作者简介:王 丽(1979-),女,江苏徐州人,博士研究生,主要从事区域发展和规划方面研究。E-mail:xinwei_001@yahoo.com.cn
收稿日期: 2011-09-05
要求修回日期: 2012-02-15
网络出版日期: 2012-03-25
Spatial Distribution and Clusters of Industry Nearby High-speed Rail Station: The case of Nanjing Station, Shanghai-Nanjing Motor Train
Received date: 2011-09-05
Request revised date: 2012-02-15
Online published: 2012-03-25
分析沪宁城铁南京站乘客的出行距离特性,初步确定高铁站区圈层范围为3 000 m。以南京站周边3 000 m范围内6 145个企业的地址、行业隶属、成立时间等为研究数据,运用空间分析方法,探讨高铁站区产业的分布与空间集聚特征。 ① 从总体看,高铁站区产业的空间分布具有明显的圈层结构,以车站为中心,以500 m为缓冲半径,在1 500~2 000 m范围企业密度最大,2 000 m以外企业密度陡然降低。② 各行业空间集聚趋势类似,随着距离增大集聚程度降低。但空间尺度上存在差异,交通运输业和房地产业集聚现象更为明显,交通指向性显著;批发和零售业集聚峰值相对最大,在大范围上有分散分布的趋势。③ 各行业空间分异特征显著,整体呈现“东低西高”,空间分异特征大致存在以下三种模式,即“小分散、大集聚”、 “大分散、大集聚”、“大分散、小集聚”。
王丽 , 曹有挥 , 刘可文 , 王聪 . 高铁站区产业空间分布及集聚特征——以沪宁城际高铁南京站为例[J]. 地理科学, 2012 , 32(3) : 301 -307 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2012.03.301
The questionnaires are surveyed including the passengers’ travel destination, traffic mode choice and the travel distance, etc., in the Nanjing Station of Shanghai-Nanjing Intercity high-speed railway. Collecting the address, industry category, set-up time of 6 145 companies surrounding station within 3 000 m as the study samples, using spatial analysis methods, this article analyzes the distribution of industries and spatial clusters by high-speed railway station. The resluts are as follows. 1) Generally speaking, industry location has obvious circle structure around high-speed station. The company density shows a circle structure with the Nanjing Station as the center and 500 m as the buffer radius. The company density ascends to the top at 1 500-2 000 m, and has break in the point of 2 000 m far from the Nanjing Station. The wholesale and retail industry has the largest number, business service industry in second, science and technology service industry in third. Comparing industry proportion in each circle, we come to the conclution that business service industry, accommodation and catering industry increase gradually at 0-1 500 m, reduce significantly at 2 000 m, which confirms the high-speed railway passengers on business service industry and accommodation and catering industry needs a 1 500 m-radius concentration. 2) The trend of spatial industrial concentration is similar, decreasing with the distance. Owing to the different spatial scales, the location of wholesale and retail industry has most options; transportation industry and real estate industry tend to have a significant traffic location. The accommodation and catering industry, computer service industry, science and technology service industry as well as the resident service industry show homogeneous distribution based on the cluster distribution. 3) There is a significant difference in the spatial distribution of the industry, featured by “higher in the west and lower in the east”. The spatial distribution patterns are generally identified in three modes of concentration. The transportation industry and real estate industry have a "small scatter, large cluster" mode, that is, the spatial distribution of companies show relative concentration and form a single hotspot. The resident service industry, wholesale and retail industry as well as accommodation and catering industry present a “large scatter, large cluster” mode. Business service industry, science and technology service industry and computer service industry have a “large scatter, small cluster” mode. The results above confirm the Ripley' s K function analysis.
Fig.1 Distribution of company around high-speed railway station in Nanjing图1 南京站区企业分布 |
Fig.2 Circle density of sector in buffer areas of Nanjing high-speed railway station图2 南京站区各行业圈层密度分布 |
Fig.3 Industrial activities by high-speed railway station图3 高铁站区产业活动 |
Fig.4 Circle density of three types of companies图4 三大类企业圈层密度分布 |
Fig.5 Ripley's K functions of industrial distribution by Nanjing high-speed railway station图5 南京站区各行业Ripley′s K函数 |
Fig.6 Kernel density estimation of sectors around high-speed railway station in Nanjing图6 南京站区各行业核密度估计 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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中华人民共和国国家统计局 .行业分类标准[S/OL].
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