Since the mining cities in Central Liaoning have been important energy production base and heavy industry base in China, the research on their ecological vulnerability will contribute to the improvement of environmental quality and ecological harmony, then we would offer academic basis for the decision-making of sustainable development. Based on the meaning of compound ecosystem in mining cities, we established the indicator system about ecological vulnerability of mining cities in Central Liaoning; put forward the ecological harmony degree; and set up the standards of ecological vulnerability and ecological harmony degree. The results showed that: the ecological vulnerability of mining cities in central Liaoning was in the sub-steady state, the main restrict factors were resources matching index, environmental quality index and economic development index. The ecosystem of it was in the sub-harmony state, of which Benxi was inferior to sub-harmony. The resources matching index in Anshan was inferior to maladjusted, Fushun and Benxi, the economic development index in Fushun and Benxi were inferior to maladjusted, which were the main restrict factors on the harmony development of ecosystems. The vulnerability and harmony degree for the ecosystems of the mining cities in Central Liaoning were well reflected by the model, then we offered their main restrict factors.
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