地理科学  2018 , 38 (12): 2058-2065 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.12.014

Orginal Article


苏飞1, 应蓉蓉2, 黄建毅3, 李博4, 朱赛颖1, 莫潇杭1

1.浙江工商大学旅游与城乡规划学院,浙江 杭州 310018
2.熊本大学自然科学教育部,日本 熊本860-8555
3.北京联合大学应用文理学院,北京 100191
4.辽宁师范大学海洋经济与可持续发展研究中心,辽宁 大连 116029

Progress and Implications in Livelihood Security Research

Su Fei1, Ying Rongrong2, Huang Jianyi3, Li Bo4, Zhu Saiying1, Mo Xiaohang1

1.School of Tourism and Urban-rural Planning, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou 310018, Zhejiang, China
2. Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto 860-8555, Japan
3. College of Art and Science, Beijing Union University, Beijing 100191, China
4. Study Center of Marine Economy and Sustainable Development, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian 116029, Liaoning, China

中图分类号:  F323.8

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2018)12-2058-08

通讯作者:  通讯作者:莫潇杭。E-mail:631550915@qq.com

收稿日期: 2017-12-4

修回日期:  2018-03-3

网络出版日期:  2018-12-20

版权声明:  2018 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  杭州市哲学社会科学规划课题(Z19JC050)、浙江省高校重大人文社科攻关计划项目(2018QN027)、国家自然科学基金项目(41401176,41501182)资助





以Web of science 核心库中1991~2016年间收录主题为“livelihood security”的文献为基础,应用CiteSpace软件,采取突现词分析、关键词共现分析、文献共被引分析等方法对生计安全研究进行可视化分析。研究发现,干旱、健康、妇女、艾滋病、粮食安全、难民等是生计安全研究的前沿领域;生计安全研究热点主要包括生计结果类、生态环境类、生计策略类和重点地区类;生计安全研究的知识基础主要包括粮食安全、海洋资源、气候变化适应性等研究领域;从研究内容来看,中国生计安全研究主要包括自然资源与粮食安全、自然灾害与生计安全、快速城镇化与生计安全、气候变化与生计安全等4个方面。

关键词: 生计安全 ; 可持续生计 ; 研究热点 ; 知识基础 ; 可视化分析


With the change of global environment and the rapid development of economic globalization, strengthening the protection and restoration of ecosystem and improving the livelihood of residents have become the focus of the government and academia. At present, analysis research on the livelihood security is of great significance in the implementation of Chinese poverty alleviation and of national development plans. However, so far, there are few reports on systematic review of livelihood security studies using the visualization method of knowledge mapping at home and abroad. Therefore, this article firstly takes literature which focuses on “livelihood security” included in the core database of Web of Science from 1991 to 2016 as the basis, then applies the software CiteSpace, and uses emergent word algorithm to obtain emergent word map of the livelihood security research field. The study finds that from 1991 to 2016, the emerging words in the field of livelihood security research mainly included drought, healthy, women, AIDS, food security, refugees, etc., and it showes the characteristics of survival, development and adaptation in stages. Secondly, this article researches the studies focus and development trend of livelihood security through word frequency analysis and the frequency of high frequency subject words. Four hotspots in livelihood security are concluded in this study: 1) Livelihood outcome: it mainly includes food security, vulnerability, poverty and impact; 2) Ecological environment: it mainly consists of climate change and agriculture; 3) Livelihood strategies: it largely contains management, conservation and adaptation; 4) Key areas: it is mostly about Africa. Then, this article adopts the method of literature co-citation analysis and cluster analysis to analyze the knowledge basis of livelihood security research field. It is found that the adaptability of food security, marine resources and climate change together constitute the frontier and hot area of livelihood security research. Finally, CiteSpace is used to analyze the research literature on English livelihood security published by Chinese scholars. It is concluded that the research of China's livelihood security includes four aspects: natural resources and food security, natural disasters and livelihood security, rapid urbanization and livelihood security, climate change and livelihood security. In conclusion, this article analyzes livelihood security research in 27 years, including research hot spot trends and knowledge base, etc. by using information visualization software CiteSpace. This is a new attempt of livelihood security research review, which can reveals the overall characteristics of livelihood security research more scientifically, accurately and fully, so as to provide a scientific reference in the further development of livelihood security research both at home and abroad.

Keywords: livelihood security ; sustainable livelihood ; research hotspot ; knowledge base ; visualization analysis


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苏飞, 应蓉蓉, 黄建毅, 李博, 朱赛颖, 莫潇杭. 生计安全研究的可视化分析[J]. 地理科学, 2018, 38(12): 2058-2065 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.12.014

Su Fei, Ying Rongrong, Huang Jianyi, Li Bo, Zhu Saiying, Mo Xiaohang. Progress and Implications in Livelihood Security Research[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2018, 38(12): 2058-2065 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.12.014

随着全球环境变化和经济全球化的快速发展,加强生态系统的保护与恢复和改善居民的生计状况已成为当前政府和学界关注的热点问题。2015年10月16日在北京举办的减贫与发展高层论坛中,中国政府提出“到2020年现有标准下7 000多万贫困人口全部脱贫”。2016年11月14日联合国环境规划署启动了为期10 a(2016~2025年)的气候、生态与生计旗舰计划。该计划将在中国的支持下助力“丝绸之路”沿线国家采取有效措施积极改善人民生计并维护自然生态系统,以期实现包括消除贫困和饥饿、保护生物多样性和应对气候变化等可持续发展目标和气候目标[1]

贫困地区如何既能够实现发展经济,又能够实现生态环境不受破坏,日益受到人们的关注。20世纪90年代兴起的可持续生计分析对于减贫政策和发展计划具有重要意义,可持续生计的观点在扶贫领域也得到了广泛的应用[2]。在可持续生计概念的基础上,Swaminathan于1991年首次提出了可持续生计安全,认为作为一种生计选择,可持续生计安全包括生态安全、经济效益和社会公平3个维度,是可持续发展最根本的需求[3]。可持续生计安全已经成为一种“思维方式”,作为一种分析工具可以用于识别贫困人口,采取面向贫困人口的干预措施,审查和评估与贫困相关的项目,对地方政策进行分析[4]。近年来可持续生计安全分析方法逐渐用于评价家庭、社区、流域、地区和国家等不同尺度的可持续发展问题[5,6],然而,迄今为止鲜有运用知识图谱的可视化方法对国内外生计安全研究进行系统评述的报道。因此,本文以Web of science 核心库中1991~2016年间收录主题为“livelihood security”的文献为基础,应用CiteSpace软件,采取突现词分析、关键词共现分析、文献共被引分析等方法对生计安全研究进行可视化分析,借以系统梳理生计安全的研究脉络,分析其研究热点、前沿趋势和知识基础,希望能够为相关研究提供借鉴。

1 研究方法与数据来源


Web of science(WOS)是基于Web开发的大型综合性、多学科、核心期刊引文索引数据库,收录了10 000多种高质量的期刊。以“主题= (livelihood security)”为检索条件,检索时间段为1991~2016年,文献语言为英语,文献类型为研究论文和综述(Article & Review),检索时间为2017年1月10日。文献信息包括作者、标题、来源出版物、摘要和引用的参考文献。通过文献梳理及数据标准化处理,最终得到1 617篇文献记录样本。

2 生计安全研究前沿和知识基础

2.1 生计安全研究前沿


表1   生计安全研究中的突现词

Table 1   Burst words appeared in livelihood security research

Livelihood security4.999320102013
Ecosystem service5.749720122016
Rural livelihood5.077720142014




第二阶段(2006~2010年):生计安全研究领域逐渐拓展,初现多元化。突现词分别是妇女(Women)、资源(Resource)、可变性(Variability)、生计安全(Livelihood security)。这一时期对如何发展和提高生计能力进行了思考,比如女性生计活动的重要性、资源环境问题对生计的影响。Akhter等对妇女在家庭菜园管理中的作用进行分析,发现妇女的更多参与不仅对维持生计有益,而且可以保存农业的生物多样性[10]。Albert等通过分析所罗门群岛Roviana泻湖Baraulu渔民的捕鱼行为的时空特征,揭示了渔民应对生态变化的策略及这些策略的优点[11]

第三阶段(2011~2016年):生计安全研究领域逐渐系统化、综合化。突现词分别为干旱(Drought)、生态系统服务(Ecosystem service)、坦桑尼亚(Tanzania)、挑战(Challenge)、农户生计(Rural livelihood)和生产力(Productivity)。如何促进生计与生态环境的协调发展和适应全球化问题(气候变化和经济衰退)是这一时期的研究热点。Roncoli等分析了布基纳法索中央高原在大旱年的家庭生计反应,解释了农业生态和社会经济环境塑造了生计选择及约束高气候变化风险和低自然资源禀赋地区的发展[12]。Krishnamurthy围绕灾害和移民之间的联系进行了政策探讨,强调国际和国家机构帮助应对灾害风险的重要性及国际政策框架内提高环境移民适应能力的机遇与挑战[13]。Batisani讨论了雨养农业(rain-fed agriculture)气候限制和全球经济衰退对博茨瓦纳粮食安全的综合影响[14]

总体来看,1991~2016年生计安全研究领域的最突现词是“家庭(Household)、饥荒(Famine)、艾滋病毒/艾滋病(HIV/AIDS)和健康(Health)”这一类专业术语出现时间最早,且持续时间长。这表明以家庭为单位的生存健康问题是生计安全领域的核心问题,并始终是研究者关注的焦点和前沿。而从新出现的术语“生态系统服务(Ecosystem service)”看,系统综合地研究农户生计正成为新兴的研究前沿议题。研究前沿围绕生计安全问题,呈现单一问题研究向多维度的综合研究转变。

2.2 生计安全研究热点

主题词或关键词是论文核心内容的浓缩和提炼,如果某一主题词或关键词在其研究领域中反复出现,说明该主题词所表征的是该领域的研究热点[8]。因此,可以通过词频分析法,借助高频主题词的频次高低来分析研究热点和发展趋势[9]。CiteSpace的设置为,Node Types:Key words;Time slicing:1 year;Select:Top50,其他采用默认设置,结果显示如图1

图1   关键词共现图谱

Fig.1   Map of co-occurring keywords


1) 生计结果类。主要包括粮食安全(Food security,384次)、脆弱性(Vulnerability,146次)、贫穷(Poverty,143次)和影响(Impact,104次)。粮食安全战略基于一个重要前提,即粮食不安全和饥荒的原因是获取食物失败,而不是全球性的粮食短缺。自然资源退化、贫困、食物分配不均、农业资源稀缺性(水和土地)等是导致粮食不安全的主要原因。粮食安全研究主要关于贫困家庭获得食物的途径和政治、经济及社会因素如何影响家庭的粮食安全[15]。此外,作为贫穷的重要特征,脆弱性一直是生计安全分析的研究内容之一,生计风险的增加会加剧居民生活保障能力的脆弱性。

2) 生态环境类。主要包括气候变化(Climate change,214次)、农业(Agriculture,130次)。农业是农户最基础、最直接的收入来源,其产量和价格对农户生计安全产生重要影响。世界银行报告发现,处于沿海城市和低洼岛屿的贫民社区是世界上最易受气候变化影响的地区,利用资源适应气候变化的能力也最弱[16]。在未来30 a,气候变化将日益威胁到撒哈拉以南非洲的粮食供给,威胁到南亚和东南亚的农田与水资源。在东南亚,沿海城市将因气候变化而承受更大的压力,海平面可能会上升造成城市洪水泛滥,有害农作物的盐水淹没低洼地带的耕地,水资源分布不均造成洪水频发或者因水量减少而导致供电不足。

3) 生计策略类。主要包括管理(Management,153次)、保护(Conservation,120次)、适应(Adaptation,105次)。国际组织和各级政府的管理方式和手段会对居民生计安全造成直接或间接的影响。生态保护政策是近年来的研究热点,生态脆弱区多位于偏远贫困的农村地区,政府采取退耕还林、禁牧等政策对生态治理修复和居民生计带来影响。

4) 重点地区类。主要有非洲(Africa,148次)。农业是非洲重要的经济部门,土地资源丰富的非洲,其农业发展水平与其土地的丰富程度极不相称。长期的种族冲突、热带疾病丛生、工业化引发的环境破坏等严重影响非洲人民的生计安全。如何以加强个人教育机会、保健、生计、粮食安全和资产创造的方式应对紧急情况是非洲地区生计安全的研究重点。

为了进一步分析文献关键词,将CiteSpace与外部数据库MySQL连接,选择“Keyword x Keyword Co-Occurrence counts”功能,得到关键词共现信息(表2)。其中农业(Agriculture)和粮食安全指标(Food security indicator)出现的次数最多,为4 680次。农业的发展是粮食安全的基础,粮食安全指标一般包括数量安全、质量安全、空间安全、时间安全[17],反映粮食不安全的多维性、影响因素及后果。这说明农业与粮食安全指标的内在关联紧密,粮食安全是生计安全研究最重要的内容。其次为环境科学与生态学(Environment sciences & ecology)与安全(Security)共同出现的次数为4 327。生态环境恶化、自然灾害频发对当地居民生计的可持续性造成严重的破坏,而且这类地区往往人地矛盾严重、贫困户集中,居民的生计十分脆弱。目前,相关的研究对象主要是快速转型中的新经济体和社会,例如从地方、家庭内部和性别角度研究其获得水、能源和食物的渠道以及公共卫生、营养和生活质量等生计结果[18]。粮食安全(Food security)与难民(Refugee)共同出现的次数为3 472。农村发展和粮食安全是全球难民应对措施的核心问题。战争和贫穷导致饥荒,饥荒则导致死亡和迫使人们背井离乡,尤其是战争冲突会给农业造成毁灭性的打击,粮食市场和供应链功能失调,灌溉和其他基础设施大多遭到破坏。在此背景下,需要帮助保护以农业为基础的生计,同时为农业的恢复和长期发展创造各种有利条件。

表2   关键词共现情况

Table 2   Keyword co-occurrence

次数关键词 共现关键词
4680AgricultureFood security indicator
4327Environment sciences &
3472Food securityRefugee
1961AfricaThe Turkana of Kenya
1506AdaptationSeasonal forecast
1479ConservationCultural geography
1412Climate changeKenya
1247Climate changeRainforest


2.3 生计安全研究知识基础


表3   共被引文献聚类信息

Table 3   Brief summary of the emerging clusters

0690.811Peasant communityFood securityHungry farmer paradox2009
1530.907Agro-pastoral householdsSouth AfricaRiparian farming system2001
2431.000Sustainable technology developmentIndustrial practiceCase studies1992
3400.943Rain-fed maizeAgroforestry systemOrganic agriculture2007
4380.903Climate changeSmall-scale fisheriesGlobal food security2009


最大的聚类为#0 food security,其规模为69,Silhouette值大于0.8,表明聚类效果较好。根据TFIDF、LLR、MI算法的标签分别为农民社区(peasant community)、食物安全(food security)、饥饿农民悖论(hungry farmer paradox),引用本聚类文献的施引文献共同组成了本研究领域的前沿文献,共得到了引用热度不小于0.02的58个前沿文献,引用本聚类中参考文献比例不小于0.05的施引文献见表4

表4   聚类#0 研究前沿文献

Table 4   Articles with the strongest citation bursts in cluster #0

10.07Davis K F (2014) Land grabbing: A preliminary quantification of economic impacts on rural livelihoods
20.06Burnham M (2016) Linking smallholder farmer climate change adaptation decisions to development
30.06Shah K U (2015) Household capacity to adapt to climate change and implications for food security in Trinidad and Tobago
40.06Thornton P K (2011) Agriculture and food systems in sub-Saharan Africa in a 4°C+ world




聚类#4作为最新的聚类之一,共包含了38篇文献信息,Silhouette值大于0.9,反映了聚类结果的可靠性。通过TFIDF、LLR、MI算法从标题中提取的聚类分别为气候变化(climate change)、小规模渔业(small-scale fisheries)、全球食物安全(global food security),引用本聚类文献的施引文献共同组成了本研究领域的前沿文献,共得到了引用热度不小于0.02的58个前沿文献,引用本聚类中参考文献比例不小于0.05的施引文献见表5

表5   聚类#4 研究前沿文献

Table 5   Articles with the strongest citation bursts in cluster #4

10.13Johnson A E (2013) Trends, current understanding and future research priorities for artisanal coral reef fisheries research
20.13Kittinger J N (2013) Human dimensions of small-scale and traditional fisheries in the Asia-pacific region
30.11Cinner J E (2012) Vulnerability of coastal communities to key impacts of climate change on coral reef fisheries
40.11Darling E S (2014) Assessing the effect of marine reserves on household food security in Kenyan coral reef fishing communities
50.11Katikiro R E (2012) Impacts of climate change on West African fisheries and its implications on food production




2.4 中国生计安全研究


1) 自然资源与粮食安全。农田是保证农村生计和国家粮食安全最基本的物质条件,探索兼顾稳定的农村生计和可持续农田利用的管理策略在理论和实践中均具有重要意义。目前英文文献集中在生计与土地利用和资源管理2个方面。Bai等利用Eclipse和Repast工具构建了农田使用变化的多代理仿真模型,模拟了自然因素与家庭行为之间的关系[28]。Cui等开发了两阶段随机分数规划(TSFP)方法,用于规划不确定性的农业水资源管理系统,可以在冲突的经济利益和相关的处罚之间提供有效的联系[29]

2) 自然灾害与生计安全。农户对自然资本的依赖程度极高,自然灾害的发生严重影响了其维持生计需要的资源,研究的自然灾害类型包括了干旱、地震和泥石流带来的生态破坏。Lei等基于通过与当地管理者和农户家庭的深入访谈数据,评估了农村土地利用管理在减轻干旱风险,确保粮食安全和改善农民生计方面的有效性[30]。Guo等研究了2008年的“5.12”汶川地震和2010年的“8.13”舟曲泥石流灾害对青坪乡居民生计产生的影响[31]

3) 快速城镇化与生计安全。相关研究集中在政府机构的引导和相关政策。Long等分析了影响中国新农村建设的潜在因素(区域差异,农村贫困,农村土地使用问题和目前的国际环境),并从地理学角度对关于开展这一运动的问题和影响进行了批判性讨论[32]。Zhu等研究在城镇化和工业化进程中失去土地对农民产生的经济冲击,探讨了政府的经济补偿及社会稳定能力,同时还介绍了苏州市政府“土地换养老”和收入再分配制度[33]

4) 气候变化与生计安全。气候变化减缓和适应是确保不断增长的人口的粮食安全和改善贫困小农生产者生计的重大影响因素,其相关研究不仅集中在农业层面,还关注了生计活动与生态的协调性。Pan等评估农户的适应策略以及气候变化意识和认知如何影响农民对农艺实践的选择[34]。Fu等介绍了西双版纳州农业生态系统转型过程中农业生物多样性丧失和粮食安全以及家庭层面的生计脆弱性[35]

3 结论

本研究选自Web of science 核心数据库中收录主题为“livelihood security”的研究文献,借助CiteSpace软件对国内外生计安全研究进行了可视化分析,得出如下结论:

1) 通过关键词聚类分析,发现生计安全研究主题主要包括生计结果类、生态环境类、生计策略类和重点地区类。关键词共现分析表明,农业与粮食安全、环境科学与安全、粮食安全与难民是生计安全研究的热点领域。通过文献共被引分析,发现生计安全研究的知识基础主要包括粮食安全、海洋资源、气候变化适应性等领域。

2) 中国学者用英文发表的生计安全文献按研究内容划分,主要包括自然资源与粮食安全、自然灾害与生计安全、快速城镇化与生计安全、气候变化与生计安全等4个方面。

本文运用信息可视化软件CiteSpace分析了27 a间生计安全的研究脉络,包括研究热点、前沿趋势和知识基础等,这是对生计安全研究综述的一种新尝试。但是限于选取数据库本身的局限性、数据获取与计量指标的不同、最新文献无法获得计量方法足够的重视等制约,本文尚未能够完全反映国内外生计安全研究的全部特征。后续我们会在研究数据的获取、计量方法等方面进一步完善,并加强与传统文献综述方法的结合,以期能够更加科学、准确、全面地揭示生计安全研究的整体特征,为生计安全研究的深入发展提供科学参考。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[32] Long H L, Liu Y S, Li X B et al.

Building new countryside in China: A geographical perspective

[J]. Land Use Policy, 2010, 27(2): 457-470.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2009.06.006      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The central government of China recently mapped out an important strategy on “building a new countryside” to overall coordinate urban and rural development and gear up national economic growth. This paper analyzes the potential factors influencing the building of a new countryside in China, and provides a critical discussion of the problems and implications concerning carrying out this campaign, from a geographical perspective. To some extent, regional discrepancies, rural poverty, rural land-use issues and the present international environment are four major potential factors. Our analyses indicated that land consolidation, praised highly by the governments, is not a panacea for China's rural land-use issues concerning building a new countryside, and the key problem is how to reemploy the surplus rural labors and resettle the land-loss farmers. More attentions should be paid to caring for farmers’ future livelihoods in the process of implementing the strategy. The regional measures and policies concerning building a new countryside need to take the obvious regional discrepancies both in physical and socio-economic conditions into account. In a World Trade Organization (WTO) membership environment, efficient land use for non-agricultural economic development, to some extent, needs to be a priority in the eastern region instead of blindly conserving land to maintain food security, part task of which can be shifted to the central region and the northeastern region. More preferential policies should be formulated to reverse the rural brain–drain phenomenon. Based on the analyses and the complexity of China's rural problems, the authors argue that building new countryside in China will be an arduous task and a long road, the target of which is hard to achieve successfully in this century.
[33] Zhu L.

Old age security: A case from rural Suzhou

[J]. China & World Economy, 2006, 14(2): 67-78.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1749-124X.2006.00009.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

I. Introduction A traditional pattern of old age support in the rural society of China can be characterized asthat of a family taking full responsibility in caring for its elderly. During the 1950s, a “Five Guarantee System” was established in the Peop
[34] Kibue G W, Pan G X, Zheng J F et al.

Assessment of climate change awareness and agronomic practices in an agricultural region of Henan Province, China

[J]. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2015, 17(3): 379-391.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-014-9546-5      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Agricultural production is a complex interaction between human and natural environment, making agriculture both significantly responsible and vulnerable to climate change. China, whose socioeconomy is fundamentally dependent on agriculture, is already experiencing climate-change-related issues that threaten food security and sustainable development. Climate change mitigation and adaptation are of great concern to ensure food security for the growing population and improve the livelihoods of poor smallholder producers. A questionnaire survey was conducted in Henan Province, China to assess agronomic practices of smallholder farmers, adaptation strategies and how climate change awareness and perceptions influence the farmers choice of agronomic practices. The results showed that the vast majority of farmers owned <10 Chinese Mu (0.7 ha) and nearly all farmers relied on intensive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides to increase yield at the detriment of environment. However, farmers who were aware of climate change had adopted agronomic practices that reduce impacts of climate change. Information about climate change, lack of incentives, lack of credit facilities and small farm sizes were major hindrance to adaptation and adoption of farming practices that can reduce impacts of climate change. This study recommends that research findings should be disseminated to farmers in timely and appropriate ways. The central government should formulate policies to include subsidies and incentives for farmers to motivate adoption of eco-friendly agronomic practices.
[35] Fu Y, Chen J, Guo H et al.

Agrobiodiversity loss and livelihood vulnerability as a consequence of converting from subsistence farming systems to commercial plantation—Dominated systems in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China: A household level analysis

[J]. Land Degradation & Development, 2010, 21(3): 274-284.

https://doi.org/10.1002/ldr.974      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Production of rice (Oryza sativa) under a shifting cultivation system (swidden rice) and paddy fields (wet rice) is an important livelihood strategy in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China where households are facing conversion from subsistence systems to commercial plantation-dominated systems represented by smallholder rubber plantations. However, there are few studies of the effects on rice production and varieties diversity, as well as livelihood effects at a household level during this conversion. This paper presents a household level analysis of agrobiodiversity loss and food security, as well as livelihood vulnerability during agroecosystems' conversion in Xishuangbanna. First, a quantitative assessment was made of the statistical data for rice and rubber production during the past 50 years in Xishuangbanna and at a village level from 1985 to 2005 for three villages from the valley floor and upland hills, respectively. Second, at a household level, 60 per cent of households from the three villages were investigated with a questionnaire from 1998 to 2005. The process of transformation has led to significant changes in the household's income and its proportion. Meanwhile, households have suffered livelihood vulnerability from excessive rubber plantations. The centrality of rice in Southeast Asian agricultural and social systems, contrasted with the significant erosion of rice-based agroecosystem of local households, calls for increased attention to the livelihood vulnerability during this conversion. Correspondingly, practical strategies to resolve livelihood vulnerability are proposed, such as construction of paddy and effective irrigation systems for food security, agroforestry systems in rubber plantation, instead of monoculture, and diversification of sources of household income. Copyright 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
[1] 联合国环境规划署.


[R]. [2016-11-14]. .

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[United Nations Environment Programme.

Climate, ccosystems and livelihoods.


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[2] 苏飞, 应蓉蓉, 曾佳苗.


[J]. 生态学报, 2016, 36(7): 2091-2101.

https://doi.org/10.5846/stxb201602260331      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

可持续生计目前已成为全球环境变化研究的热点领域,正日益发展为可持续性科学的重要研究范式之一。论文以Web of science核心库为数据源,应用可视化分析软件CiteSpace Ⅲ,采取关键词共现分析、文献共被引分析、突现词分析等方法对国际可持续生计研究现状进行系统分析。研究发现,可持续生计研究文献数量呈逐年上升趋势,主要分布在生态、环境、资源及管理相关学科;瓦赫宁恩大学、中国科学院、昆士兰大学、哥伦比亚大学、博茨瓦纳大学等研究机构表现出较强的研究实力;研究人员及机构的成规模的合作网络已经形成。Scoones I、Chambers R、Conway G、Ellis F和Ostrom E等学者及其代表作品对可持续生计理论知识基础的构建及相关研究的推进奠定了坚实的基础。生计与生态环境的相互关系一直是研究重点,交叉学科的综合集成研究将成为可持续生计研究的新热点。

[Su Fei,Ying Rongrong, Zeng Jiamiao.

Visualization analysis of the hot topics and frontier on international sustainable livelihoods research

. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2016, 36(7): 2091-2101.]

https://doi.org/10.5846/stxb201602260331      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

可持续生计目前已成为全球环境变化研究的热点领域,正日益发展为可持续性科学的重要研究范式之一。论文以Web of science核心库为数据源,应用可视化分析软件CiteSpace Ⅲ,采取关键词共现分析、文献共被引分析、突现词分析等方法对国际可持续生计研究现状进行系统分析。研究发现,可持续生计研究文献数量呈逐年上升趋势,主要分布在生态、环境、资源及管理相关学科;瓦赫宁恩大学、中国科学院、昆士兰大学、哥伦比亚大学、博茨瓦纳大学等研究机构表现出较强的研究实力;研究人员及机构的成规模的合作网络已经形成。Scoones I、Chambers R、Conway G、Ellis F和Ostrom E等学者及其代表作品对可持续生计理论知识基础的构建及相关研究的推进奠定了坚实的基础。生计与生态环境的相互关系一直是研究重点,交叉学科的综合集成研究将成为可持续生计研究的新热点。
[3] Swaminathan M S.

Greening of the mind

[J]. Indian Journal of Social Work, 1991, 52(3): 401-407.

[本文引用: 1]     

[4] Bohle H G.

Sustainable livelihood security: Evolution and application

[M]//Brauch H G et al. Facing global environmental change: Environmental, human, energy, food, health and water security concepts. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, 2009: 521-528.

[本文引用: 1]     

[5] Bhandari B S, Grant M.

Analysis of livelihood security: A case study in the Kali-Khola watershed of Nepal

[J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2007, 85(1): 17-26.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2006.07.010      URL      PMID: 17030404      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper examines household livelihoods in highland and lowland communities of the Kali-Khola agricultural watershed in western Nepal on the basis of economic, ecological and social security indicators. Significant differences were found in soil fertility status, pests and diseases management, risk and uncertainties, use of agrochemicals and access to social services. No remarkable variations were found in crop diversification, annual agricultural income and food sufficiency. However, uncertainty and risk in agricultural production is relatively low in highland communities. The findings reveal that agriculture production alone is not a viable livelihood option for agricultural watershed communities in Nepal. The households growing crops with hired labour have relatively sustainable livelihoods in Nepal's agricultural watersheds. Insufficient agricultural land, insufficient working manpower within a family, and lack of access to ecological agricultural services are prime factors in being livelihood insecure in agricultural watershed communities. Therefore, long-term policies and plans need to be developed for the empowerment of local farmers and to support rural livelihoods with adaptable and flexible income-generating strategies, resilient resource management institutions and enhancement of knowledge, skills and social capital.
[6] Iwasaki S.

Linking disaster management to livelihood security against tropical cyclones: A case study on Odisha state in India

[J]. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2016, 19: 57-63.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2016.08.019      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

61This article aims to relate disaster management to livelihood security to develop a meaningful understanding of lessons learned from Phailin compared to Super Cyclone.61The research analyses the impacts on livelihood assets by applying the Sustainable Livelihood Approach (SLA).61The research highlights necessary improvements to the mainstream livelihood-centered approach to disaster management to reduce the impact of tropical cyclones.
[7] 李杰, 陈超美. CiteSpace: 科技文本挖掘及可视化[M]. 北京: 首都经济贸易大学出版社, 2016.

[本文引用: 2]     

[Li Jie, Chen Chaomei.CiteSpace:Text mining and visualization in scientific literature. Beijing: Capital University of Economics & Business Press, 2016.]

[本文引用: 2]     

[8] Companion M.

The underutilization of street markets as a source of food security indicators in famine early warning systems: A case study of Ethiopia

[J]. Disasters, 2008, 32(3): 399-415.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-7717.2008.01046.x      URL      PMID: 18958911      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

Famine Early Warning Systems (EWS) are reliant on data aggregated from multiple sources. Consequently, they are often insensitive to localized changes in food security status, leading to delayed response or interventions. While price and infrastructural data are often gathered, this case study suggests that local street markets and vendor knowledge are underutilized. Few efforts have been made to monitor systematically the street markets as an indicator of local stressors. Findings from Ethiopia show that knowledge generated by expanding food security indicators in this sector can be used in combination with EWS to facilitate earlier intervention in, or to monitor more effectively, on-going humanitarian crises. Indicators developed from this study are accurate, cost effective, and sensitive to local climatic and food stressors.
[9] Parker D C, Jacobsen K H, Komwa M K.

A qualitative study of the impact of HIV/AIDS on agricultural households in Southeastern Uganda

[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2009, 6(8): 2113-2138.

https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph6082113      URL      PMID: 19742210      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The HIV/AIDS pandemic threatens economic, social, and environmental sustainability throughout sub-Saharan Africa. This paper reports on a qualitative study exploring interrelationships between HIV/AIDS, labor availability, agricultural productivity, household resources, food consumption, and health status in rural southeastern Uganda. Respondents reported an increase in widow-and-orphan-headed households; labor shortages due to illness and caretaking; degradation of household resources from health-related expenses; loss of land tenure and assets following deaths, especially for widows and orphans; and changes in agricultural practices and productivity. Our study highlights a potential downward spiral of livelihood degradation for vulnerable households and suggests targeted interventions to improve sustainability.
[10] Akhter S, Alamgir M, Sohel M S I et al.

The role of women in traditional farming systems as practiced in homegardens: A case study in Sylhet Sadar Upazila, Bangladesh

[J]. Tropical Conservation Science, 2010, 3(1): 17-30.

https://doi.org/10.1080/14772000.2010.530544      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In this article the authors examine the extent of female participation in managing homegarden activities. They also explore the impact of homegardens on women's economic status, and female awareness of home garden projects that would support forest conservation in Sylhet Sadar Upazila, Bangladesh. This area was chosen because 1) Bangladesh has less than 10 percent natural forested area; 2) homegardens, which are important in the wood sector, are a regular feature in this rural part of Bangladesh; and 3) as a result of the small amount of land and rapid destruction of forest, it is becoming more and more difficult to meet the population's demand for timber, food, and firewood. The data was collected using a two-stage sampling design. In the first stage, 4 out of 689 villages were selected to participate in an exploratory survey. In the second stage, 20 households with homegardens were selected from each village for participation in the study. The research indicates that women are the predominant managers of the many homegarden activities. Because women receive benefits such as food security, health care, environmental benefits and income, they are more interested in preserving homegardens. The study found that women were aware of homegarden conservation techniques and tended to motivate husbands, children and neighbors to participate in conservation. The study suggests that by increasing the involvement of women in managing homegardens, it would improve their economic status, help sustain the income of their communities, and preserve biodiversity in homegardens.
[11] Albert S, Aswani S, Fisher P L et al.

Keeping food on the table: Human responses and changing coastal fisheries in Solomon islands

[J]. PLoS One, 2015, 10(7): e0130800, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0130800.

URL      PMID: 4497618      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Globally the majority of commercial fisheries have experienced dramatic declines in stock and catch. Likewise, projections for many subsistence fisheries in the tropics indicate a dramatic decline is looming in the coming decades. In the Pacific Islands coastal fisheries provide basic subsistence needs for millions of people. A decline in fish catch would therefore have profound impacts on the health and livelihoods of these coastal communities. Given the decrease in local catch rates reported for many coastal communities in the Pacific, it is important to understand if fishers have responded to ecological change (either by expanding their fishing range and/or increasing their fishing effort), and if so, to evaluate the costs or benefits of these responses. We compare data from fish catches in 1995 and 2011 from a rural coastal community in Solomon Islands to examine the potentially changing coastal reef fishery at these time points. In particular we found changes in preferred fishing locations, fishing methodology and catch composition between these data sets. The results indicate that despite changes in catch rates (catch per unit effort) between data collected in 2011 and 16 years previously, the study community was able to increase gross catches through visiting fishing sites further away, diversifying fishing methods and targeting pelagic species through trolling. Such insight into local-scale responses to changing resources and/or fisheries development will help scientists and policy makers throughout the Pacific region in managing the region fisheries in the future.
[12] Roncoli C, Ingram K, Kirshen P.

The costs and risks of coping with drought: Livelihood impacts and farmers' responses in Burkina Faso

[J]. Climate Research, 2001, 19(2): 119-132.

https://doi.org/10.3354/cr019119      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[13] Krishnamurthy P K.

Disaster-induced migration: Assessing the impact of extreme weather events on livelihoods

[J]. Environmental Hazards, 2012, 11(2): 96-111.

https://doi.org/10.1080/17477891.2011.609879      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Environmental change is expected to increase the likelihood and impacts of extreme weather events. Recent meteorological events around the world have highlighted the potential adverse impacts of disasters on livelihoods and populations. While the scientific argument of climate-related disasters is increasingly confident, the impacts on human population patterns are unclear and unpredictable. With several socioeconomic, political and environmental factors interacting with migration, establishing a linear cause has been difficult. The increased likelihood of climate-related disasters is likely to increase the vulnerability of exposed populations. The article reviews recent discussions on the relationships between extreme weather events and migration (both voluntary and forced) and suggests that, if adequately planned, relocation strategies can be an effective adaptation strategy. The article argues that some forms of migration might be adaptive, while others (especially forced and involuntary migration) may indicate failure to adapt. In this context, the article also examines the policy discourse surrounding the links between disasters and migration, highlighting the crucial role of governance structures in facilitating the creation of international and national institutions to help cope with disaster risk. To conclude, the paper highlights the challenges and opportunities for enhancing the resilience of environmentally induced migrants within international policy frameworks.
[14] Batisani N.

Climate variability, yield instability and global recession: The multi-stressor to food security in Botswana

[J]. Climate and Development, 2012, 4(2): 129-140.

https://doi.org/10.1080/17565529.2012.728129      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Rain-fed agriculture constitutes the livelihood base for the vast majority of rural inhabitants in developing countries as a source of food security, employment and cash income. Nevertheless, rain-fed agriculture is extremely vulnerable to climate variability and droughts. Changes in rainfall patterns and droughts increase the likelihood of short-run crop failures and long-run production declines causing food insecurity. For commodity-based economies, this shortfall is normally met through imports financed by revenues from mineral exports. However, the 2008 global recession that saw commodity prices plummeting and at the same time food price increasing exacerbated the food insecurity in these countries. The impending recession due to Euro crisis is likely to be a death blow. This article explores the climatic limitations to rain-fed agriculture and the confounding effects of global recession on food security in Botswana. The analysis identifies rainfall spatial variability and its relationship to yield instability. While food price increases and the financial meltdown co-acted to amplify the already dire climate-induced food insecurity in the country. This article discusses policies that the government could adopt to help its farmers adapt to climate variability and also to future financial perturbations that are likely to constrain food security.
[15] Kotzé D A.

Role of women in the household economy, food production and food security: Policy guidelines

[J]. Outlook on Agriculture, 2003, 32(2): 111-121.

https://doi.org/10.5367/000000003101294352      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

How to assist the rural poor to enhance their livelihoods and food security in a sustainable way is one of the greatest challenges we face. Food security strategies should be based on the premise that food insecurity and famine derive from failure of access to food rather than global food shortage. Food security is mainly about the access of poor households to food and about how political, economic and social factors affect households' food security. In this article, the relationship between hunger and poverty, the meaning of food security and sustainable livelihood security are explored. The article focuses on food security as one of the important elements of sustainable livelihood approaches, analysing the role of women in the household economy, food production and ultimately food security. Finally it assesses policy guidelines for promoting these approaches.
[16] Dalby S.Environmental security[M]. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press, 2002.

[本文引用: 1]     

[17] 联合国粮食及农业组织.

粮农组织总干事: 粮食安全和移民危机

[R]. [2015-09-24]..

URL      [本文引用: 1]     


Food security and the migration crisis.

[2015-09-24]. ]

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[18] 刘景辉, 李立军, 王志敏.


[J]. 中国农业科技导报, 2004, 6(4): 10-16.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1008-0864.2004.04.002      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

本文将众多的粮食安全评价指标归纳为数量安全、质量安全、空间安全、时间安全和市场安全 5类 ,详细地解释出这 5类粮食安全的内涵 ,阐述了影响各类粮食安全的因素 ,同时还提出各类粮食安全的评价指标及各指标达到安全的最低限

[Liu Jinghui, Li Lijun, Wang Zhimin.

Study on food security index of China

. Review of China Agricultural Science and Technology, 2004, 6(4): 10-16.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1008-0864.2004.04.002      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

本文将众多的粮食安全评价指标归纳为数量安全、质量安全、空间安全、时间安全和市场安全 5类 ,详细地解释出这 5类粮食安全的内涵 ,阐述了影响各类粮食安全的因素 ,同时还提出各类粮食安全的评价指标及各指标达到安全的最低限
[19] Davis K F, D’Odorico P, Rulli M C.

Land grabbing: A preliminary quantification of economic impacts on rural livelihoods

[J]. Population and Environment, 2014, 36(2): 180-192.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11111-014-0215-2      URL      PMID: 4223572      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Global demands on agricultural land are increasing due to population growth, dietary changes and the use of biofuels. Their effect on food security is to reduce humans' ability to cope with the uncertainties of global climate change. In light of the 2008 food crisis, to secure reliable future access to sufficient agricultural land, many nations and corporations have begun purchasing large tracts of land in the global South, a phenomenon deemed "land grabbing'' by popular media. Because land investors frequently export crops without providing adequate employment, this represents an effective income loss for local communities. We study 28 countries targeted by large-scale land acquisitions [comprising 87 % of reported cases and 27 million hectares (ha)] and estimate the effects of such investments on local communities' incomes. We find that this phenomenon can potentially affect the incomes of similar to 12 million people globally with implications for food security, poverty levels and urbanization. While it is important to note that our study incorporates a number of assumptions and limitations, it provides a much needed initial quantification of the economic impacts of large-scale land acquisitions on rural livelihoods.
[20] Burnham M, Ma Z.

Linking smallholder farmer climate change adaptation decisions to development

[J]. Climate and Development, 2016, 8(4): 289-311.

https://doi.org/10.1080/17565529.2015.1067180      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[21] Shah K U, Dulal H B.

Household capacity to adapt to climate change and implications for food security in Trinidad and Tobago

[J]. Regional Environmental Change, 2015, 15(7): 1379-1391.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-015-0830-1      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT We investigate household-level food security in the face of climatic change in coastal wetland-situated households in Trinidad and Tobago. These communities rely heavily, but not solely, on natural resources and agriculture for their livelihoods. Household data were collected for a representative sample of 138 households in the Nariva and Caroni communities. This included data on household adaptive capacity including socio-demographics, livelihood strategies, and social networks; exposure to climate change and climate-induced extreme weather events, such as floods and droughts; and sensitivity factors related to local access to services and infrastructure. Using ordinary least-squares regression analyses, we investigate influences of adaptive capacity to climate change on household food security in these t-risk communities. The results suggest that household socio-demographics and livelihood strategies are strongly related to food security and that the level of food security provided by those two factors is reduced in the face of climate variability and disaster. Social network capacity of households does not have a statistically significant influence in the context studied. This is a valuable insight for community and national planners and policy makers both in this and in similar country circumstances that must consider food security in light of climate variability and related weather-induced impacts.
[22] Thornton P K, Jones P G, Ericksen P J et al.

Agriculture and food systems in sub-Saharan Africa in a 4°C+ world

[J]. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2011, 369(1934): 117-136.

https://doi.org/10.1098/rsta.2010.0246      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[23] Johnson A E, Cinner J E, Hardt M J et al.

Trends, current understanding and future research priorities for artisanal coral reef fisheries research

[J]. Fish and Fisheries, 2013, 14(3): 281-292.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-2979.2012.00468.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Artisanal coral reef fisheries provide food and employment to hundreds of millions of people in developing countries, making their sustainability a high priority. However, many of these fisheries are degraded and not yielding their maximum socioeconomic returns. We present a literature review that evaluates foci and trends in research effort on coral reef fisheries. We describe the types of data and categories of management recommendations presented in the 464 peer-reviewed articles returned. Identified trends include a decline in articles reporting time-series data, fish catch biomass and catch-per-unit effort, and an increase in articles containing bycatch and stakeholder interview data. Management implications were discussed in 80% of articles, with increasing frequency over time, but only 22% of articles made management recommendations based on the research presented in the article, as opposed to more general recommendations. Key future research priorities, which we deem underrepresented in the literature at present, are: (i) effectiveness of management approaches, (ii) ecological thresholds, trade-offs and sustainable levels of extraction, (iii) effects of climate change, (iv) food security, (v) the role of aquaculture, (vi) access to and control of fishery resources, (vii) relationships between economic development and fishery exploitation, (viii) alternative livelihoods and (ix) integration of ecological and socioeconomic research.
[24] Kittinger J N.

Human dimensions of small-scale and traditional fisheries in the Asia-Pacific region

[J]. Pacific Science, 2013, 67(3): 315-325.

https://doi.org/10.2984/67.3.1      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The Asia-Pacific region is home to a diversity of coastal cultures that are highly reliant on the ocean and its resources for sustenance, livelihoods, and cultural continuity. Small-scale fisheries account for most of the livelihoods associated with fisheries, produce about as much fish as industrialized fisheries, and contribute substantially to the economies of countries and territories in the Asia-Pacific region. Yet these resource systems and their human communities face numerous local and global threats, and social vulnerability to these pressures places at risk the livelihoods, food security, well-being, and traditional lifestyles of coastal communities and cultures of the Asia-Pacific region. This article and special issue provide an overview of the challenges and opportunities for small-scale and traditional fisheries and the role of human dimensions research in the sustainable governance of these resource systems. It is increasingly clear that sufficient understanding of the social, economic, and cultural aspects of these linked social-ecological systems is critical in determining pathways toward sustainability.
[25] Cinner J E, McClanahan T R, Graham N A J et al.

Vulnerability of coastal communities to key impacts of climate change on coral reef fisheries

[J]. Global Environmental Change, 2012, 22(1): 12-20.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2011.09.018      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Coral reefs support the livelihood of millions of people especially those engaged in marine fisheries activities. Coral reefs are highly vulnerable to climate change induced stresses that have led to substantial coral mortality over large spatial scales. Such climate change impacts have the potential to lead to declines in marine fish production and compromise the livelihoods of fisheries dependent communities. Yet few studies have examined social vulnerability in the context of changes specific to coral reef ecosystems. In this paper, we examine three dimensions of vulnerability (exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity) of 29 coastal communities across five western Indian Ocean countries to the impacts of coral bleaching on fishery returns. A key contribution is the development of a novel, network-based approach to examining sensitivity to changes in the fishery that incorporates linkages between fishery and non-fishery occupations. We find that key sources of vulnerability differ considerably within and between the five countries. Our approach allows the visualization of how these dimensions of vulnerability differ from site to site, providing important insights into the types of nuanced policy interventions that may help to reduce vulnerability at a specific location. To complement this, we develop framework of policy actions thought to reduce different aspects of vulnerability at varying spatial and temporal scales. Although our results are specific to reef fisheries impacts from coral bleaching, this approach provides a framework for other types of threats and different social-ecological systems more broadly.
[26] Darling E S.

Assessing the effect of marine reserves on household food security in Kenyan coral reef fishing communities

[J]. PLoS One, 2014, 9(11): e113614.

https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0113614      URL      PMID: 4244085      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Measuring the success or failure of natural resource management is a key challenge to evaluate the impact of conservation for ecological, economic and social outcomes. Marine reserves are a popular tool for managing coastal ecosystems and resources yet surprisingly few studies have quantified the social-economic impacts of marine reserves on food security despite the critical importance of this outcome for fisheries management in developing countries. Here, I conducted semi-structured household surveys with 113 women heads-of-households to investigate the influence of two old, well-enforced, no-take marine reserves on food security in four coastal fishing communities in Kenya, East Africa. Multi-model information-theoretic inference and matching methods found that marine reserves did not influence household food security, as measured by protein consumption, diet diversity and food coping strategies. Instead, food security was strongly influenced by fishing livelihoods and household wealth: fishing families and wealthier households were more food secure than non-fishing and poorer households. These findings highlight the importance of complex social and economic landscapes of livelihoods, urbanization, power and gender dynamics that can drive the outcomes of marine conservation and management.
[27] Katikiro R E, Macusi E D.

Impacts of climate change on West African fisheries and its implications on food production

[J]. Journal of Environmental Science and Management, 2012, 15(2): 83-95.

[本文引用: 1]     

[28] Bai X H, Yan H M, Pan L H et al.

Multi-agent modeling and simulation of farmland use change in a farming-pastoral zone: A case study of Qianjingou town in Inner Mongolia, China

[J]. Sustainability, 2015, 7(11): 14802-14833.

https://doi.org/10.3390/su71114802      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Farmland is the most basic material condition for guaranteeing rural livelihoods and national food security, and exploring management strategies that take both stable rural livelihoods and sustainable farmland use into account has vital significance in theory and practice. Farmland is a complex and self-adaptive system that couples human and natural systems, and natural and social factors that are related to its changing process need to be considered when modeling farmland changing processes. This paper uses Qianjingou Town in the Inner Mongolian farming astoral zone as a study area. From the perspective of the relationship between household livelihood and farmland use, this study establishes the process mechanism of farmland use change based on questionnaire data, and constructs a multi-agent simulation model of farmland use change using the Eclipse and Repast toolbox. Through simulating the relationship between natural factors (including geographical location) and household behavior, this paper systematically simulates household farmland abandonment and rent behaviors, and accurately describes the dynamic interactions between household livelihoods and the factors related to farmland use change. These factors include natural factors (net primary productivity, road accessibility, slope and relief amplitude) and social factors (household family structures, economic development and government policies). Ultimately, this study scientifically predicts the future farmland use change trend in the next 30 years. The simulation results show that the number of abandoned and sublet farmland plots has a gradually increasing trend, and the number of non-farming households and pure-outworking households has a remarkable increasing trend, whereas the number of part-farming households and pure-farming households has a decreasing trend. Household livelihood sustainability in the study area is confronted with increasing pressure, and household non-farm employment has an increasing trend, while regional appropriate-scale agricultural management is maintained. The research results establish the theoretical foundation and a basic method for developing sustainable farmland use management that can meet the willingness of households and guarantee grain and ecological security.
[29] Cui L, Li Y P, Huang G H.

Planning an agricultural water resources management system: A two-stage stochastic fractional programming model

[J]. Sustainability, 2015, 7(8): 9846-9863.

https://doi.org/10.3390/su7089846      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Irrigation water management is crucial for agricultural production and livelihood security in many regions and countries throughout the world. In this study, a two-stage stochastic fractional programming (TSFP) method is developed for planning an agricultural water resources management system under uncertainty. TSFP can provide an effective linkage between conflicting economic benefits and the associated penalties; it can also balance conflicting objectives and maximize the system marginal benefit with per unit of input under uncertainty. The developed TSFP method is applied to a real case of agricultural water resources management of the Zhangweinan River Basin China, which is one of the main food and cotton producing regions in north China and faces serious water shortage. The results demonstrate that the TSFP model is advantageous in balancing conflicting objectives and reflecting complicated relationships among multiple system factors. Results also indicate that, under the optimized irrigation target, the optimized water allocation rate of Minyou Channel and Zhangnan Channel are 57.3% and 42.7%, respectively, which adapts the changes in the actual agricultural water resources management problem. Compared with the inexact two-stage water management (ITSP) method, TSFP could more effectively address the sustainable water management problem, provide more information regarding tradeoffs between multiple input factors and system benefits, and help the water managers maintain sustainable water resources development of the Zhangweinan River Basin.
[30] Lei Y D, Zhang H L, Chen F et al.

How rural land use management facilitates drought risk adaptation in a changing climate—A case study in arid Northern China

[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 550: 192-199.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.01.098      URL      PMID: 26815296      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

61We provide an empirical farm-level case study with a set of feasible methodologies.61Rational land use planning can be an effective adaptive strategy to agro-droughts.61A robust adaptation should balance the ecological and economic benefits with social interests for agricultural sustainability.
[31] Guo S L, Liu S Q, Peng L et al.

The impact of severe natural disasters on the livelihoods of farmers in mountainous areas: A case study of Qingping Township, Mianzhu City

[J]. Natural Hazards, 2014, 73(3): 1679-1696.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-014-1165-9      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The ‘5.12’ earthquake in 2008 and the ‘8.13’ debris flow in 2010 brought huge losses of life and property to Qingping Township. Farmers’ livelihoods assets were also seriously affected and damaged. These led to a change in farmers’ livelihood styles and reduction in their income. A study of the impact of natural disasters on farmers’ livelihoods in mountainous areas would have significant importance for policy making. Based on field survey data from sample households, this study comparatively analyzed the assets, livelihood styles and income of farmers over three periods—2007, 2009 after the ‘5.12’ earthquake, and 202months after ‘8.13’ debris flows. It presents the following findings: (1) livelihood assets suffered heavy losses; (2) livelihood styles were significantly changed; and (3) the sustainability of farmer income was adversely influenced. These results suggest that, during the process of post-disaster reconstruction work, affected farmers’ security, the carrying capacity of livelihood assets, and the enhancement of employment and livelihood choice are worthy of much attention from policy makers.
