Geographical agglomeration of manufacturing employment in China is pervasive. The degree of industrial agglomeration of individual industries depends on both industrial-specific and regional-specific factors. One industry may exhibit different locational patterns in different regions. This paper uses plant-level data collected from the second census of basic units in 2001 to compare the geographical agglomeration of manufacturing employments in Anhui and Jiangsu provinces. Overall, manufacturing employments are more geographically agglomerated in Anhui than in Jiangsu. The most agglomerated industries belong to resources-processing capital intensive and technology intensive industries while the most dispersed ones are those requiring localized resources inputs and market-oriented industries. Heavily protected industries by local governments are also fairly geographically dispersed. Some resources-processing industries, capital and technology intensive industries and industries with long traditions differ significantly in the degree of agglomeration in Anhui and Jiangsu. The regional differences of industrial agglomerations are associated with regional inequalities in economic development, infrastructure and urbanization as well as geographical location, resources accessibility and industrial traditions. In the transitional China, differences in institutional environments also lead to interregional disparities in industrial agglomeration.
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