地理科学  2018 , 38 (5): 691-698 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.05.006

Orginal Article


王瑞, 蒋天颖, 王帅

宁波财经学院金融贸易学院,浙江 宁波 315175

Spatial Pattern and Location Selection of Port Logistics Enterprises in Ningbo

Wang Rui, Jiang Tianying, Wang Shuai

School of Finance & Trade, Ningbo University of Finance and Economics, Ningbo 315175, Zhejiang, China

中图分类号:  F129.9

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2018)05-0691-08

通讯作者:  通讯作者:王帅,讲师。E-mail: siyueqingfeng0086@163.com

收稿日期: 2017-06-20

修回日期:  2018-04-15

网络出版日期:  2018-05-10

版权声明:  2018 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金(71372001)、教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目(17YJCZH176)、浙江省自然科学基金一般项目(LY18D010006)、浙江省哲社规划重点课题(17NDJC009Z)、宁波市软科学课题(2014A10084)资助


作者简介:王瑞(1978-),男,浙江宁波人,博士,教授,主要从事区域经济、国际贸易地理研究。E-mail: everrui@163.com



以宁波市为例,基于港口物流企业空间数据,运用冷热点分析和泊松回归等方法,研究宁波市港口物流企业空间分布特征及影响因素。结果发现:① 宁波市港口物流企业呈现向心集聚性,圈层分布格局明显。中心商务区和临港工业区是集聚热点区域;②港口物流企业集聚特征明显但整体集聚程度下降,表现出在中心商务区和临港工业区持续集聚和沿主干道路向外围区域蔓延扩散两大趋势;③不同类型港口物流企业的区位选择有明显差异:货代型物流企业主要分布在中心商务区,仓储型物流企业主要临港分布,运输型企业选择临近沿交通干道布局,综合型物流企业的分布没有明显的区位倾向;④ 政策因素、土地价格、城乡差异、临近港口、经济潜力和工业结构都不同程度地影响港口物流企业的空间分布,而交通便利没有表现出相关性。

关键词: 港口物流企业 ; 空间格局 ; 区位选择 ; 宁波市


With the rapid development of the modern logistics industry dominated by the port logistics in China's coastal cities, researches on the characteristics of spatial distribution and laws of evolution of the port logistics companies inside cities are beginning to appear. However, the existing research has not further studied the factors affecting the location selection of the port logistics companies. In this article, based on the data of location information of Ningbo port logistics companies, the characteristics of spatial distribution and factors that affect the location selection of the port logistics companies are analyzed. The differences of the locational characteristics between the different types of port logistics companies are identified. It enriches the case studies of the locational analysis of the port logistics companies in the coastal cities. Taking Ningbo as an example, this article employed the Kernel Density Estimation, Getis-ord Gi analysis and Poisson regression models to analyze data, and the results showed that: 1) The port logistics companies in Ningbo show centripetal concentration, and the spatial distribution of enterprises presents a tendency to decrease from the central city, the periphery to the suburbs, and the distribution pattern of the circle is obvious. Central business district and port industrial area are the popular areas for port logistics enterprises to gather. 2) At present, port logistics enterprises have obvious agglomeration characteristics, but the overall agglomeration degree is decreasing. At the same time, there are two trends, which are centralization and diffusion of central business district and port industrial area. 3) It is found that there are obvious differences in location choice of different types of port logistics companies: a) The freight forwarder logistics companies are mainly distributed in the central business area; b) The logistics business companies of warehouse are mainly distributed in port; c) The transportation logistics companies often choose the layout along the main road, because they mainly undertake land container transportation, the locational selection has traffic dependency; d) Compared with the other three types, the distribution of integrated logistics companies has no obvious locational tendencies. 4) Regarding the factors affecting the spatial distribution of Ningbo port logistics companies, the research shows that the policy factors, the price of land, the differences between urban and rural areas, the distance from the port, the economic potential of the region and its industrial structure all affect the spatial distribution of port logistics enterprises in varying degrees. However, there is no correlation with traffic convenience, and the main reason is that the road network construction in Ningbo is relatively perfect. At the same time, the article put forward the corresponding measures from three different aspects: first, strengthening top-level design in logistics industry; second, exploiting the regional advantages to form a park that integrates port logistics and port industry advantages;third, optimizing the infrastructure such as the traffic network deeply.

Keywords: port logistics enterprises ; spatial pattern ; location selection ; Ningbo


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王瑞, 蒋天颖, 王帅. 宁波市港口物流企业空间格局及区位选择[J]. 地理科学, 2018, 38(5): 691-698 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.05.006

Wang Rui, Jiang Tianying, Wang Shuai. Spatial Pattern and Location Selection of Port Logistics Enterprises in Ningbo[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2018, 38(5): 691-698 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.05.006


宁波作为中国东南沿海著名的港口城市,2017年宁波舟山港集装箱吞吐量达2 460.7万标箱,成功蝉联全球第四大集装箱港口;货物吞吐量突破10亿t,成为全球首个“10亿t大港”[9]。2017年全市共有物流相关企业近一万家,基本形成以港口物流为龙头,制造业物流、城乡配送物流、航空物流、专业物流等为配套的发展格局,港口物流业发展具有一定的典型性和代表性。本文利用宁波市港口物流企业位置信息数据,对港口物流企业的空间分布特征及影响企业区位选择的因素进行分析,明确不同类型港口物流企业的区位特征差异,丰富沿海城市港口物流企业区位分析的案例研究。

1 研究方法与数据来源

1.1 研究方法

1) 冷热点分析。热点分析可探测事件在空间分布的非随机性,计算出事件发生高频率的热点区域。在研究宁波市港口物流企业空间特征时,采用空间热点探测分析港口物流企业在空间上的聚集区域。计算公式如下:


式中, Gi*(d)为热点分析Getis-Ord值,用于分析属性值在局部空间水平上的集聚程度; xj表示各区域样本观测值, wij为空间权重矩阵,若第i和第j个空间单元之间的距离位于给定的临界距离d之内,认为它们是邻居,空间权重矩阵中的元素为1;否则,元素为0,n为研究区域单元总数。



式中, E[Gi*(d)]Var[Gi*(d)]表示 Gi*(d)的数学期望和方差。得到的 Z[Gi*(d)]值显著,且为正,表明在研究期内街道(乡镇)i及其周围地区港口物流企业数量多,属于高值空间集聚区域,也就是热点区;反之 Z[Gi*(d)]值显著,并为负,表明在研究期间内街道(乡镇)i及其周围地区港口物流企业数量少,属于低值空间集聚区域,也就是冷点区。

2) 泊松回归模型。通过对宁波市域进行1 km×1 km网格划分,本文以落入网格内的港口物流企业数量为因变量,以影响要素为自变量构建企业区位选择因素分析模型。对于表示数量的因变量,取值范围较小,且为非负整数值,在统计中称为计数变量,可构建基于泊松分布的回归模型。假设第i个空间单元内观测到的企业数Yi服从参数为λi的泊松分布,则某一空间单元内观测到的企业数为yi的概率(P)为:



式中, Xi是可能影响企业区位选择的因素,λi取决于解释变量 Xi;β是变量的回归系数向量,其极大似然估计量可通过如下对数似然函数得到:



1.2 数据来源

宁波港口物流企业名单及地址来自宁波港口物流信息平台,并结合中国港口网物流企业数据库进行补充调整,共收集2 135家企业数据(企业注册资本均在100万以上),企业注册资本及成立时间数据来自启信宝。经济社会发展数据均来自《宁波统计年鉴2017》[16],地价数据来源于宁波市公布的基准地价。

2 宁波市港口物流企业总体分布特征

2.1 向心集聚且圈层分布格局明显

将宁波市分为核心区、外围区和郊区3个地域层次,从表1可以看出,宁波港口物流企业主要分布在核心区,即宁波老三区,2016年港口物流企业有1 181家,占全市的55.32%,集中分布趋势明显;外围区港口物流企业数量为825家,占全市的38.64%,其中北仑区由于临港优势,企业分布较多,有587家,占比达到27.50%;郊区包括一区两市两县,有港口物流企业129家,占比6.04%,呈现从中心城区到郊区递减的趋势。

表1   宁波市港口物流企业区域分布情况

Table 1   Distribution of port logistics enterprises in Ningbo



2.2 单中心集聚格局明显


图1   宁波港口物流企业冷热点分布(a)及核密度分析(b)

Fig.1   Hotspot zones (a) and KED analysis (b) of port logistics enterprises in Ningbo

2.3 中心持续集聚和向外蔓延扩散趋势并存


图2   宁波市港口物流企业空间分布演化

Fig.2   The evolution of spatial distribution of port logistics enterprises in Ningbo

2.4 不同类型港口物流企业空间分布特征差异明显

把宁波港口物流企业划分成货代型、仓储型、运输型和综合型港口物流企业。从不同类型企业的空间分布上可以明显看出(图3),货代型物流企业因其不需要直接从事货物运输或仓储服务,属于中介服务性质的企业,因此主要分布在中心商务区,集聚有587家企业,占全部货代型物流企业的82.56%;仓储型物流企业因为需要临时仓储,部分具有保税业务,同时又要方便转运,主要临港分布,集中在北仑区;运输型物流企业因业务主要是承担陆路集装箱运输,分布具有明显的交通指向,在一级道路500 m缓冲区内有165家企业,占全部运输型物流企业的47.14%,对道路通道性的要求较高。同时,还表现出明显的运输目的地指向性;综合型物流企业是承担两项及以上主要业务的企业,如承担国际货运代理业务的同时,还承接陆路运输业务,这类企业在市区内部明显集聚在中心商务区和临港工业区,在外围地区则沿主干道路分布趋势明显。

图3   不同类型港口物流企业的空间分布

Fig.3   Distribution of different types of port logistics enterprises in Ningbo

3 宁波港口物流企业区位选择的影响因素分析

3.1 影响因素选择



为了尽可能使一个网格中有一个企业分布,采用1 km×1 km对宁波市进行网格划分。以落入网格内的港口物流企业数量为因变量,以区位影响要素为自变量构建企业区位影响因素分析模型。

3.2 结果分析


表2   港口物流企业区位选择回归模型估计结果

Table 2   Estimation results of port logistics enterprises location selection model in Ningbo

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交通便利没有表现出显著相关性。这是由于宁波市交通基础设施相对完善,在每个1 km×1 km网格内的路网密度相差不大,导致相关性分析不显著,但这并不否认交通便利性对物流企业区位选择的影响。从一级道路500 m缓冲区与宁波港口物流企业分布关系来看,港口物流企业还是倾向于靠近主要交通干道布局。但以后随着城市交通网络的进一步完善以及交通运输费用的进一步下降,是否靠近道路、是否靠近港口,对物流企业区位选择的影响会明显降低,而地价因素会进一步促使物流企业向郊区迁移。

4 结论


1) 宁波市港口物流企业呈现向心集聚性,企业分布呈现从中心城区、外围区到郊区递减的趋势,圈层分布格局明显。中心商务区和临港工业区是港口物流企业集聚的热点区域。结合时间变化来看,港口物流企业集聚特征明显但整体集聚程度下降,表现出在中心商务区和临港工业区持续集聚和沿主干道路向外围区域蔓延扩散并存的趋势。

2) 不同类型港口物流企业的区位选择有明显差异。货代型物流企业主要分布在中心商务区,享受服务业集聚产生的效益;仓储型物流企业为方便转运、仓储,主要临港分布;运输型物流企业主要是承担陆路集装箱运输,区位选择具有交通依附性;综合型物流企业兼具两项及以上主营业务,在市区内部明显集聚在中心商务区和临港工业区,在外围地区则沿主干道路分布趋势明显。

3) 从宁波港口物流企业空间分布的影响因素来看,政策因素、土地价格、城乡差异、经济潜力、工业结构都不同程度影响港口物流企业的区位分布,而交通便利没有表现出显著相关性。


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Goods movement and freight distribution are widely underrepresented in regional science and geographical research. This is surprising since a large body of traditional spatial theory has been developed with respect to transportation costs or to trade areas: those aspects that were originally closely connected with the exchange of goods. Growing attention is being paid in geography to related subjects, such as the emergence of global production networks, to structural changes in retail or to the commodification of modern consumption. To a certain extent, these processes depend upon the efficient transfer of information, finance and physical goods. Yet, with a few exceptions, the freight sector appears to be neglected in contemporary research. This paper provides an overview of the emerging transport geography of logistics and freight distribution. It challenges the traditional perspective where transportation is considered as a derived demand with the idea that logistical requirements underline transportation as a component of an integrated demand. The paper provides an analysis of the evolution of logistics as it pertains to the core dimensions of transport geography (flows, nodes/locations and networks). The concept of logistical friction is also introduced to illustrate the inclusion of the multidimensional notion of impedance in integrated freight transport demand.
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The location of logistics facilities significantly affects not only the activities of urban goods movement, but also the urban environment as these facilities represent major originators and receivers of freight. Recently, the phenomenon of logistics sprawl, i.e. the relocation of logistics facilities away from inner urban areas to suburban areas has received an increasing level of attention from both academics and policy makers. In this paper, a literature review of the various impacts of logistics sprawl is provided with a detailed taxonomy of the impacts. It has been observed that logistics sprawl contributed changes in geography of urban freight, increasing trucks' travelled distance and consequent emissions and impacting the commuting of logistics employment. The paper presents a summary of the empirical findings illustrating the additional distance trucks travel due to logistics sprawl in several European and North American cities. Furthermore, the paper provides an overview of the measures and policies implemented in various metropolitan areas to reintegrate small-scale logistics facilities within inner urban areas to act as consolidation centres.
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We use the comprehensive freight survey data from 2003 and 2013 to analyze how the restructuring of logistics industry that occurred amid the broad trend of decentralization in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area has affected the efficiency of truck shipments. The analysis reveals that the negative effects of the outward migration of logistics facilities were offset by the increase in average shipment load and efficient spatial distribution of logistics facilities that occurred in parallel with the decentralization. As a result, the truck shipment efficiency improved by 4%.
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[J]. 地理科学进展, 2012, 31(2):231-238.

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2012.02.012      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

From a geographical perspective, the paper classifies the logistics study in China, aiming to built up its theoretical context. Based on the research which was done by Chinese researchers in 1990-2010, this paper introduces the stage of research progress on logistics geography, clarifies the academic bridging point between geography and logistics, and lists the representative documents by using the methods of literature research. The study shows that the geographical perspective of logistics study in China consists of three theoretical contexts: transportation geography, commercial geography and international logistics theory. Geographical studies, whether at the basic theoretical level, or at the methodological level, have affected the study of logistics activities profoundly, and made the logistics geography an important foundation and conditions for building a discipline system. Discipline discussion in logistics geography have focused on subject property, study object and methodology in China. The study also indicates that the China main research on logistics geography has placed much emphasis on transport geography, regional logistics, geographic information system of logistics and comprehensive methodology of logistics study. Then the paper summarizes the achievements and shortcomings of logistics geography study. Finally, based on current research and economic environment of China, the authors discusses the important research fields and developing trend of logistics geography in China.

[Abuduweili Maihepula, Yang Degang.

Research Progress of Logistics Geography in China

. Progress in Geography, 2012, 31(2):231-238.]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2012.02.012      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

From a geographical perspective, the paper classifies the logistics study in China, aiming to built up its theoretical context. Based on the research which was done by Chinese researchers in 1990-2010, this paper introduces the stage of research progress on logistics geography, clarifies the academic bridging point between geography and logistics, and lists the representative documents by using the methods of literature research. The study shows that the geographical perspective of logistics study in China consists of three theoretical contexts: transportation geography, commercial geography and international logistics theory. Geographical studies, whether at the basic theoretical level, or at the methodological level, have affected the study of logistics activities profoundly, and made the logistics geography an important foundation and conditions for building a discipline system. Discipline discussion in logistics geography have focused on subject property, study object and methodology in China. The study also indicates that the China main research on logistics geography has placed much emphasis on transport geography, regional logistics, geographic information system of logistics and comprehensive methodology of logistics study. Then the paper summarizes the achievements and shortcomings of logistics geography study. Finally, based on current research and economic environment of China, the authors discusses the important research fields and developing trend of logistics geography in China.
[5] 韩增林, 王成金, 尤飞.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 2002, 21(1):81-89.

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2002.01.010      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Now the logistic is becoming the economical developing focus and new increasing economical pole of the all countries in the world, China also began to adopt a series of the measures to accelerate the development of the logistics. Based on the ground of the discussion on the world logistics development, in this article, the author expounded the developing history of the logistics and the theory study of logistic in China and foreign countries, especially in the developed countries, including four logistic developing stages in the developed countries and three logistic developing stages in China. Moreover the author analyzed the developing characters of the logistics and logistic theory study in China, including the exiting problems, the lag of theory study, developing situation, the disparity between China and the developed countries and so on. Then the author took the discussion of the situation and characters about the Chinese logistics distribution as the discussing stress, including: ① the distribution situation of the Chinese logistics, ② the disparity of the logistics development among the three districts (including the east district, the middle district and the west district), ③ the disparity of the logistics development between the North and the South in China, ④ the disparity of the logistics development between the urban region and rural region, ⑤ the developing trend of the logistics in the future. In the final, in order to solve the exiting problems and accelerate the Chinese logistics development, the author put forward a series of the measures and advices to develop the Chinese logistics and distribute Chinese logistics, including the further study of the logistic theory, establishing the modernization of the logistics, developing the international corporation.

[Han Zenglin, Wang Chengjin, You Fei.

The characters of the development and distribution about Chinese Logistics and the discussion of the developing measures

. Progress in Geography, 2002, 21(1):81-89.]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2002.01.010      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Now the logistic is becoming the economical developing focus and new increasing economical pole of the all countries in the world, China also began to adopt a series of the measures to accelerate the development of the logistics. Based on the ground of the discussion on the world logistics development, in this article, the author expounded the developing history of the logistics and the theory study of logistic in China and foreign countries, especially in the developed countries, including four logistic developing stages in the developed countries and three logistic developing stages in China. Moreover the author analyzed the developing characters of the logistics and logistic theory study in China, including the exiting problems, the lag of theory study, developing situation, the disparity between China and the developed countries and so on. Then the author took the discussion of the situation and characters about the Chinese logistics distribution as the discussing stress, including: ① the distribution situation of the Chinese logistics, ② the disparity of the logistics development among the three districts (including the east district, the middle district and the west district), ③ the disparity of the logistics development between the North and the South in China, ④ the disparity of the logistics development between the urban region and rural region, ⑤ the developing trend of the logistics in the future. In the final, in order to solve the exiting problems and accelerate the Chinese logistics development, the author put forward a series of the measures and advices to develop the Chinese logistics and distribute Chinese logistics, including the further study of the logistic theory, establishing the modernization of the logistics, developing the international corporation.
[6] 王成金.


[J]. 地理学报, 2008, 63(2):135-146.

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2008.02.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Wang Chengjin.

Spatial organizational network of logistics company in China

. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2008, 63(2):135-146.]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2008.02.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[7] 刘承良, 管明明.


[J]. 地理科学, 37(12): 1805-1814.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Liu Chengliang, Guan Mingming.

Spatial Evolution of Chinese Logistics Industry Efficiency Under Low Carbon Constraints and It’s Influencing Factors

. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 37(12): 1805-1814.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[8] 曹卫东.


[J]. 地理研究,2011, 30(11): 1997-2007.

https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2011110006      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper studies spatial pattern and evolution location of urban logistics enterprises and reveals its general laws. Through establishing logistics space and attribute database of Suzhou during 1990-2007, with GIS spatial correlation analysis module and visualization, this paper applies quadrat, spatial autocorrelation and hotspot analysis to study urban logistics geographic distribution and evolution. The research shows the following results. (1) In recent 20 years, generally the logistics enterprise distribution has been in a state of agglomeration, but as time goes by, the decline of BPI marks a weakening tendency, for the logistics enterprise distribution expands from few intensive centers to other aggregation centers, lacking global higher and lower value centers. Thus, the distribution displays evolution and migration. (2) Globally, the hotspot of logistics enterprise distribution shows apparent expansion and migration. First, the area of hotspot evolves from singleness to multiplicity, and expands from downtown to sub-center towns. Second, the spatial expansion of hotspots shows the striking characteristics of being along the roads (G312 National Road and Shanghai-Nanjing Road) and river (Yangtze River). (3) Asset and non-asset logistics enterprises have significant differences in spatial distribution and pattern evolution: asset logistics hotspots have weakened in the downtown, further expansion and centrifugation, while non-asset logistics hotspots are mainly in the downtown, with obvious centralization and distribution along G312 National Road.

[Cao Weidong.

Spatial pattern and location evolution of urban logistics enterprises: taking Suzhou as an example

. Geographical Research, 2011, 30(11):1997-2007.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2011110006      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper studies spatial pattern and evolution location of urban logistics enterprises and reveals its general laws. Through establishing logistics space and attribute database of Suzhou during 1990-2007, with GIS spatial correlation analysis module and visualization, this paper applies quadrat, spatial autocorrelation and hotspot analysis to study urban logistics geographic distribution and evolution. The research shows the following results. (1) In recent 20 years, generally the logistics enterprise distribution has been in a state of agglomeration, but as time goes by, the decline of BPI marks a weakening tendency, for the logistics enterprise distribution expands from few intensive centers to other aggregation centers, lacking global higher and lower value centers. Thus, the distribution displays evolution and migration. (2) Globally, the hotspot of logistics enterprise distribution shows apparent expansion and migration. First, the area of hotspot evolves from singleness to multiplicity, and expands from downtown to sub-center towns. Second, the spatial expansion of hotspots shows the striking characteristics of being along the roads (G312 National Road and Shanghai-Nanjing Road) and river (Yangtze River). (3) Asset and non-asset logistics enterprises have significant differences in spatial distribution and pattern evolution: asset logistics hotspots have weakened in the downtown, further expansion and centrifugation, while non-asset logistics hotspots are mainly in the downtown, with obvious centralization and distribution along G312 National Road.
[9] 蒋天颖, 伍婵提, 陈改改.


[J]. 地理科学, 2017, 37(11):1720-1727.

URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

基于浙江省2005-2015年A级物流企业时空数据,运用Arc GIS10.0和Crime Stats 3.3软件从时间和空间视角分析了浙江省A级物流企业空间格局特征及形成机制。研究表明:浙江省A级物流企业在时间序列上分为起步阶段、成长阶段和成熟阶段,各等级企业发展不平衡;从空间上来看,A级物流企业呈现明显的东北部密集、西南部稀疏的分布趋势,最近邻指数表明全省A级物流企业的空间分布集聚强度依次为:总体〉3A〉4A〉2A〉5A〉1A;多尺度研究表明不同等级的物流企业在不同空间尺度上的分布格局以集聚分布形态为主,随机分布为辅,集聚程度趋势随尺度变化而变化;热点探测分析表明A级物流企业区位导向为长三角南翼经济发达区、沿海港口城市、内陆交通枢纽三大地带。

[Jiang Tianying, Wu Chanti, Chen Gaigai.

Spatio-temporal pattern of Zhejiang A-class logistics enterprise

. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2017, 37(11): 1720-1727.]

URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

基于浙江省2005-2015年A级物流企业时空数据,运用Arc GIS10.0和Crime Stats 3.3软件从时间和空间视角分析了浙江省A级物流企业空间格局特征及形成机制。研究表明:浙江省A级物流企业在时间序列上分为起步阶段、成长阶段和成熟阶段,各等级企业发展不平衡;从空间上来看,A级物流企业呈现明显的东北部密集、西南部稀疏的分布趋势,最近邻指数表明全省A级物流企业的空间分布集聚强度依次为:总体〉3A〉4A〉2A〉5A〉1A;多尺度研究表明不同等级的物流企业在不同空间尺度上的分布格局以集聚分布形态为主,随机分布为辅,集聚程度趋势随尺度变化而变化;热点探测分析表明A级物流企业区位导向为长三角南翼经济发达区、沿海港口城市、内陆交通枢纽三大地带。
[10] 蒋天颖, 史亚男.


[J]. 经济地理,2015, 35(10): 130-138.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Jiang Tianying, Shi Yanan.

The spatial pattern evolution and influencing factors of logistics enterprises in Ningbo

. Economic Geography, 2015, 35(10): 130-138.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[11] 千庆兰, 陈颖彪, 李雁, .


[J]. 地理研究, 2011, 30(7): 1254-1261.

https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2011070011      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The article is presented based on the material of inspecting 3771 logistics enterprises in Guangzhou at first hand. It uses spatial analysis method of GIS to investigate the spatial distribution of logistics enterprises in Guangzhou City, and reveals the main factor affecting its spatial structure. The result shows that the spatial distribution of logistics enterprises in Guangzhou has the centripetal characteristic that the number of logistics enterprises obviously gradually decreases from the downtown to the suburban area and the peripheral county level cities; logistics enterprises present axial distribution along the major and minor trunk roads. And the selection of logistics enterprises zone has service dependence; urban industrial areas and business districts are important gathering areas of logistics enterprises. The spatial structure of logistics enterprises is the result of comprehensive function of location, transportation, policy, regional economic strength and land price.

[Qian Qinglan, Chen Yingbiao, Li Yan et al.

Spatial distribution of logistics enterprises in Guangzhou and its influencing factors

. Geographical Research, 2011, 30(7):1254-1261.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2011070011      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The article is presented based on the material of inspecting 3771 logistics enterprises in Guangzhou at first hand. It uses spatial analysis method of GIS to investigate the spatial distribution of logistics enterprises in Guangzhou City, and reveals the main factor affecting its spatial structure. The result shows that the spatial distribution of logistics enterprises in Guangzhou has the centripetal characteristic that the number of logistics enterprises obviously gradually decreases from the downtown to the suburban area and the peripheral county level cities; logistics enterprises present axial distribution along the major and minor trunk roads. And the selection of logistics enterprises zone has service dependence; urban industrial areas and business districts are important gathering areas of logistics enterprises. The spatial structure of logistics enterprises is the result of comprehensive function of location, transportation, policy, regional economic strength and land price.
[12] 陈再齐, 闫小培, 曹小曙.


[J]. 地理科学, 2010, 30(1):30-38.

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The roles of a port are of importance in the local economy, which has drawn attentions in the many studies. Yet there are relatively few studies on the port service industries. The spatial characters and associated mechanism of the port service industries in Guangzhou were focused on. The pot service industries in Guangzhou wase highly spatial concentrated and Zhujiang-dependence. The spatial concentrating was steady while the shifting of enterprises was very frequent. The spatial distribution of the port service industries varied greatly with the different type. In general, it was apt to be concentrated to the trading port and the CBD. The spatial character is an synthesized outcome of the location, the nature of the industries, the evolution of the port spatial system, the urban planning influences and innovation of ICT.

[Chen Zaiqi, Yan Xiaopei, Cao Xiaoshu.

The spatial characters and associated mechanism of port service industries in Guangzhou

. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2010, 30(1):30-38.]

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The roles of a port are of importance in the local economy, which has drawn attentions in the many studies. Yet there are relatively few studies on the port service industries. The spatial characters and associated mechanism of the port service industries in Guangzhou were focused on. The pot service industries in Guangzhou wase highly spatial concentrated and Zhujiang-dependence. The spatial concentrating was steady while the shifting of enterprises was very frequent. The spatial distribution of the port service industries varied greatly with the different type. In general, it was apt to be concentrated to the trading port and the CBD. The spatial character is an synthesized outcome of the location, the nature of the industries, the evolution of the port spatial system, the urban planning influences and innovation of ICT.
[13] 曹卫东.


[J]. 地理研究, 2012, 31(6):1079-1088.

https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2012060011      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Cao Weidong.

Study on location features and spatial correlation of port enterprises: taking Shanghai Port Backup Area as an example

. Geographical Research, 2012, 31(6):1079-1088.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2012060011      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

