Six water samples in different depths in water column from Guangzhou channel of Humen estuary in the Pearl(Zhujiang) River were collected, and were filtered by GF/F glass fiber filter. Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in particulate and dissolved phase were identified and measured based on USEPA 8000 series methods and under quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC). Concentrations of OCPs varied from 23.89 to 61.69 ng/L. The vertical distribution of OCPs, the partition coefficients (Log Kp) of OCPs between particulate and dissolved phases, and the elevated concentrations of DDTs in the deeper sampling locations in the water column indicated that the inputs of OCPs were different between the surface water and the bottom water in the water column. The inputs of OCPs in the bottom water were correlated with the changes of dynamics in the estuary, and it indicated that the resuspension of surface sediment occurred with the increasing of rapid water current in tide estuary; and the resuspension of surface sediment will induce the secondary pollution of OCPs to the aquatic environment. The results of PCA also suggested that the resuspension of surface sediment existed in a certain hydrodynamic condition at Bai'etan in Humen estuarine of the Pearl River.
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