地理科学  2019 , 39 (2): 252-258 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2019.02.009

Orginal Article


孙瑜康1, 李国平2, 席强敏3

1. 首都经济贸易大学城市经济与公共管理学院, 北京 100070
2. 北京大学政府管理学院, 北京 100087
3.南开大学中国特色社会主义经济建设协同创新中心, 天津 300071

Technical Opportunity, Industry Heterogeneity and Innovation Agglomeration in Metropolis: Taking the Manufacturing Industry of Beijing as an Example

Sun Yukang1, Li Guoping2, Xi Qiangmin3

1.School of Urban Economics and Public Administration, Capital University of Economics and Business, Beijing 100070, China
2. School of Government, Peking University, Beijing 100087, China
3. Collaborative Innovation Center for China Economy, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China

中图分类号:  K901.8/F062.3

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2019)02-0252-07

通讯作者:  通讯作者:李国平,教授。E-mail: lgp@pku.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2017-12-20

修回日期:  2018-02-8

网络出版日期:  2019-02-20

版权声明:  2019 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41671120,71733001,41371005)、国家社会科学基金青年项目(15CJY055)资助





引入技术机会理论,解释大城市内部不同行业创新活动的空间分布差异,以北京市为例进行实证检验。研究发现:不同技术层次产业的创新活动在城市内部表现出不同的区位选择。除汽车制造业外的大多数高技术产业的创新活动高度集聚在中心城区;中技术产业的创新活动开始由中心城区向近郊区扩散,低技术产业的创新活动主要分布在远郊区。 行业间创新活动空间分布的差异主要由技术机会来源差异造成。大部分高技术产业的技术源于基础研究、产业间知识溢出、高技术劳动力,往往靠近大学或中心城区;对中技术产业来说,基础研究的影响并不像对高技术产业那样显著;对低技术产业来说,技术机会主要源于本产业的技术反馈,创新部门更倾向于分布在郊区的制造业集群中。

关键词: 创新集聚 ; 城市内部 ; 技术机会 ; 行业异质性


The innovation activities are mainly concentrated in large cities, but the existing studies can not explain the differences of distribution of innovation activities in particular intrametropolitan spaces well. In order to solve this problem, using the technology opportunity theory, this study put forward an agglomeration formation mechanism of the intrametropolitan innovation activities from the perspective of industry heterogeneity. Taking Beijing as an example, we examined the mechanism of the relationship between technological opportunities and innovation distribution empirically. According to the study, the general rule of innovation agglomeration of different industries in large cities is found: 1) The innovation activities of most high-tech industries other than automobile manufacturing are highly concentrated in the central urban area; But to the mid-tech industries, their innovation activities begin to spread from the central urban area to the suburbs, and the large industrial park in the suburbs become the main gathering places. The innovation activities distribution of low-tech industry are mainly distributed in the outer suburbs and presents the characteristics of “total dispersion and local concentration”. 2) The differences in spatial distribution of innovation activities among industries are mainly caused by the differences in the source of technological opportunities. Most high-tech industries’ technological opportunities come from basic research, knowledge spillover among industries and high skilled labour pool, so it is often close to universities or downtown, except automobile manufacturing industry, whose technological opportunities are mainly get from the technical feedback of itself; To the mid-technology industry, the influence of basic research is not so significant as to the high technology industry, but knowledge spillover among industries, high skilled labour and the technical feedback from itself have an obvious effect on their innovation, so they begin to spread from the universities and central urban area. At the same time, technical opportunities of the low-tech industries are mainly derived from the technical feedback of the industry, so its innovation department is more inclined to locate in the suburban manufacturing clusters.

Keywords: innovation agglomeration ; intramtrpolitan ; technological opportunities ; industrial heterogeneity


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孙瑜康, 李国平, 席强敏. 技术机会、行业异质性与大城市创新集聚——以北京市制造业为例[J]. 地理科学, 2019, 39(2): 252-258 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2019.02.009

Sun Yukang, Li Guoping, Xi Qiangmin. Technical Opportunity, Industry Heterogeneity and Innovation Agglomeration in Metropolis: Taking the Manufacturing Industry of Beijing as an Example[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2019, 39(2): 252-258 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2019.02.009




1 基于技术机会理论的大城市创新活动行业空间分异机制

在大城市内部,不同行业的创新活动在空间分布上确实存在明显的差异性 [11],传统地理学理论并没有给出很好的解释。创新经济学者所提出的技术机会理论认为,与制造业所强调的原材料、资本、交通等因素不同,是产业间技术机会来源的差异造成了其创新活动的空间分布差异现象。技术机会是指对已有技术改进或开发新技术的需求,这些需求会产生新市场或在已有市场中刺激新需求的发展。技术机会主要来源于基础研究、产业间知识溢出、本产业技术反馈和本地高技能劳动力4个方面[12,13],本研究将从这4个方面解释造成产业间创新分布差异的机制。

1) 基础研究可能会对不同行业的技术机会产生影响。Klevorick认为许多行业的重要技术创新都来自于相关基础研究的重大突破,而大学则是基础研究的主体[12]。一些学者的研究证明了与大学的地理邻近能促进新知识的扩散和吸收 [14]。大学既可以为企业研发提供最前沿的知识储备和技术支持,又可以为企业提供教师顾问和员工培训。因此,大学与高科技产业园区共同集聚,已成为城市产业创新的一种重要的空间形式。

2) 产业间技术溢出也可能影响不同行业的技术机会。Jacobs外部性理论认为,大量不同产业的集中能促进技术溢出和创新增长[15]。产业间技术溢出主要有知识溢出、产业关联性溢出和市场性溢出3种方式[16]。知识溢出指通过人才流动、信息交流、技术交易等形式进行的技术溢出。产业关联性溢出指具有类似投入产出结构和技术特点的行业之间的相互学习与合作。市场性溢出指共同的市场需求或贸易活动对知识传播的促进作用。

3) 本产业的技术反馈可能会对技术机会的获得产生影响。Rosenberg提出的技术反馈理论认为,每个产业的发展都是沿着一定的技术轨道前进的,一旦本产业的一个环节实现了技术创新,将引发其他环节进行相应的技术创新[17]。本产业技术反馈主要是通过改进生产机械和流程、完善产品工艺等方式实现产业生产效率的提升。因此,创新活动需要同生产环节保持紧密的联系,如果一个行业创新的技术机会对本产业技术反馈依赖较大的话,就会分布在制造业集聚的郊区产业园区。

4) 本地高技术劳动力池也可能影响技术机会的获得。很多学者的研究已经证明了本地高技术人才的集聚对于技术机会的重要性[18]。一方面,大量的人才集聚方便了创新者间的面对面交流,加快了隐形知识的传播。另一方面,员工们的创业或跳槽也促进了当地的知识溢出,进而促进了技术机会的产生[19]。通常情况下,技术含量越高的行业对高技术劳动力的需求也越大,其创新活动也更倾向于分布在这些人才丰富的地区。

2 数据来源与处理

本研究主要采用专利数据代表地区创新产出情况,专利是衡量技术创新产出的最直接指标,在国外已被广泛运用到城市创新问题的研究中。本文从“国家知识产权局专利数据库(http://www.sipo.gov.cn/zhfwpt/zljs/)”中选取2000年、2004年、2008年、2013年的北京市制造业专利申请有效数据分别为1 841、5 524、19 751、43 648条,专利数据包含专利内容、IPC分类、申请人地址等信息。根据申请人地址信息将所有专利定位到对应的乡镇街道,实现创新数据空间尺度的微观化。 根据专利的IPC分类号与中国国民经济行业分类标准进行对照以识别出专利所属的行业大类,本研究关注的主要为制造业的创新,因此所统计的专利为制造业中专利申请量最多的13个大类,这13个行业的专利申请量占到全部制造业专利申请量的85%以上。



3 北京市创新集聚的空间特征及行业差异


1) 高技术产业的创新活动高度集聚在以“中关村-上地”为核心的中心城区:计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业呈现以“中关村-上地”为绝对核心的单中心结构,2013年,北京市计算机行业的专利申请的59.39%来自于该地区,这里集聚大量互联网企业和高校研究所。 电气机械和器材制造、医药制造、通用设备制造、专用设备制造这4个产业在空间上形成以“中关村-上地”地区为主中心,以望京地区、北京经济开发区、丰台科学城等为次中心的多中心结构。汽车制造业形成昌平和顺义两大创新集群,两地分别依托北汽集团、北汽福田的研究院,专利申请量占到全市汽车制造业的70.2%。

2) 中技术产业的创新活动开始由中心城区向近郊区扩散,并呈现出多点布局的特征。仪器仪表制造业形成了北京经济开发区、丰台科学城、“中关村-上地”地区3个主要的创新集群,相比于高技术产业,其在中关村地区的专利产出比例有明显下降,而位于近郊区的北京经济开发区、丰台科学城等园区比例有所上升。 化学原料和化学制品制造业创新集群主要有两个,一个是位于朝阳的CBD地区,这里主要依靠中石化总部及其研究院进行研发,而另一个是位于北四环的“中关村-奥运村”地区,这里的企业依托北京化工大学、中科院化学所等高校和研究机构。金属制品业和非金属制品业的创新活动分布更为分散,在上地、建国门、望京、亦庄等都有不同规模的创新产出。

3) 低技术产业的创新活动分布更主要分布在郊区且呈现“总体分散,局部集聚”的特征。其中,橡胶和塑料制品业的创新活动主要分布在大兴区的林校路街道、顺义的旺泉街道等地区。文教、工美、体育和娱乐用品制造业的创新活动主要分布在海淀区的上地街道、大兴区的天宫院街道、通州区的台湖镇等地区。农副食品加工业创新活动主要分布在大兴区的榆堡镇、石景山的古城街道等地区。

图1   2013年北京市高、中、低技术产业专利申请分布

Fig.1   The distribution of patent application of high, medium and low technology industries of Beijing in 2013

4 北京市行业间创新集聚差异形成机制的实证检验


4.1 变量选择

模型被解释变量为各乡镇街道的企业创新产出( Pat),用企业的专利申请数量来表示。模型的解释变量为4种技术机会的获得机制,其中基础研究( Uni)用大学专利申请数来表示,产业间知识溢出( Div)用产业多样化程度来表示,本产业的技术反馈( Ind)用本地本产业产值来表示,本地高技能劳动力( Ski)用本地本产业劳动力密度来表示。此外,本地创新产出水平可能还受到其他一些因素的影响,参考谭俊涛等 [22]、杜志威等[23]的研究,本文选取企业研发投入( RD)、科技服务业( Sci)、交通( Tra)3个变量作为控制变量。

4.2 模型构建



式中, β0表示常数项; β1~β7为解释变量的系数;本文重点关注与技术机会相关的 β1~β4系数的估计结果; ui用于捕捉个体效应; εit表示复合误差项。为降低方程异方差性,本文对所有解释变量作取对数处理。方差膨胀因子检验回归模型不存在多重共线性,Hausman检验发现应使用固定效应模型而非随机效应模型。

4.3 回归结果分析及解释


表1   北京市总体及高中低产业创新活动影响机制回归结果

Table 1   Regression results of the mechanism of the overall and high, middle and low industrial innovation activities in Beijing


注: *、**和***分别表示在10%,5%和1%水平下通过显著性检验。



表2   北京市13个行业创新活动影响机制回归结果

Table 2   Regression results of the mechanism of 13 industries in Beijing


注: ******分别表示在10%,5%和1%水平下通过显著性检验。


1) 从与基础研究的关系来看,只有计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业、电气机械和器材制造业、医药制造业、通用设备制造4个行业的系数显著为正,说明它们的创新活动对科学知识和基础研究的依赖性较高,在空间上更倾向于接近大学与研究机构,这个结论与西方的研究比较一致。而汽车制造虽然是高技术产业,但其创新更依赖面向市场的应用研究,而对基础研究依赖较低,因此其在空间上也并不靠近大学和研究机构。

2) 从产业间知识溢出来看,计算机、通用设备、专用设备、电气机械、仪器仪表、化学制品等行业的系数显著为正且系数数值较大,说明这些行业的创新活动对产业间知识溢出有较高的依赖,而汽车制造、医药制造等虽然也是高技术产业,但其创新对来自其他产业的知识溢出需求不明显。以中关村为例,中关村地区一开始只有电子信息类的企业集聚,后来随着创新集群的发展壮大,专用设备、通用设备、仪器仪表等多个行业的创新活动在此集聚,行业间的溢出越来越重要。

3) 从产业自身技术反馈程度来看,大多数的中低技术产业的系数都显著为正,说明大多数中低技术企业创新的技术机会主要来自于本产业企业的技术反馈,因此其创新部门与制造业部门高度一致,位于郊区的产业园区内。部分高科技产业的创新活动也依赖自身的技术反馈,特别是汽车制造业,其产业自身技术反馈的系数在所有行业里是最大的,因为汽车制造行业的创新活动高度依赖于大企业,其创新活动高度内部化。

4) 大多数的高技术制造业的系数都显著为正,说明大多数高技术制造业企业创新的技术机会都依赖本地高技能劳动力池,因此人才丰富的中心城区是它们主要的集聚地,而大部分中低技术产业该变量的系数都不显著,说明它们的企业创新并不明显受本地高技能劳动力的影响。

5 结论与讨论


1) 不同技术层次的产业的创新活动在城市内部表现出不同的区位选择。除汽车制造业之外的大多数高技术产业的创新活动高度集聚在中心城区;中技术产业的创新活动开始由中心城区向近郊区扩散,近郊区的大型产业园区成为其分布的重要地区;低技术产业的创新活动分布主要分布在远郊区。

2) 行业间创新活动空间分布的差异主要是由技术机会主要来源差异造成的。大部分高技术产业的技术来源于基础研究、产业间知识溢出、高技术劳动力池,因此其往往靠近大学和中心城区,但汽车制造业的技术机会主要来自于本产业的技术反馈,因此其创新活动发生在自身制造业集群中;而对于中技术产业来说,基础研究的影响并不像对高技术产业那样显著,反而是知识产业溢出、本产业技术反馈和高技能劳动力池的影响更大;低技术产业的技术机会主要来源于本产业技术反馈,因此其创新部门更倾向于分布在郊区的制造业集群中。


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] 吕拉昌, 黄茹, 廖倩.


[J]. 地理科学, 2016, 36(5): 653-661.

https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2016.05.002      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>创新地理学是研究人类创新活动与地理环境关系的地域系统,是一门独立的人文地理分支学科,具有交叉学科的性质。其研究的“人类创新活动”是人类活动的最为重要的方面,对智慧的人地关系系统建设具有重要的意义。创新地理学与其他人文地理学的分支学科具有密切的联系,也与政治学、管理学、经济学、政策学、城市规划等学科有关,创新地理学面临的主要任务是:<i>① </i>创新地理学基本理论的研究;<i>② </i>创新要素(人才、资本、技术等)在空间的地域分布与组合规律的研究;<i>③ </i>创新环境、创新生态及评价研究;<i>④ </i>创新地理测度、创新空间格局与效应的研究;<i>⑤ </i>创新联系、创新网络及创新集群的研究;<i>⑥ </i>多尺度的创新体系的研究;<i>⑦ </i>创新、城市发展与规划的研究。</p>

[Lyu Lachang, Huang Ru, Liao Qian.

Several theoretical issues on innovation geography

. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016,36(5): 653-661.]

https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2016.05.002      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>创新地理学是研究人类创新活动与地理环境关系的地域系统,是一门独立的人文地理分支学科,具有交叉学科的性质。其研究的“人类创新活动”是人类活动的最为重要的方面,对智慧的人地关系系统建设具有重要的意义。创新地理学与其他人文地理学的分支学科具有密切的联系,也与政治学、管理学、经济学、政策学、城市规划等学科有关,创新地理学面临的主要任务是:<i>① </i>创新地理学基本理论的研究;<i>② </i>创新要素(人才、资本、技术等)在空间的地域分布与组合规律的研究;<i>③ </i>创新环境、创新生态及评价研究;<i>④ </i>创新地理测度、创新空间格局与效应的研究;<i>⑤ </i>创新联系、创新网络及创新集群的研究;<i>⑥ </i>多尺度的创新体系的研究;<i>⑦ </i>创新、城市发展与规划的研究。</p>
[2] Chatterji A, Glaeser E, Kerr W.

Clusters of entrepreneurship and innovation

[J]. Innovation Policy and the Economy, 2014, 14(1): 129-166.

https://doi.org/10.1086/674023      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper reviews recent academic work on the spatial concentration of entrepreneurship and innovation in the United States. We discuss rationales for the agglomeration of these activities and the economic consequences of clusters. We identify and discuss policies that are being pursued in the United States to encourage local entrepreneurship and innovation. While arguments exist for and against policy support of entrepreneurial clusters, our understanding of what works and how it works is quite limited. The best path forward involves extensive experimentation and careful evaluation.
[3] Audretsch D B, Feldman M P.

R&D spillovers and the geography of innovation and production

[J]. The American economic review, 1996, 86(3): 630-640.

[本文引用: 1]     

[4] Hackler D.

High-tech location in five Metropolitan Areas

[J]. Journal of Urban Affairs, 2003, 25(5): 625-640.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9906.2003.00005.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract: This study addresses the intersection between local priorities to become a high‐tech haven and how local policies affect the locational decisions of high‐tech industry. The study compares the relative importance of local location determinants for high‐ and low‐tech manufacturing in the cities of five metropolitan areas. Results indicate that high‐tech manufacturing does not react significantly different from low‐tech manufacturing. Given that cities continue to desire high‐tech industry, these findings are useful to local policy makers seeking to understand what attracts that industry.
[5] 李国平, 卢明华.


[J]. 地理研究, 2002, 21(2): 228-238.

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-0585.2002.02.012      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

在全面把握有关高科技产业分工尤其是基于价值链的区域分工理论与实践基础上 ,通过分析中关村企业调查问卷 ,验证了高科技产业价值链各增值环节对要素条件禀赋要求的差异和区位选好 ,以及中关村部分高科技企业价值链各活动环节的空间配置 ,得出北京高科技产业在发展重点和空间布局上已经显现出价值链区域分工雏形这一结论。北京在高科技产业价值链活动中 ,具有总部、研究开发以及销售总部特化的特征 ,同时也承担部分生产制造职能。这种价值链分工雏形一方面反映出了北京在国家尺度上的要素禀赋情况 ,一方面也说明了北京的优势所在。论文还进一步总结了北京高科技产业价值链区域分工模式 ,并结合北京高科技产业价值链分工的基础、要素禀赋及内部差异 ,探讨了北京高科技产业价值链区域分工的未来走向。

[Li Guoping, Lu Minghua.

The research on Beijing’s high-tech industrial regional division based on value chain

. Geographical Research, 2002, 21(2): 228-238.]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-0585.2002.02.012      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

在全面把握有关高科技产业分工尤其是基于价值链的区域分工理论与实践基础上 ,通过分析中关村企业调查问卷 ,验证了高科技产业价值链各增值环节对要素条件禀赋要求的差异和区位选好 ,以及中关村部分高科技企业价值链各活动环节的空间配置 ,得出北京高科技产业在发展重点和空间布局上已经显现出价值链区域分工雏形这一结论。北京在高科技产业价值链活动中 ,具有总部、研究开发以及销售总部特化的特征 ,同时也承担部分生产制造职能。这种价值链分工雏形一方面反映出了北京在国家尺度上的要素禀赋情况 ,一方面也说明了北京的优势所在。论文还进一步总结了北京高科技产业价值链区域分工模式 ,并结合北京高科技产业价值链分工的基础、要素禀赋及内部差异 ,探讨了北京高科技产业价值链区域分工的未来走向。
[6] Muñiz I, Garcia-López M À.

The polycentric knowledge economy in Barcelona

[J]. Urban Geography, 2010, 31(6): 774-799.

https://doi.org/10.2747/0272-3638.31.6.774      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This study focuses on the employment decentralization process in the Barcelona Metropolitan Region (BMR) between 1991 and 2001. Disaggregating employment data among four categories of knowledge-intensive activities (Knowledge-Intensive Services; High- Technology Industries; Producer Services; and Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate) and two groups of other employment (Other Manufacturing and Other Services), the aim is to test whether these four groups decentralized in a similar way to other employment, and whether this process encouraged them to locate in a polycentric or spatially dispersed pattern. The results show that knowledgeintensive and other employment activities decentralize in a similar way, although the former tends to be more concentrated through the formation of employment subcenters and therefore follows a polycentric location model. As a result, physical proximity is still important for numerous activities, especially those that incorporate more knowledge.
[7] Shearmur R.

The geography of intrametropolitan KIBS innovation: Distinguishing agglomeration economies from innovation dynamics

[J]. Urban Studies, 2012, 49(11): 2331-2356.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098011431281      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[8] 王缉慈, 宋向辉, 李光宇.


[J]. 地理学报, 1996,51(6): 481-488.

https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02029074      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper examines the Beijing’s new-tech agglomeration centered on Beijing New-tech Experimental Zone which is proved to be China’s most intense concentration of innovative business activity.It analyzes the spin-off process of new-tech firms,illustrates the factors influencing the agglomeration and dispersion of the new-tech firms and detects their dispersion patterns and ongoing changes.Five agglomeration factors are:access to universities and research institutes,information availability,access to market,tax policy and ability to link public and private entites(network relationships,regulations).Among them the first and second ones are major agglomeration factors.Two dispersion factors are:high land costand house rent:and poor traffic conditions.Since the Electronic Street came out,there has been a tendency for some research and development facilities and production operations to migrate from Beijing to coastal cities in southeastern China.At present time there are branch plans of the companies all over the country except Tibet and Ningxia autonomous region.The distribution of the total revenues is highly concentrated In southeastern China.Not withstanding the many benefits that China derives from the Beijing New-Tech Experimental Zone,contentions issues remain.Because R&D expenditures are very low,the companies have to involve in a lot of commercial activities.The commercialization of Zhongguancun area is clearly seen.There is a danger that Zhongguancun area could turn into an electronic commercial area but not into a new-and high-tech innovation area.Beijing’s experience emphasizes the importance of establishing an new financial mechanism to support Chinese new-and high-tech enterprises.Creating industrial dynamism,fostering innovation and effective inter-firm linkage,upgrading industrial structure and achieving competitive advantageare the key to the economic performance of Beijing’s new-tech agglomeration.

[Wang Jici, Song Xianghui, Li Guangyu.

Agglomeration and dispersion of new and high technical industies in the zhongguangcun area in beijing

. ActaGeographicaSinica, 1996, 51(6): 481-488.]

https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02029074      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper examines the Beijing’s new-tech agglomeration centered on Beijing New-tech Experimental Zone which is proved to be China’s most intense concentration of innovative business activity.It analyzes the spin-off process of new-tech firms,illustrates the factors influencing the agglomeration and dispersion of the new-tech firms and detects their dispersion patterns and ongoing changes.Five agglomeration factors are:access to universities and research institutes,information availability,access to market,tax policy and ability to link public and private entites(network relationships,regulations).Among them the first and second ones are major agglomeration factors.Two dispersion factors are:high land costand house rent:and poor traffic conditions.Since the Electronic Street came out,there has been a tendency for some research and development facilities and production operations to migrate from Beijing to coastal cities in southeastern China.At present time there are branch plans of the companies all over the country except Tibet and Ningxia autonomous region.The distribution of the total revenues is highly concentrated In southeastern China.Not withstanding the many benefits that China derives from the Beijing New-Tech Experimental Zone,contentions issues remain.Because R&D expenditures are very low,the companies have to involve in a lot of commercial activities.The commercialization of Zhongguancun area is clearly seen.There is a danger that Zhongguancun area could turn into an electronic commercial area but not into a new-and high-tech innovation area.Beijing’s experience emphasizes the importance of establishing an new financial mechanism to support Chinese new-and high-tech enterprises.Creating industrial dynamism,fostering innovation and effective inter-firm linkage,upgrading industrial structure and achieving competitive advantageare the key to the economic performance of Beijing’s new-tech agglomeration.
[9] Rosenthal S S, Strange W C.

The geography of entrepreneurship in the New York metropolitan area

[J]. Federal Reserve Bank of New York Economic Policy Review, 2005, 11(2): 29-54.

[本文引用: 1]     

[10] 段德忠, 杜德斌, 刘承良.


[J]. 地理学报, 2015, 70(12): 1911-1925.

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201512005      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

基于城市邮编区划空间数据库,从创新产出的视角建构城市创新评价指标体系,对1991-2014年上海市和北京市的创新空间结构的空间演化模式进行了探讨。研究发现:1邮政区划为研究城市创新空间结构的生长提供了全新的视角,基于随机边缘点连线以及泰森多边形法构建的城市邮编空间数据库评价城市创新空间结构的结果较为理想,因此具有推广价值;2 25年间,上海市和北京市的创新空间结构生长体现出了诸多的共性特征:随着参与创新的城市空间单元逐年增加,区域创新产出虽总体差距在缩小,但空间集聚趋势在加剧;3 25年间,上海市和北京市的创新空间结构生长也体现出了共性上的差异性,其中上海市创新空间结构在创新资源郊区化转移的趋势下,呈现出由单核驱动向多核共振演进,以交通干道为空间扩散廊道的辐射效应凸显,相应的,其创新产出空间关联效应也显现出了市中心空心化现象;而北京市创新空间结构始终为市中心单核主导型,并在创新资源不断向中心集聚趋势下,其创新产出空间关联效应呈现出"农村包围城市"的演化特征;4上海市和北京市创新空间结构与其所在的区域创新空间结构(长三角城市群和京津冀城市群)具有内在的一致性,表明城内尺度科技创新活动空间分布的均衡与非均衡规律与其所处的区域创新格局密切相关。

[Duan Dezhong, Du Debin, Liu Chengliang.

Spatial-temporal evolution mode of urban innovation spatial structure: A case study of Shanghai and Beijing

. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2015, 70(12): 1911-1925.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201512005      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

基于城市邮编区划空间数据库,从创新产出的视角建构城市创新评价指标体系,对1991-2014年上海市和北京市的创新空间结构的空间演化模式进行了探讨。研究发现:1邮政区划为研究城市创新空间结构的生长提供了全新的视角,基于随机边缘点连线以及泰森多边形法构建的城市邮编空间数据库评价城市创新空间结构的结果较为理想,因此具有推广价值;2 25年间,上海市和北京市的创新空间结构生长体现出了诸多的共性特征:随着参与创新的城市空间单元逐年增加,区域创新产出虽总体差距在缩小,但空间集聚趋势在加剧;3 25年间,上海市和北京市的创新空间结构生长也体现出了共性上的差异性,其中上海市创新空间结构在创新资源郊区化转移的趋势下,呈现出由单核驱动向多核共振演进,以交通干道为空间扩散廊道的辐射效应凸显,相应的,其创新产出空间关联效应也显现出了市中心空心化现象;而北京市创新空间结构始终为市中心单核主导型,并在创新资源不断向中心集聚趋势下,其创新产出空间关联效应呈现出"农村包围城市"的演化特征;4上海市和北京市创新空间结构与其所在的区域创新空间结构(长三角城市群和京津冀城市群)具有内在的一致性,表明城内尺度科技创新活动空间分布的均衡与非均衡规律与其所处的区域创新格局密切相关。
[11] Shearmur R, Doloreux D.

Place, space and distance: Towards a geography of knowledge-intensive business services innovation

[J]. Industry and Innovation, 2009, 16(1): 79-102.

https://doi.org/10.1080/13662710902728001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Much has been written about the link between local networks and institutions, about place and territory, and the capacity to innovate. In this paper we set out to answer two questions, based upon a survey of 1,122 knowledge‐intensive business service (KIBS) firms in the province of Quebec, Canada. First, do KIBS firms in different regions display different propensities to innovate? If so, this will be taken as prima facie evidence that there is some connection between local context and innovation. Second, can any regional level explanatory variables be found to explain the different levels of regional innovation? We find evidence that geographic patterns of innovation exist amongst KIBS firms in Quebec, although they are not those expected if there were a connection between local territory and innovation. We find that innovation first decreases with distance from the core of metropolitan areas, then, after 30–5002km, begins to increase again, though this pattern is not the same for all sub‐sectors. This pattern is in keeping with recent theoretically derived expectations relating to the geography of innovation.
[12] Klevorick A K, Levin R C, Nelson R R et al.

On the sources and significance of interindustry differences in technological opportunities

[J]. Research policy, 1995, 24(2): 185-205.

https://doi.org/10.1016/0048-7333(93)00762-I      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The set of technological opportunities in a given industry is one of the fundamental determinants of technical advance in that line of business. We examine the concept of technological opportunity and discuss three categories of sources of those opportunities: advances in scientific understanding and technique, technological advances originating in other industries and in other private and governmental institutions, and feedbacks from an industry's own technological advances. Data from the Yale Survey on Industrial Research and Development are used to measure the strength of various sources of technological opportunity and to discern interindustry differences in the importance of these sources. We find that interindustry differences in the strength and sources of technological opportunities contribute importantly to explanations of cross-industry variation in R&D intensity and technological advance.
[13] Strange W, Hejazi W, Tang J.

The uncertain city: Competitive instability, skills, innovation and the strategy of agglomeration

[J]. Journal of Urban Economics, 2006, 59(3): 331-351.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jue.2005.10.006      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[14] Ponds R, Van Oort F, Frenken K.

Innovation, spillovers and university-industry collaboration: An extended knowledge production function approach

[J]. Journal of Economic Geography, 2010, 10(2): 231-255.

https://doi.org/10.1093/jeg/lbp036      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper analyses the effect of knowledge spillovers from academic research on regional innovation. Spillovers are localized to the extent that the underlying mechanisms are geographically bounded. However, university-industry collaboration - as one of the carriers of knowledge spillovers - is not limited to the regional scale. Consequently, we expect spillovers to take place over longer distances. The effect of university-industry collaboration networks on knowledge spillovers is modelled using an extended knowledge production function framework applied to regions in the Netherlands. We find that the impact of academic research on regional innovation is mediated not only by geographical proximity but also by social networks stemming from collaboration networks.
[15] Van der Panne G.

Agglomeration externalities: Marshall versus Jacobs

[J]. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 2004, 14(5): 593-604.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s00191-004-0232-x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[16] 刘鑫, 贺灿飞.


[J]. 地理研究, 2016, 35(4): 717-730.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Liu Xin, He Canfei.

Relatedness and urban industrial growth

. Geographical Research, 2016, 35(4): 717-730.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[17] Rosenberg N.Inside the black box:Technology and economics[M]. London:Cambridge University Press, 1982.

[本文引用: 1]     

[18] Leiponen A.

Skills and innovation

[J]. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2005,23(5): 303-323.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijindorg.2005.03.005      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[19] Boschma R, Eriksson R H, Lindgren U.

Labour market externalities and regional growth in Sweden: The importance of labour mobility between skill-related industries

[J]. Regional Studies, 2014,48(10): 1669-1690.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00343404.2013.867429      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Regional Studies. This study investigates the relationship between labour market externalities and regional growth based on real labour flows. In particular, it tests for the importance of labour mobility across so-called skill-related industries between 435 four-digit industries within 72 Swedish functional regions (1998-2002). Both the fixed-effect models and generalized method of moments (GMM) estimates demonstrate that a strong intensity of intra-regional labour flows between skill-related industries impacts positively on regional productivity growth, but less so on employment growth. Labour mobility between unrelated industries tends to dampen regional unemployment growth while a high degree of intra-industry labour flows is only found to be associated with rising unemployment.
[20] 江剑, 官建成.


[J]. 科学学研究, 2008, 26(6): 1325-1332.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Jiang Jian, Guan Jiancheng.

An analysis of relative efficiency to Chinese low-and medium-technology sectors

. Studies in Science of Science, 2008, 26(6): 1325-1332.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[21] Dalziel M.

A systems-based approach to industry classification

[J]. Research Policy, 2007, 36(10): 1559-1574.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2007.06.008      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

I propose an alternative approach to industry classification that reflects the way in which firms self-organize into industries and sectors. The systems-based approach to industry classification takes the sector as the primary unit of analysis, defines a sector on the basis of similarity in needs to which firms collectively respond, and disaggregates sectors into subsectors and industries on the basis of recursive hierarchical dependency. The result is an approach to industry classification that reflects industry structure, reduces egregious cases of between-class homogeneity and within-class heterogeneity, and accommodates changes in technology. The approach is illustrated in a communications equipment subsector application.
[22] 谭俊涛, 张平宇, 李静.


[J]. 地理科学, 2016, 36(1): 39-46.

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2009.06.015      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Tan Juntao, Zhang Pingyu, Li Jing.

Spatio-temporal characteristics of regional innovation performance and its influencing factors in China

. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016,36(1): 39-46.]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2009.06.015      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[23] 杜志威, 吕拉昌, 黄茹.


[J]. 地理科学, 2016, 36(3): 321-327.

https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2016.03.001      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Du Zhiwei, Lyu Lachang, Huang Ru.

Spatial pattern of industrial innovation efficiency for Chinese cities at prefecture level and above

. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016,36(3): 321-327.]

https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2016.03.001      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

