地理科学  2019 , 39 (2): 325-333 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2019.02.017

Orginal Article


许吉黎, 杨帆, 薛德升

中山大学地理科学与规划学院, 广东 广州 510275

Differentiated Knowledge Bases, Knowledge Networks, and Spatial Flows: Evidence from the Biomedical Cluster in Hamburg, Germany

Xu Jili, Yang Fan, Xue Desheng

School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, Guangdong, China

中图分类号:  K902

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2019)02-0325-09

通讯作者:  通讯作者:薛德升,教授。E-mail: eesxds@mail.sysu.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2017-11-20

修回日期:  2018-03-11

网络出版日期:  2019-02-20

版权声明:  2019 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目(41320104001)、中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(17lgjc04)资助


作者简介:许吉黎(1989-),男,安徽宣城人,博士研究生,主要研究方向为城市地理与区域经济发展。E-mail: xujili0728@163.com



以德国汉堡生物医药集群为例,基于研发、商务两类人才的社会网络和空间流动,探讨不同认识视角、不同类型知识溢出的空间特征及形成机制。研究发现:不同认识视角下知识溢出对地理距离的敏感性存在差异,知识流动相较于知识网络更加依赖地理邻近性。不同类型知识的溢出具有差异化的空间需求,研发和商务知识溢出在多尺度空间上表现出强度和结构的异质性。 以大学、研究机构、产业协会和跨国企业为中心的地方产学研合作体系,创新能力均衡的国家城市体系以及发达国家之间的技术和商业合作推动知识网络的形成。分流教育和空间均衡的人才培养体系,国内充分的人才空间流动以及西欧北美地区的人才环流促进知识的空间流动。

关键词: 产业集群 ; 创新 ; 知识网络 ; 知识流动 ; 知识基础 ; 德国


Knowledge spillover driven by industrial clusters has been considered as a key underpinning for boosting regional innovation. This article takes a case study of the biomedical cluster in Hamburg, Germany, examining social networks and spatial flow of both R&D talents and business talents in order to discuss the geographical features and formation mechanisms of knowledge spillover based on different angles and knowledge bases respectively. Empirical results indicate that: 1) Sensitivity to spatial distance of knowledge spillover based on different perspectives are differentiated. In contrast to knowledge network, knowledge flow to a greater extent relies on geographical proximity. 2) Geographical requirements of knowledge spillover of different knowledge bases differ from each other. Scientific knowledge spillovers and business knowledge spillovers are remarkably different at multi-scales with respect to linking intensity and spatial structure. 3) Local Production-Study-Research cooperation system centered on universities, research institutes, industry associations, and leading enterprises, national balanced R&D-intensive urban system of bio-industry, and selective international research collaborations with global leading regions make a joint effort to the formation of scientific knowledge network. Local diversified industrial structure, national polycentric urban system, and widespread international business collaborations with countries based on geographical, social, and institutional proximity collectively shape business knowledge network. Educational streaming, geographically balanced national talent training system, widespread spatial flow of talents across the country, and circular flow of talents in Western Europe and North America jointly form knowledge flows.

Keywords: industrial cluster ; innovation ; knowledge network ; knowledge flow ; knowledge base ; Germany


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许吉黎, 杨帆, 薛德升. 德国汉堡生物医药集群研发和商务知识的网络结构与空间流动[J]. 地理科学, 2019, 39(2): 325-333 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2019.02.017

Xu Jili, Yang Fan, Xue Desheng. Differentiated Knowledge Bases, Knowledge Networks, and Spatial Flows: Evidence from the Biomedical Cluster in Hamburg, Germany[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2019, 39(2): 325-333 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2019.02.017


目前,针对知识溢出空间特征的研究,既存在知识认识视角的差异,也存在知识类型的细分[7,8]。就认识视角而言,一类是将知识视作物质客体(Knowledge as an object),即:知识是客观存在并且独立于人类理解过程的物质。颇具影响力的研究是Polanyi对知识的二元划分,隐性知识存在于个体记忆、经验和意识中,随着个体空间流动和面对面接触进行传播,编码知识是显性和输出后的知识,包括专利、论文和著作等,以文本和影像等形式传播[9]。相关研究通过专利引用[10]、明星科学家流动[11]、地方集体学习[12,13,14,15]发现,知识溢出具有地理邻近和距离衰减性。另一类视角则是将知识视作认知实践(Knowing in action),即:知识并不是与人类意识和主观理解相割裂的纯粹客体,而是人类对客观世界的一种主观认知,知识必须通过交互式学习等认知行为实践才能得以表达、流动和再生产[16]。以实践社群(Community of practice)为代表的研究成为近年来的热点,意指具有相近专业背景的知识型个体,基于信任关系和共同目标开展组织化学习的社群[17,18]。相关研究包括由特定专业化组织推动的知识再生产[19,20,21]、个体间互动学习形成的关系资本[22,23]、跨国公司的组织化学习[24]以及贸易展会等临时性集群[25]等,聚焦于认知实践推动的远距离知识网络。

与此同时,知识类型也出现分化,不同产业部门依托差异化的知识基础[8]。Asheim等将知识基础划为3类:解析型知识(Analytical knowledge)、合成型知识(Synthetic knowledge)和符号型知识(Symbolic knowledge)[26]。解析型知识通过创造新知识实现创新,体现于科学研究导向的高技术产业;合成型知识通过对已有知识的应用和结合实现创新,体现于实践应用导向的工程和服务产业;符号型知识通过以新方式重新结合已有知识实现创新,体现于文化艺术导向的创意产业[27]。依托不同知识基础的产业部门具有异质性的知识溢出机制和空间响应。相关研究包括以生物和信息等高技术产业的论文合著或专利引用来刻画全球和国家尺度的知识网络结构[22,28~30],以生产者和消费者的空间联系测度区域知识外部性[18,31],以及探讨创意社群蜂鸣效应(Buzz)的地理邻近性和环境依附性[21,32]


1 数据来源与计算方法

1.1 研究区域

德国是世界经济强国和创新高地,集群政策是其长期以来国家和区域创新战略的重要组成部分。汉堡位于德国北部,是德国第二大城市和最具经济竞争力的国家中心城市之一,创新集群建设始终作为汉堡创新与科技发展战略的核心内容。目前发展成熟的集群包括生物医药、信息技术、航空制造和物流产业。生物医药作为21世纪新兴产业的典型代表,是生物技术在制药、医疗器械和医疗服务领域的应用。基础研究、医药制造、技术服务和商务服务等依托不同知识基础的产业活动在集群发展中均扮演重要角色[36,37]。汉堡生物医药集群发起于1996年,以响应德国联邦教育与研究部组织的生物产业区域动议(BioRegio)。2004年汉堡与石勒苏益格-荷尔斯泰因州联合组成德国北部生物医药集群,目前已发展为欧洲最具竞争力的产业集群之一,2012年获评欧洲卓越集群计划的“金牌集群”(Gold Label of the European Cluster Excellence Initiative)。

1.2 数据来源


“认知实践”(Knowing in action)视角下,知识溢出源自基于信任关系和知识交流的人际社会网络。借助Linkedln中两类人才的“知识技能及认可人”板块,研发人才在生物医药研发类技能(如Research, Biology, Nanotechnology或Pharmaceutical等)、商务人才在商务管理类(如Management, Marketing, Consultancy或Venture Capital等)中选择被认可人数量最多的一项技能,作为其核心知识技能。获取研发或商务人才该项知识技能在社交网络中的认可人名单和每位认可人的个人信息(姓名、履历、工作单位和工作地点等)。以汉堡生物医药集群研发型人才与研发技能认可人的空间联系、商务型人才与商务技能认可人的空间联系分别构建研发和商务知识网络。

“物质客体”(Knowledge as an object)视角下,知识被视作个体通过学习和工作经历获取并内化于自身知识体系中,知识溢出的空间特征采用人才学习和工作经历所在地点到集群的空间流动为表征。主要借助企业官方网站中员工介绍、XING和Linkedln中2类人才的个人履历(从其大学入学开始至2017年1月),获取2类人才自大学开始至今学习和职业生涯中的单位、身份和所处地点。

1.3 计算方法

1) 知识网络的数据计算方法为:将人才与其核心知识技能的每一位认可人的网络联系强度计为1。知识技能认可人工作单位属于汉堡集群成员的计为集群内部联系;位于汉堡市域范围内,但不属于集群成员的计为集群外部、城市内部联系,城市尺度的知识联系强度为前两者之和;位于汉堡市域范围以外、德国境内的为国家尺度联系;位于德国境外的属全球尺度联系。城市、国家和全球尺度的联系强度相互独立。

2) 知识流动的数据计算方法为:将人才每一段相同学习或工作经历的地点与集群的知识流动强度计为1,若在同一单位拥有学习经历或工作职位的升迁,如本科、硕士到博士,或普通职员、部门经理到技术总监等,则该单位所在地点与汉堡集群知识流动强度相应增加1。按照与知识网络相同的方式划分集群、城市、国家和全球4个空间尺度。

3) 集群和城市尺度的知识网络和流动以组织(企业、大学、研究和中介机构)作为分析单元,将属于同一组织的人才知识联系数据汇总。国家和全球尺度以城市为分析单元,将属于同一座城市的人才知识联系数据汇总。

2 汉堡生物医药集群的知识网络

依据2类人才与核心知识技能认可人的社会网络数据,共计集群研发和商务知识联系强度分别为1 398和1 063。分析表1发现,集群研发和商务知识网络均以国家、全球尺度的远距离联系主导,占比超过80%,地方尺度的知识联系较弱;集群内部研发知识网络更为密集(集群内占比11.2%,集群外、城市内占比6.4%),城市内部商务知识网络更为密集(集群内占比6.3%,集群外、城市内占比13.7%)。

表1   研发和商务知识网络的空间分布

Table 1   Geographical distribution of scientific and business knowledge network



2.1 集群内部

集群内部研发知识网络呈现“中心-外围”结构(图1),地方大学和研究机构(汉堡大学、汉堡UKE医学院、德国电子加速器)、北部生命科学产业协会和跨国公司总部(Eppendorf, Beiersdorf, Evotec, CTC)位于知识网络中心,地方企业和跨国公司分支机构等位于网络外围。商务知识网络表现为离散结构,跨国公司(Eppendorf, Accellerate, IBL)、地方企业(MEDAC, IMMU)和北部生命科学产业协会之间联结小规模商务知识网络,网络整体的连接度较弱。

图1   集群研发知识与商务知识网络

Fig.1   Intra-cluster scientific knowledge and business knowledge network

2.2 城市尺度


图2   城市研发知识与商务知识网络

Fig.2   Intra-urban scientific knowledge and business knowledge network

2.3 国家尺度


图3   国家研发知识与商务知识网络

Fig.3   National scientific knowledge and business knowledge network

2.4 全球尺度


图4   全球研发(a)、商务(b)知识网络

Fig.4   Global scientific (a) and business (b) knowledge network

3 汉堡生物医药集群的知识流动

基于对2类人才个人履历中学习、工作地点的分析,共计集群研发和商务知识流动强度分别为1 661和702。2类知识流动均以国家尺度为主导,强度占比50%左右,地方流动和全球流动强度整体相近(表2)。相较于知识网络,知识流动在地方尺度显著增强,而在全球尺度大幅减弱。对地理邻近表现出更强的依赖性。

表2   研发知识和商务知识的空间流动

Table 2   Scientific knowledge and business knowledge flow



3.1 集群尺度


3.2 城市尺度


3.3 国家尺度


3.4 全球尺度


4 知识网络与知识流动的形成机制

4.1 知识网络的形成机制

1) 集群内部。以大学、研究机构、产业协会和跨国公司总部为中心的研发知识网络结构表明,产业集群内部不同技术能力的科技企业、大学科研机构和中介组织之间具有紧密而广泛的研发合作联系,形成了以公私合营驱动下有利于外部技术吸收、内部技术扩散和合作的产学研体系。商务知识网络的离散结构表明集群企业在技术商业化过程中具有很强的独立性,集群企业之间的商业合作联系较弱,汉堡集群的制度安排旨在促进公共部门与私营部门的合作,而对企业之间商业合作的干预较少。

2) 城市尺度。研发知识网络的“中心-外围”结构进一步延展,集群研发中心对其他地方企业产生知识扩散,推动形成以大学、研究机构、产业协会和跨国企业为中心的城市知识生态。商务知识网络由离散结构转变为轴辐式结构,城市商务环境促进特定企业形成更加“自我中心型”(Ego-centered)网络组团,但是整体上,本地企业间商务合作程度较低,技术商业化和市场开发表现为“各自为政”。

3) 国家尺度。研发知识网络的“中心主导-均衡辐射”型结构表明国家中心城市具有领先的生物医药研发能力,并且彼此之间形成稳定的相互作用关系,同时,德国在生物医药领域的技术研发形成了均衡发展的城市体系,大量中小城市具备较强的基础研究能力和紧密的外部合作网络。商务知识网络的“中心主导-区域联动” 型结构则显现出德国中心城市具有生物医药领域产业化和商业化的龙头地位,同时依托以城市群为载体的区域内和区域间分工协作,构建了生物医药产业化的多中心格局。

4) 全球尺度。研发知识网络呈现主体选择性的层级结构,德国汉堡与美国、英国和瑞士三大全球生物产业中心之间的技术势能和互补资产是推动研发知识网络形成的重要动力。商务知识网络则呈现地理、社会和制度多维邻近的空间扩展结构,产业化导向下的商务知识联系,更加关注经济价值的产出和发展红利共享,包括法律和政策等正式制度以及惯例、语言和信任等非正式制度开始起到更为显著的作用。

4.2 知识流动的形成机制

1) 集群内部。以汉堡大学等地方研究型大学和研究机构作为研发知识来源的绝对中心,表明集群企业的研发人才供给,一方面高度依赖于本地研究型大学的人才培养和输送,另一方面,曾经的本地学习/工作经历,有力促进了人才对本地的社会嵌入和回流。商务知识流动来源主体的规模分布则更加均衡,研究型和应用型大学、中介机构和企业都占据相当比重,表明商务人才的培养具有多重目标和路径,并且集群内部公私部门之间具有较为频繁的人才流动。

2) 城市尺度。集群以外、城市内部研发知识流动的强度大幅减弱,意味着研发人才的流动主要集中于专业领域内部,集群建设具有突出的产业专业化导向,注重对专业化人力资本的投入。商务知识流动在集群以外、城市内部连接的主体数量大幅提升,表明商务人才在本地具有高频率的跨领域流动,城市环境为生物医药技术成果的产业化和关联知识吸收,提供了重要支撑。

3) 国家尺度。柏林和慕尼黑均作为两类知识来源的绝对中心,表明德国中心城市是生物医药产业人力资本的中心,并且从研究到商业领域,中心城市之间均具有紧密的人才流动。空间均衡的研发知识流动体现出德国均衡分布的研发人才培养体系和充分的空间流动,空间极化的商务知识流动显示出多中心的商务人才培养体系和集中的空间流入。

4) 全球尺度。以英国、美国和瑞士为中心的研发知识流入,其强度等同于地方尺度的知识流动,表明集群拥有大量全球高水平研发型人力资本,受益于并同时进一步强化其全球生物医药领域内的社会经济联系。商务知识流动的连接对象更加广泛,遍及西欧北美的中心城市,表明集群与其他发达国家的商业中心城市具有紧密而广泛的投资和市场等商业合作。

5 结论与讨论


1) 德国汉堡生物医药集群的知识网络以国家和全球尺度联系主导,地方联系相对薄弱;知识流动以国家尺度主导,地方流动显著增强,全球流动减弱。表明当知识被视作一种交互式认知实践,地域约束性和距离衰减性对知识溢出的限制作用减弱,而当知识被视作一种可转移的物质客体,知识溢出对地理邻近具有更强的依赖性。

2) 无论是网络结构还是空间流动,研发和商务知识在集群、城市、国家和全球多个空间尺度均表现出联系强度和空间结构的异质性,表明不同类型知识的溢出效应具有差异化的空间需求,并且这种差异具有空间尺度敏感性。

3) 研发知识网络受到以地方大学、研究机构、产业协会和跨国企业为中心的产学研体系、德国研发能力均衡的城市体系及与全球产业中心研发合作的推动。商务知识网络受城市多样化产业基础、德国多中心城市体系及有地理、社会和制度邻近国家商业合作的推动。研发知识流动是地方大学和研究机构的人才供给、国家空间均衡的人才培养体系和全球创新中心人才流入的综合结果。商务知识流动受到教育分流制度下地方商务人才的跨领域流动,国内空间集中的商务人才培养和供给,以及西欧北美地区人才环流的共同驱动。


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] Feldman M.

The geography of innovation

[M]. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994.

[本文引用: 1]     

[2] 吕拉昌,黄茹,廖倩.



https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2016.05.002      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>创新地理学是研究人类创新活动与地理环境关系的地域系统,是一门独立的人文地理分支学科,具有交叉学科的性质。其研究的“人类创新活动”是人类活动的最为重要的方面,对智慧的人地关系系统建设具有重要的意义。创新地理学与其他人文地理学的分支学科具有密切的联系,也与政治学、管理学、经济学、政策学、城市规划等学科有关,创新地理学面临的主要任务是:<i>① </i>创新地理学基本理论的研究;<i>② </i>创新要素(人才、资本、技术等)在空间的地域分布与组合规律的研究;<i>③ </i>创新环境、创新生态及评价研究;<i>④ </i>创新地理测度、创新空间格局与效应的研究;<i>⑤ </i>创新联系、创新网络及创新集群的研究;<i>⑥ </i>多尺度的创新体系的研究;<i>⑦ </i>创新、城市发展与规划的研究。</p>

[Lyu Lachang, Huang Ru, Liao Qian.

Several theoretical issues on innovation geography

. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016, 36(5): 653-661.]

https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2016.05.002      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>创新地理学是研究人类创新活动与地理环境关系的地域系统,是一门独立的人文地理分支学科,具有交叉学科的性质。其研究的“人类创新活动”是人类活动的最为重要的方面,对智慧的人地关系系统建设具有重要的意义。创新地理学与其他人文地理学的分支学科具有密切的联系,也与政治学、管理学、经济学、政策学、城市规划等学科有关,创新地理学面临的主要任务是:<i>① </i>创新地理学基本理论的研究;<i>② </i>创新要素(人才、资本、技术等)在空间的地域分布与组合规律的研究;<i>③ </i>创新环境、创新生态及评价研究;<i>④ </i>创新地理测度、创新空间格局与效应的研究;<i>⑤ </i>创新联系、创新网络及创新集群的研究;<i>⑥ </i>多尺度的创新体系的研究;<i>⑦ </i>创新、城市发展与规划的研究。</p>
[3] Asheim B.

The changing role of learning regions in the globalizing knowledge economy: A theoretical re-examination

[J]. Regional Studies, 2012, 46(8): 993-1004.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00343404.2011.607805      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ASHEIM B. The changing role of learning regions in the globalizing knowledge economy: a theoretical re-examination, Regional Studies. Highlighting four theoretical developments, this paper theoretically re-examines the learning region in view of the changing roles of regions in the globalizing knowledge economy: (1) from specific contexts to general regional development strategies; (2) introducing the doing-using-interacting (DUI) mode of innovation; (3) broadening the science-technology-innovation (STI) mode; and (4) accessing knowledge in distributed knowledge networks. This paper advocates a more nuanced understanding of knowledge, learning and innovation, and identifies 'bridging mechanisms' to reduce cognitive distance and increase connectivity in regional innovation systems.
[4] Martin R, Sunley P.

Conceptualizing cluster evolution: Beyond the life cycle model

[J]. Regional Studies, 2011, 45(10): 1239-1318.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00343404.2011.622263      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Martin R. and Sunley P. Conceptualizing cluster evolution: beyond the life cycle model?, Regional Studies. Although the literature on the evolution of industrial clusters is not vast, a preferred approach has already become evident based around the idea of a cluster ‘life cycle’. This approach has several limitations. This paper explores a different conception of cluster evolution, drawing on the ‘adaptive cycle’ model that has been developed in evolutionary ecology. Using this model, cluster evolution is viewed as an adaptive process with different possible outcomes based on episodic interactions of nested systems. Though not without limitations, this approach offers greater scope as a framework for shaping the research agenda into the evolution of clusters. Martin R. and Sunley P. 对集群演进进行概念化:生命周期模型之外的新解读?区域研究。尽管目前关于产业集群演进的相关研究有限,围绕集群生命周期这一概念分析方法展开研究已成为明显的趋势。然而这一方法存在诸多制约。本文探讨了关于集群演进的不同概念,着重于演进生态学中的适应性管理模式。采用这一模式,集群演进被看作是适应性的程序,其结果基于嵌套系统之间阶段性的互动。尽管没有局限,这一方法为集群演进的研究搭建了更为广阔的分析框架及研究议程。 集群69演进69生命周期模型69复杂系统69适应性周期模型 Martin R. et Sunley P. La conceptualisation de l'évolution des clusters: aller au-delà du modèle du cycle de vie?, Regional Studies. Bien que la documentation sur l'évolution des clusters industriels ne soit pas très riche, il s'avère déjà une fa04on préférée de l'aborder basée sur la notion du ‘cycle de vie’ des clusters. Cette fa04on a ses limites. Cet article cherche à examiner une différente conception de l'évolution des clusters, puisant dans le modèle du ‘cycle adaptif’ con04u dans l'écologie évolutionnaire. A partir de ce modèle, on considère l'évolution des clusters comme un processus adaptif dont les résultats possibles varient en fonction des interactions épisodiques des sytèmes embo06tés. Cette fa04on a aussi ses limites, mais elle fournit plus de possibilités en tant que cadre pour déterminer les priorités de la recherche quant à l'évolution des clusters. Clusters6907volution69Modèles du cycle de vie69Systèmes complexes69Modèle du cycle adaptif Martin R. und Sunley P. Konzeptualisierung der Evolution von Clustern: jenseits des Lebenszyklus-Modells?, Regional Studies. Die Literatur über die Evolution von Branchenclustern ist zwar nicht sehr umfangreich, doch es zeichnet sich bereits ein bevorzugter Ansatz ab, der auf der Vorstellung des ‘Lebenszyklus’ eines Clusters aufbaut. Dieser Ansatz weist jedoch in vielerlei Hinsicht seine Grenzen auf. In diesem Beitrag wird eine andere Konzeption der Cluster-Evolution untersucht, die auf dem in der evolution01ren 00kologie entwickelten Modell des ‘adaptiven Zyklus’ aufbaut. Anhand dieses Modells wird die Evolution von Clustern als adaptiver Prozess mit verschiedenen m02glichen Ergebnissen auf der Grundlage der episodischen Wechselwirkungen von verschachtelten Systemen betrachtet. Auch dieser Ansatz hat zwar seine Grenzen, bietet jedoch bei der Gestaltung des Programms zur Erforschung der Cluster-Evolution einen breiteren Rahmen. Cluster69Evolution69Lebenszyklus-Modell69Komplexe Systeme69Adaptives Zyklusmodell Martin R. y Sunley P. Conceptualizar la evolución de las aglomeraciones: 07más allá del modelo de ciclo de vida?, Regional Studies. Aunque la bibliografía sobre la evolución de las aglomeraciones industriales no es muy extensa, se ha hecho evidente un enfoque preferido basado en la idea del ‘ciclo de vida’ de una aglomeración. Este enfoque presenta varias limitaciones. En este artículo analizamos un concepto diferente de la evolución de las aglomeraciones basándonos en el modelo de ‘ciclo adaptable’ que se ha desarrollado en la ecología evolucionaria. A partir de este modelo estudiamos la evolución como un proceso adaptable con diferentes resultados posibles basados en las interacciones esporádicas de los sistemas anidados. Aunque este enfoque tiene algunas limitaciones, ofrece mayor margen como una estructura para formar el programa de investigación sobre la evolución de las aglomeraciones. Aglomeraciones69Evolución69Modelo de ciclo de vida69Sistemas complejos69Modelo de ciclo adaptable
[5] 王缉慈.



https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2004.z1.007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Wang Jici.

Some related concepts in China’s research of industrial cluster

. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2004, 59(S1): 47-52.]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2004.z1.007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[6] Iammarino S, McCann P.

The structure and evolution of industrial clusters: Transactions, technology and knowledgths

[J]. Research Policy, 2006, 35(7): 1018-1036.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2006.05.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In this paper, we investigate the relationship between location patterns, innovation processes and industrial clusters. In order to do this we extend a transactions costs-based classification into a knowledge-based taxonomy of clusters, along the lines suggested by a critical revision of the main assumptions underlying most of the existing literature on spatial clusters. Our arguments show that the transactions costs approach and the innovation and technological regimes framework are broadly consistent, and that real insights into the microfoundations, nature, and evolution of clusters can be provided by these classification systems.
[7] Ibert O.

Relational distance:Sociocultural and time-spatial tensions in innovation practices

[J]. Environment and Planning A, 2010, 42(1): 187-204.

https://doi.org/10.1068/a4247      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[8] Manniche J, Moodysson J, Testa S.

Combinatorial knowledge bases: An integrative and dynamic approach to innovation studies

[J]. Economic Geography, 2017, 93(5): 480-499.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00130095.2016.1205948      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The aims of this article are (1) to critically review the theoretical arguments and contribution of the knowledge base approach to economic geography and innovation studies, and the value added and limitations of applying it in empirical studies as reported about in the extant literatures; (2) to propose a new interpretation of the knowledge base approach by integrating it into a larger analytical framework for innovation studies that integrates individual, organizational, and contextual aspects, and to discuss the possible advances that come from using it in economic geography studies. The article dismisses the widespread taxonomical application of knowledge base conceptualizations for classification of firms, industries, and economies into fixed categories based on their dominant knowledge base characteristics. Rather it argues that the knowledge base characteristics vary not only between firms and industries but also over time and through innovation trajectories in firms and industries. The new interpretation implies that the knowledge base characteristics are defined not only by individual-level modes and rationales for knowledge creation and application and by their related spatial implications but also by managerial rganizational aspects with regard to coordination and exploitation of such knowledge dynamics. The integration of literatures from different disciplinary strands, now unified under the umbrella of a reinterpreted knowledge base approach, advances the explanatory value of the knowledge base approach in economic geography and innovation studies as well as related disciplines.
[9] Polanyi M.

The tacit dimension

[M]. New York: Doubleday, 1966.

[本文引用: 1]     

[10] Gertler M, Levitte Y.

Local nodes in global networks: The geography of knowledge flows in biotechnology innovation

[J]. Industry and Innovation, 2005, 12(4): 487-507.

https://doi.org/10.1080/13662710500361981      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The literature on innovation and interactive learning has tended to emphasize the importance of local networks, inter‐firm collaboration and knowledge flows as the principal source of technological dynamism. More recently, however, this view has come to be challenged by other perspectives that argue for the importance of non‐local knowledge flows. According to this alternative approach, truly dynamic economic regions are characterized both by dense local social interaction and knowledge circulation, as well as strong inter‐regional and international connections to outside knowledge sources and partners. This paper offers an empirical examination of these issues by examining the geography of knowledge flows associated with innovation in biotechnology. We begin by reviewing the growing literature on the nature and geography of innovation in biotechnology research and the commercialization process. Then, focusing on the Canadian biotech industry, we examine the determinants of innovation (measured through patenting activity), paying particular attention to internal resources and capabilities of the firm, as well as local and global flows of knowledge and capital. Our study is based on the analysis of Statistics Canada's 1999 Survey of Biotechnology Use and Development, which covers 358 core biotechnology firms. Our findings highlight the importance of in‐house technological capability and absorptive capacity as determinants of successful innovation in biotechnology firms. Furthermore, our results document the precise ways in which knowledge circulates, in both embodied and disembodied forms, both locally and globally. We also highlight the role of formal intellectual property transactions (domestic and international) in promoting knowledge flows. Although we document the importance of global networks in our findings, our results also reveal the value of local networks and specific forms of embedding. Local relational linkages are especially important when raising capital—and the expertise that comes with it—to support innovation. Nevertheless, our empirical results raise some troubling questions about the alleged pre‐eminence of the local in fostering innovation.
[11] Breschi S, Lissoni F.

Knowledge spillovers and local innovation systems: A critical survey

[J]. Industrial and Corporate Change, 2001, 10(4): 975-1005.

https://doi.org/10.1093/icc/10.4.975      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper re‐examines critically the growing literature on localized knowledge spillovers (LKSs), and finds the econometric evidence on the subject still lacking a firm theoretical background, especially in relation to the more recent developments in the economics of knowledge. LKSs as externalities are too narrow a concept to embrace the wide variety of knowledge transmission mechanisms that may, or may not, spread ideas and expertise while keeping the diffusion process bounded in space.
[12] Breschi S, Lissoni F.

Mobility of skilled workers and co-invention networks:An anatomy of localized knowledge flows

[J]. Journal of Economic Geography, 2009, 9(4): 439-468.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article illustrates the contribution of mobile inventors and networks of inventors to the diffusion of knowledge across firms and within cities or states. It is based upon an original data set on US inventors' patent applications at the European Patent Office, in the fields of drugs, biotechnology and organic chemistry. The study combines the methodology originally proposed by Jaffe et al. (1993, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 108: 577-598) with tools from social network analysis, in order to evaluate extent of the localization of knowledge flows, as measured by patent citations. After controlling for inventors' mobility and for the resulting co-invention network, the residual effect of spatial proximity on knowledge diffusion is found to be greatly reduced. We argue that the most fundamental reason why geography matters in constraining the diffusion of knowledge is that mobile researchers are not likely to relocate in space, so that their co-invention network is also localized. In the light of these results, we revisit common interpretations of localized knowledge flows as externalities.
[13] Capello R, Faggian A.

Collective learning and relational capital in local innovation processes

[J]. Regional Studies, 2005, 39(1): 75-87.

https://doi.org/10.1080/0034340052000320851      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[14] Jacobs W, Koster A, Van Oort F.

Co-agglomeration of knowledge-intensive business services and multinational enterprises

[J]. Journal of Economic Geography, 2014, 14(2): 443-475.

https://doi.org/10.1093/jeg/lbs055      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[15] 胡曙红,黄丽,范蓓蕾,.



URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Hu Shuhong, Huang Li, Fan Beilei et al.

Spatial spillover effects of innovative outputs of university and its impacts on regional economic growth of China: Based on spatial econometrics analysis of provincial data

. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016, 36(12): 1767-1776.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[16] Ibert O.

Towards a geography of knowledge creation: The ambivalences between ‘knowledge as an object’ and ‘knowing in practice’

[J]. Regional Studies, 2007, 41(1): 103-114.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00343400601120346      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Ibert O. (2007) Towards a geography of knowledge creation: the ambivalences between ‘knowledge as an object’ and ‘knowing in practice’, Regional Studies 41, 103–114. This paper juxtaposes two strategies to conceive human expertise and unveils how they mould one's imagination on the spatiality of innovation processes. While the noun ‘knowledge’ signifies a rationalistic approach and entails a geography that propels an ‘argument of agglomeration’, the verb ‘knowing’ denotes a situated-in-practice understanding and inheres an ‘argument of place’. The paper discusses in how far an extension of the so far less influential practice view might complement the more traditional agglomeration accounts. The ontological discrepancies between both approaches can be used as theoretical springboards to illuminate more fully the key ambivalences of a geography of knowledge creation. Ibert O. (2007) Vers une géographie de la création des connaissances: entre ‘les connaissances comme objet’ et ‘conna06tre en pratique’, Regional Studies 41, 103–114. Cet article cherche à juxtaposer deux stratégies visant la conception des compétences humaines et à dévoiler comment elles fa04onnent l'imagination quant aux retombées spatiales du processus d'innovation. Alors que le nom ‘connaissances’ indique une approche rationaliste et nécessite une géographie qui met l'accent sur un ‘argument en faveur de la notion d'agglomération’, le verbe ‘conna06tre’ signifie une compréhension plus localisée dans la pratique et implique un ‘argument en faveur de la notion de lieu’. Cet article discute jusqu'à quel point un élargissement de ce dernier, moins suivi jusqu'ici, pourrait compléter les comptes-rendus traditionnels. Les écarts ontologiques entre les deux approches peuvent se servir de tremplin théorique afin d'éclaircir les attitudes ambivalentes à l'égard d'une géographie de la création des connaissances. Innovation69Création des connaissances69Communautés de pratique69Communautés de connaissances69Agglomération69Lieu Ibert O. (2007) Auf dem Weg zu einer Geographie der Wissenserzeugung: Die Ambivalenzen zwischen Wissen als Objekt und Wissen als Praxis, Regional Studies 41, 103–114. Der Beitrag vergleicht zwei grundlegende Strategien, Wissen konzeptionell zu fassen, und legt offen, wie diese Strategien unsere Vorstellungen der r01umlichen Organisation von Innovationsprozessen beeinflussen. W01hrend das Nomen ‘knowledge’ für eine rationalistische Strategie die Wissen als Objekt ansieht steht und eine Geographie des Lernens entwirft, die sich um ein Agglomerationsargument herum gruppiert, wird das Verb ‘knowing’ in einem Ansatz gebraucht, der Wissen als situiert in Praxis begreift und dessen Geographie durch das Orteargument umrissen werden kann. Der Beitrag diskutiert, inwieweit das bisher weniger einflussreiche Praxisverst01ndnis von Wissen st01rker gewichtet und als komplement01r zum traditionelleren Agglomerationsargument angesehen werden sollte. Die ontologischen Diskrepanzen zwischen beiden Ans01tzen werden als Ausgangspunkte genommen, um wesentliche Ambivalenzen einer Geographie der Wissenserzeugung besser zu verstehen. Innovation69Wissenserzeugung69Praktikergemeinschaften69Epistemische Gemeinschaften69Agglomeration69Ort Ibert O. (2007) Hacia una geografía de creación del conocimiento: Ambivalencias entre ‘Conocimiento como Objeto’ y ‘Conocimiento en la Práctica, Regional Studies 41, 103–114. En este ensayo se juxtaponen dos estrategias para conceptualizar la experiencia humana y se presenta de qué modo estas estrategias moldean nuestra imaginación sobre la espacialidad de los procesos de innovación. Si bien el nombre ‘conocimiento’ significa un planteamiento racionalista e implica una geografía que impulsa un ‘argumento de aglomeración’, el verbo ‘saber’ denota una compresión situada en la práctica que forma parte de ‘argumento de lugar’ Aquí analizamos en qué medida una extensión de una visión de práctica, hasta ahora menos influyente, podría complementar los relatos más tradicionales de aglomeración. Las discrepancias ontológicas entre ambos planteamientos pueden utilizarse como trampolines teóricos para dar mayor claridad a las ambivalencias principales de una geografía de creación del conocimiento. Innovación69Creación del conocimiento69Comunidades de práctica69Comunidades epistémicas69Aglomeración69Lugar
[17] Amin A, Roberts J.

Knowing in action: Beyond communities of practice

[J]. Research Policy, 2008, 37(2): 353-369.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2007.11.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper engages with the recent turn in the social sciences towards communities of practice as a driver of learning and knowledge generation across a variety of different working environments. While agreeing with the broad reinstatement of situated social practice in thinking on the dynamics of knowledge capitalism, the paper takes issue with the increasingly homogeneous and instrumentalist use of the term communities of practice to encapsulate ‘knowing in action’. On the basis of an extensive review of the available literature, the paper argues for the importance of differentiating between different varieties of knowing in action. The paper notes the differences – in organisation, spatial dynamics, innovation outcomes, and knowledge processes – between four modes: craft or task-based knowing; epistemic or high creativity knowing; professional knowing; and virtual knowing. The proposed typology is used to illustrate the insight gained from such analytical precision, through a discussion of the spatial configuration of knowing in action, long assumed to require spatial proximity. It is shown that spatial and relational proximity – which can be struck at a distance – should not be treated as one and the same.
[18] Grabher G, Ibert O.

Distance as asset? Knowledge collaboration in hybrid virtual communities

[J]. Journal of Economic Geography, 2014, 14(1): 97-123.

https://doi.org/10.1093/jeg/lbt014      URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[19] 苗长虹.



https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2006.04.009      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

以产业区理论、管制理论和全球生产网络理论为基础,以学习创新为核心,构建了一个融生产体系 与社会生产体制、制度与协调机制、地方生产网络、全球生产网络“四位一体”的学习型产业区分析框架;运用该框架.以河南许昌发制品产业集群为案例,研究了 全球-地方网络联结的方式、动态及其对技术学习的影响。研究发现,通过全球与地方生产网络的建构和有机联结.传统产业集群的技术学习是可以从“低端道路” 迈向“高端道路”的.发展学习型产业区应作为我国经济发展与技术创新的一项重大战略和政策.

[Miao Changhong.

Global-local nexus and technological learning in industrial clutser: A case study of Hair-goods industry in Xuchang, Henan Province

. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2006, 61(4):425-434.]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2006.04.009      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

以产业区理论、管制理论和全球生产网络理论为基础,以学习创新为核心,构建了一个融生产体系 与社会生产体制、制度与协调机制、地方生产网络、全球生产网络“四位一体”的学习型产业区分析框架;运用该框架.以河南许昌发制品产业集群为案例,研究了 全球-地方网络联结的方式、动态及其对技术学习的影响。研究发现,通过全球与地方生产网络的建构和有机联结.传统产业集群的技术学习是可以从“低端道路” 迈向“高端道路”的.发展学习型产业区应作为我国经济发展与技术创新的一项重大战略和政策.
[20] 曾刚,文嫮.


[J].地理学报, 2004,59(S1):59-66.

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2004.z1.009      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Under the background of economic globalization and technological revolution, industrial cluster has become a new successful model for regional economic development as a space framework of economic activity. First, this paper reviews the basic connotation and type of industrial cluster, and then expatiates the internal mechanism of the cluster from five aspects, such as level efficiency, uprightness efficiency, internal system environment, external relationship, right framework coming from equality and dependence. At the same time, the authors make a systematic research and analysis by integrating investigation data of Pudong IC industrial cluster. This paper considers that Pudong IC industrial cluster is the outcome of the industrial transfer from the multinational companies, and it is one of the largest IT-clusters in China. So at the very start, the IC industrial cluster has joined the global network. The multinational companies exert important influence on IC cluster development, but at the same time MNCs control the upgrading of the IC cluster, and impact passively the local innovations in the IC cluster. The paper points out that the IC cluster develops rapid, and has extensive external relationships. But the level relationship in the IC cluster is weak because of lack of good institutional environment. Finally, this paper concludes that only by reinforcing the local network relationships, arousing the desire for gain new knowledge collectively, paying attention to external relationships, grasping the initiatives in industrial development, and building a good institutional environment, can the IT cluster in Pudong develop well and fast in the future.

[Zeng Gang, Wen Hu.

A study on the IT cluster in Pudong of Shanghai

. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2004, 59(S1): 59-66.]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2004.z1.009      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Under the background of economic globalization and technological revolution, industrial cluster has become a new successful model for regional economic development as a space framework of economic activity. First, this paper reviews the basic connotation and type of industrial cluster, and then expatiates the internal mechanism of the cluster from five aspects, such as level efficiency, uprightness efficiency, internal system environment, external relationship, right framework coming from equality and dependence. At the same time, the authors make a systematic research and analysis by integrating investigation data of Pudong IC industrial cluster. This paper considers that Pudong IC industrial cluster is the outcome of the industrial transfer from the multinational companies, and it is one of the largest IT-clusters in China. So at the very start, the IC industrial cluster has joined the global network. The multinational companies exert important influence on IC cluster development, but at the same time MNCs control the upgrading of the IC cluster, and impact passively the local innovations in the IC cluster. The paper points out that the IC cluster develops rapid, and has extensive external relationships. But the level relationship in the IC cluster is weak because of lack of good institutional environment. Finally, this paper concludes that only by reinforcing the local network relationships, arousing the desire for gain new knowledge collectively, paying attention to external relationships, grasping the initiatives in industrial development, and building a good institutional environment, can the IT cluster in Pudong develop well and fast in the future.
[21] Sunley P, Pinch S, Reimer S.

Design capital: Practice and situated learning in London design agencies

[J]. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 2011, 36(3): 377-392.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-5661.2011.00431.x      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

This paper considers the relations between practice, knowledge and context in design consultancies. It uses a case study of design consultancies in London based on in-depth interviews with designers working in design agencies in the city. The paper argues that the relations between design knowledge and context have been conceived in two ways. The first account emphasises the sharing of tacit knowledge in a design community marked by relatively strong and durable social ties. The second approach argues instead that design is a creative collectivity with much weaker social ties and a broader range of types of knowledge. It is argued that while both of these approaches illuminate parts of situated learning and context in design consultancies, these are actually more complex and mixed than either account recognises. Both accounts overlook the crucial importance of what are termed medium-strength ties between designers and their clients that combine market contracts with personal regard and friendship. The paper concludes by suggesting that such medium ties are increasingly important in design-based innovation systems.
[22] 汪涛,Hennemann S,Liefner I, .



https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2011100012      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Knowledge network is a kind of inter-connected network that is born in the process of diffusion and communication of knowledge by the actors who create, transfer, absorb and apply knowledge, such as enterprises, universities, organizations and institutions. Network structures may exert influence on the actors and regions involved, and the potential for successful knowledge absorption and learning may be partly determined by network positions. Up to present, there are no researches about the evolution of spatial structure of knowledge network in China. In recent years, the evolutionary economic geography in Europe and USA begins to explore the spatial structure and evolution of knowledge networks from the geographical angle. But because of language and cultural barriers, the western research focused more on international knowledge flows and connections about knowledge networks in China, while the evolution of Chinese domestic knowledge networks were rarely involved. Purposes of this paper are: 1) to establish the estimation model to analyze the formation mechanism of spatial patterns of knowledge network, and to reveal the dynamic mechanism of its evolution; 2) to provide some advice to the government for policy making of national innovation system.This paper takes statistical data of the papers published in cooperation about the biotechnology in the database of Chinese Scientific and Technical Journals (Journal of Chongqing VIP) from 2000 to 2009 as data source. Based on the theory and methods of social network analysis in New Economic Sociology, it uses UCINET and ArcGIS to analyze the spatial structure and the evolution of knowledge network of biotechnology at provincial level in China. In recent 10 years, the knowledge network developed in three phases: infant stage, expansion stage and maturity stage. Accordingly, the major pattern of knowledge diffusion in the network changed from contagious diffusion to hierarchical diffusion. The spatial high-density of knowledge connections also changed from decentralization to concentration, then again to decentralization. The interactions of geographical proximity and organizational proximity between nodes impact the evolution of network. Based on the result, this paper suggests that the national innovation system should improve the biotechnology through two ways: 1) shortening the social distance of actors who create knowledge; 2) optimizing spatial disposition of innovation resources.

[Wang Tao, Hennemann S, Liefner I et al.

Spatial structure evolution of knowledge network and its impact on the NIS: Case study of biotechnology in China

. Geographical Research, 2011, 30(10): 1861-1872.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2011100012      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Knowledge network is a kind of inter-connected network that is born in the process of diffusion and communication of knowledge by the actors who create, transfer, absorb and apply knowledge, such as enterprises, universities, organizations and institutions. Network structures may exert influence on the actors and regions involved, and the potential for successful knowledge absorption and learning may be partly determined by network positions. Up to present, there are no researches about the evolution of spatial structure of knowledge network in China. In recent years, the evolutionary economic geography in Europe and USA begins to explore the spatial structure and evolution of knowledge networks from the geographical angle. But because of language and cultural barriers, the western research focused more on international knowledge flows and connections about knowledge networks in China, while the evolution of Chinese domestic knowledge networks were rarely involved. Purposes of this paper are: 1) to establish the estimation model to analyze the formation mechanism of spatial patterns of knowledge network, and to reveal the dynamic mechanism of its evolution; 2) to provide some advice to the government for policy making of national innovation system.This paper takes statistical data of the papers published in cooperation about the biotechnology in the database of Chinese Scientific and Technical Journals (Journal of Chongqing VIP) from 2000 to 2009 as data source. Based on the theory and methods of social network analysis in New Economic Sociology, it uses UCINET and ArcGIS to analyze the spatial structure and the evolution of knowledge network of biotechnology at provincial level in China. In recent 10 years, the knowledge network developed in three phases: infant stage, expansion stage and maturity stage. Accordingly, the major pattern of knowledge diffusion in the network changed from contagious diffusion to hierarchical diffusion. The spatial high-density of knowledge connections also changed from decentralization to concentration, then again to decentralization. The interactions of geographical proximity and organizational proximity between nodes impact the evolution of network. Based on the result, this paper suggests that the national innovation system should improve the biotechnology through two ways: 1) shortening the social distance of actors who create knowledge; 2) optimizing spatial disposition of innovation resources.
[23] Vallance P.

Relational and dialectical spaces of knowing: knowledge, practice, and work in economic geography

[J]. Environment and Planning A, 2011, 43(5): 1098-1117.

https://doi.org/10.1068/a43186      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[24] Faulconbridge J R.

Global architects:Learning and innovation through communities and constellations of practice

[J]. Environment and Planning A, 2010, 42(12): 2842-2858.

https://doi.org/10.1068/a4311      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

It is surprising that despite widespread interest in the geographies of innovation in cultural industries, few questions have been asked about the geographies of innovation in architecture. Particularly relevant to global architects are debates about the way stretched relational spaces and ‘global’ communities of practice connect individuals, firms and regions into networks of learning that ‘perforate’ scales. This paper seeks to apply such debates to the case of global architects and to examine the spatiality of the practices that allow learning and lead to innovation in their work. It is shown that global architects participate in ‘local’ communities of practice that rely on face-to-face interaction, talk and ‘buzz’. They are also part of ‘global’ constellations of practice that rely on forms of circulation, in particular travel by architects and the circulation of texts and images in the media, which facilitate learning through human – non-human interactions. It is, therefore, suggested that in order to more effectively analyse the geographies of learning and innovation – in architecture but also other industries - focus needs to fall on both the geography of talk/buzz and communities of practice and the geography of human – non-human interactions and constellations of practice.
[25] Maskell P.

Accessing remote knowledge-the roles of trade fairs, pipelines, crowdsourcing and listening posts

[J]. Journal of Economic Geography, 2014, 14(5SI): 883-902.

https://doi.org/10.1093/jeg/lbu002      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Work on clusters during the last few decades convincingly demonstrates enhanced opportunities for local growth and entrepreneurship, but external upstream knowledge linkages are often overlooked or taken for granted. This article is an attempt to remedy this situation by investigating why and how young, single-site firms search for distant sources of complementary competences. The discussion is positioned within a comprehensive framework that allows a systematic investigation of the approaches available to firms engaged in globally extended learning. By utilizing the distinction between problem awareness (what remote knowledge is needed?) and source awareness (where does this knowledge reside?) the article explores the relative merits and inherent limitations of pipelines, listening posts, crowdsourcing and trade fairs to acquire knowledge and solutions from geographically and relationally remote sources.
[26] Asheim T, Gertler M.Regional innovation systems and the geographical foundations of innovation[M]//J Fagerberg, D Mowery, R Nelson. The Oxford Handbook of Innovation. Oxford:Oxford University Press, 2005.

[本文引用: 1]     

[27] Asheim T,Coenen L,Vang J.

Face-to-face, buzz, and knowledge bases: Sociospatial implications for learning, innovation, and innovation policy

[J]. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 2007, 25(5): 655-670.

https://doi.org/10.1068/c0648      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[28] 李丹丹,汪涛,魏也华,.



https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201503011      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

知识在产业集聚、区域创新中的地位越来越突出,城市知识储量及其在区域知识网络中的地位对城市的综合竞争力有重要影响。学术论文合作与专利合作是知识溢出的体现形式,是科学和技术发展的重要成果,也是度量区域创新能力的主要指标。以2000-2009年中国生物技术领域合著论文和共同申请专利的信息为原始数据,分别构建中国城市间科学知识网络(scientific knowledge network,SKN)与技术知识网络(technological knowledge network,TKN)。运用复杂网络与地学空间分析方法,从整体网络结构特征、择优链接性、中心城市及其自我网络的空间特征等方面进行分析,探究知识溢出的时空复杂性。研究表明:1 SKN和TKN具有无标度网络特征;SKN节点度数的异质性高于TKN。2两种网络均呈异配性,即城市选择合作对象存在明显择优链接性,知识溢出具有粘着性和空间依赖性。3 SKN中心城市具有明显的等级结构,空间分布总体呈"大分散小集聚"特点;TKN中心城市层级结构不明显,尚未形成明显极化中心。4 SKN中心城市自我网络的合作空间,由最初的沿海省会城市间的合作转向长三角、珠三角、京津冀等区域间和沿海城市与内陆城市间的合作,区域间知识溢出明显;TKN中心城市自我网络仍多分布于沿海城市和少数中西部省会城市,区域间知识溢出不明显。5 SKN中心城市及其自我网络的时空演变存在等级扩散和传染扩散的现象,符合时空梯度推移规律,且空间等级梯度逐渐向扁平化转变;TKN中心城市及其自我网络的时空演变以等级扩散为主,时空梯度推移现象不明显。研究结论为量化知识溢出及知识溢出网络结构的时空演化过程提供新的研究视角,对城市创新政策的制定有一定借鉴意义。

[Li Dandan, Wang Tao, Wei Yehua et al.

Spatial and temporal complexity of scientific knowledge network and technological knowledge network on China’s urban scale

. Geographical Research, 2015, 34(3): 525-540.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201503011      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

知识在产业集聚、区域创新中的地位越来越突出,城市知识储量及其在区域知识网络中的地位对城市的综合竞争力有重要影响。学术论文合作与专利合作是知识溢出的体现形式,是科学和技术发展的重要成果,也是度量区域创新能力的主要指标。以2000-2009年中国生物技术领域合著论文和共同申请专利的信息为原始数据,分别构建中国城市间科学知识网络(scientific knowledge network,SKN)与技术知识网络(technological knowledge network,TKN)。运用复杂网络与地学空间分析方法,从整体网络结构特征、择优链接性、中心城市及其自我网络的空间特征等方面进行分析,探究知识溢出的时空复杂性。研究表明:1 SKN和TKN具有无标度网络特征;SKN节点度数的异质性高于TKN。2两种网络均呈异配性,即城市选择合作对象存在明显择优链接性,知识溢出具有粘着性和空间依赖性。3 SKN中心城市具有明显的等级结构,空间分布总体呈"大分散小集聚"特点;TKN中心城市层级结构不明显,尚未形成明显极化中心。4 SKN中心城市自我网络的合作空间,由最初的沿海省会城市间的合作转向长三角、珠三角、京津冀等区域间和沿海城市与内陆城市间的合作,区域间知识溢出明显;TKN中心城市自我网络仍多分布于沿海城市和少数中西部省会城市,区域间知识溢出不明显。5 SKN中心城市及其自我网络的时空演变存在等级扩散和传染扩散的现象,符合时空梯度推移规律,且空间等级梯度逐渐向扁平化转变;TKN中心城市及其自我网络的时空演变以等级扩散为主,时空梯度推移现象不明显。研究结论为量化知识溢出及知识溢出网络结构的时空演化过程提供新的研究视角,对城市创新政策的制定有一定借鉴意义。
[29] 周灿,曾刚,王丰龙,.



URL      摘要


[Zhou Can, Zeng Gang, Wang Fenglong et al.

Innovation network structure and innovation performance: A study of China’s electronic information industry

. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2017, 37(5): 661-671.]

URL      摘要

[30] 林兰,曾刚,吕国庆.



[本文引用: 1]     

[Lin Lan, Zeng Gang, Lyu Guoqing.

Innovation network of the Chinese equipment manufacturing industry: Based on the dichotomy of innovation

. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2017, 37(10): 1469-1477.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[31] Shearmur R, Doloreux D.

Knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) use and user innovation: High-order services, geographic hierarchies and internet use in Quebec’s manufacturing sector

[J]. Regional Studies, 2015, 49(10): 1654-1671.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00343404.2013.870988      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

S hearmur R. and D oloreux D. Knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) use and user innovation: high-order services, geographic hierarchies and internet use in Quebec's manufacturing sector, Regional Studies . Geographic proximity between users and suppliers of knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) provides no advantage in terms of innovation performance. This paper first establishes that it is those KIBS most closely associated with innovation that exhibit the highest mean distance to their users. It then shows that there is no connection between distance to KIBS suppliers and propensity to innovate. These results point to a Christallerian logic whereby innovators seek out KIBS (irrespective of distance), but whereby mean distances tend to be greater between users and innovation-related KIBS suppliers (located in central places), reflecting the different geographies of manufacturing users and service suppliers.
[32] Tether B S, Li Q C, Mian A.

Knowledge-bases, places, spatial configurations and the performance of knowledge-intensive professional service firms[J]

. Journal of Economic Geography, 2012(12): 969-1001.

https://doi.org/10.1093/jeg/lbs015      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

No abstract is available for this item.
[33] Bathelt H,Malmberg A,Maskell P.

Clusters and knowledge:Local buzz, global pipelines and the process of knowledge creation

[J]. Progress in Human Geography, 2004, 28(1): 31-56.

https://doi.org/10.1191/0309132504ph469oa      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[34] 吕拉昌,梁政骥,黄茹.



URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>对国内外城市创新联系综述及理论分析的基础上,通过一组测度指标,界定了城市外向创新联系规模,采用引力模型,测度了中国主要城市间的创新联系强度及格局。研究表明:中国主要城市创新联系格局基本为东强西弱,东部地区城市创新联系格局显现出以上海、南京、杭州为顶角,以北京、天津,以广州、深圳为2 个底角的创新联系&ldquo;金三角&rdquo;。城市创新联系在空间上呈现明显的等级性:北京、上海、广州、深圳、天津、重庆等与中国的许多城市有广泛的创新联系,具有全国创新影响力;南京、杭州、武汉、郑州、济南、青岛、大连、西安等成为地区性的城市创新联系节点,具有区域性的创新影响力。在创新联系较强的东部沿海主要的经济圈,珠江三角洲经济圈城市间创新联系最强,但外向辐射力有限;长江三角洲经济圈内部创新联系较强,并与环渤海经济圈有较强的创新联系, 环渤海经济圈内部北京、天津、唐山具有较强的创新联系,外向辐射以长江三角洲的城市为主。对中国创新联系格局规律的揭示,更进一步强化了中国创新城市体系中城市的作用,并为规划与建立中国创新都市圈提供依据。</p>

[Lyu Lachang, Liang Zhengji, Huang Ru.

The innovation linkage among Chinese major cities

. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2015, 35(1): 30-37.]

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>对国内外城市创新联系综述及理论分析的基础上,通过一组测度指标,界定了城市外向创新联系规模,采用引力模型,测度了中国主要城市间的创新联系强度及格局。研究表明:中国主要城市创新联系格局基本为东强西弱,东部地区城市创新联系格局显现出以上海、南京、杭州为顶角,以北京、天津,以广州、深圳为2 个底角的创新联系&ldquo;金三角&rdquo;。城市创新联系在空间上呈现明显的等级性:北京、上海、广州、深圳、天津、重庆等与中国的许多城市有广泛的创新联系,具有全国创新影响力;南京、杭州、武汉、郑州、济南、青岛、大连、西安等成为地区性的城市创新联系节点,具有区域性的创新影响力。在创新联系较强的东部沿海主要的经济圈,珠江三角洲经济圈城市间创新联系最强,但外向辐射力有限;长江三角洲经济圈内部创新联系较强,并与环渤海经济圈有较强的创新联系, 环渤海经济圈内部北京、天津、唐山具有较强的创新联系,外向辐射以长江三角洲的城市为主。对中国创新联系格局规律的揭示,更进一步强化了中国创新城市体系中城市的作用,并为规划与建立中国创新都市圈提供依据。</p>
[35] 何舜辉,杜德斌,焦美琪,.



URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

基于中国287个地级以上城市的专利、论文数据测度中国城市创新能力,揭示2001~2014年中国创新格局的时空演变特征,并分析城市创新能力的影响因素。研究表明:(1)中国创新格局刻有明显的经济地带性差异的烙印,呈"东-中-西"逐渐衰减的态势,且随着时间推移,东部的压倒性地位进一步强化。(2)基尼系数呈现先增后降的倒U型变化趋势,反映了整体由极化增长向优化均衡发展的空间过程。东部地区基尼系数维持相对稳定;创新能力较弱的中西部地区,城市间的创新能力差异却在不断缩小。(3)高水平和较高水平的创新城市分布具有很强的经济依赖性,广泛分布于发达城市,而中等水平以上的城市呈集聚分布态势,表现出明显的"集群化"特征,与中国主要城市群的分布高度吻合。(4)Moran’s I值均为正,并呈不断上升之势,反映了城市间显著的空间相关性。高高集聚区主要分布于京津冀、长三角和珠三角地区,而中部和西部省会城市作为区域性的创新极,对周围城市的创新带动效应并不明显,辐射作用有限。(5)经济基础、人力资本、教育水平、FDI规模、制度因素、基础设施6方面因素不同程度地影响城市创新能力的形成。其中经济基础和人力资本因素影响较大,教育水平和制度因素次之,而FDI规模和基础设施水平对区域的创新能力影响相对较小,但仍表现为正向影响。

[He Shunhui, Du Debin, Jiao Meiqi et al.

Spatial-temporal characteristics of urban innovation capability and impact factors analysis in China

. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2017, 37(7): 1014-1022.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

基于中国287个地级以上城市的专利、论文数据测度中国城市创新能力,揭示2001~2014年中国创新格局的时空演变特征,并分析城市创新能力的影响因素。研究表明:(1)中国创新格局刻有明显的经济地带性差异的烙印,呈"东-中-西"逐渐衰减的态势,且随着时间推移,东部的压倒性地位进一步强化。(2)基尼系数呈现先增后降的倒U型变化趋势,反映了整体由极化增长向优化均衡发展的空间过程。东部地区基尼系数维持相对稳定;创新能力较弱的中西部地区,城市间的创新能力差异却在不断缩小。(3)高水平和较高水平的创新城市分布具有很强的经济依赖性,广泛分布于发达城市,而中等水平以上的城市呈集聚分布态势,表现出明显的"集群化"特征,与中国主要城市群的分布高度吻合。(4)Moran’s I值均为正,并呈不断上升之势,反映了城市间显著的空间相关性。高高集聚区主要分布于京津冀、长三角和珠三角地区,而中部和西部省会城市作为区域性的创新极,对周围城市的创新带动效应并不明显,辐射作用有限。(5)经济基础、人力资本、教育水平、FDI规模、制度因素、基础设施6方面因素不同程度地影响城市创新能力的形成。其中经济基础和人力资本因素影响较大,教育水平和制度因素次之,而FDI规模和基础设施水平对区域的创新能力影响相对较小,但仍表现为正向影响。
[36] Kraetke S.

Global Pharmaceutical and biotechnology firms’ linkages in the world city network

[J]. Urban Studies, 2014, 51(6): 1196-1213.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098013494420      URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[37] Cooke P.

Regional knowledge capabilities, embeddedness of firms and industry organisation: Bioscience megacentres and economic geography

[J]. European Planning Studies, 2004, 12(5): 625-641.

https://doi.org/10.1080/0965431042000219987      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Changes in epistemology in biosciences are generating important spatial effects. The most notable of these is the emergence of a few 'Bioscience Megacentres' for basic and applied bioscience medical and clinical research (molecular, post-genomic, proteomics, etc.), biotechnology research, training in these and related fields, academic entrepreneurship and commercial exploitation by clusters of 'drug discovery' start-up and spin-off companies, along with specialist venture capital and other innovation system support services. Large pharmaceutical firms that used to lead such knowledge generation and exploitation processes are becoming increasingly dependent upon innovative drug solutions produced in such clusters, and megacentres are now the predominant source of such commercial knowledge. 'Big pharma' is seldom at the heart of megacentres such as those the paper will argue are found in about four locations each in the USA and Europe, but remains important for some risk capital ('milestone payments'), marketing, and distribution of drugs discovered. The embedding of these processes also creates major new regional disparities, which some regional governances have recognised, causing them to develop responsibilities for regional science policy and funding to offset spatial biases intrinsic in traditional national (and in the EU, supranational) research funding regimes. Responses follow a variety of models ranging from market-following to both regionalised (decentralising by the centre) and 'regionalist' (ground-up); in each case, the role of megacentres is justified in health terms. But their role in assisting fulfilment of regional economic growth visions is also clearly perceived and pronounced in policy terms.
