Scientia Geographica Sinica  2017 , 37 (6): 929-937


中国年和季节极端降水时空特征 及极值分布函数上尾部性质

顾西辉1, 张强234, 孔冬冬5, 刘剑宇5, 范科科234

1.中国地质大学环境学院,湖北 武汉 430074
2. 北京师范大学环境演变与自然灾害教育部重点实验室,北京 100875
3. 北京师范大学地表过程与资源生态国家重点实验室,北京 100875
4. 北京师范大学减灾与应急管理研究院,北京 100875
5. 中山大学水资源与环境系,广东 广州 510275

Spatiotemporal Patterns of Extreme Precipitation Distributions with Annual and Seasonal Scales and Potential Impact of Tropical Cyclones in China

Gu Xihui1, Zhang Qiang234, Kong Dongdong5, Liu Jianyu5, Fan Keke234

1. School of Environmental Studies, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, Hubei, China
2.Key Laboratory of Environmental Change and Natural Disaster, Ministry of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
3.State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
4.Academy of Disaster Reduction and Emergency Management, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
5.Department of Water Resources and Environment, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, Guangdong, China

中图分类号:  P333

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2017)06-0929-09

通讯作者:  通讯作者:张强,教授。

收稿日期: 2016-08-15

修回日期:  2017-01-20

网络出版日期:  2017-06-20

版权声明:  2017 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家杰出青年科学基金(51425903)、地表过程模型与模拟国家基金委创新群体(41621061)与国家自然科学基金项目(41401052)资助






关键词: 极端降水 ; 热带气旋 ; 非一致性 ; GEV分布


Based on the daily precipitation and tropical cyclones data in 728 stations from 1951 to 2014 in China, spatio-temporal patterns of extreme precipitation Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution with annual and seasonal scales and potential relationships with tropical cyclones were analyzed. We examined the nonstationarity in annual and seasonal extreme precipitation and found that the frequency of stations with change point or significant temporal trend on total 728 stations was small. For stations with stationary in annual and seasonal extreme precipitation, the distribution curves of annual and seasonal extreme precipitation had thick upper tails and unbounded. And the upper tails in north of China were thicker than south of China with bigger in autumn and winter than annual and summer. However, the thick tails at annual scale were influenced by seasonal extreme precipitation. In addition, tropical cyclones play an important role in extreme precipitation generating mechanisms on China's coastal regions, which often caused precipitation with bigger magnitude. More than 60% of the ten largest annual precipitation extremes were caused by tropical cyclones. Therefore, anomalously large values of the GEV shape parameter estimates were linked to the role of tropical cyclones in controlling the upper tail of extreme precipitation distributions.

Keywords: extreme precipitation ; tropical cyclones ; nonstationarity ; GEV distribution


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顾西辉, 张强, 孔冬冬, 刘剑宇, 范科科. 中国年和季节极端降水时空特征 及极值分布函数上尾部性质[J]. , 2017, 37(6): 929-937

Gu Xihui, Zhang Qiang, Kong Dongdong, Liu Jianyu, Fan Keke. Spatiotemporal Patterns of Extreme Precipitation Distributions with Annual and Seasonal Scales and Potential Impact of Tropical Cyclones in China[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2017, 37(6): 929-937



中国长江以南地区热带气旋降水量占夏季降水量的比重可达 10%以上,7、8月份东南沿海地区的热带气旋降水量最大可达100 mm以上,达到当月总降水量的40%[11]。研究热带气旋对中国沿海区域极端降水极值分布函数上尾部特征的影响,有助于科学制定更可靠的城市防洪排涝、水利设施等设计标准。综上所述,本文拟在以上研究基础上重点关注以下3个科学问题:中国年和季节极端降水一致性检测(是否具有变异或显著时间趋势);中国年和季节极端降水分布函数上尾部特征;中国沿海地区年极端降水极值分布函数上尾部受热带气旋的影响。

1 数据来源

中国地域广阔,地形复杂,气候变化区域差异性较大(图1),张家诚将中国划分为8个气候区域[12]:西部干旱区、青藏高原区、东部干旱区、西南区、东北区、华北区、华中区和华南区(图1)。从中国国家气象局收集到1951~2014年中国728个站点日降水数据(不包含港澳台地区),数据累积缺测时间不超过365 d。缺测数据采用Zhang等人提出的方法进行插值[13]。从每年中全年、春季(3~5月)、夏季(6~8月)、秋季(9~11月)和冬季(12月和次年1~2月)日降水数据中选择最大1日降水量分别组成年和季节极端降水序列。另外,从中国气象局热带气旋资料中心收集到了1951年以来西北太平洋(含南海,赤道以北,180°E以西)海域热带气旋每6 h的位置和强度数据[14]

图1   中国气象站点空间分布和地理分区

Fig.1   The distribution of meteorological stations and geographical zone in China

2 研究方法

2.1 变异点检测



式中 t为时间(a), β0为线性回归常量, β1β2均为线性回归斜率, y为响应变量(例如极端降水频率序列、温度序列), α为响应变量变异点的位置,检验显著性水平为0.05。为了避免变异前、后序列较短和去除端点对变异点检测的影响,至少保证变异前、后序列有10 a的长度。

2.2 时间趋势分析

Mann-Kendall(MK)法由于其为非参数检验方法,对异常值不敏感,从而被WMO(World Meteorological Organization,国际气象组织)推荐用来检测连续性时间序列(中国极端降水量级和发生时间)的趋势[16]。极端降水序列的自相关性对MK检测结果有一定的影响,因此采用修正的MK在检测时间趋势前对序列进行“预白化”(prewhiten)处理[16]

2.3 GEV分布函数



式中 μ为位置参数,范围为 -,+; σ为尺度参数,范围为 0,+; ξ为形状参数,范围为 -,+ξ>0,GEV分布没有上边界; ξ<0,GEV分布具有上边界 μ-σ/ξξ趋于0,GEV分布变成Gumbel分布,并具有无上边界的瘦尾特征。采用最大似然估计来估计GEV分布函数的参数,用Kolmogorov-Smirnov’s statistic D进行拟合优度检验,并用形状参数 ξ作为指标评价极端降水的上尾部特征。

2.4 极端降水受热带气旋影响的识别

识别热带气旋对极端降水影响的关键是建立一场具体的热带气旋和极端降水事件在时间上的联系。根据Villarini等的研究[19],当一场极端降水满足以下2个条件时,则被认为此次极端降水过程受到热带气旋的影响: 降水站点位置在热带气旋中心500 km以内;极端降水发生时间位于热带气旋发生时间前后1 d范围之内。

3 研究结果

3.1 一致性分析


图2   中国年和季节极端降水不具有变异点的站点时间趋势

Fig.2   Spatial distribution of trends in annual and seasonal extreme precipitation without change points


3.2 极端降水极值分布函数特征及上尾部性质

在分析GEV分布函数形状参数空间分布时,仅考虑具有一致性(无突变点和显著时间趋势)特征且通过Kolmogorov-Smirnov’s statistic D拟合优度检验的站点(图3)。全国大部分地区年和各季节极端降水形状参数大于0,表明极端降水极值分布曲线上尾部没有上边界。年和夏季极端降水形状参数空间分布较为一致,多位于0~0.2之间,年极端降水形状参数大于0.2的站点共有125个,大于0.33的站点共有23个。春季和秋季极端降水形状参数相比年和夏季更大,且中国北方的春季和秋季降水形状参数高于南方,大于0.2的站点分别有170和196个,大于0.33的站点分别有48个和83个。冬季极端降水形状参数大于0的区域是年和各季节中最高的,主要集中在中国东北方和西方,大于0.2的站点有267个,大于0.33的站点有122个;然而华中区东部和华南区东部冬季极端降水参数小于0,表明上述区域极值分布函数上尾部具有上边界 μ-σ/ξ。形状参数具有较高的值,例如大于0.2,表明极值分布函数曲线上尾部特征具有明显的厚尾性质,形状参数大于0.33意味着极值分布函数三阶矩或更高的阶矩是无限的。

图3   中国各季节具有一致性站点极端降水GEV分布形状参数空间分布

Fig.3   Spatial distribution of shape parameter of GEV distribution for seasonal precipitation extremes with stationarity across China


图4   中国年和季节一致性站点极端降水形状参数经验累计概率分布函数(CDF)

Fig.4   Empirical cumulative probability distributions for the shape parameter of GEV distribution for annual and seasonal extreme precipitation

3.3 热带气旋对沿海地区极值分布的影响


图5   年极端降水分别在3~5月(a)、6~9月(b)和由热带气旋诱发(c)的比例

Fig.5   Percentage of annual extreme precipitation in March- May(a), June-September(b) and caused by tropical cyclone(c)


图6   热带气旋对沿海区域一致性站点极端降水GEV分布尾部性质的影响

Fig.6   Plot of the shape parameters from the entire series versus the series after removing the extremes caused by tropical cyclones

4 讨论


5 结论


1) 年和季节极端降水存在变异点的站点均较少,且没有很强的空间集聚特征。变异点出现的原因有可能是站点观测标准不统一、位置迁移或者周围环境变化。

2) 虽然冬季极端降水达到显著时间趋势的站点明显高于其他季节,但是年和其他季节极端降水具有变异点或显著时间趋势的站点总数占总站点728的比例不足10%。

3) 中国大部分区域年和季节极端降水极值分布曲线上尾部均倾向于表现出厚尾特征且不具有上边界,总体来看北方的厚尾特征重于南方,秋季和冬季明显高于年和夏季。夏季极端降水是年极端降水厚尾特征的重要来源,除西部干旱区外,其他分区年极端降水厚尾特征还受其他季节降水机制的混合影响,尤其表现在华南区。

4) 中国东南方年极端降水多发生在春季(3~5月),而北方几乎全集中在夏季(6~9月)。热带气旋对中国沿海区域年极端降水有着重要的影响,其影响比例由沿海到内陆逐步递减,且具有较大的空间异质性。热带气旋引发的极端降水往往量级很大,东南沿海地区最大10场极端降水由热带气旋引发的比例达到60%以上。去掉热带气旋引发的极端降水,年极端降水GEV分布的形状参数趋向于减小。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Abstract What can we say about changes in the hydrologic cycle on 50-year timescales when we cannot predict rainfall next week? Eventually, perhaps, a great deal: the overall climate response to increasing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases may prove much simpler and more predictable than the chaos of short-term weather. Quantifying the diversity of possible responses is essential for any objective, probability-based climate forecast, and this task will require a new generation of climate modelling experiments, systematically exploring the range of model behaviour that is consistent with observations. It will be substantially harder to quantify the range of possible changes in the hydrologic cycle than in global-mean temperature, both because the observations are less complete and because the physical constraints are weaker.
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of five Earth System Models (ESMs) under historical and Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) scenarios from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5 multimodel data set, as well as daily precipitation from 527 rain gauge stations in China for the period of 1960-2005 are used to investigate the spatiotemporal variations of precipitation extremes over China for 2071-2100. After the evaluation of the indices by the Mann-Whitney U test and the quantile-quantile plot, the weather generator model (WGEN) is used to downscale precipitation extremes. The average of precipitation extremes and values of the 5 and 20 year return periods under RCP26 and RCP85 scenarios are analyzed. Results showed the following: (1) WGEN works well in downscaling extreme heavy precipitation indices and consecutive dry days. (2) The risks of meteorological droughts and floods resulting from extreme long-duration precipitation would decrease in southwest China, but the risks of floods due to extreme heavy precipitation would increase. In north and southeast China, the risks of droughts would decrease, but floods might occur with higher frequencies; (3) The spatiotemporal variations of averages and values of 5 year return period extreme precipitation would be similar, but those of 20 year return period would be a little different: The 20 year consecutive dry days would decrease faster, and the 20 year values of other indices would increase relatively slower. (4) The spatial patterns of changes in precipitation extremes under RCP26 and RCP85 would be similar, but the changes in RCP85 would be intensifying.
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Daily precipitation and temperature data at 728 stations covering a period of 1951 to 2014 across China were analyzed to investigate extreme precipitation regimes in terms of spatiotemporal patterns, precipitation magnitude, precipitation frequency, occurrence timing, non-stationarity of extreme precipitation regimes and also their responses to summer temperature changes. The methods adopted in this study are Peak over Threshold (POT) sampling technique, change point analysis, trend analysis and piecewise regression method. Results of this study indicated that magnitude of extreme precipitation events was subject to evident alterations but free of significant trends. However, occurrence rates of extreme precipitation were subject to adverse changing properties when compared to changes in magnitude of extreme precipitation. The entire China was dominated by apparent increase of occurrence rates of extreme precipitation. Besides, change points within magnitude and occurrence rates of extreme precipitation tended to modify the changing tendency therein. However, occurrence timing of extreme precipitation events seemed to be free of impacts from change points. In most regions of China, occurrence time of extreme precipitation events was delayed and no changes in occurrence time of extreme precipitation could be observed in other regions of China.

[Gu Xihui, Zhang Qiang, Kong Dongdong.

Spatiotemporal patterns of extreme precipitation with their responses to summer temperature

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Daily precipitation and temperature data at 728 stations covering a period of 1951 to 2014 across China were analyzed to investigate extreme precipitation regimes in terms of spatiotemporal patterns, precipitation magnitude, precipitation frequency, occurrence timing, non-stationarity of extreme precipitation regimes and also their responses to summer temperature changes. The methods adopted in this study are Peak over Threshold (POT) sampling technique, change point analysis, trend analysis and piecewise regression method. Results of this study indicated that magnitude of extreme precipitation events was subject to evident alterations but free of significant trends. However, occurrence rates of extreme precipitation were subject to adverse changing properties when compared to changes in magnitude of extreme precipitation. The entire China was dominated by apparent increase of occurrence rates of extreme precipitation. Besides, change points within magnitude and occurrence rates of extreme precipitation tended to modify the changing tendency therein. However, occurrence timing of extreme precipitation events seemed to be free of impacts from change points. In most regions of China, occurrence time of extreme precipitation events was delayed and no changes in occurrence time of extreme precipitation could be observed in other regions of China.
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Global warming is believed to be accelerating the hydrological cycle and hence altering the spatial and temporal patterns of precipitation changes. This study investigates precipitation changes in both time and space and also the spatial distribution of natural hazards and irrigation areas, and implications for agricultural development in China. Results indicate that: (1) decreasing precipitation is prevailing in spring and autumn and winter is dominated by increasing precipitation. Seasonal shifts in precipitation may pose new challenges for water resource management and for agriculture production in China; (2) spatial distribution of natural hazards and hazard-induced loss of crops is in agreement with spatial patterns of precipitation changes. Generally, northwestern, northern and northeastern parts of China are influenced by droughts; whereas eastern and southeastern parts are prone to floods; and (3) the spatial distribution of irrigation areas and irrigation requirements are in line with that of precipitation changes, implying critical impacts of precipitation changes on agriculture. Current irrigation practices are inefficient and wasteful. Therefore, water-saving agriculture and water-saving agricultural technologies are required for sustainable agricultural development.
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目前汛期预测主要针对季风系统形成的降水, 而对台风等热带系统的影响并未考虑, 其主要原因是台风是一个剧烈的天气尺度过程, 与短期气候预测尺度并不匹配, 因而无法进行考虑. 这也成为提升汛期预测技巧的一个制约因素. 针对这样的问题, 本文从气候的角度, 提出一个能较为客观地衡量台风对夏季降水影响强弱的指数——台风影响指数. 利用1960年&#8211;2011年中国东部站点降水资料, 及中国气象局上海台风所整理的热带气旋资料, 从月、季尺度对中国夏季台风影响强弱变化特征进行分析, 探讨台风对东部地区夏季降水的贡献. 结果表明: 1)台风从6月至8月呈增强的趋势, 6月份最弱, 7 月份居中, 8月份最强; 2) 从台风降水及占总降水的比例分布来看, 纬向呈东部高西部低, 经向呈从东北地区至华南地区依次增大的趋势, 长江以南地区台风降水量占夏季降水量的比重可达10%以上, 7, 8月份东南沿海地区的台风降水量最大可达100 mm以上, 可达当月总降水量的40%; 3)台风影响指数与夏季降水的相关表明, 台风对中国东部降水的影响具有时、空差异性, 6月份与华南地区呈负相关, 7 月份与东南沿海地区呈正相关, 而与长江中下游地区呈负相关; 8月份与华南、华北地区呈正相关、与长江中下游地区呈负相关. 这主要是由台风、夏季风和西北太平洋副热带高压共同影响的.

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Contribution of typhoon over coastal waters to summer rainfall in eastern China

. Acta Physica Sinica, 2013, 62(18): 189201.]      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

目前汛期预测主要针对季风系统形成的降水, 而对台风等热带系统的影响并未考虑, 其主要原因是台风是一个剧烈的天气尺度过程, 与短期气候预测尺度并不匹配, 因而无法进行考虑. 这也成为提升汛期预测技巧的一个制约因素. 针对这样的问题, 本文从气候的角度, 提出一个能较为客观地衡量台风对夏季降水影响强弱的指数——台风影响指数. 利用1960年&#8211;2011年中国东部站点降水资料, 及中国气象局上海台风所整理的热带气旋资料, 从月、季尺度对中国夏季台风影响强弱变化特征进行分析, 探讨台风对东部地区夏季降水的贡献. 结果表明: 1)台风从6月至8月呈增强的趋势, 6月份最弱, 7 月份居中, 8月份最强; 2) 从台风降水及占总降水的比例分布来看, 纬向呈东部高西部低, 经向呈从东北地区至华南地区依次增大的趋势, 长江以南地区台风降水量占夏季降水量的比重可达10%以上, 7, 8月份东南沿海地区的台风降水量最大可达100 mm以上, 可达当月总降水量的40%; 3)台风影响指数与夏季降水的相关表明, 台风对中国东部降水的影响具有时、空差异性, 6月份与华南地区呈负相关, 7 月份与东南沿海地区呈正相关, 而与长江中下游地区呈负相关; 8月份与华南、华北地区呈正相关、与长江中下游地区呈负相关. 这主要是由台风、夏季风和西北太平洋副热带高压共同影响的.
[12] 张家诚, 林之光. 中国气候[M]. 上海: 上海科学技术出版社, 1985.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Zhang Jiacheng, Lin Zhiguang.Climate of China. Shanghai: Shanghai Scientific and Technical Publishers, 1985.]

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[13] Zhang Q, Li J, Singh V P et al.

Spatio-temporal relations between temperature and precipitation regimes: implications for temperature-induced changes in the hydrological cycle

[M]. Global and Planetary Change, 2013, 111: 57-76.

[本文引用: 1]     

[14] Ying Ming, Zhang Wei, Yu Hui et al.

An overview of the China meteorological administration tropical cyclone database

[J]. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 2014, 31(2): 287-301.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The China Meteorological Administration (CMA)'s tropical cyclone (TC) database includes not only the best-track dataset but also TC-induced wind and precipitation data. This article summarizes the characteristics and key technical details of the CMA TC database. In addition to the best-track data, other phenomena that occurred with the TCs are also recorded in the dataset, such as the subcenters, extratropical transitions, outer-range severe winds associated with TCs over the South China Sea, and coastal severe winds associated with TCs landfalling in China. These data provide additional information for researchers. The TC-induced wind and precipitation data, which map the distribution of severe wind and rainfall, are also helpful for investigating the impacts of TCs. The study also considers the changing reliability of the various data sources used since the database was created and the potential causes of temporal and spatial inhomogeneities within the datasets. Because of the greater number of observations available for analysis, the CMA TC database is likely to be more accurate and complete over the offshore and land areas of China than over the open ocean. Temporal inhomogeneities were induced primarily by changes to the nature and quality of the input data, such as the development of a weather observation network in China and the use of satellite image analysis to replace the original aircraft reconnaissance data. Furthermore, technical and factitious changes, such as to the wind-pressure relationship and the satellite-derived current intensity (CI) number-intensity conversion, also led to inhomogeneities within the datasets.
[15] Toms J D, Lesperance M L.

Piecewise regression: A tool for identifying ecological thresholds

[J]. Ecology, 2003, 84(8): 2034-2041.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

We demonstrate the use of piecewise regression as a statistical technique to model ecological thresholds. Recommended procedures for analysis are illustrated with a case study examining the width of edge effects in two understory plant communities. Piecewise regression models are "broken-stick" models, where two or more lines are joined at unknown points, called "breakpoints." Breakpoints can be used as estimates of thresholds and are used here to determine the width of edge effects. We compare a sharp-transition model with three models incorporating smooth transitions: the hyperbolic-tangent, benthyperbola, and bent-cable models. We also calculate three types of confidence intervals for the breakpoint estimate: an interval based on the computed standard error of the estimate from the fitting procedure, an empirical bootstrap confidence interval, and a confidence interval derived from an inverted F test. We recommend use of the inverted F test confidence interval when sample sizes are large, and cautious use of bootstrapped confidence intervals when sample sizes are smaller. Our analysis demonstrates the need for a careful study of the likelihood surface when fitting and interpreting the results from piecewise-regression models.
[16] 张强, 孙鹏, 陈喜, .


[J]. 地理科学, 2011, 31(12): 1430-1436.

[本文引用: 2]     

[Zhang Qiang, Sun Peng, Chen Xi et al.

Water resources in China from1956 to 2000:changingproperties,causes and implications

. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2011, 31(12): 1430-1436.]

[本文引用: 2]     

[17] 顾西辉, 张强, 刘剑宇, .


[J]. 湖泊科学, 2014, 26(5): 661-670.

[本文引用: 1]     

[GuXihui, Zhang Qiang, Liu Jianyuet al.

Characteristics,causes and impacts of the changes of the flood frequency in the Pearl River drainage basin from 1951 to 2010

. Journal of Lake Sciences, 2014, 26(5): 661-670.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[18] 顾西辉, 张强, 陈永勤.


[J]. 自然灾害学报, 2015, 24(4): 157-166.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

基于GEVcdn模型(generalized extreme value conditional density network)构建了珠江流域非一致性洪水频率模型。结果表明:多数站点呈非一致性变化特征,主要分布在西江和东江;在某些传统洪涝灾害易发区域,洪水极值序列呈上升趋势,将面临更加严峻的防洪风险。珠江流域洪水集中发生在两个时段,即1960年代和1990年代中期以后;基于非一致性算法的重现期体现出与一致性算法重现期的明显区别;珠江流域主要堤围基于非一致性算法的失败风险明显高于一致性条件下的失败风险而显示出较大的隐患。

[GuXihui, Zhang Qiang, Chen Yongqin.

GEVcdn-based analysis of inconsistent flood frequency of Pearl River Basin

. Journal of Natural Disasters, 2015, 24(4): 157-166.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

基于GEVcdn模型(generalized extreme value conditional density network)构建了珠江流域非一致性洪水频率模型。结果表明:多数站点呈非一致性变化特征,主要分布在西江和东江;在某些传统洪涝灾害易发区域,洪水极值序列呈上升趋势,将面临更加严峻的防洪风险。珠江流域洪水集中发生在两个时段,即1960年代和1990年代中期以后;基于非一致性算法的重现期体现出与一致性算法重现期的明显区别;珠江流域主要堤围基于非一致性算法的失败风险明显高于一致性条件下的失败风险而显示出较大的隐患。
[19] Villarini G, Denniston R F.

Short communication contribution of tropical cyclones to extreme rainfall in Australia

[J]. International Journal of Climatology, 2016, 36(2): 1019-1025.

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[Wu Zengxiang.

Preliminary analysis of the information on meteorological station historical evolution and its impacts on homogeneity of observational records

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[21] 顾西辉, 张强, 王宗志.


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[Gu Xihui, Zhang Qiang, Wang Zongzhi.

Evaluation on stationarity Assumption of annual maximum peak flows during 1951-2010 in the Pearl River Basin

. Journal of Natural Resources, 2015, 30(5): 824-835.]

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Flood hydroclimatology

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[Fang Chong, Mao Dongyan, Zhang Xiaowen et al.

Analysis on the mesoscale convective conditions and characteristics of an extreme torrential rain in Beijing on 21 July 2012

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[24] 巩崇水, 曾淑玲, 王嘉媛, .


[J]. 高原气象, 2013, 32(5): 1442-1449.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>利用1981-2010年雷暴观测资料, 采用EOF分解和主值函数分析等方法, 对中国年平均雷暴日的时空分布特征、 年际变化及异常变化特征进行了分析。结果表明, 年平均雷暴日的地理分布可大致分为4个区域, 分别为东南高发区、 西南高发区、 东北次高区和西北低发区。年平均雷暴日的时间分布表现为夏季多、 冬季少; 一天之中雷暴出现的时间集中在下午到晚上。雷暴日数的年际变化呈现出1980年代和2000年代2个相对多发期和1990年代相对少发期, 其中2000年代雷暴事件的相对多发表现为下午和夜间雷暴事件的增加。近30年中国北方地区的雷暴整体呈现出减少趋势, 而南方则是先减后增, 其距平场的年代际变化较为明显。EOF分解后距平场第一向量的方差贡献达到32.4%, 在空间上表现为南北相异型, 其余各向量也不同程度地表现出区域性异常, 前12个向量累积方差贡献达到80.9%。此外, ENSO事件对中国雷暴尤其是南方地区影响较为明显, 两广和云贵地区呈现出相反的距平变化。</p>

[Gong Chongshui, Zeng Shuling, Wang Jiayuan et al.

Analyses on climatic characteristics of thunderstorm in China in recent 30 years

. Plateau Meteorology, 2013, 32(5): 1442-1449.]      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>利用1981-2010年雷暴观测资料, 采用EOF分解和主值函数分析等方法, 对中国年平均雷暴日的时空分布特征、 年际变化及异常变化特征进行了分析。结果表明, 年平均雷暴日的地理分布可大致分为4个区域, 分别为东南高发区、 西南高发区、 东北次高区和西北低发区。年平均雷暴日的时间分布表现为夏季多、 冬季少; 一天之中雷暴出现的时间集中在下午到晚上。雷暴日数的年际变化呈现出1980年代和2000年代2个相对多发期和1990年代相对少发期, 其中2000年代雷暴事件的相对多发表现为下午和夜间雷暴事件的增加。近30年中国北方地区的雷暴整体呈现出减少趋势, 而南方则是先减后增, 其距平场的年代际变化较为明显。EOF分解后距平场第一向量的方差贡献达到32.4%, 在空间上表现为南北相异型, 其余各向量也不同程度地表现出区域性异常, 前12个向量累积方差贡献达到80.9%。此外, ENSO事件对中国雷暴尤其是南方地区影响较为明显, 两广和云贵地区呈现出相反的距平变化。</p>
[25] 姜江, 姜大膀, 林一骅.


[J]. 大气科学, 2015, 39(4): 722-730.      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

东亚季风对中国气候和环境有重要影响, 以往研究多关注于季风环流和人为给定区域内夏季降水的变化, 对于季风区域变化本身及其相伴的季风降水鲜有涉及。本文使用四套降水观测资料, 其中包括基于2416个台站最新资料所得到的中国区域高分辨率降水格点数据, 集中分析了1961~2009年中国季风区范围、季风区西北边界、季风降水及其强度变化。结果表明, 季风区约占中国陆地面积的60%, 研究时段内总体上在缩少;季风降水无趋势性变化而是表现为一定的年际和年代际变率;中国季风降水强度平均为4.46 mm d<sup>-1</sup>。季风区西北部的东、西边界间区域属于典型的干湿交错带, 季风区西北边界在40&#176;N以南整体上表现为-0.026&#176;/a的西进趋势, 而在其北部则表现为0.041&#176;/a的东退, 这主要是源于区域尺度热力对比、大气环流和水汽通量的变化所致。

[Jiang Jiang, Jiang Dabang, Lin Yihua.

Monsoon area and precipitation over China for 1961-2009

. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 2015, 39(4): 722-730.]      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

东亚季风对中国气候和环境有重要影响, 以往研究多关注于季风环流和人为给定区域内夏季降水的变化, 对于季风区域变化本身及其相伴的季风降水鲜有涉及。本文使用四套降水观测资料, 其中包括基于2416个台站最新资料所得到的中国区域高分辨率降水格点数据, 集中分析了1961~2009年中国季风区范围、季风区西北边界、季风降水及其强度变化。结果表明, 季风区约占中国陆地面积的60%, 研究时段内总体上在缩少;季风降水无趋势性变化而是表现为一定的年际和年代际变率;中国季风降水强度平均为4.46 mm d<sup>-1</sup>。季风区西北部的东、西边界间区域属于典型的干湿交错带, 季风区西北边界在40&#176;N以南整体上表现为-0.026&#176;/a的西进趋势, 而在其北部则表现为0.041&#176;/a的东退, 这主要是源于区域尺度热力对比、大气环流和水汽通量的变化所致。
[26] 陆日宇, 林中达, 张耀存.


[J]. 大气科学, 2013, 37(2): 331-340.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Lu Riyu, Lin Zhongda, Zhang Yaocun.

Variability of the East Asian upper-tropospheric Jet in summer and its impacts on the East Asian Monsoon

. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 2013, 37(2): 331-340.]      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[27] 王月, 张强, 张生, .


[J]. 地理科学, 2016, 36(1): 128-134.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Wang Yue, Zhang Qiang, Zhang Sheng et al.

Spatial and temporal characteristics of precipitation in the Huaihe River basin and its response to ENSO events

. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016, 36(1): 128-134.]

[本文引用: 1]     
