Taking RS and some other related spatial information as data sources, this paper analyzed the socio-economic spatial structure of Chongqing with GIS spatial modeling mode. At first, this paper introduced the related background and analyzed the logical pattern for mapping and inversing soco-economic system with GEO-INFO mode, technical outline of this research had been confirmed at the very beginning. With the help of basic spatial model—trend surface, this paper build seven trend surface models for late analyses, those trend surface included: population density trend surface,population activity strength trend surface,city-town spatial density trend surface, ratio of urbanization trend surface, road density trend surface, GDP density trend surface and average GDP density trend surface. The methods to build trend surfaces included: Kriging interpolate model, density mapping and GIS-software’s grid calculator. Helping with this result trend surfaces, this paper used Fuzzy ISODATA ( Fuzzy Iterative Self-Organizing Data Analysis Techniques Algorithm) techniques algorithm synthetically to analyz those data, and subdivided Chongqing into three regional types:Ⅰ, urban-oriented,Ⅱ, transition region, Ⅲ, rural-first industry-oriented region. Contrasted with the economic regions of Chongqing, the clustered result had some different traits compared with the imagination of local government. To get more information of regional economic spatial structure, this paper used some spatial structure measure models which is come from Landscape Ecology, including: type dominance index(TDI), patch density(PD), edge density(ED), type diversity index(TDI) and mean patch fractal dimension(MPFD). Helped with these indicators, this paper analyzed the detail information of cluster result. Through the calculation process, some useful information can be drawn out. For example, with this calculation process, the proportion basic type area can be confirmed: typeⅠis 9.72% , typeⅡis 36.38%, type Ⅲ is 53.90%, but for part of Chongqing—Chongqing metropolitan area(the most prosperous area of Chongqing) ,the preportion 46.61 %, 42.30 % and 11.09 %. Three Gorge areas(the un-developmental area of Chongqing), the data are 3.84%, 28.84%, 67.32%. So with this basic data, we can understand how many the disparities exist between different regions of Chongqing and the places which the disparity stand out can be confirmed. For the indicators calculation result, the highest values separately for TDI, PD, ED, TDI, MPED are 0.3485, 0.0018, 2.7419, 0.9636, 1.0246, data respectively represent western economic corridor of Chongqing, Chongqing metropolitan area and Three Gorge area of Chongqing. Accordingly, the lowest values separately for TDI, PD, ED, TDI, MPED is 0.1350, 0.0006, 1.6179, 0.7501, 1.0178, this data respectively represent Chongqing metropolitan area, Three Gorge area, and west economic corridor of Chongqing. With this basic data, it can be confirmed that there were two regional economic breadlines generated in Chongqing, one is lies between Chongqing metropolitan area and Three Gorge area of Chongqing, the other is situated at the inner part of Chongqing metropolitan area, belong to the transition area between city and rural area.
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