要是因为风险并未发生,不会触发游客的不满意感知。因此,邮轮母港应不断加强监控和保障措施,防患于未然。因为安全问题一旦出现将对邮轮旅游业产生致命打击。最后,上海邮轮港口应注重港口附加值较高的服务,比如向游客提供购物后的邮政服务或者行李快递服务,也可以向游客提供方便快捷的外币兑换等金融服务。

5 结论

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] Sun X, Feng X, Gauri D.

The cruise industry in China: Efforts, progress and challenges

[J]. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2014, 42:71-84.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The cruise industry has evolved considerably and in recent years emerged to become one of the most rapidly developing segments of the global tourism industry, with millions of passengers cruising each year. On a global basis, the cruising sector is overwhelmed by North America. During recent years above average growth rates are reported in emerging cruise markets in the Asia Pacific region. As one of the core elements of the Asian cruise market, China is undergoing rapid growth in terms of both cruise ship visits and cruise tourists. However, limited research has been undertaken in regard to growth of cruising industry in China. The purpose of this article is to report current development of the cruise industry in mainland China. First, we briefly provide an overview of the worldwide cruise industry. Then, we summarize the history and the growth of the cruising sector in China; report characteristics of Chinese cruise passengers and compare them with others; highlight information on geographical distribution, berthing capacity and cruise business performance of each cruise port along China's coastlines; and introduce various cruise policy documents issued by Chinese governments. Finally, we discuss some issues, challenges and relevant managerial implications for developing this niche form of tourism in this country.

Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA). 2016 CLIA Cruise Industry Outlook

[EB/OL]. .

URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[3] Rodrigue J P, Notteboom T.

The geography of cruises: Itineraries, not destinations

[J]. Applied Geography, 2013, 38: 31-42.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The cruise industry is a highly concentrated business in terms of players and markets. Vessel deployment strategies and itinerary design by cruise operators are primordial and are affected by market and operational considerations. This paper focuses on capacity deployment and itineraries in two major cruise markets: the Caribbean and the Mediterranean. We argue that the cruise industry sells itineraries, not destinations, implying a level of flexibility in the selection of ports of call, but still bound to important operational considerations. The paper also reveals that the two cruise markets are not functioning independently but are interconnected in an operational manner, particularly through the repositioning of vessel units to cope with variations in seasonal demand among the regional markets.

Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA). Asia Cruise Trends 2016 Edition

[EB/OL]. .

URL      [本文引用: 3]     

[5] 孙晓东. 邮轮产业与邮轮经济[M].上海:上海交通大学出版社,2014.

[本文引用: 2]     

[Sun Xiaodong.Cruise Industry and Cruise Economy. Shanghai: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, 2014.]

[本文引用: 2]     

[6] 汪泓. 邮轮绿皮书:中国邮轮产业发展报告(2015)[M]. 北京:社会科学文献出版社,2016.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Wang Hong.Annual Report of China’s Cruise Industry (2015).Beijing: Social Science Academic Press, 2016. ]

[本文引用: 1]     

[7] Blas S S, Carvajal-Trujillo E.

Cruise passengers’experiences in a Mediterranean port of call. The case study of Valencia

[J]. Ocean & Coastal Management, 2014, 102(Part A): 307-316.      URL      [本文引用: 4]      摘要

61The image of a Mediterranean port of call on satisfaction and behavioral intention.61This paper analyzes these differences on behavior on a cultural basis.61Image has a direct influence on satisfaction.61Satisfaction has a direct effect on future behavioral intention.61The future behavioral intention differs from German/Italian to British/American.
[8] Brida J G, Garrido N,Devesa M J S.

Cruise passenger’ satisfaction: Cartagena de Indias

[J]. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 2012, 19(1): 52-69.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to explain the onshore satisfaction of cruise passengers, in the port of call of Cartagena de Indias. Design/methodology/approach - A questionnaire was given to 1,361 passengers of 28 cruise ships during October and November of 2009, then factor analysis and cluster analysis were employed. Findings - The results suggest that although visitors held a high overall satisfaction of the onshore experience, there are two dimensions that require the attention of tourist policy makers: the city infrastructure (traffic, noise, cleanliness and infrastructure) and the general shopping experience. In particular, the worst experience seems to be related to street vendors. Moreover, there is evidence that tourists from the USA are more exigent of being fully satisfied. Research limitations/implications - The survey was only conducted in the months of October and November. Future research can also include the repetition of the study in different seasons to compare results. The study shows that there is a good potential for the growth of tourism activity of the destination because over 52 per cent of the participants declared their intention of return to the city as land tourists and more than 60 per cent will recommend the destination to their friends. Originality/value - The application of known methodologies to an emergent destination, in which many stakeholders are involved and concerned about cruise tourism evolution and its effects on the destination.
[9] Ozturk U A, Gogtas H.

Destination attributes, satisfaction, and the cruise visitor’s intent to revisit and recommend

[J]. Tourism Geographies, 2016, 18(2): 194-212.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The cruise industry has seen its revenues more than double since the year 2000. Hence, it has become even more important for planners and managers to pinpoint those destination attributes that make a difference in satisfying cruise ship passengers. This is especially crucial since the extant literature established that visitors' overall satisfaction with the destination strongly influences intent to return or recommend the destination to others. The purpose of this paper is to explore how the satisfaction of cruise visitors regarding various destination attributes may relate to their satisfaction with the destination and how this may influence declared intent of repeat visits or intent to recommend the destination to those within their social and professional networks. This study is based on the data collected for the island of Oahu in 2013 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Our analysis makes use of the logistic regression, and our results indicate that distance deters passengers from repeat visits, whereas the influence of satisfaction with the destination is positive not only for revisits, but also for word-of-mouth recommendations. Satisfaction with attributes such as transportation, safety and prices strongly influences satisfaction with the destination, whereas satisfaction with other attributes such as on-shore activities or sightseeing tours were found not to be as influential. The results delineate the factors planners and managers should focus on in their efforts to increase visitor satisfaction with a destination and thereby increase the likelihood of repeat visits and positive word of mouth.
[10] Zhang Z, Ye Q, Song H et al.

The structure of customer satisfaction with cruise-line services: An empirical investigation based on online word of mouth

[J]. Current Issues in Tourism, 2013, 18(5): 450-464.      URL      摘要

Given the importance of the cruise segment in the tourism industry and the limited number of prior studies in the area, this study empirically explores the structure of customer satisfaction with cruise-line services by evaluating the attributes of cruises that are significant to passengers. Using 44,993 voluntarily provided customer reviews published on a cruise guide website, a stepwise regression analysis is conducted to examine the effects of the attribute performance of cruises on customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction. The findings empirically confirm the validity of the two-factor theory of customer satisfaction in the cruise tourism context. The asymmetric relationship of some attributes makes it possible to identify dissatisfiers, satisfiers, and hybrid factors for the cruise industry overall and cruises on ships of different tonnage. The results can help managers in the cruise industry understand what aspects of cruises should be given more attention to improve their competitive edge. This study is one of the first to look separately at the determinants of customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction in the emerging cruise industry and proves that the two-factor theory is applicable in a new environment.
[11] Brida J G, Pulina M,Riaño E et al.

Cruise passengers’ experience embarking in a Caribbean home port. The case study of Cartagena de Indias

[J]. Ocean & Coastal Management, 2012, 55: 135-145.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The success of the port of Cartagena de Indias, the city with the most extensive fortifications in South America, has rewarded the efforts made by the national Government and the private sector to bring the major cruise companies back to Colombia. This study aims to expand cruise tourism research by analyzing cruisers’ experience and the economic impact of cruise tourism in the specific case of a home port destination. Survey data were collected from 402 passengers that embarked in Cartagena de Indias during the 2009–2010 season. A factor-cluster analysis was developed to segment cruisers and identify the factors that influence their perception and expenditure pattern. Three clusters were obtained, reflecting the differences in length of stay at the destination: passengers in transit, long and short stay passengers. Although the total impact for a homeport is expected to be higher than that for a port of call, in this study the evidence shows that most passengers in Cartagena stay for a short period of time before embarking and their contribution to the local economy is fairly negligible. Findings from an OLS and a censured-Tobit analysis on the same data highlight that first time cruisers, with a high education level and belonging to the “long stay” cluster, have a higher than average spending capacity. The findings have several policy, marketing and management implications.
[12] Qu H, Ping E W.

A service performance model of Hong Kong cruise travelers’ motivation factors and satisfaction

[J]. Tourism Management, 1999, 20(2): 237-244.      URL      摘要

The objectives of this study were to find the Hong Kong cruise travelers’ profile, motivation factors, and satisfaction level, and to assess the important determinants and the probability of cruise travelers joining cruise travel again. A structured personal interview was conducted and a systematic sampling approach was used to select 330 respondents from five vessels. A service performance model was adopted and descriptive and logistic regression analysis was employed. The results indicated that the major traveling motivation factors were “Escape from normal life”, “Social gathering”, and “Beautiful environment and scenery”. Travelers reported a high satisfaction level with food and beverage facilities and quality and staff performances. However, they were dissatisfied with the factors of “Attractiveness, variety and organization of entertainment”, “Sport/fitness, shopping and child care facilities”, and “Seating space in F&B outlets”. The most important determinants of joining cruise travel again were “Accommodation”, “Food and beverage” and “Entertainment”.
[13] Teye V B, Leclerc D.

Product and service delivery satisfaction among North American cruise passengers

[J]. Tourism Management, 1998, 19(2): 153-160.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Although researchers have, during the past decade, become increasingly interested in customer satisfaction and service quality issues, very little of the research has been devoted to the tourist industry. The cruise line industry, which is among the fastest growing sectors of the leisure market, has hardly received any research attention. This paper discusses the importance of the cruise product and service delivery within the context of some of the unique characteristics of the cruise line industry, and presents the results of an exploratory study which examined passengers' satisfaction with a number of cruise product and service delivery components. The results of the study show that, overall, passengers' expectations were met or exceeded but there were key product and service delivery areas which provided cruise ship guests with the most satisfaction.
[14] 俞万源, 冯亚芬, 梁锦梅.


[J]. 地理科学, 2013, 33(7): 824-830.

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Yu Wanyuan, Feng Yafen, Liang Jinmei.

Hakka Culture Tourism Development based on Tourist Satisfaction

[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2013, 33(7): 824-830.]

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


钟士恩, 章锦河, 丁蕾, 等. 江南水乡游客满意度的多维度影响因素测量模型

[J/OL]. 地理科学, 2016. .

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[Zhong Shien, Zhang Jinhe,

Ding Lei et al. Multi-dimension Influential Factors of Tourist Satisfaction in the Ancient Waterfront Towns in the South of the Changjiang River. Scientia Geographica Sinica,

2016. .

URL      [本文引用: 1]     


URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[16] McCalla R J.

An investigation into site and situation: Cruise ship ports

[J]. Tijdschriftvooreconomische en socialegeografie, 1998, 89(1): 44-55.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Cruise ports have specific site and situation requirements. Exactly what they are will vary according to whether they are home ports, ports of call or hybrid ports. This article suggests initially that port situation should dominate port site in explaining cruise port success. Two sources of information are used to explore this thesis. First, a content analysis is applied to cruise port advertising abstracts which appeared in the 1995 Directory of the Seatrade Cruise Shipping Convention. Second, a questionnaire was sent to those ports represented at the convention asking them to rank the importance of factors considered to be site and situation related. Results from both show that ports recognise the importance of their site and situation in their promotion and operations. However, it is not universal that one factor is seen as more important than the other; although there is a tendency for situation-related factors to dominate. For example, of the 30 ports responding to the questionnaire, 19 ranked situation-related factors highest. Ports of call especially stress their situation.
[17] Fogg J A.

Cruise ship port planning factors[D].

Miami:Florida International University, 2001.

[本文引用: 1]     

[18] Castillo-Manzano J I, Fageda X, Gonzalez-Laxe F.

An analysis of the determinants of cruise traffic: An empirical application to the Spanish port system

[J]. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2014, 66: 115-125.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

We study the determinants that affect the capacity of ports to attract cruise ships in Spain. The conclusion is that the likelihood of having cruise traffic is linked to ports located in populous areas and close to large airports, ports not specialized in container traffic but sharing facilities with ferries traffic and ports having a minimum depth of water. The amount of cruise traffic that a port can generate is also related to the population and the air connections, along with the tourist appeal and the facilities shared with other types of port traffic, namely roll-on roll-off and ferries.
[19] Wang Y, Jung K, Yeo G T et al.

Selecting a cruise port of call location using the fuzzy-AHP method: A case study in East Asia

[J]. Tourism Management, 2014, 42: 262-270.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

61This study identifies why cruise lines select specific ports for their itineraries.61Key determinants are the tourist attractions located near a port.61Secondary determinants include access and responsiveness to cruise tourists wants.61Singapore and Hong Kong are attractive Asian locations for cruise lines.
[20] Lekakou M B, Pallis A A, Vaggelas G K.

Which homeport in Europe: the cruise industry’s selection criteria

[J]. Tourismos: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism, 2009, 4(4): 215-240.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper presents the results of an empirical research that aims to (a) identify the criteria on which the cruise companies select a homeport, and (b) conclude on the hierarchy that each of these criteria is prioritised. A broad literature review, along with brainstorming sessions, concluded on a wide list of potential criteria. Based on these findings, a questionnaire was developed and distributed to experts that include cruise companies, agents and cruise ports. The analysis of the collected data determines the criteria on which the cruise industry chooses a homeport and the gravity that each criterion has on their decision. Based on the empirical findings, the paper draws up potential strategies for a cruise terminal in order to become a leading cruise port. As competition between cruise ports intensifies, and the cruise industry is increasingly marked by concentration, the provided responses are of vital importance for the future development of cruise ports and, more general, maritime tourism.
[21] Brida J G, Pulina M, Riaño E et al.

Cruise passengers in a homeport: A market analysis

[J]. Tourism Geographies, 2013, 15(1): 68-87.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The aim of this study is to examine cruise passengers' characteristics, preferences and their overall experience in a port of call. Based on 1,361 survey data collected from passengers in the port of call of Cartagena, during the third quarter of 2009, a three-step multivariate market segment analysis is employed. First, a correspondence analysis is run to reveal the underlying factors in the data; second, based on the correspondence analysis, a hierarchical cluster investigation is performed to segment the sample into homogeneous groups; third, a decision tree is computed to characterise each group. The cluster analysis identifies six distinct market segments differentiated by nationality, satisfaction, safety perception and expenditure. The findings imply several policy directions. In particular, institutions should enhance the perception of safety in Cartagena to guarantee repeated visits, an ad hoc marketing policy may encourage revisit by young South Americans, and managers should extend the inland visiting time that is likely to produce local multiplier effects.
[22] Andriotis K, Agiomirgianakis G.

Cruise visitors’ experience in a Mediterranean port of call

[J]. International Journal of Tourism Research, 2010, 12(4): 390-404.

[本文引用: 1]     

[23] Satta G, Parola F, Penco L et al.

Word of mouth and satisfaction in cruise port destinations

[J]. Tourism Geographies, 2015, 17(1): 54-75.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

As acknowledged, in addition to a short-term economic (monetary) value, cruise activities can also provide a destination with an additional (non-monetary) value, ‘showcasing’ the tourist attractions to several visitors, who, after the cruise experience, may potentially recommend the same destination to relatives, friends and colleagues. This paper contributes to the theme of the cruise tourism impact on the local community, assuming a long-term perspective, and investigates the effect of overall destination satisfaction on cruiser's word-of-mouth (WoM) attitude in three Italian ports. The study analyses the relation between port-related satisfaction attributes and overall destination satisfaction. The empirical findings confirm the positive association between overall destination satisfaction and WoM attitude. In particular, the outcomes on port-related satisfaction attributes demonstrate the key role of the availability of well-designed and comfortable shopping areas and the endowment of properly organized and reliable ground transportation services as antecedents of the overall destination satisfaction. The results are consistent with and add to the academic literature. It is recommended that public policy makers (e.g. Port Authorities, Municipalities, etc.) should play a more significant role as stakeholders’ coordinators, to facilitate the dialogue between the various private actors affecting overall destination satisfaction and long-term value creation.
[24] Brida J G, Bukstein D, Tealde E.

Exploring cruise ship passenger spending patterns in two Uruguayan ports of call

[J]. Current Issues in Tourism, 2015, 18(7): 684-700.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The cruise industry has become a significant component of the Uruguayan tourism economy in the last few years. The present study aims to provide a better understanding of the cruise industry by considering the expenditure of cruise ship passengers disembarking at the ports of call of Montevideo and Punta del Este as a key variable in the economic analysis of the costs and benefits. We estimate two cross-sectional regression models for cruise passenger expenditures, and show that the size of the group the visitors travel with and visitor mobility within the country are the most important variables to explain individual expenditure behaviour. We also include some management recommendations that policy-makers could implement in order to improve the economic profits from cruise ship tourism.
[25] Pranić L, Marušić Z, Sever I.

Cruise passengers' experiences in coastal destinations-Floating “B&Bs” vs. floating “resorts”: A case of Croatia

[J]. Ocean & Coastal Management, 2013, 84: 1-12.

[本文引用: 1]     

[26] 孙晓东,武晓荣,冯学钢.


[J].旅游学刊, 2015, 30(11): 111-121.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

国际邮轮旅游业的实践表明,密集的航线布局是邮轮产业发展的重要保障。目前,我国邮轮产业刚刚起步,航线设置还比较单一。文章从产业整体布局的角度出发,对邮轮航线规划的基本特征与核心要素进行研究。首先,结合北美地区35 000余个航次的航线数据以及文献分析与专家访谈等方法,对世界邮轮航线的基本特征与主要规划要素进行讨论;其次,对邮轮航线规划中的核心要素——港口服务属性与岸上产品配备特点进行深入分析,其中,在港口服务属性与功能配备方面,基于全球20个著名邮轮港口的详细数据;在邮轮岸上产品配备方面,基于全球近300个邮轮港口近2000条邮轮航线的270余种岸上产品的数据。最后,针对我国邮轮航线规划存在的主要问题提出了航线开发与拓展的对策与建议。

[Sun Xiaodong, Wu Xiaorong, Feng Xuegang.

Basic Characteristics and Key Elements of Cruise Itinerary Planning.

Tourism Tribune, 2015, 30(11): 111-121.]      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

国际邮轮旅游业的实践表明,密集的航线布局是邮轮产业发展的重要保障。目前,我国邮轮产业刚刚起步,航线设置还比较单一。文章从产业整体布局的角度出发,对邮轮航线规划的基本特征与核心要素进行研究。首先,结合北美地区35 000余个航次的航线数据以及文献分析与专家访谈等方法,对世界邮轮航线的基本特征与主要规划要素进行讨论;其次,对邮轮航线规划中的核心要素——港口服务属性与岸上产品配备特点进行深入分析,其中,在港口服务属性与功能配备方面,基于全球20个著名邮轮港口的详细数据;在邮轮岸上产品配备方面,基于全球近300个邮轮港口近2000条邮轮航线的270余种岸上产品的数据。最后,针对我国邮轮航线规划存在的主要问题提出了航线开发与拓展的对策与建议。
[27] Liou J J, Hsu C, Yeh W et al.

Using a modified grey relation method for improving airline service quality

[J]. Tourism Management, 2011, 32(6): 1381-1388.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

This is a reply to the comments on the previously published paper entitled “Using a modified grey relation method for improving airline service quality”. The commentators question that the paper does not offer any improvement over Chen and Tzeng’s (2004) work and uses the same data as in Liou, Tsai, Lin, and Tzeng’s (2011b) paper. However, the modified grey relation described therein actually does improve on Chen and Tzeng’s (2004) work in two ways. First, the ideal and negative ideal referential sequences are replaced by the aspired to and tolerable levels. Second, the similarity used in the grey relation model is transformed into a weighted gap, “the smaller the better”. The same survey data is used in both papers, but the targets and purposes differ. One is focused on economy class passengers, while the other targets all passengers. Therefore, we argue that the comments indicate misunderstanding of the modifications.
[28] 汪侠, 顾朝林, 梅虎.


[J]. 地理科学, 2007, 27(1): 121-126.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

旅游者感知是旅游者通过感官获得的对旅游地的旅游对象、旅游环境 条件等信息的心理过程.旅游者感知评价涉及的因素很多,评价信息的不完备性和不确切性,决定了感知评价的灰色性,针对这一特点,将层次分析法和灰色理论相 结合进行旅游者感知的综合评价.首先分析了影响旅游者感知的关键因素,并在此基础上构建了旅游者感知评价指标体系;然后运用层次分析法确定各评价指标的权 重;最后依据评价模型以大桂林旅游圈的五个主要旅游地为例,对旅游者感知进行了综合评价.实证研究表明,旅游者感知的多层次灰色评价所得结果客观、可信, 能够为旅游地的规划、管理和营销提供决策的依据.

[Wang Xia, Gu Chaolin, Mei Hu.

Application of Multilevel Grey Evaluation in Tourist Perception

[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2007, 27(1): 121-126.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

旅游者感知是旅游者通过感官获得的对旅游地的旅游对象、旅游环境 条件等信息的心理过程.旅游者感知评价涉及的因素很多,评价信息的不完备性和不确切性,决定了感知评价的灰色性,针对这一特点,将层次分析法和灰色理论相 结合进行旅游者感知的综合评价.首先分析了影响旅游者感知的关键因素,并在此基础上构建了旅游者感知评价指标体系;然后运用层次分析法确定各评价指标的权 重;最后依据评价模型以大桂林旅游圈的五个主要旅游地为例,对旅游者感知进行了综合评价.实证研究表明,旅游者感知的多层次灰色评价所得结果客观、可信, 能够为旅游地的规划、管理和营销提供决策的依据.
[29] Bowen C, Fidgeon P, Page S J.

Maritime tourism and terrorism: customer perceptions of the potential terrorist threat to cruise shipping

[J]. Current Issues in Tourism, 2014, 17(7): 610-639.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Maritime terrorism is a neglected area of research in tourism, particularly the use of scenario planning to understand potential threats to the cruise industry. Since the events of 9/11, terrorism, and the threat of terrorism, has become a major concern within the tourism industry. This article analyses tourist perception of perceived terrorist threats given that many ships are American owned. Using the scenario analysis presented by Greenberg, Chalk, Willis, Khilko, and Ortiz, this study suggests that an attack on a cruise ship is a distinct possibility. Indeed, 44% of respondents questioned perceived the possibility of a terrorist attack on a cruise ship to be likely despite the fact that safety and security is seen by the industry as a 鈥榟allmark鈥 of cruising. Differences in attitude among potential passengers revealed a high level of confidence in the cruise ship companies. This finding is particularly marked among more experienced cruise ship passengers. However, this did not necessarily preclude the possibility of security measures being improved. All passengers appeared generally resigned to the fact that risk is associated with travel in the twenty-first century and welcomed any efforts by cruise shipping companies to improve safety and security.
