地理科学  2018 , 38 (1): 41-48 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.01.005

Orginal Article


孙斌栋, 尹春

华东师范大学中国现代城市研究中心,上海 200062
华东师范大学城市与区域科学学院,上海 200241

Impacts and Conditional Effects of Population Density on Commuting Duration: Evidence from Shanghai

Sun Bindong, Yin Chun

The Center for Modern Chinese City Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
School of Urban and Regional Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China

中图分类号:  D669.3;TU984

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2018)01-0041-08

通讯作者:  通讯作者:尹春。E-mail: innocent1214@163.com

收稿日期: 2017-04-18

修回日期:  2017-08-13

网络出版日期:  2018-01-10

版权声明:  2018 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41471139)国家社科基金重大项目(17ZDA068)教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地基金(16JJD790012)上海哲学社会科学规划课题(2014BCK003)资助


作者简介:孙斌栋(1970-),男,河北阜平人,博士,教授,博士生导师,主要从事城市地理、城市规划和区域经济研究。E-mail: bdsun@re.ecnu.edu.cn



基于上海市1 605个居民抽样样本,利用多层次线性回归模型,探讨了街道尺度人口密度对个体居民通勤时耗的影响及条件效应。在控制了个体社会经济属性、通勤方式和其他建成环境要素后发现,高人口密度总体上会增加居民通勤时耗,而且其作用是有条件的,主要受“设计”“地铁站可达性”“到就业中心距离”和“通勤方式”的调节。具体而言,提高街道路网密度和高速路密度,缩短居住地到就业中心距离,提高地铁站密度,鼓励居民采用地铁方式通勤,减少小汽车使用,都可以显著降低人口密度对通勤时耗的增加作用。因而,通过优化城市建成环境和调节人口密度来降低过长的通勤时耗是可行的。

关键词: 通勤时间 ; 人口密度 ; 建成环境 ; 调节效应 ; 多层次模型 ; 上海


Given that long commuting duration is considered as a crucial problem of urban transportation, urban planners and geographers explored the impacts of built environment on commuting duration in order to reduce long commuting duration and alleviate traffic congestion. However, the findings on the connection between population density and individual commuting duration are inconsistent. Some literature showed that population density and individual commuting duration have a negative correlation, while others found a positive correlation or an insignificant relationship. Secondly, previous literature on individual commuting duration paid little attention to the conditional effects of population density. Just as Jane Jacobs remarked at The Death and Life of Great American Cities, “No concentration of residents, however high it may be, is ‘sufficient’ if diversity is suppressed or thwarted by other insufficiencies”, the impact of population density on commuting duration may depend on the other built environmental attributes. Furthermore, previous studies focused mainly on the cases in developed countries and far less on developing countries especially China whose urban built environment is characterized by larger population size and higher density. Based on a sample of 1 605 individuals from the “the Yangtze River Delta Social Transformation Survey (FYRST)” Project in Shanghai in 2013, this study examines the impacts and conditional effects of population density at the sub-district spatial level on individual commuting duration by using hierarchical models. Controlling individual socioeconomic attributes, commuting modes, and other built environmental attributes including diversity, design, accessibility to transit and distance to the job center, the random intercept model estimations show that individual commuting duration is positively associated with population density at the sub-district spatial level. One possible reason is the traffic congestion resulting from extremely high density and the job-housing imbalance. Moreover, this effect of population density on commuting duration is conditional on the “design”, the “accessibility to metro”, the “distance to the job center”, and the “commuting mode”. Specifically, higher road network density and highway density, shorter distance to the job center, higher metro stations density, and encouraging commuting by metro instead of driving could diminish the duration increasing effect of population density. But the expected conditional effect of “diversity” is not significant and not supported by this article. Thus, it is feasible to reduce commuting duration and traffic congestion by optimizing built environment and adjusting population density. Firstly, it’s necessary to point out that the advocated concept of compact development should orient at reasonable high density instead of over-concentration. Secondly, planners should pay more attention to encouraging job-housing balance, including both quantitative and structural balance. Last but not least, it is important to expand the underground space to encourage commuting by metro and to construct the highway to shunt the traffic flow for the sake of shortening commuting duration and improving traffic efficiency.

Keywords: commuting time ; population density ; built environment ; moderating effect ; multilevel model ; Shanghai


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孙斌栋, 尹春. 人口密度对居民通勤时耗的影响及条件效应——来自上海证据[J]. 地理科学, 2018, 38(1): 41-48 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.01.005

Sun Bindong, Yin Chun. Impacts and Conditional Effects of Population Density on Commuting Duration: Evidence from Shanghai[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2018, 38(1): 41-48 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.01.005



已有文献在探讨人口密度对通勤时耗的影响时,对人口密度的条件效应缺乏关注。早在1961年,雅各布斯在《美国大城市的死与生》就认为,人口密度对个体出行行为的作用,受到其他因素很大的影响,“一个住宅区的住宅密度不管有多高,如果因为其他方面因素的不到位而阻碍或压制了多样性,那么密度再高也起不了什么作用”;“尽管这样,……如果没有这个条件(高密度),促进多样性产生的其他因素也就不会有什么作用”[14]。Handy指出,“恐怕不是密度,可能是伴随密度的其他因素对通勤行为产生作用”[15]。一些学者也认为,人口密度本身的作用可能不大,而是人口密度代理的变量(如公交可达性)或与人口密度相伴随的其他因素在起作用[16, 17]。但有研究发现,在控制了其他因素后,密度本身对出行模式就有重要影响[18]。由于对密度本身作用的不确定,已有文献在尝试解释人口密度对个体通勤行为的作用机制时,主要认为密度的作用是依赖于建成环境的其他因素,而不仅仅是其本身的作用,如高密度周边伴随设施邻近而更可能实现职住平衡,利于步行、公交的环境而促进非机动化的出行方式[6,19],或认为高密度带来的交通拥堵延长了通勤时耗[10,11,20]


1 数据来源、模型设置与变量说明

1.1 数据来源

数据来自2013年“长三角地区社会变迁调查”(FYRST-2013)上海调查数据。该调查由复旦大学社会科学数据研究中心主持,以1980~1989年出生的一代人(简称80后)为跟踪主体,采用分层、多级概率抽样设计,在上海市范围内抽取40个街道(镇)80个居(村)委会3 311个家庭,正式入户调查完成问卷2 774份,共回收有效问卷2 367份[21]。80后群体经历了单位制度的解体,正处在人生的重要转折阶段,这部分人群的通勤行为更能反映建成环境对新兴一代居民的普遍影响。第六次人口普查数据也表明,上海约1/3的家庭中有80后群体,因此这部分样本具有相当的代表性。本文研究区域为上海市辖区,剔除样本缺失值和崇明岛样本后,本文的工作样本为1 605人,其所在街道(镇)见图1

图1   抽样街道(镇)及街道(镇)中心点

Fig. 1   The distribution of sample and the center of streets in 2013

1.2 模型设置




图2   研究分析框架

Fig. 2   The analytical framework of this study

1.3 变量说明

1.3.1 个体层变量

模型因变量为居民个体通勤时耗。在数据处理中,为了防止异常值影响研究结果,对该变量进行2.5%双侧缩尾处理,并在进行回归时,对其取对数。在工作样本中,平均通勤时耗为49.64 min,与百度“我的2014年上班路”上海市平均的51 min通勤时耗十分接近[22],可以认为研究所用的“80后”样本基本可以反映上海市居民普遍的通勤时耗现状。

通勤方式包括步行、自行车、电动车、公交车(含单位班车)、地铁和小汽车(含出租车)6种方式。使用公交车和地铁方式通勤的比重高达54.71%,说明样本主要采取公共交通方式通勤;除步行外,自行车、电动车、公交车和小汽车4类路面通勤方式,占到了64.05%,说明居民通勤活动主要发生在路面。从单趟单方向平均通勤时耗来看,步行最短,为17.9 min,其后依次是电动车(24.2 min)、自行车(28.1 min)、小汽车(35.1 min),而公交车和地铁的平均通勤时耗最长,分别为65.7 min和71.6 min,远高于其他通勤方式。值得一提的是,在理论上,通勤方式和通勤时耗可能存在双向因果,因为不同通勤方式因其速度不同会影响通勤时耗,而通勤时耗也会促使居民对其通勤方式进行调整[23]。但本文采用的是截面数据,所汇报的通勤时耗一定是其当前采用的通勤方式的结果,故不存在双向因果问题。

个体社会经济属性包括性别、年龄、户口、受教育年限、年收入、已婚或同居、孩子数、租房。研究样本中,男女比例相当,平均年龄在28岁,有上海户口占78%,平均受教育年限为14 a,接近专科学历,年收入平均在6.2万元,已婚或同居居民占52%,还没有子女的居民占61%,22%的居民租房居住,这些都基本符合上海市“80后”的社会经济属性现状。在进行回归分析时,对年收入加1后取对数。

1.3.2 街道层变量

样本分布在上海市37个街道,建成环境变量除了核心关注的人口密度外,还包括土地混合度、路网密度、高速路密度、公交站密度、地铁站密度、到最近就业中心距离。研究样本街道平均人口密度1.87万人/km2,平均土地混合度为0.55,路网密度平均为4.30 km/km2,高速路密度平均为0.94 km/km2,公交站密度均值是19.36个/km2,地铁站密度均值是0.37个/km2,平均到就业中心距离8.32 km。







2 实证结果分析与讨论



表1   多层次线性回归模型结果(样本量:1605)

Table 1   The estimation results of multilevel models (sample size: 1605)

Log likelihood-1613.710-1612.218-1610.881-1610.788-1612.003-1608.375-1611.505

注:* P < 0.10, ** P < 0.05, *** P < 0.01;空白项为无数据项。








就个体社会经济属性而言,年龄和受教育年限与通勤时耗均呈正显著,说明80后群体(24~35岁)随着年龄和受教育年限的增加,通勤时耗也随之增加。西方研究表明年龄与通勤距离呈倒U型关系,即在35岁之前,随着年龄增加,通勤距离逐渐提高[30],而通勤距离与通勤时耗存在明显的正向关联,因而西方这一研究结果跟本文结论是一致的。有关中国城市的研究也发现,30岁左右的居民通勤时耗最长,并认为这可能是缺乏一定工作经验和物质基础造成的[31, 32],随着年龄的增加,在事业上升期的80后群体更可能为寻求更好的岗位和收入,承担更长的通勤时耗。


3 结论与启示

较高的人口密度是中国城市建成环境有别于西方的重要特征之一,其与个体通勤时耗的关系尚存争议,已有研究也忽视了人口密度的作用可能依赖于其他建成环境要素和个体通勤方式的作用。本文基于上海个体样本的实证结果发现: 中国城市高人口密度总体上增加居民通勤时耗; 中国城市人口密度对通勤时耗的作用是有条件的,主要依赖于“设计” “地铁站可达性”“到就业中心距离”和“通勤方式”,具体而言,提高街道路网密度和高速路密度,缩短居住地到就业中心距离,提高地铁站密度,鼓励居民采用地铁方式通勤,减少小汽车使用,都可以显著降低人口密度对通勤时耗的增加作用。



The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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This article explores changes in commuting trends seen in cities in the United States through the 1990s. The authors focus on factors that might explain the increase in commuting times that was experienced in the 1990s after prior decades of relative stability. They discuss traditional demographic variables (population growth and densities) and transportation variables (e.g. road capacity and transit use), but determine that their overall impact was small. They propose that the increase in commuting times was affected by strong income growth in the late 1990s. This increase in income is associated with an increase in non-work vehicle miles traveled; these affect commuting times because many non-work trips take place in peak hours.
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Studies on the interrelationship between land use and travel behavior are often at some aggregate geographic unit such as the census tract, traffic analysis zone (TAZ), or the zip code level, and results have been inconclusive. This paper uses a multi-level modeling approach to examine the combined effects of land use types and socio-demographics (including both individual and neighborhood attributes) on commuting. Data used in this research include the Baton Rouge Personal Transportation Survey (BRPTS) of individual households and the Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP) at the TAZ level. Land uses include agricultural, commercial/office and residential of various densities. A localized job-housing balance ratio is computed to measure job accessibility and also to capture the degree of mixed land uses around each residential location, and its effect on commuting behavior is examined. Commuting is measured by both travel distance and time in order to capture the spatial separation of residence and workplace as well as road conditions. The results indicate that land use types are significant in explaining commuting time, and socio-demographic characteristics of both individuals and neighborhoods play an important role in shaping individuals鈥 commuting behavior.Highlights? This paper uses a multilevel modeling approach to explain individual commuting. ? Models examine the combined effects of land use and socio-demographics of individuals and neighborhoods. ? Land use measures include land use types, proximity to a high-performing school and job-housing balance. ? Individual attributes include gender, race, income, education, presence of children, job status, and multi-worker household. ? 14 neighborhood socio-demographic variables are consolidated into factors.
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The impact of metropolitan structure on commute behavior in the Netherlands: A multilevel approach

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This paper documents the investigation of the impact of metropolitan structureon the commute behavior of urban residents in the Netherlands. Not only has the impact of monocentrismversus polycentrism been analyzed, but the influence of metropolitan density and sizehas also been considered, together with the ratio of employment to population and the growth ofthe population and employment. Furthermore, data are used at a variety of levels of analysisranging from the individual worker to the metropolitan region rather than being drawn from aggregatelevel statistics alone. Multilevel regression modeling is applied to take account of the interdependenciesamong these levels of aggregation. With regard to mode choice, the results indicatethat the probability of driving an auto to work is lower in employment-rich metropolitan regions,and rises as the number of jobs per resident has grown strongly. Furthermore, women in mostpolycentric regions are less likely to commute as an auto driver. All else being equal, commutedistances and times for auto drivers are longer in most polycentric regions than in monocentricurban areas. In addition, commute time as an auto driver rises with metropolitan size, whereascommute distance depends on employment density and the growth of the number of jobs per resident.The investigation shows that metropolitan structure, although significantly influencingcommute patterns, explains only a small part of the variation of individuals鈥 commute behavior
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Impact of the jobs-housing balance on urban commuting in Beijing in the transformation era

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This empirical study examines the impact of the jobs-housing balance on individual commuting time in Beijing in the period of transformation of the Chinese economy and society. The results of the analysis show that the jobs-housing balance has a statistically significant association with a worker’s commuting time when the factors of transport accessibility, population density and worker’s socioeconomic characteristics are controlled. The higher the jobs-housing balance, the shorter the worker’s commuting time. The finding suggests that the jobs-housing balance still has significant implications for commuting time, although the recent market-oriented reforms in housing are changing the jobs-housing balance in the danwei system that prevailed in the socialist era. As the housing markets are imperfect, with strong government intervention in Beijing, the finding implies that the co-location hypothesis – which believes development management would create ‘barriers’ to a jobs-housing balance and increase commuting time – needs to be rethought before it can be generalized and applied to China’s cities. The results of the analysis also show that the workers living in danwei housing still have shorter commuting time. The finding indicates that the housing marketization is likely to induce a local jobs-housing imbalance and thereby increase commuting time. In this sense, a deterioration in the jobs-housing imbalance and increased commuting time in Beijing may owe much to the adoption of market-based housing supply.
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The increasing emission of transport-related pollutants has become a key issue in relation to climate change mitigation and the improvement of air quality in China's cities. This article aims to examine the effects of changes in the built environment on transportation by examining the case of Beijing. Looking at household survey data, the analysis found that individual workers鈥 commuting behavior (concerning travel destination, mode choice and travel time) is significantly related to some aspects of the built environment when socioeconomic and demographic characteristics are taken into account. There are obvious differences in the effects of the built environment on commuting across income groups, occupations and industries.
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The effect on travel time of the decentralization of land use is an unresolved issue in the literature on travel behavior. Here we report our testing of the contention that commute times are lower in polycentric than in monocentric urban systems with data from the 1998 Netherlands National Travel Survey. Multilevel regression analysis indicates that the role of urban form variables in the explanation of commute times is limited in comparison with micro-level personal and household characteristics. Car commute times are shown to be higher in most poly-centric systems. In addition, car commute times tend to increase with higher residential densities and with the size of daily urban systems (DUS). The results suggest that the relocation of residences and employment in the Netherlands has not by and large led to lower commute times. One reason for this might be the strong spatial planning tradition in the Netherlands.
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Spatial-temporal characteristics and factors influencing commuting activities of middle-class residents in Guangzhou City, China

[J]. Chinese Geographical Science,2016, 26(3): 410-428.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11769-016-0806-1      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

The middle class in metropolitan Chinese cities has become an important social group. With the rapid development of urbanization and constant advancement of suburbanization, the middle class has increasingly come to influence city traffic. Research into middle-class commuting activities thus has practical significance for improving traffic congestion and reducing the commuting burden in metropolitan cities. Based on a dataset formed by 816 completed surveys, this paper analyzes the commuting mode, time and distance of middle-class residents in Guangzhou City using the descriptive statistical method. The results indicate that private cars are the main commuting mode, followed by public transport. Meanwhile, middle-class residents mainly undertake medium-short time and medium- short distance commuting. The study subsequently uses multilevel logistic regression and multiple linear regression models to analyze the factors that influence commuting mode choice, time and distance. The gender, age, number of family cars, housing source and jobs-housing balance are the most important factors influencing commuting mode choice; housing, population density, jobs-housing balance and commuting mode significantly affect commuting time; and transport accessibility, jobs-housing balance and commuting mode are the notable factors affecting commuting distance. Finally, this paper analyzes what is affecting the commuting activities of middle-class residents and determines the differences in commuting activity characteristics and influence factors between middle-class and ordinary residents. Policy suggestions to improve urban planning and urban management are also proposed.
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[J]. Growth and Change,1997, 28(2): 147-172.

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This study analyzes the effect of accessibility to jobs and houses at both the home and work ends of trips on commuting duration for respondents to a household travel survey in metro-politan Washington, DC. A model is constructed to estimate the effects of demographics and relative location on the journey to work. Analysis finds that residences in job-rich areas and workplaces in housing-rich areas are associated with shorter commutes. An implication of this study is that, by balancing accessibility, the suburbanization of jobs maintains stability in commuting durations despite rising congestion, increasing trip lengths, and increased work and non-work trip making. 0 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
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Transport impacts of clustered development in Beijing: Compact development versus overconcentration

[J]. Urban Studies,2012, 49(6): 1315-1331.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098011410336      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This research aims to inform the compact city discussion with a case study of Beijing, where urban planning has emphasised clustered suburban development in the past half-century. It uses three decades of census data to describe Beijing’s spatial development trajectory and a household survey to assess its transport impacts. The research reveals an overconcentration of urban activities as a result of the featureless expansion of the central built-up area and the absorption of the suburban clusters; and, a lengthened commuting time stemming from the observed spatial development pattern. Beijing’s experience adds to the existing literature by informing the search for good city forms in urban areas of high density. It is essential to differentiate compact development from overconcentration when combating sprawling development. Developing and maintaining suburban nodal characteristics around public transit can reduce travel in high-density urban areas.
[14] 简·雅各布斯.美国大城市的死与生[M]. 金衡山,译.南京: 译林出版社, 2006: 182-200.

[本文引用: 2]     

[Jacobs J.

The Death and Life of Great American Cities

. Translated by Jin Hengshan. Nanjing: Yilin Press, 2006: 182-200.]

[本文引用: 2]     

[15] Handy S.

Travel behavior issues related to neo-traditional developments-a review of the research

[C]//TMIP Conference on Urban Design, Telecommuting, and Travel Behavior. FHWA, US: Department of Transportation,1996.

[本文引用: 2]     

[16] Kockelman K.

Travel behavior as function of accessibility, land use mixing, and land use balance: evidence from San Francisco Bay Area

[J]. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board,1997, 1607(1607): 116-125.

https://doi.org/10.3141/1607-16      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

No abstract provided.
[17] Badoe D A, Miller E J.

Transportation-land-use interaction: empirical findings in North America, and their implications for modeling

[J]. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment,2000, 5(4): 235-263.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S1361-9209(99)00036-X      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The last two decades have witnessed the implementation of various policies based on land-use to address problems stemming from automobile ownership and use. There are, however, questions with respect to the efficacy of such policies. This paper therefore reviews the literature on empirical studies of the transportation–land-use interaction with the objective of identifying the current state of knowledge concerning the interactions, particularly with respect to the impact land-use policies are likely to have on the system. The focus is on studies conducted in North America. The results are mixed; some studies conclude that urban densities, traditional neighborhood design schemes, and land-use mix have an impact on auto ownership and use. Other studies find the impact of such variables to be at best marginal. Gaps in our understanding of the interaction are identified. These are found to be primarily the result of data limitations and methodological weaknesses. A detailed discussion of the implications of the findings for the development and application of integrated transportation–land-use models is provided, with the recommendation that without such an integrated approach to analyzing the transportation–land-use interaction, any study of impacts of urban form on travel behavior is likely to yield erroneous results.
[18] Chen C, Gong H, Paaswell R.

Role of the built environment on mode choice decisions: additional evidence on the impact of density

[J]. Transportation,2008, 35(3): 285-299.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11116-007-9153-5      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[19] Alfonzo M, Guo Z,Lin Let al.

Walking, obesity and urban design in Chinese neighborhoods

[J]. Preventive Medicine,2014, 1: 79-85.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2014.10.002      URL      PMID: 25451324      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract OBJECTIVE: We examined the connections (1) between the design of the built environment and walking, (2) between the design of the built environment and obesity, and (3) between walking and obesity and income in urban settings in China. METHODS: Six neighborhoods with different built environment characteristics, located in the Chinese cities of Shanghai and Hangzhou, were studied. Data on walking and other physical activity and obesity levels from 1070 residents were collected through a street intercept survey conducted in 2013. Built environment features of 527 street segments were documented using the Irvine-Minnesota Inventory-China (IMI-C) environmental audit. Data were analyzed using the State of Place64 Index. RESULTS: Walking rates, household income and Body Mass Index (BMI) were related; neighborhoods with a higher State of Place64 Index were associated with higher rates of walking. CONCLUSION: This study began to establish an evidence base for the association of built environment features with walking in the context of Chinese urban design. Findings confirmed that the associations between "walkable" built environment features and walking established in existing research in other countries, also held true in the case of Chinese neighborhoods. Copyright 08 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
[20] Schwanen T, Dieleman F M, Dijst M.

Car use in Netherlands daily urban systems: does polycentrism result in lower commute times?

[J]. Urban Geography,2003, 24(5): 410-430.

https://doi.org/10.2747/0272-3638.24.5.410      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The effect on travel time of the decentralization of land use is an unresolved issue in the literature on travel behavior. Here we report our testing of the contention that commute times are lower in polycentric than in monocentric urban systems with data from the 1998 Netherlands National Travel Survey. Multilevel regression analysis indicates that the role of urban form variables in the explanation of commute times is limited in comparison with micro-level personal and household characteristics. Car commute times are shown to be higher in most poly-centric systems. In addition, car commute times tend to increase with higher residential densities and with the size of daily urban systems (DUS). The results suggest that the relocation of residences and employment in the Netherlands has not by and large led to lower commute times. One reason for this might be the strong spatial planning tradition in the Netherlands.


[EB/OL].复旦新闻文化网, 2014-04-23. .

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[Fudan Institute of Social Research.

The world of "the post-80s"—the release conference of Yangtze River Delta Social Transformation Survey

.Fudan News. 2014-04-23.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]     



[EB/OL]. 中国人才网, 2016-01-04. .

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[The ranking list of commuters' commuting distance and duration in 50 Chinese cities.

China Rencai.

2016-01-04..China Rencai. 2016-01-04..]

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[23] Sun B, Ermagun A, Dan B.

Built environmental impacts on commuting mode choice and distance: evidence from shanghai

[J]. Transportation Research Part D,2017, 52: 441-453.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2016.06.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The impacts of the built environment characteristics in residential neighborhoods on commuting behavior are explored in the literature. Scant evidence, however, is provided to scrutinize the role of the built environment characteristics at job locations. Studies also overlooked the potential error correlations between commuting mode and commuting distance due to the unobserved factors that influence both variables. We examined the impacts of the built environment characteristics at both residential and job locations on commuting mode and distance, by applying a discrete-continuous copula-based model on 857 workers in Shanghai. In contrast with studies of Western countries, we showed residential built environment characteristics are more influential on commute behavior than the built environment characteristics at job locations. This suggests the importance of local specificity in policymaking process. We also found the proportion of four-way intersections, road density, and population density in residential areas are negatively associated with driving probability, with elasticity amounts of 611.00, 610.23, and 610.08, respectively. Hence, dense and pedestrian- and cyclist-oriented development help to reduce travel distance and encourage walking, biking, and transit modes of travel.
[24] Horner M W.

Spatial Dimensions of Urban Commuting: A Review of Major Issues and Their Implications for Future Geographic Research

[J]. The Professional Geographer,2004, 56(2): 160-173.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.0033-0124.2004.05602002.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Modern urban transportation systems continuously challenge, and are challenged by, the changing nature of 21st-century travel demand. Today, congestion is the norm in cities of the United States, and researchers and practitioners are seeking solutions to these problems. Urban commuting is identified as contributing to the suboptimal performance of transportation systems. This paper offers a review and critique of recent research on urban commuting, emphasizing geographical dimensions of this topic. Three broad areas of research related to urban commuting are discussed. These include (1) urban sustainability, (2) land use, and (3) geographic information systems (GIS). Major themes are examined in an effort to elicit thought on future geographic research. At the conclusion of the paper, summary remarks are provided and avenues for research are outlined.
[25] 翟炳哲, 毛其智,张杰, .


[J]. 城市发展研究,2014, 21(9):54-60.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1006-3862.2014.09.009      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zhai Bingzhe, Mao Qizhi,Zhang Jieet al.

article-title>An empirical study of the factors associated with residents’ outdoor activities

. Urban Development Studies,2014, 21(9):54-60.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1006-3862.2014.09.009      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[26] 孙斌栋, 魏旭红.


[J]. 地理学报,2014, 69(6):747-758.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Sun Bindong, Wei Xuhong.

Spatial distribution and structure evolution of employment and population in Shanghai Metropolitan Area

. Acta Geographica Sinica,2014, 69(6):747-758.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[27] Wang R.

Shaping carpool policies under rapid motorization: the case of Chinese cities

[J]. Transport Policy,2011, 18(4):631-635.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tranpol.2011.03.005      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Rapid motorization and fuel cost hike over the past few years have made carpool a new mode of travel in Chinese cities. But transportation policy makers have been rather ambivalent, if not indifferent, about carpool. Unlike cities in highly motorized societies, little is known about carpooling behavior in emerging economies such as China. This paper provides an initial discussion of carpooling in China by exploring a series of questions. What are the current practice and issues of carpool in Chinese cities? How do carpools in China compare with those in the motorized Western cities? Can carpools help Chinese cities mitigate the negative impacts of rapid motorization? Are foreign policies such as High-Occupancy-Vehicle (HOV) lanes transferable to China? Acknowledging the social benefits of voluntary carpooling, this paper argues: (1) bus lanes may be a better choice than HOV lanes when converting general motor vehicle lanes; (2) policies subsidizing carpoolers cannot be justified on either efficiency or equity grounds because a marginal carpooler is more likely transitioning from a transit user or non-motorized traveler than from a driver. Policy suggestions are proposed to Chinese decision makers.
[28] Sun B, He Z,Zhang Tet al.

Urban spatial structure and commute duration: an empirical study of China

[J]. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation,2016, 10(7): 638-644.

https://doi.org/10.1080/15568318.2015.1042175      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Urban traffic is embedded in and fundamentally shaped by the spatial pattern of urban land use, such as city size, density, extent of polycentricity, and the relationship between employment and residential locations. Previous evidence, mainly from European and American cities, suggests that the duration of commute trips increases with city size and the spatial separation between jobs and housing. On the other hand, the influences of density and polycentricity are less clear. Using data from 164 cities in China, this study empirically analyzes the relationship between city average commute duration and multiple dimensions of urban spatial structure. Controlling for economic, demographic, and infrastructure characteristics, the authors find that commute duration correlates positively with city size and jobs鈥揾ousing separation but negatively with density and polycentricity. As one of the earliest studies on commute cost in the rapidly urbanizing and motorizing Chinese cities, this study can help Chinese decision makers improve urban economic and environmental efficiency through spatial planning and policy making. Specifically, compact, mixed-use, and polycentric spatial development may ease the burden of commute, and thus substitute for unnecessary infrastructure investment and energy consumption during a period of rapid urban expansion in China.
[29] Mao Z, Ettema D, Dijst M.

Analysis of travel time and mode choice shift for non-work stops in commuting: Case study of Beijing, China

[J]. Transportation, 2016(2016): 1-16.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11116-016-9749-8      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper investigates travel time attributed to non-work stops in multi-purpose commuting trips. Travel time is explained by socio-demographics and spatial attributes, mode shift is also included to
[30] Axisa J J, Scott D M, Newbold K B.

Factors influencing commute distance: a case study of Toronto’s commuter shed

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography,2012, 24: 123-129.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2011.10.005      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This study examines factors that influence commute distance within the commuter shed of Toronto, Canada. The investigation uses data drawn from the 2006 Census of Canada Master File (20% sample). The findings from two multiple linear regression models indicate that being a recent migrant and/or living in the most accessible rural areas of Toronto’s commuter shed substantially increases commute distance. At the same time, employment type, sex, and age, among other factors, are also found to significantly influence commute distance.
[31] 刘定惠,朱超洪,杨永春.


[J]. 人文地理,2014, 29(2):61-68.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Liu Dinghui, Zhu Chaohong, Yang Yongchun.

The characteristics of resident commuting and its relationship with urban spatial structure in large cities of western china: A case study of Chengdu

. Human Geography,2014, 29(2):61-68.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[32] 孙斌栋, 但波.


[J]. 地理学报,2015, 70(10): 1664-1674.

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201510010      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Sun Bindong, Dan Bo.

Impact of urban built environment on residential choice of commuting mode in Shanghai

. Acta Geographica Sinica,2015, 70(10): 1664-1674.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201510010      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

