地理科学  2018 , 38 (10): 1653-1660 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.10.009

Orginal Article


白景锋, 张海军

南阳师范学院环境科学与旅游学院,河南 南阳 473061

Spatio-temporal Variation and Driving Force of Water-Energy-Food Pressure in China

Bai Jingfeng, Zhang Haijun

College of Environment Science and Tourism, Nanyang Normal University, Nanyang 473061, Henan, China

中图分类号:  TV211;X24

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2018)10-1653-08

收稿日期: 2018-05-9

修回日期:  2018-08-25

网络出版日期:  2018-12-12

版权声明:  2018 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金(41201099)资助


作者简介:白景锋(1972-),男,陕西洛南人,教授,硕士,主要研究方向为区域发展与资源开发。E-mail: nybjf813@163.com



采用主成分分析法,把构建的水资源、能源和粮食的压力指数分解为3个正交向量,以矢量合成法计算水-能源-粮食(W-E-F)总压力指数。在考察1997~2015年30个省区(香港、澳门和台湾无数据,西藏缺能源数据)的水资源压力指数、能源压力指数、粮食压力指数和W-E-F总压力指数的时序变化后,选取8个反映总压力指数变化的指标,截取1997、2004、2015年3个断面,采用地理加权回归(GWR)模型对影响中国W-E-F压力指数变化的因素进行分析。结论如下: 时间上看,W-E-F总压力先升后降;空间上看,从东南沿海向西北内陆W-E-F总压力逐渐递减,东北和沿海城市化水平高的地区压力较大。 能源压力对中国W-E-F总压力的贡献最大,中东部地区的能源压力指数更高,淮河以北地区的水资源压力指数更高,东部的长江口以南沿海区域和广大西部地区的粮食压力指数更高。 1997~2015年,全国水资源压力指数多数地区上升,能源压力指数和粮食压力指数大部分地区下降。不同时段,W-E-F压力变化的驱动力不同。总体上看,大部分指标与W-E-F压力变化同向,人均受教育水平和人均GDP与W-E-F压力变化反向,人口密度增大、食物构成变化、粮食生产条件和经济发展是W-E-F压力升高的主因。在分析时段内,随着时间推移,社会因素和经济因素的影响在增大,提高人均受教育水平和经济转型发展是降低W-E-F压力的有效途径。

关键词: -能源-粮食 ; 压力指数 ; 时空变异 ; 驱动力 ; 主成分分析 ; 地理加权回归


As the basis of regional development, water-energy-food (W-E-F) is usually a bottleneck too. China’s strategy of sustainable development has been threatened and challenged by the spatially unbalanced distribution and the insufficient total amount of the water-energy-food supply, and the unbalanced socioeconomic development. Each year from 1997 to 2015, three pressure indices (i.e. water pressure index, energy pressure index and food pressure index) were decomposed into three orthotropic vectors by using principal component analysis, and the W-E-F pressure index were then calculated and created by vector synthesis method. For the thirty province units in China (no data are available for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and no energy data for Tibet), after the temporal variations of the water pressure index, the energy pressure index, the food pressure index and the W-E-F pressure index were checked, eight variables (i.e. degree of per capita education, per capita GDP, per capita farmland area, per capita meat production, per capita aquatic product, population density, effective irrigation area, urbanization rate) which related to the W-E-F pressure were employed and three cross-section (i.e. 1997, 2004 and 2015) were chosen to carry out the geographically weighted regression (GWR) analysis. In the three developed GWR models, the dependent variable was the z-score standardized W-E-F pressure index differences between the start year and the end year, i.e. 1997 and 2004 (for model 1), 2004 and 2015 (for model 2), 1997 and 2015 (for model 3), and the eight independent variables were the respective z-score standardized differences (i.e. for the eight employed variables) between the start year and the end year. The factors which influence the variation of W-E-F index can be discovered from the developed GWR models and the conclusions are as follows: 1) The W-E-F pressure index rose initially and then declined from 1997 to 2015. Spatially, the W-E-F pressure decreased progressively from Southeast China to Northwest China, and larger pressure happened in Northeast China and those coastal provinces where urbanization level was higher. 2) The energy pressure index had made more significant contribution to the W-E-F pressure index than the water pressure index and the food pressure index. The energy pressure index was higher in central and east China and the water pressure index was bigger for those provinces in the north of Huaihe river. However, the food pressure index was higher for those coastal provinces in the south of the Yangtze River and for those provinces in west China. 3) In China, the water pressure index rose in most provinces, and the energy pressure index and the food pressure index declined in most provinces from 1997 to 2015. 4) The driving forces of the W-E-F pressure changes were different for the different phases. Overall, the same change direction was observed between most of the variables and the W-E-F pressure index. However, the opposite change direction existed between degree of per capita education and the W-E-F pressure index, so did between per capita GDP and the W-E-F pressure index. The main causes of the increased W-E-F pressure were the increased population density, the changed component of food supply, the conditions of food production and the economic development. The influences of socioeconomic factors on the W-E-F pressure rose progressively from 1997 to 2015. The effectual ways to reduce the W-E-F pressure were to improve the degree of per capita education and to reshape the economic development.

Keywords: water-energy-food ; pressure index ; spatio-temporal variation ; driving forces ; principal component analysis ; geographically weighted regression


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白景锋, 张海军. 中国水-能源-粮食压力时空变动及驱动力分析[J]. 地理科学, 2018, 38(10): 1653-1660 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.10.009

Bai Jingfeng, Zhang Haijun. Spatio-temporal Variation and Driving Force of Water-Energy-Food Pressure in China[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2018, 38(10): 1653-1660 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.10.009



1 中国水-能源-粮食系统现状

中国的淡水资源只占全球的6%,由于全球气候变化,中国淡水资源总量有减少趋势。由于中国人口众多,多年人均水资源不足2 400 m3,属于水资源短缺国家。随着社会经济发展,2016年水资源消耗量是1978年的7.67倍,水资源压力巨大[24]。中国幅员辽阔,气候类型多样,水资源在空间分布上存在巨大差异,水资源压力也存在明显的空间异质性。中国能源消费增长很快,2015年能耗是1985年的5.8倍,由于能源储藏的空间差异性、能源消费的空间不平衡性,区域能源压力也存在很大差异。中国用占世界7%的耕地,养活了占世界10%的人口,但由于人口增长的持续性和社会经济发展对耕地的占用,2015年中国人均耕地面积比1980年减少了40.8%[25]。因粮食增产潜力的有限性,中国粮食生产也面临着很大压力。W-E-F系统内部存在着复杂的关系,特别是各种资源在生产、消费和管理中的冲突和取舍,查找W-E-F系统压力变动的主要动力可为协调水资源、能源和粮食的生产和消费提供参考和借鉴。

2 数据来源与研究方法

2.1 数据来源及处理

从《中国统计年鉴》[25]、《中国农村统计年鉴》[26]、《中国能源统计年鉴》[27]中提取30个省区(香港、澳门和台湾无数据,西藏缺能源数据)的水资源总量、总用水量、总人口、能源生产量、能源消耗量和粮食总产量,其中能源生产量按以下标准统一折算为标准煤:原煤1 kg折算0.714 36 kg标准煤,原油1 kg折算1.428 6 kg标准煤,天然气1 m3折算1.21 kg标准煤,电力1万kW折算0.404 kg标准煤。GWR分析的8个自变量:平均受教育水平、人均GDP、人均耕地面积、人均肉类产量、人均水产品产量、人口密度、有效灌溉面积、城市化率等指标均由《1998~2016中国统计年鉴》[25]计算得出,在分析前进行了标准差标准化处理。

2.2 研究方法


Fwij=CwijPwij; Feij=CeijPeij; Ffij=CfijPfij(1)


式中,Fwijij年水资源压力指数,Cwijij年用水总量,Pwijij年可利用水资源量;Feijij年能源压力指数,Ceijij年能源消耗总量,Peijij年能源生产量;Ffijij年粮食压力指数,Cfijij年粮食消耗总量,Pfijij年粮食生产总量。Fijij年W-E-F系统总压力指数。Fwij, FeijFfij分别是Fwij,FeijFfij主成分正交分解后的压力指数(矢量),“+”表示以矢量合成法计算。可利用水资源量按照水资源总量的40%计算,粮食指谷物,不包含肉蛋奶等,粮食消耗总量按照当年人口数乘以400 kg/人计算[32]。鉴于数据的可获得性,假设不存在要素的区际流动,即水资源总量指当地地表水资源与地下水资源之和再减去二者重复计算部分,不含调入的水资源量。能源生产和粮食生产都指当地的产量,不包含外地调入量。




式中,yi为分析时段内省区i的W-E-F系统总压力指数变化值,(ui,vi)为省区i的位置,β0为省区i的回归常数,βj为省区i的第j个回归参数,xij为分析时段内自变量xj在省区i的变化值,n为自变量数, εi为随机误差[33]

3 中国水-能源-粮食压力的时空变化分析

3.1 中国水-能源-粮食压力的时间序列变化分析


图1   1997~2015年中国W-E-F的压力指数变化

Fig.1   Variation of the W-E-F pressure index in China from 1997 to 2015

3.2 中国水-能源-粮食压力分布与变化的空间格局分析


图2   1997~2015年中国平均水资源压力指数、能源压力指数和粮食压力指数分布

Fig.2   Distribution of the water pressure index, energy pressure index and food pressure index in China from 1997 to 2015


图3   1997~2015年中国水资源压力指数、能源压力指数和粮食压力指数变化分布

Fig.3   Spatial variation of the water pressure index, energy pressure index and food pressure index from 1997 to 2015


图4   1997~2015年中国W-E-F系统总压力指数及其变化分布

Fig.4   Distribution and spatial variation of the W-E-F pressure index in China from 1997 to 2015


4 中国水-能源-粮食压力变化的驱动力分析


由于资源禀赋的空间异质性、人口分布和经济发展等的空间不均衡性,W-E-F总压力指数变化存在空间异质性。本研究选用自适应型高斯核的GWR模型,以AICc最小化准则进行最优带宽的确定,以边邻接法构建空间权重矩阵,并作行标准化处理,通过计算局部Moran’s I指数检验模型残差的空间自相关性。结果显示,3个时段的断面数据拟合结果的R2均在0.6以上,AICc值均在110以下,残差的局部空间自相关性均不显著。






图5   1997~2015年GWR模型各自变量回归系数估计空间分布

Fig.5   Spatial variation of the coefficient estimation of independent variable in 1997-2015



5 结论与建议

5.1 结论

1) 人口分布、经济格局和生产的自然环境决定了中国W-E-F总压力分布的空间态势。京津沪直辖市和广东等沿海区域的W-E-F总压力高于一般省区,W-E-F总压力从东南沿海向西北内陆降低,这一分布格局和中国的经济分布、人口分布相一致。从单一形态看,水资源压力、能源压力与中国水资源与能源基地、经济发展状况密切相关,粮食压力与人口分布和粮食生产条件相关。

2) 中国W-E-F总压力随时间呈“升--稳”的特点,其中能源压力指数和水资源压力指数对总压力指数的变动影响贡献突出。

3) GWR分析发现,中国W-E-F总压力变化在不同时间段驱动力不同。整体上看,大部分指标与W-E-F总压力变化同向,平均受教育水平和人均GDP与W-E-F总压力变化反向。中国W-E-F系统总压力加大的主因是人口密度增大、食物构成变化、粮食生产条件的禀赋和经济发展。随时间推移,社会因素和经济因素的影响力在提高。平均受教育水平的提高和经济转型发展是降低W-E-F压力的有效途径。

5.2 建议与讨论



The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Ethiopia has embarked upon a rapid growth and development trajectory aiming to become a middle-income country by 2025. To achieve this goal, an agricultural development led industrialization strategy is being implemented which aims to intensify and transform agriculture, thereby boosting yields and, subsequently, economic returns. At the same time, the energy use which currently consists of more than 90% traditional biomass use is shifting towards increasing electricity production predominantly from large-scale hydropower plants, with the aim to improve access to modern energy sources. While the targets are commendable it is not clear that either all direct impacts or potential conflicts between goals have been considered. In this paper we evaluate and compare the impacts of alternative development trajectories pertaining to agriculture, energy and environment for a case-study location, the Lake Tana Subbasin, with a focus on current national plans and accounting for cross-sector interlinkages and competing resource use: the food-energy-environment nexus. Applying a nexus toolkit (WEAP and LEAP) in participatory scenario development we compare and evaluate three different future scenarios. We conclude that the two processes agricultural transformation and energy transition are interdependent and could be partly competitive. As agriculture becomes increasingly intensified, it relies on more energy. At the same time, the energy system will, at least in the foreseeable future, continue to be largely supported by biomass, partly originating from croplands. Two outstanding dilemmas pertaining to resources scarcity were identified. Water needed for energy and agricultural production, and to sustain ecosystem services, sometimes exceeds water availability. Moreover, the region seems to be hitting a biomass ceiling where the annual increments in biomass from all terrestrial ecosystems are in the same order of magnitude as biomass needs for food, fodder and fuel. We propose that a stakeholder-driven nexus approach, underpinned by quantitative and spatially explicit scenario and planning tools, can help to resolve these outstanding dilemmas and can support more consistent policy and decision making, towards improved resource productivities, lower environmental pressures and enhanced human securities.
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Cooperation in transboundary river basins is challenged by the riparian countriesdiffering needs for water use. This is the case especially in Amu Darya Basin in Central Asia, where upstream Tajikistan is building the Rogun Hydropower Plant (RHP) to increase its energy security, while the downstream countries oppose the plant due to the feared negative impacts to their irrigated agriculture. Several experimental scenarios illustrate how the concept of benefit sharing could be used as a framework to investigate these water-energy-agriculture linkages in a transboundary context. Using a hydro-economic model, we investigate the economic benefits of various scenarios emphasizing agricultural and/or energy production, thus benefiting the riparian countries uniquely. Subsequently, we discuss how benefit-sharing arrangements with different forms of compensations could be used as a mechanism to facilitate transboundary cooperation. Our results indicate that several scenarios have a potential to increase the total energy-agriculture benefits in the basin. Yet, agreeing on the actual benefit-sharing mechanism between the countries poses special challenges as each may require countries to give up some of their anticipated maximum potential benefits. The presented scenarios provide a potential starting point for debates over benefit-sharing arrangements across countries needing to address the water-energy-agriculture nexus
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In southern Africa, the connections between climate and the water揺nergy揻ood nexus are strong. Physical and socioeconomic exposure to climate is high in many areas and in crucial economic sectors. Spatial interdependence is also high, driven, for example, by the regional extent of many climate anomalies and river basins and aquifers that span national boundaries. There is now strong evidence of the effects of individual climate anomalies, but associations between national rainfall and gross domestic product and crop production remain relatively weak. The majority of climate models project decreases in annual precipitation for southern Africa, typically by as much as 20% by the 2080s. Impact models suggest these changes would propagate into reduced water availability and crop yields. Recognition of spatial and sectoral interdependencies should inform policies, institutions and investments for enhancing water, energy and food security. Three key political and economic instruments could be strengthened for this purpose: the Southern African Development Community, the Southern African Power Pool and trade of agricultural products amounting to significant transfers of embedded water.
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[ Zhao Rongqin, Li Zhiping, Han Yuping et al.

The coupling interaction mechanism of regional water-land-energy-carbon system

. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2016,71(9):1613-1628.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[18] 巴赫.


[J].水利水电快报, 2016,37(8):1-7.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Ba He.

Cooperation on water, energy and food security in transboundary river basins in the global climate change

. Express Water Resources & Hydropower Information, 2016, 37(8):1-7.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[19] 詹贻琛, 吴岚. 中美均面临水、能源、粮食三者冲突[J].中国经济报告,2014(1):109-111.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Chan Yichen, Wu Lan.

There are conflicts over water, energy and food in China and the United States

.China Policy Review, 2014(1):109-111.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[20] 李桂君,黄道涵,李玉龙.


[J].经济社会体制比较, 2017,191(3):138-148.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Li Guijun, Huang Daohan, Li Yulong.

Evaluation on efficiency of the input and output of water-energy-food in different regions of China

. Comparative Economic & Social Systems, 2017,191(3):138-148.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[21] 李桂君,李玉龙,贾晓菁,.


[J].管理评论, 2016,28(10):11-26.

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>资源与环境是人类生存和发展的重要基础。北京是中国的政治文化中心,资源高度依赖外省市供应,随着需求的不断增加,其可持续发展将面临更加严峻的挑战。本研究通过构建以水-能源-粮食(W-E-F)三者为主体并涵盖社会、经济和环境子系统的复杂系统因果关联网络;运用系统动力学仿真技术,实现了对北京市水-能源-粮食关联(W-E-F Nexus)系统的动力学仿真模拟,预测了北京市W-E-F变化趋势,并开展了W-E-F Nexus系统敏感性分析。研究发现2020年水资源消耗总量预计超过38亿吨;能源供应数量预计不足2600万吨标准煤,地热能等清洁一次能源供应逐渐占据主导地位,能源消费总量预计下降至6865万吨标准煤,其中超过62%的能源消耗将依赖省外调入;粮食消费总量预计将超过730万吨,粮食单产数量在2014-2016年经过短暂调整后开始持续提升,到2020年每公顷产量预计将超过7800公斤,粮食自给率经过调整将再度恢复到2012年20%的水平;能源系统是现阶段提升北京W-E-F综合可持续发展能力的突破口;相比于单一资源政策,基于非资源系统的决策行为影响效果将更为深广。</p>

[Li Guijun, Li Yulong, Jia Xiaojing.

Establishment and simulation study of system dynamic on sustainable development of Water-energy-food nexus in Beijing

. Management Review, 2016,28(10):11-26.]

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>资源与环境是人类生存和发展的重要基础。北京是中国的政治文化中心,资源高度依赖外省市供应,随着需求的不断增加,其可持续发展将面临更加严峻的挑战。本研究通过构建以水-能源-粮食(W-E-F)三者为主体并涵盖社会、经济和环境子系统的复杂系统因果关联网络;运用系统动力学仿真技术,实现了对北京市水-能源-粮食关联(W-E-F Nexus)系统的动力学仿真模拟,预测了北京市W-E-F变化趋势,并开展了W-E-F Nexus系统敏感性分析。研究发现2020年水资源消耗总量预计超过38亿吨;能源供应数量预计不足2600万吨标准煤,地热能等清洁一次能源供应逐渐占据主导地位,能源消费总量预计下降至6865万吨标准煤,其中超过62%的能源消耗将依赖省外调入;粮食消费总量预计将超过730万吨,粮食单产数量在2014-2016年经过短暂调整后开始持续提升,到2020年每公顷产量预计将超过7800公斤,粮食自给率经过调整将再度恢复到2012年20%的水平;能源系统是现阶段提升北京W-E-F综合可持续发展能力的突破口;相比于单一资源政策,基于非资源系统的决策行为影响效果将更为深广。</p>
[22] 邓鹏, 陈菁, 陈丹, .



URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Deng Peng, Chen Jing, Chen Dan et al.

The evolutionary and characteristics analysis of the coupling and coordination among water, energy and food: Taking Jiangsu province as an example

. Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering, 2017,28(6):232-238.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[23] 彭少明, 郑小康, 王煜, .


[J].水科学进展, 2017, 28(5):681-190.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Peng Shaoming, Zheng Xiaokang, Wang Yu et al.

Study on water-energy-food collaborative optimization for Yellow river basin

. Advances in Water Science,2017,28(5):681-190.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[24] 姚俊杰. 阿哈水库水资源保护和生物治理[M]. 北京:中国农业科学技术出版社, 2017.

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[Yao Junjie.Water resources protection and biological control of Aha reservoir. Beijing: China Agricultural Science and Technology Press, 2017.]

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[National Bureau of Statistics of the People’s Republic of China. China Rural Statistical Yearbook. Beijing: China Statistics Press, 1998-2016.]

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[27] 中华人民共和国国家统计局.中国能源统计年鉴[M].北京:中国统计出版社,1998-2016.

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[National Bureau of Statistics of the People’s Republic of China. China energy statistical yearbook. Beijing: China Statistics Press, 1998-2016.]

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[28] 杨振, 敖荣军, 王念, .



URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Yang Zhen, Ao Rongjun, Wang Nian et al.

Spatio-temporal difference characteristic of pollution’s health stress of China

. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2017, 37(3):339-346.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[29] 李云玲, 郭旭宁, 郭东阳.



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[Li Yunling, Guo Xuning, Guo Dongyang.

An evaluation method of water resources carrying capacity and application

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[30] 张慧, 王洋.


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[Zhang Hui, Wang Yang.

Spatial differentiation of cropland pressure and its socio-economic factors in China based on panel data of 342 prefectural-level units

. Geographical Research, 2017,36(4):731-742.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[31] 姜磊, 季民河.


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[Jiang Lei, Ji Minhe.

China’s energy stress based on the STIRPIT model: A spatial econometric perspective

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[32] 张晶.



https://doi.org/10.15889/j.issn.1002-1302.2017.14.066      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

在分析近9年我国粮食生产变化态势基础上,构建粮食发展指数模型,计算我国省级单位的粮食发展指数,比较不同省级单位在粮食发展方面的区域差异,并针对不同变化原因提出建议与对策.结果表明:(1)自2003年以来,我国粮食总产量和人均粮食产量整体呈增长态势,人均粮食产量达到400 kg的营养安全要求,粮食供需处于低水平的紧平衡状态下;(2)粮食发展水平最高的4个省级单位,区域粮食播种面积、单位播种面积产量、人均粮食产量均提高较快,2011年人均粮食产量为营养安全标准的2.26倍,为国家粮食生产和提供余粮作出重大贡献;(3)粮食发展水平居中的10个省级单位,在粮食播种面积、单位播种面积产量、人均粮食产量等方面的增长速度均处于中等水平,人均粮食产量略有盈余.此区今后在播种面积提高方面潜力有限,增产方面须要加大经济和科技投入,在单位播种面积产量提高上实现突破,才有望在今后的粮食生产中提高本区的地位和作用;(4)粮食发展水平最低的17个省级单位,粮食播种面积总体呈减少趋势,单位播种面积产量提高速度较低,人均粮食产量增长总体较低,其中较多单位人均粮食产量呈减少态势.这17个省级单位2011年人均粮食仅为251 kg,远远低于营养安全要求,须大量由外区调入粮食.此区人口稠密,今后在播种面积提高方面潜力有限,增产方面由于基数较低,加大经济和科技投入,大力提高单位播种面积产量是提高粮食自给程度,承担国家粮食安全责任的重要途径.

[Zhang Jing.

Analysis of China's food production development change and regional differences based on food development index

. Jiangsu Agricultural Sciences, 2017, 45(14):257-261.]

https://doi.org/10.15889/j.issn.1002-1302.2017.14.066      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

在分析近9年我国粮食生产变化态势基础上,构建粮食发展指数模型,计算我国省级单位的粮食发展指数,比较不同省级单位在粮食发展方面的区域差异,并针对不同变化原因提出建议与对策.结果表明:(1)自2003年以来,我国粮食总产量和人均粮食产量整体呈增长态势,人均粮食产量达到400 kg的营养安全要求,粮食供需处于低水平的紧平衡状态下;(2)粮食发展水平最高的4个省级单位,区域粮食播种面积、单位播种面积产量、人均粮食产量均提高较快,2011年人均粮食产量为营养安全标准的2.26倍,为国家粮食生产和提供余粮作出重大贡献;(3)粮食发展水平居中的10个省级单位,在粮食播种面积、单位播种面积产量、人均粮食产量等方面的增长速度均处于中等水平,人均粮食产量略有盈余.此区今后在播种面积提高方面潜力有限,增产方面须要加大经济和科技投入,在单位播种面积产量提高上实现突破,才有望在今后的粮食生产中提高本区的地位和作用;(4)粮食发展水平最低的17个省级单位,粮食播种面积总体呈减少趋势,单位播种面积产量提高速度较低,人均粮食产量增长总体较低,其中较多单位人均粮食产量呈减少态势.这17个省级单位2011年人均粮食仅为251 kg,远远低于营养安全要求,须大量由外区调入粮食.此区人口稠密,今后在播种面积提高方面潜力有限,增产方面由于基数较低,加大经济和科技投入,大力提高单位播种面积产量是提高粮食自给程度,承担国家粮食安全责任的重要途径.
[33] Stuart Brown, Vincent L, Versace et al.

Assessment of spatiotemporal varying relationships between rainfall, land cover and surface water area using geographically weighted regression

[J]. Environmental Modeling & Assessment. 2012,17(3):241-254.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s10666-011-9289-8      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Traditional regression techniques such as ordinary least squares (OLS) are often unable to accurately model spatially varying data and may ignore or hide local variations in model coefficients. A relatively new technique, geographically weighted regression (GWR) has been shown to greatly improve model performance compared to OLS in terms of higher R 2 and lower corrected Akaike information criterion (AIC C ). GWR models have the potential to improve reliabilities of the identified relationships by reducing spatial autocorrelations and by accounting for local variations and spatial non-stationarity between dependent and independent variables. In this study, GWR was used to examine the relationship between land cover, rainfall and surface water habitat in 149 sub-catchments in a predominately agricultural region covering 2.6 million ha in southeast Australia. The application of the GWR models revealed that the relationships between land cover, rainfall and surface water habitat display significant spatial non-stationarity. GWR showed improvements over analogous OLS models in terms of higher R 2 and lower AIC C . The increased explanatory power of GWR was confirmed by the results of an approximate likelihood ratio test, which showed statistically significant improvements over analogous OLS models. The models suggest that the amount of surface water area in the landscape is related to anthropogenic drainage practices enhancing runoff to facilitate intensive agriculture and increased plantation forestry. However, with some key variables not present in our analysis, the strength of this relationship could not be qualified. GWR techniques have the potential to serve as a useful tool for environmental research and management across a broad range of scales for the investigation of spatially varying relationships.
